"Brother Ningji!"

"It's Ino, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you"

"wait for me?"


Ino nodded.

Because Neji had sent his earth clone to the school, no one here knew he had ever left Konoha.

"What are you waiting for me for?"

"I want to give this to you."

As she spoke, Ino took out a small box from behind her back.

"It's a gift."

Ningci also smiled.

"Well, I made it myself. I wonder if Neji-geki will like it."

"What is it?"

"Can you open it yourself?"

"But I didn't return the favor"

"It doesn't matter, as long as Brother Neji likes it."

Having said that,

Neji could only take the box and open it to have a look.

Fortunately, it was not a prank, and nothing strange popped out.

From this, it can be seen that Ino is quite serious and has no intention of playing around.

"Thank you, Ino, this gift is very nice, I like it too."

In the box was a handmade bracelet made of amethyst. Neji took it out and looked at it, and it felt quite beautiful.

"Hehe, it would be great if Neji-nii-san likes it."

Ino said with her hands behind her back, a smile blooming on her face.


Let's put it this way." It's not polite if you don't reciprocate. It's really not polite to accept someone's gift but not give something back.

"Give me your hand"


Although a little shy, Ino still handed her hand to Neji. But holding hands was just a matter of convenience. Neji put his other hand on Ino's palm and began to concentrate chakra.

Purple light appeared.

After just a short while, Ino felt that there was something on her hand.

When Neji took his hand away, she found that it was a purple pendant-like ornament, but without a string.

"this...Is it for me?"

Ino couldn't help but ask

"As for the return gift, you gave me a gift, so I must give you one anyway." Ningci said with a smile

"But this......"

Thinking about the scene just now, Ino felt that this pendant was not that simple.

In fact, it was true.

How could the things given by Neci be ordinary?

He added a spell and a barrier ninjutsu to this pendant.

As long as Ino is attacked to a certain extent, this ninjutsu will be triggered to form a small barrier to protect her.

And if the barrier is broken.

The spell inside will be triggered and teleport her directly to Neci.

In addition, Neci can also determine Ino's location through this pendant, but that is a small function by the way, not worth mentioning.

"There is no but. I have accepted your gifts. Do you think you will refuse what I give you?"

"Then I....Just accept it?"

"Of course, that's right."

After giving Ino a pat on the head, Neji turned around and said,"Okay, I'm going to class first, and I'll take you out to play in a few days."


Ino, with a rosy face, also laughed happily.

The class was really boring.

Because except for Tenten and Xiao Li, the other students were just ordinary extras who could not be promoted. They had no outstanding personalities and abilities, so naturally they were boring. Since they were free,

Ningci made a few more pendants and gave one to Tenten. He couldn't favor one over the other.

So not only Tenten, but Hinata and Hanabi also had a share.

Let's talk about Tenten first.

After receiving the sudden gift, she couldn't help but fall into reverie. She thought that Neci liked her and was going to confess his love to her.

The more she thought about it, the more her face became redder.

"Hello, do you have a fever?"


Tenten suddenly came back to her senses. If it weren't for Neji interrupting her, she would have almost named the two children.

"I said you have a fever?"


"Why is your face so red?"

"This is.....It’s too hot!"

"Is there?"

Looking at the white snow outside the window, Neji thought this was nonsense.

Tenten also noticed this and quickly said,"That....I mean stuffiness, dampness, rising internal heat...."Forget it, you still think I have a cold!"

Well, Tenten couldn't make up any more stories.

Fortunately, Ningci didn't delve into it and finally let her go.

Two more days passed.

Ningci called out all eleven Xiaoqiang in the name of a party.

In fact, Ningci was not the oldest among these Xiaoqiang, but Tenten was, with a difference of a few months.

But strength is respected.

In addition, due to her personality, Tenten is not competitive, so Ningci is still the well-deserved boss of this group.

"Naruto, how is your Taijutsu learning going?"

This time the team building was not in the village, but in the wild.

Everyone brought some vegetables and meat, as well as a grill, and had a picnic outside.

There was a stream next to it, so you could catch fish to eat. This also took into account people like Naruto who don't have a lot of living expenses.

If you don't have money to buy things, you can still work hard, so you don't eat for free.

"Of course I have learned it!"

Naruto squatted by the river and fished, not even in the middle of winter.

"Don't bother, we can't finish all the food we brought, bring a net bag next time."

Ningji took the skewer of barbecue handed over by Hinata and said while eating.

"Hehe, I won't be polite then."

Naruto was still a little embarrassed and rubbed his hands and said.

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