"It seems very interesting."

Hoshigaki Kisame grinned.

Because he felt that what Neji said really touched his heart. He had long been tired of this cold-blooded and boring ninja world. He even lost the motivation to kill people.

It can be seen that he really needs to change his lifestyle.

"So your goal is to kill these people, including that Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

"No, they are not."

Shaking his finger, Neji continued,"People like Uchiha Madara and Obito are at best unstable factors, just embellishments on the picture. It is precisely because of their existence that things become more interesting."

"As for Kaguya Otsutsuki, she is not our enemy either. Her people are"

"Her people?"

"Yes, that is, the other Ōtsutsuki"

"Are there many such guys?"

Hoshigaki Kisame felt that his brain was not enough. The key point was that in this short period of time, his three views were refreshed several times.

"Of course, you don’t think Kaguya Otsutsuki appeared out of nowhere, right?"

"Uh, how many of these guys are there?"

"Not sure, but at least it's plural"

"What about strength? How does it compare to Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

"Let me tell you this, Kaguya Otsutsuki is the lowest-ranking family member. Before she ate the Chakra Fruit, she was also the weakest."


Hoshigaki Kisame was really going to split.

There was nothing he could do.

He simply couldn't imagine that Kaguya, the mother of the Six Paths Sage brothers, the goddess of the Rabbit, and the ancestor of chakra, would be the weakest among the Otsutsuki.

How strong would the other Otsutsuki be?


It's really interesting!

Although the gap is huge, it is precisely because of this that Hoshigaki Kisame has a strong fighting spirit, and even his eyes are shining.

"Are those Otsutsuki your targets?"

"You can say that."

Nodding, Neji said bluntly:"Otsutsuki Kaguya is not scary. To put it bluntly, she is just a simple-minded little girl who was frightened and had some stress reactions."

"Whether it was eating the chakra fruit or doing the things that followed, it was all just to deal with other Otsutsuki and save his own life."

"So she is not our enemy. On the contrary, we can win her over and fight against those Otsutsuki together."

"You know, unlike Kaguya's self-preservation, the other Otsutsuki only want the Chakra Fruit and don't care about the life on the planet at all."

"As long as they come, they will definitely capture the Ten-Tails, plant the sacred tree, and drain all the energy of this planet."

"This means that there is no way for us to make peace with them. We must fight to the death until everyone on one side is dead."

"The counterattack of the ants?"

Hoshigaki Kisame exclaimed

"Almost, but I'm not an ant."

Ningji smiled and said,"How about it, after knowing these things, do you feel panic and fear?"

"It's okay, it's just a death anyway."

Hoshigaki Kisame also laughed, and then said:"But it's still a bit unpleasant to be killed by a group of aliens. What do you want me to do?"

"Thinking about joining?"

"Now that I know these things, I can't go back, right?"

"I can let you go"

"But I can't fool myself, and I can't pretend I know nothing."

"Hehe, in that case, let's go together."Haha, that's it. It's over.

With the joining of Hoshigaki Kisame, Neji also gained a general, and it was worth his wasted saliva and so many words.

As for leaking secrets?


Because Neji has applied a mental seal, let alone others breaking it, even Hoshigaki Kisame himself can't tell these things.

"You should work with Mei Terumi first and protect her safety, and then find a chance to go to Akatsuki."

After thinking about it, Neji decided to let Hoshigaki Kisame go.

Not to sabotage Obito and the others.

On the contrary, it was to ensure that their Tailed Beast Plan could be successfully completed and Kaguya Otsutsuki could be released.

Neji just said it, and Hoshigaki Kisame understood.

"Okay, I'll go to Akatsuki, but I participated in the siege of the Fourth Mizukage and ruined Obito's plan. Will he still let me in?"

"It's a small matter. With the shortage of people in the Akatsuki organization, if you become an S-rank rebel, they will not let you go."

"Is that so? Then I know what to do."

Kisame Hoshigaki nodded and said.

The plan he thought of was also very simple.

That is to become the bodyguard of Mei Terumi first, and then assassinate her after she successfully becomes the Fifth Mizukage.

In the end, he defected and left the Land of Water on the grounds that the assassination failed.

This plan is indeed good.

Just tell Mei Terumi in advance, so Neji did not refuse.

A few months passed in a daze.

Just after Mei Terumi took over as the Fifth Mizukage and Kisame Hoshigaki also defected.

Neji also returned to Konoha

"Boss, give me a bowl of pork bone ramen, with more meat and fish balls"

"It's Neji, I haven't seen you here for a while."

Shouda said with a smile, and quickly cooked the noodles.

"Doing training? I ate at home."

"You really work hard."

"It's OK, everyone is about the same."

After a while, the noodles were served.

"Why are there so many?"

Looking at the pile of meat slices, mushrooms, shrimps and so on, Ningci couldn't help but ask

"It's a gift from me to give back to old customers."

Shouda said with a smile

"How can this be so nice?"

"You're welcome. The training is so hard, so I'll just give you some encouragement."

"Oh, thank you, uncle."

"It's okay, it's just a small matter."

Handed down and waved his hand again.

Neji didn't say anything more, just politely said"I'm starting", then picked up the side dishes and started eating.

But he didn't eat so fast, still chewing slowly, acting very cultured.���...

Come on, brothers, give us some money. Thank you so much. We are about to overthrow the Zong family.

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