"You can move freely in this base, but you cannot leave without my order, otherwise you know the consequences."


Uchiha Izumi didn't want to resist, or it could be said that she couldn't resist.

Because Neci had put a curse on her, no matter where she went, her life was in Neci's hands, so why did she run?

"In addition to daily training, you also need to help me keep an eye on that woman. If she dies, I will punish you."

"Yes, I understand!"

Uchiha Izumi responded with his head down.

Although she wanted to kill Uchiha Mikoto and let Uchiha Itachi taste the pain of losing a loved one, she could not disobey Neji's order.

As for Neji, it didn't matter even if Uchiha Izumi killed Mikoto.

How to explain it specifically?

It was because he used the sealing technique in the Peacock Magic to set up a large barrier in this base.

Anyone who died here.

The soul will be fixed in place and will not go to the Pure Land.

With a soul, and then using vitality to heal physical injuries, can't people be resurrected?

Therefore, whether Mikoto is dead or not is really not a big deal for Neji, because he can pull her back with a flip of his hand.

It's just that the warning should still be given.

Neci just wants Uchiha Izumi to develop the habit of obeying his orders, so that he can let her go out and do things for him in the future.

"Work hard, and I will help you open the Mangekyō Sharingan in a while."

Neci gave another sweet treat.

Then again,

Uchiha Izumi's talent is really good.

Because she not only opened the three-magatama Sharingan two years ago when she was 12 years old, but also almost awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan when she saw her mother's body. 477 was just a little bit away, and she had already stepped half a foot in.

So, even if Neci didn't help her, according to Uchiha Izumi's own talent, it would probably take not much time for her to awaken.

It's just that she herself doesn't know.

For Neci, this is like a bargain for free.

Of course, it's just a possibility.

Without Neci's help, maybe she would be stuck at this last step and would never be able to advance in her life. Who can say for sure?

"Yes, thank you very much, sir!"

Uchiha Izumi thanked him solemnly, and his attitude became much more sincere.

"That's it for now, you should have a good rest, there's no rush for training in one or two days."

Waving his hand, without waiting for Uchiha Izumi to reply, Neji walked away.

The days passed quickly.

60 years of Konoha passed just like that.

During the 61st year,

Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame both joined the Akatsuki organization and formed a team.

Orochimaru didn't make a move on Uchiha Itachi.

Because Ningci gave him an Uchiha clan member with the Mangekyō Sharingan.

He didn't want to have it.

In addition, he wanted to get the two longevity techniques that Ningci mentioned.

That's why Orochimaru didn't pay attention to Uchiha Itachi, but instead focused on building the Sound Village and developing new ninjutsu.

Even the tasks assigned to him by the Akatsuki organization were perfunctory and not taken seriously.

As for the Hidden Mist Village , after a year of development, with Neci's support behind the scenes, Terumi Mei also sat firmly on the position of Mizukage and seized most of the power.

We have to wait for the development of the economy and people's livelihood.

The main thing is Uchiha Itachi.

Obito has been too harsh on the Hidden Mist Village.

Not only have many bloodline families become a thing of the past, resulting in vacancies, the job arrangements are also in chaos and need to be reorganized.

These are not problems that can be solved with money, it takes time.

Of course, having money is definitely better than having no money, at least it can solve the problem of rations and armaments.

Let's talk about Neji.

He does have a lot of money.

Just the medical treatment and the money he got from the Uchiha, add up to tens of billions of yen.

The key is that he is not without industry and income.

The Exploding Talisman business alone occupies half of the market in the ninja world, and can bring him nearly 1 billion in profits every month.

That's tens of billions a year.

Just selling Exploding Talismans may not make enough money.

So many.

But who made Neji play with the Exploding Talisman in such a fancy way? Categorize and upgrade the grade.

In simple terms, on the basis of the original ones, some more powerful and functional talismans have been launched.

For example, water bomb talismans, fire bomb talismans, smoke talismans, poison gas talismans and so on.

The more powerful the Exploding Talisman, the more expensive it is.

And the price of these special talisman papers is even higher.

By the way, these new businesses have not been fully promoted yet, and not many are sold, otherwise the annual income would be more than tens of billions.

It is normal to increase several times.

With this industry that can lay golden eggs, how could Neji still be short of money, that is, to support Mei Terumi behind.

They are also a tough group, with no shortage of ammunition.


The bigger the industry is, it is inevitable that it will attract hungry wolves.

coveted by.

Except for the Hidden Mist Village, the remaining four major countries also took action, forcing Neji to change the distribution location several times and lose some manpower.

But these are all minor problems.

Anyway, the dead were not from the Hyuga clan, but peripheral ninjas.

One, they didn't know the secret.

Two, they can be recruited with money.

There are not many ninjas in the ninja world, and there are many wandering ninjas and those who can't eat.

Even if many of these peripheral brothers died, Neji would not feel distressed.

Of course.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) It is not his character to be passive all the time, so he also took action several times and annihilated the ninja teams sent by various countries.

There were also a group of Root ninjas under Danzo, who were killed by him.

"You, you are......"

With a snap

, the ninja's neck was snapped before he could finish his words, and then even his life force was plundered by Neji.[]

He threw the body aside.

Neji turned his head and saw that Uchiha Izumi, who was wearing a mask, and several Hyuga clan members had also dealt with the remaining ninjas.

"Thank you for your help, sir!"

Several female ninjas came over to thank him.

"It's a small matter, you can leave now."

After all, they are his customers, so Neji still gave them a good face.

"May I ask your name, our Fushiko Village will remember your kindness and repay you one day."

The female ninja said

"Where are you from?"

Ningci turned his head.

"Nadeshiko Village"

"Is that the ninja village with only women?"


The female ninja nodded.

Neji looked again and saw that the female ninjas in front of him were indeed gifted. Each of them was outstanding and very majestic. They also looked very good, and could be called beautiful.

""Does the master know our Ninja Village?" asked the female ninja

"Ah, I've heard of you. After all, you are so special that people will remember you."Ningji smiled slightly.

The female ninja also smiled.

Unlike ordinary women, the women in their Nadeshiko Village pay attention to rules and inheritance, but they don't shy away from talking about matters between men and women.

In short, they are both traditional and generous, taking both ends into consideration, which is very Yamato Nadeshiko. Otherwise, why would it be called Nadeshiko Village?

The name fits the person.

And Neji also saw this point. Apart from anything else, there is a chance to pull out a team of maids from this ninja village.

That would be so comfortable, it would be so refreshing.

Well, Neji also has his pursuit of life, but not He is an ascetic boy who only knows how to practice.

It's okay to cultivate his sentiments and relax occasionally.

On one hand, he has intentions.

The main reason is that Neji is good-looking, capable, and has a group of powerful ninjas under his command, which makes these female ninjas from Nadeshiko Village want to make friends with him.

So after Neji introduced himself and chatted with them for a few words, the atmosphere became more and more harmonious, and the more they talked, the more they got along.

In fact, every time the female ninjas from Nadeshiko Village go out, they will have a special task.

That is to find men with excellent conditions and let them marry into the Nadeshiko Village for Contribute to the continuation of the family line.

Although Neji is a little young.

But he is also a very good potential stock.

It only takes a few years, and the Nadeshiko Village can wait.

Therefore, several female ninjas are more and more intimate with Neji, answering all his questions, and never letting him fall on the ground or be ignored.

It's simply amazing.

How does it feel to be surrounded by several Yamato Nadeshiko?

It is definitely an emperor's enjoyment, extraordinary.

And these are not trained maids, which shows how great their potential is, much stronger than those girl groups, simply There's no comparison.

Of course.

Neji is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

He enjoys it, but he won't be addicted to it. They made an appointment to visit Nadeshiko Village if there's a chance.

After that, Neji said goodbye to a few female ninjas and left with Uchiha Izumi and the others.

Halfway through the journey.

Unexpectedly, he met another big cow.

Could it be that today is an auspicious day to see cows?

Thinking so in his mind, Neji passed by the person who came and didn't stop.

The key is that he didn't know him.

It would be even more strange to stop and talk.


When Neji and the others walked over, Tsunade stopped and looked back.

""What happened to Lady Tsunade?"

Shizune asked while holding the piglet.

"I don't know what the Hyuga clan is doing here."

"Probably on some mission."

"It's hard to say, why would they send all the Hyuga clan members to carry out the mission? It's more like their private matter."

Tsunade shook her head and said.

Of course, she didn't care much about these. The key point was that she just sensed that the leader, Neji, had very strong chakra. It was not much worse than hers.

You know, she is from the Senju clan.

Even if she hasn't awakened Wood Release, the amount of chakra is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

What's more, this is still a teenager, who looks like a teenager at most.

Tsunade has never even heard of having so much chakra at this age, let alone seeing it.

Unless her grandfather is resurrected, how could it be possible.

Come on, give me some money, brothers.: Đỗ văn đạt

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