Besides, there is no time.

Once graduated, the young ninjas will be sent to perform various tasks and face various dangers. If it is during wartime, they will be sent to the front line as cannon fodder.

How can they have time to learn new things?

They are not taught in school.

Instead, they let a group of young people train in fighting and practice on the edge of a knife. Isn't this just taking human life lightly and not taking people seriously?

I don't know what these high-level people think.


Maybe there is really economic pressure and they don't need so many ninjas.

So they will use this method to select talents and limit the growth of low-level ninjas.

The waves wash away the sand.

Without extraordinary talents and abilities, it is not a pity to die. Instead, it will reduce the burden and expenses of Konoha.

Only one trick is used. It is simple to eliminate the waste and select the elites. The key is that it doesn't cost much money, and it can even make money on both ends. It is really very cost-effective.

Capitalists will cry when they see it.

It's not that Neji wants to think so badly of people.

But the facts are in front of us, and we have to think so.

After all, low-level ninjutsu is not a precious thing, and Konoha is not unable to produce it.

It doesn't make sense at all, why not teach it to students.

What's too dangerous, afraid that children can't master it, that's a joke.

Because kunai can kill people, why train ninjas if you are afraid of casualties? This logic is simply untenable.

So the truth can only be like this.

Although it is cruel, it is also realistic and more in line with the interests of Konoha.

""Ningji, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Ningji was staring out the window, Tenten turned around and asked

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about what to eat for lunch."

Ningci replied with a smile.

He is not the kind of person who feels pity for others, so even though he knows this, it will not affect his mood.

"Didn't you bring your lunch?"


"That....You can eat mine, if you don't mind."

"What are you eating?"

"I brought quite a lot, it should be enough for the two of us."

Tenten said with a blush.

In fact, she had brought extra lunch boxes a long time ago, just wanting to invite Neji to eat together, but she just didn't find the right opportunity to ask.

This time, she finally got what she wanted.

"Okay, call me at lunch time."


Tiantian happily agreed.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, another week had passed.

That night

"Are you finally going to take action?"

Sensing the changes on the Uchiha side,

Neji also opened his eyes and went to find Hyuga Hizashi.

"Have you thought it through?"


""Okay, then let's do it tonight. If we don't succeed, we will die!" Hyuga Hizashi said with a firm look in his eyes.

As a father, he must clear all the obstacles for his son and create a new future. He can't let him down.

Of course, this is just Hyuga Hizashi's idea.

In Neji's opinion, the matter is not that serious at all, because those people from the main family can never be their opponents. There will be no accidents tonight.

"Let's go"


The father and son walked out of the room together.

It was evening soon.

The Hyuga clan was very lively tonight because an elder of the main clan was celebrating his birthday.

"Aoki should drink more!"

"Don’t worry, uncle, I won’t come back until I’m drunk!"


"Chengyuan, have a drink with me"

"Uncle, I should respect you."

"Haha, you’re so thoughtful!"...

"Pingshan, come to my side and let grandpa take a good look"

"I'm coming!"

""Good boy, you are such a good grandson of your grandfather."

The old man picked up his little grandson and put him on his lap.

In the yard, dozens of clan members gathered together, talking and laughing, toasting each other, and their children and grandchildren were making them laugh.

Anyone who saw this would have to say that they were very happy.

""Father, didn't Hizashi come?"

Elder Kawakami's eldest son, Hinata Heye, bent down and asked.

"Humph, who knows what that guy is doing? He dares not to give me face. He will be in trouble next time we meet!" Elder Kawakami said with dignity.

What is the difference between the head of the family?

Even if he is in charge of more people, in front of the clan members, he is just a lapdog. If he is told to go east, he has to go east. If he is told to go west, he has to go west.

Otherwise, he really thinks the caged bird curse is a joke!

"Father, don't be angry. Today is a good day. We don't have to......Hmm? This guy is really a nobody. He came here just as he was told. Look, father."

Hinata Heye said, pointing to a place not far away.

Elder Kawakami looked up and saw Hinata Hizashi and Neji, father and son, walking in from the gate.

Instantly, a sneer appeared on his old face.

"Fortunately, they were sensible. If they had come a little later, I would have taught them a lesson no matter what. They are simply lawless!"

"Father, I will ask them to come over and toast you to apologize."


At the nod of Elder Kawakami, his son Hinata Heye also stepped out.

"Hizashi, Neji, what are you two dawdling about? Come over here and wish the old man a happy birthday!"Hinata Heye said.


Don't think of it blindly.

Whether it was Hizashi or Neji, they both turned a deaf ear and didn't even look at Hina Heye.

"You two......"

"You bastard!"

Elder Kawakami slapped the table with a bang, almost breaking it apart, showing how angry he was.

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