"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I just want to remind you that if you don't want others to know, it's only if you really haven't done it."

"Haha, interesting."

Neji also laughed, and said:"Forget about borrowing money, the key is that you don't look like you can pay it back."

This said.

Fortunately, Orochimaru didn't break his defense.

But then he heard Neji say:

"Why don't we cooperate?"

"How can we cooperate?"

With the new problem, Orochimaru had no chance to get angry.

"I pay, you work, and together we build a new ninja village"

"So is this ninja village yours or mine?"

"Of course it's yours"

"What do you want?"

Orochimaru is not like a child who thinks he can take advantage of others.

"It's very simple. Technology sharing. You have to give me a copy of everything you research in the future."

"This is impossible!"

"Don't be so hasty to refuse. What if you add immortality as a bargaining chip?"

"What did you say?"

Orochimaru's face changed, and his powerful aura could not help but be released.

"Restrain yourself. If you damage anything here, I will make you pay for it."

Ningji just waved his hand and moved away some precious objects nearby.

It was another time-space ninjutsu!

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru thought about it and restrained his momentum and stopped acting recklessly.

The key is that there is no benefit.

"Do you have the secret of immortality?"

"It can be said like this"

"How can I believe you then!"

"This is easy."

As he spoke, Neji took out a kunai and cut his neck. With a sizzling sound, even Orochimaru was startled.

However, no blood spurted out from Neji's neck, only a faint green light flashed, and then his wound healed.

"A strong body is also the capital for longevity. You should understand this truth."

"But this only proves that you are not easy to die, not immortal."It

's just healing wounds.

The ninjutsu developed by Orochimaru can also do this, so he didn't think it was strange.

"That's right, but do you know what this is?"

A green energy appeared on Neji's fingertips.

"Such a strong breath of life!"

With so many experiments, Orochimaru would definitely recognize it.

"Well, this is life energy. With this, you can not only cure diseases and save lives, but also keep you alive for a thousand years."

Ningji didn't believe that Orochimaru could still sit still.

And this is the fact.

Suddenly, Orochimaru thought again, at such a young age, Neji has so many abilities and controls life energy.

Then he might be an old monster who is impersonating someone else!

"who are you?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Hyuga Neji, this is not your true identity!" Orochimaru said firmly


Neji laughed strangely, and Orochimaru was startled again.

Fortunately, he only laughed a few times and then stopped, so he didn't scare Orochimaru too much.

"Little guy, you still have some brains, but you just need to know about this matter. If you dare to reveal it to others, be careful or I will skin you alive!"


For a moment, Orochimaru didn't know how to respond.

But who made him misunderstand? Neji was just acting in a play, not deliberately making trouble for him.

"Who exactly is the senior?"

"The past is like smoke, so don't mention it anymore. The point is that even if I tell you, you won't understand. Now I am just Hyuga Neji, do you understand?"

""May I ask if you have mastered some kind of reincarnation technique?"

This is the information that Orochimaru wants to know the most, so that he can call you"senior" more and more easily.

"That's right, I have mastered not one, but two techniques for longevity."

"Which two are they?"

Orochimaru's eyes were shining.

"One is the life force you see, called the Saint Stealer. If you master this technique, you can keep your body indestructible, live forever, and survive for thousands of years."

"As for the second one, I call it the art of taking over another's body, which can transfer one's soul into a newborn baby's body, occupying the other's body and thus gaining a new life."


Orochimaru was convinced!

The key is that he hasn't even figured out the reincarnation technique, but he didn't expect that someone who had figured it out many years ago had already figured it out.

And it's not a special one!

How can this be compared? There is no comparison at all!

"Senior, can you teach me?"

When he said this, Orochimaru almost knelt down.

There was nothing he could do.

The master is the one who is more accomplished.

Not to mention that he has been aiming for immortality all his life. In order to achieve his goal, what's wrong with being respectful to an old antique?

Orochimaru felt that it was not difficult at all, and he would not suffer any loss.

"Want to learn?"


Orochimaru bowed his head and admitted

"Then let me see your performance first. It’s a waste for a worthless person to learn these things. I will not do business that will lose money. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Isn't it just the Sound Village and some research results? If they can be used to exchange for these two longevity techniques, it would be a big profit.

So Orochimaru didn't feel bad and agreed directly.

As for the money, he didn't plan to ask Neci for it, just to perform better and get Neci's recognition and feedback as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, there were unexpected gains.

But Neci didn't bother to care about those. If he didn't want the money, then don't want it. It's just a good opportunity to save it.

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