Snakes are cold-blooded animals.

They not only kill people, but also eat people.

Time can't erase their nature, at most it can improve it. Neji believes that when this old woman gets angry, she won't be much weaker than Hai Xiao.

He's not afraid of her.

But Neji is here to learn fairy arts, not to pick a fight, so is it okay to brag about each other for business?

"I am grateful to the White Snake Immortal for his appreciation. I also like your Longdi Cave."

"Haha, is this true?"


"What’s the reason?"

"You have great power, but you have never actively harmed humans, nor have you interfered in the secular power changes. You just stay alone, practice in silence, and test the ambitious humans by the way. This lifestyle is still very enviable."


The White Snake Immortal laughed again, and it was much more hearty than before.

And the three goddesses beside him, after hearing what Neci said, they all smiled, and even the angry Princess Tsuzuki was no longer hostile to Neci.

This is the advantage of being able to talk.

If used well, it can really turn hostility into friendship.

It's not without reason that Naruto can use the art of mouth-to-mouth to eliminate grudges and eat from beginning to end. In comparison, others are far worse.

Even Boruto hasn't learned the essence of his father's trick. He can only travel around relying on the halo of the protagonist. He is much worse than his father.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Hyuga Neji"

"Ningci, I do like you a little, so if you fail in your immortal arts training, I will save you once if I can."

"Thank you, Immortal"

"So are you ready to accept my power?"

"Wait a moment, could you please tell me the process of learning immortal arts?"

"This is very simple. I will use my teeth to inject natural energy into you, and then tell you how to practice. The rest is up to you."

This is too fucking rough!

No wonder people who come to Ryuchi Cave can't learn the Sage Mode.

Emotions are directly injected, so how many people can resist the erosion of natural energy? Isn't this bullshit?

Because once the bow is shot, there is no turning back.

The method used in Myōboku Mountain is to apply oil on the skin. Although the speed of absorbing natural energy is slow, it is safer and there is still a chance to come again.

And the Ryuchi Cave method injects natural energy into the body.

Let alone another chance, it is a bit unrealistic to even want to survive.

Unless you are like Kabuto Yakushi, you must first transform your body and make it like a snake, so that you can withstand the power of the White Snake Sage. Otherwise, it's wishful thinking. It's impossible to succeed with a human body.

""White Snake Sage, can you give me the method of practicing Sage Mode and a ball of natural energy? I want to study it first."

Neji said

"Are you afraid of death?.?"

"Of course, everyone is not afraid of death, and I am not so reckless. I prefer to take the result into my own hands."

""Haha, interesting. You are the first one to have such a request in the past thousand years. I will grant your wish."

The White Snake Immortal said with a smile.

She also wanted to see if Neji could succeed.

Anyway, this was just a small matter for her.

Seeing so many people die was really meaningless, so she hoped that Neji could come up with a different result.

With a wave of her hand, a scroll appeared in front of Neji, as well as a ball of white energy.

"I've given you the stuff, just study it slowly, I'm waiting to see your results"

"Thank you."

After sealing the natural energy into a blank scroll and putting it away together with the Sage Mode scroll, Neji said:

"White Snake Immortal, can I stay here for a few days?"

The Three Holy Lands are located in a special space between reality and illusion. Although they border the Ninja Realm and can be accessed through secret passages, they do not belong to the same realm, but exist independently.

Of course, this is not the point.

The key point is that the Three Holy Lands are full of rich natural energy. Practicing the Sage Mode in such a place is definitely much faster than in the Ninja Realm.

"It's up to you. Wherever you want to live, let the three of them arrange it for you."

The White Snake Fairy waved her hand and said.

It was such a small matter, she agreed directly.

"Then please trouble the three of you."

"No problem.

Tian Xinshenji nodded.

The other two also looked good, at least they liked Neji.

"Let's go, the Grand Master needs to rest."


After coming out of the temple where the White Snake Immortal was,

Ningci followed the three goddesses and came to where they lived.

These were several small palaces, full of antique flavor, and looked pretty good.

"There are quite a few rooms, you can choose whichever you want to stay in, but don't wander around if you have nothing to do. If we find out that you have any bad behavior, you should know the consequences."

Tan Xin Shen Ji stuck out her tongue, and her whole face became extremely scary, and she was somewhat similar to that guy Orochimaru. It also instantly made Neji lose all his thoughts.

What the hell, he is not that perverted, okay?

"Don't worry, I'm just here to study ninjutsu, I won't come out normally." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"That would be great."

Tan Xin Shen Ji retracted her expression and turned into the image of a young beauty again, then pulled the two sisters away together.

Neji didn't care about that.

He just found a room and walked in.

First take out the scroll of Sage Mode and take a look.[]

Finally, he found that this method of practice was really crude, very crude!

How to describe it specifically.

It just tells you how to do this problem, but does not explain to you why you should do it this way, and all the key points are omitted.

The more critical problem is that this is the Sage Mode practiced by snakes, and it is not applicable to normal humans at all.

The question itself is wrong, and you only know the method but not the solution. How can you deal with it?

Whoever practices it will go astray and die.

Of course.

Neci himself did not intend to practice this thing, he just borrowed it and then created his own Sage Mode.

Even the method of practicing the Sage Body.

A few days passed quickly.

Neci also came out of the Ryuchi Cave and went home.

"Sarutobi, there must be something wrong with the Hyuga clan. Too many of them have died while on missions in recent years, and the intelligence I received says that they have been spotted in many places!" In the Hokage's office, Danzo said sternly, leaning on a cane.

"Have you caught them?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his cigarette, it was not that he did not want to suppress the increasingly high-profile Hyuga, but the problem was that there was no reason or evidence.

Danzo thought, isn't this nonsense?

If he had caught someone, would he still be so easy to talk to?

As an old partner, even if Danzo did not speak, just an expression made Sarutobi Hiruzen know what he was thinking.

He immediately said:"Let's do this for now, wait until you catch the people, and I will deal with this matter."

"Just let them go like this?"

"if not?"

"They are so deliberate in doing things, and even let a clan member fake his death and leave Konoha. They must have ulterior motives. If their behavior is threatening Konoha, it will be too late for them to succeed!"

"`.So you have to hurry up and bring back the people they sent outside as soon as possible. I will deal with them after I have solid evidence."

These words made Danzo grit his teeth.

But there was nothing he could do. Sarutobi Hiruzen was the Hokage, and he was not.

As a subordinate, he could only obey orders and do things.

While sighing, Danzo was more eager for the position of Hokage. If he didn't take this position, he would die with no peace of mind.

"What about the Uchiha clan? There are only a few people left. Can't you just send people to wipe them out?"

"Danzo, let me say it again, Uchiha is part of our Konoha, don't always think about destroying them, what good will that do us?"

"How could there not be? All the Uchiha are paranoid and have evil intentions.

They have always wanted to overthrow us.

Only by killing them all can Konoha be stable.

Isn't this a good thing?" How could Sarutobi Hiruzen not understand this truth ? However, the Uchiha has lost eight-tenths of its members, and only a hundred or so people are left to barely maintain it.

It can be said that they are barely surviving.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen also changed his mind and planned to recruit these Uchiha for his own use and let them work for him.

He can't control a clan of thousands of people.

Is there no chance now? Of course.

Sarutobi Hiruzen would not tell Danzo about this idea, for fear that his old partner would compete with him again, or do something weird.

"Danzo, I will handle this matter personally, so please don't interfere."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"You will see it then. Well, your Root has a lot of things to do, so don't waste your time here. Go back first."

Sarutobi Hiruzen started to chase people away.

What a hypocritical guy, do you think I can't see it?

Danzo is not stupid. The key is that he is too familiar with Sarutobi Hiruzen, just like the other party understands him, he also understands Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind. Is n't it just because Uchiha is down and out, so he wants to use him for his own use?

Then you have to have this opportunity.

Danzo has already planned that after returning, he will let people spread the news to Uchiha, saying that the Hokage wants to send them to the mining area to be stationed.

That is not a good place.

Facing an empty hill all day long, and lacking food and drink, few people can stand it. Danzo didn't believe it. After this kind of news came out, the Uchiha could still sit still and even get together with Sarutobi Hiruzen to talk nonsense.

I'm afraid there is a possibility of assassinating him directly.

Danzo didn't want to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, but as long as he was injured and couldn't serve as Hokage, then wouldn't it be his chance to take the position.

Thinking of this.

Danzo also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

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