But to be honest.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still surprised by Neji's performance today.

After all, this is a self-created boxing method, and it seems to be quite effective against the enemy. Most adults can't do it, let alone a child. He took a few puffs of his cigarette.

Hidden under the smoke, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time.

He called his men in and announced the withdrawal of all targeting of the Hyuga clan.


The Uchiha clan is getting more and more jumpy, and the voice of the fighting faction is getting stronger. Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to, and didn't have the energy, to add the Hyuga clan to the Uchiha clan when dealing with them.

He was afraid that if he pushed them too far, the two clans would unite to force him to abdicate, and then he would find it difficult to deal with it.

Choose the lesser of two evils.

Sarutobi Hiruzen can only change his means, first draw the Hyuga clan to his camp, and concentrate on dealing with the Uchiha side.

As for the others.

It's not too late to deal with them after solving the Uchiha problem.

Neji's behavior actually gave Sarutobi Hiruzen the last leverage, allowing him to see the benefits of winning over the Hinata. And he also believed that after several years of warnings and spurring, the Hinata should learn to bow down to him and give in.

"Hinata, I'm home."

"Here comes Brother Neji."

Seeing Hinata running towards Neji, the two of them left the school together.

All the students, including a few little strong men, showed inquiring and curious eyes.

Naruto was still immersed in the failure of the day, and looked listless.

As for Sasuke, he had a firm look in his eyes, thinking that as long as he understood the moves used by Neji, he would not be worse than him.

Back to the clan.

Neji found that Sarutobi Hiruzen was actually here, and he was drinking tea with Hyuga Hiashi, and they were talking and laughing.

""Father, what's going on?"

Touching Neji's head, Hyuga Hizashi whispered,"Win him over. This old man said it was all a misunderstanding before, and he even sent all the money he had withheld."


Ningji suddenly had an idea.

If someone could suddenly change, there must be a reason.

And what could have happened recently that would have a significant impact on Sarutobi Hiruzen?

There was no need to think about it.

It must be Uchiha.

"Let's go, we don't need to get involved here, let's go home and eat"


He followed Hyuga Hizashi back home.

During dinner, Neji said again:"Father, it seems that the Hokage wants to deal with Uchiha."

"That should be the case."

Hinata Hiashi was also very familiar with the situation in Konoha, and he quickly thought of this.

"Do you have an idea?"


"What are you going to do?"

"Of course, it's to drive away the wolves and stop the tigers, and help Uchiha more."

"Well, that's the way it should be. Otherwise, once the Uchiha is suppressed, it will be our turn."

After thinking it over, Hyuga Hiashi said,"Let me ask Elder Lie to come out and talk in a couple of days. Tell me what you want to do."


Neji agreed directly.

After discussing this matter, the father and son did not care so much, and soon continued to eat with laughter.

Because now is different from the past.

Not to mention how much their strength has improved, and how much wealth and materials they have accumulated in Konoha.

They are not afraid of the Hokage's trouble.

Another thing is that after two years of operation.

Hundreds of people in the Hyuga branch family, not to mention that they were all captured by Hizashi, but the essence of them, that is, the combatants, were all under his control.

As long as he finds the right opportunity, he can overthrow the rule of the main family and abolish the caged bird system that has been passed down for thousands of years. He is only one step away from controlling the entire Hyuga family, and he will soon be able to... He was able to do it.

The main reason was that he didn't want to cause trouble and give the Hokage a chance to intervene, so Hyuga Hizashi didn't act so radically.

But to say he was afraid.

That's definitely not the case.

Strength is the confidence, and family is also power, which is enough for him to stand up straight.

Let's talk about Hyuga Hizashi himself.

He has a bunch of awesome secret techniques given to him by Neci, and he continues to infuse life energy.

His strength is no longer the same as before, and he has reached the level of Kage.

Moreover, he has super high physical fitness and a lot of chakra, which is more powerful than the average Kage-level strongman. Hyuga Hizashi

, who is not afraid of death and has such a powerful son, would be afraid of a group of old hands? It's simply a joke.

On the other side.

In the Uchiha family's residence

"Nisan, do you have the kind of moves that can knock people down without moving?"

Since Shisui is not dead yet,

Uchiha Itachi is in a good mood, with a faint smile on his face.

"You mean illusion?"

"Is it a genjutsu? But what I saw was a physical technique."

"Taijutsu? Where did you see it?"

"In the school."

At that moment, Sasuke told what he saw.

After listening, both Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku, who was eating, paused for a moment.

They couldn't help but think about it.

The key is that this matter is indeed quite strange.

You know, this is a physical skill, and it can actually counterattack the opponent invisibly. Even the two of them, father and son, can't do it.

Using illusions is okay.

But Neji is a member of the Hyuga clan, and what they are least good at is performing illusions.

The so-called illusion is to control and interfere with the flow of chakra in the enemy's brain nerves, thereby causing the opponent to have hallucinations and illusions.

The Hyuga clan has Byakugan, which can see the situation in the meridians, so they are not easily affected by illusions, and they are also very good at breaking illusions.

But they really don't know how to use illusions, it's just that the direction of their expertise is different.

So Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku, father and son, believed that Neji should be using physical skills, not illusions.���... ps: First of all, thank you all for your flowers and votes. Also, friends can leave a message in the comment area. The more popular we are, the more fun we will write, and the more we will get. Thank you again.

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