
Anyway, Kimimaro won't die for a while.

So Neji didn't rush over to treat him.

Let's wait and see, he's still very busy here.

"Little Hanabi, come here and let your brother hug you."

Ningji opened his arms and said to the little one.

Hyuga Hanabi, the second daughter of Hyuga Hiashi.

She was born in Konoha in 57 years, six years younger than Hinata. Now she is just two and a half weeks old.

"Hug me, Onii-chan!"

Hanabi ran over and threw herself into Neji's arms.

"Be good, brother will take you out to play, Hinata should come with us"

""Yes, thank you, Brother Neji."

Hinata responded quickly, with a smile on her face.

Even if she didn't get jealous of her sister, she was afraid that Neji would be too busy to care about her.

"Let's go."

Ningji walked outside with his two sisters.

""Stop, where are you taking the two ladies?"

A young Hyuga clan member blocked the way and asked with a nasty look on his face. Looking at his smooth forehead, it was obvious that he was a member of the main family.

"Get lost"


Ningci just raised his eyes.

The main ninja who wanted to say something became confused, then bent down without hesitation and rolled to the side.

"Brother Ningci, what happened to him?" Hinata asked

"It's okay."

Ningji didn't intend to explain.

It was the wrong time, otherwise he would have asked Hyuga Hizashi to overthrow the main family, and they wouldn't have the chance to bully others.

But it won't take long.

Just wait for Uchiha and Sarutobi Hiruzen to fight harder, preferably a fight.

That way they won't have time to take care of other things.

And whatever happens in the Hyuga family, they can handle it quickly and smoothly without causing more trouble.

He took his two sisters for a walk outside.

Ningji also bought them some small gifts and snacks

""Brother Ningci!"

Naruto trotted over and glanced at Hinata next to him. He knew she was his classmate, but he just couldn't remember her name.


Naruto scratched his head. This was considered as greeting Hinata.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Ningji asked while holding Xiao Hanabi.


"It's not like you to be fussy."

Naruto blushed and then said,"Brother Neji, can you teach me some ninjutsu?"

"Ninjutsu? How many more?"

Ningji was amused.

It wasn't that he thought a few ninjutsu were precious, but it was a bit absurd to ask for it right away.

Of course, this might also be because Naruto didn't know the value of ninjutsu.

After all, he was an orphan, who could teach him these things?

The third generation couldn't be counted on.

And the teachers in the school, including Iruka, didn't like Naruto and were indifferent to him.

"Have you learned the Three Body Technique?"

"It's because I can't learn it that I want to try something else."

What a powerful reason.

Neji was speechless for a moment.

Of course, it's impossible for him to teach Naruto ninjutsu, at least for now.

"Other ninjutsu are more difficult to learn than the Three Body Jutsu. If you can't even learn the Three Body Jutsu, how can you learn the others?"


"In addition, our age is the time to lay the foundation. Learning too many ninjutsu will only make us bite off more than we can chew and waste time. Do you understand this principle?"

"So what should I do?"

Naruto scratched his head again, feeling extremely confused.

"Practice your physical skills first. If you have a strong body, you will learn faster and develop better in the future."

"Then could Brother Ningji teach me?"

"I don't have that much time, I can give you some pointers when I have time, but as for the rest of the time, you should find another teacher."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Might Guy."

Well, if you let one sheep go, you can drive two sheep. Neji sold Might Guy without hesitation.

Anyway, Naruto has the same personality as Lee, and he also likes his youth stories. He can even wear his battle robe with peace of mind. With such a disciple, what else can a man ask for? If you count it this way, Might Guy should thank him.

"Who is Might Guy?"

"A jonin who is proficient in taijutsu, has many special moves, and is very powerful."

It's all done, and Neji doesn't mind speaking well for Might Guy.


Naruto's eyes lit up.


"So where can I find him?"

"He often trains around Konoha, wearing a green vest and battle robe, with thick eyebrows. You can definitely recognize him if you see him."

"Thick eyebrows? I see. Thank you, brother Neji!"

"You're welcome, go ahead."

Neji waved his hand, looking calm and doing good things without asking for anything in return.

"Well, I will definitely find him. Goodbye, Brother Ningji, and......This classmate."

Still couldn't remember Hinata's name.

Naruto was so energetic, he just ran away. He was really full of energy.

Shaking his head and sighing, but Neji didn't envy him. He took Hinata and Hanabi for a walk for a while, and then went home.

Let's talk about Naruto first.

He ran several laps on the streets of Konoha, but he didn't find Might Guy.

But luck is something that comes easily.

Naruto is not lacking.

Just when he was about to go to eat first, he turned his head and saw.

Two figures, one big and one small, they were wearing green clothes, and were"running" from the other end of the street in a handstand.

Because the speed was very fast, it was almost like running.

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