In a flash, Neji dodged the sand's attack and slapped it with his palm.


There was a thunderclap.

Even though Gaara noticed something was wrong and blocked it with sand, he still couldn't defend himself. His defense was broken and he was directly knocked away.

"Eight Trigrams Palm?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes and looked more serious.

It's not that Eight Trigrams Palm is unsolvable.

The key is Neji's age. He has learned the advanced moves of the soft fist at such a young age, which shows how talented he is. It is definitely not comparable to ordinary geniuses.

The following battle also confirmed Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea.

Even if Neji was not serious and did not use ninjutsu other than the Hyuga family, but with his super physical fitness and speed, he beat Gaara to tears and screamed, without any ability to fight back.

""Ah, blood? It's my blood, you actually hurt me?"

Gaara looked at his palm and said nervously.

Even with the Sand Armor as protection, he still endured two Eight Trigrams Palms and several Iron Fists from Neji.

He was also beaten dizzy and miserable.

Not only was the Sand Armor on his body cracked, but it was also dripping with debris.

There were blood stains in many places, even on his head.

It can be seen how badly he was beaten.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!!"

Gaara's eyes revealed a strong murderous intent, almost crazy, and then he started to fight, becoming more and more rude and violent.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

Large pieces of sand surged like waves, and in just a few strokes, the competition venue was in tatters and full of holes.

But the more sand there is, the heavier it is.

With Gaara's current ability, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to catch Neci.

He didn't even use ninjutsu, just relying on his own speed, letting the sand follow behind him and eat dust, and even the corner of his clothes couldn't be touched.

But in the eyes of outsiders.

Neci's current situation seems to be quite dangerous.

Because right behind him, the sand has been following closely, biting him tightly, as if it would swallow him up in the next second and grind him into pieces.

"Brother Ningci!"

"Come on, brother Neji!"

Ino Hinata and other girls couldn't help but worry. Not only did they follow Neji's figure closely, but they also clenched their fists.

On the other side,

Temari and Kankuro were worried about Gaara's condition.

Because Gaara's current condition was obviously not right, and he was on the verge of going berserk.

If he went one step further and used Shukaku's power, it would definitely affect their next mission and plan.

"Temari, what now?"

"How should I know!"

Just when the two were at a loss.

The key is that they can't remind them directly, wouldn't that alert the people of Konoha? So the two of them can only worry, but can't think of any good way.

Let's talk about the game.

Ningci is not in a hurry to take down Gaara, otherwise he can just use an illusion to deal with it.

With super fast speed.

Ningci has been circling around Gaara like walking a dog.

And his purpose is very simple, just to test the ability of Gaara's human pillar, and to watch his sand escape ninjutsu.

In fact, Gaara is also a person with blood limit.

Of course, sand escape ninjutsu is not.

His blood limit is inherited from the magnetic escape of the wind shadow.

It was mentioned in the fifth volume of the official novel"Gaara Secret Biography".

After using magnetic escape, the red panda can change the composition of the sand, or combine metal and sand together to enhance the lethality and defense of ninjutsu.

But those are all later things.

Gaara at the moment definitely can't use magnetic escape.

Just an experiment, Ningci quickly tested this situation

"Damn coward, is all you can do to hide?"

Gaara was getting more and more annoyed because he couldn't catch Neji, and he even used words to provoke him.

"It's time to end it."

To be honest.

Gaara is not worth studying now for Neji.

So after testing the opponent's ninjutsu and getting some blood and chakra, Neji decided to end the battle.

It was still the Eight Trigrams Palm. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But he added the shock technique.

There was a loud bang.

The flying sand was suddenly hit, and then fell down again, out of Gaara's control.

This is because Neji has dispersed his chakra, making the sand ownerless, and naturally out of his control.

"How is it possible!"

Just when Gaara was shocked,

Neji did not stop. He used another Eight Trigrams Palm to directly knock Gaara away dozens of meters.

With a bang, he hit the wall of the venue.

Under the rubble, Gaara was also covered in dust.

"Stop! We give up!"

Temari, who was standing on the second-floor stand, raised her hands and said.

She was not worried about Gaara's safety, but she was afraid that if the fight continued like this, Gaara would be more stimulated and would release Shukaku.

If that happened, their mission would be completely failed.

"Are you sure you want to give up?"

Moonlight Gale asked again.


"Well, I will be the judge now. The winner of the final match is Hyuga Neji!"

Moonlight Gale announced loudly.

Temari and Kankuro didn't care about this. They hurried downstairs to check on Gaara.[]

I have to say.

Gaara is still quite capable.

Look, when Neji didn't really attack him, he only looked more embarrassed than before after taking the Eight Trigrams Palm.

The sand armor was broken, and blood was seeping out from many places.

But it just looked miserable.

In fact, he was not seriously injured. He was just confused for a while, and finally stood up with gritted teeth.

""Do you two want to die?"

Gaara stared at Temari with murderous intent and roared without emotion.

Although she was a little scared,

Temari still said stiffly:"That's enough, Gaara, don't forget the purpose of our coming to Konoha. If we miss our business because of the competition, we won't be able to explain to our father!"

"Shut up, stop using that guy to pressure me!"

When Gaara mentioned the Fourth Kazekage, his face became even worse.

Since he was a child, he was controlled too harshly by the Fourth Kazekage, and the relationship between them could be said to be extremely bad.

But having said that,

Gaara 057 finally chose to compromise.

The key is that his family knows his own business. If he doesn't use the power of the tailed beast, or even transform into a tailed beast, he can't be Neji's opponent.

Although he doesn't want to admit defeat and wants to kill Neci,

Gaara also understands that now is not a good time. He has to wait a little longer, otherwise the Konoha ninjas around him will embarrass him.

"Listen to me carefully, both of you. This is the only time. If you dare to interfere in my affairs again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Even the Fourth Hokage can't save you by then!"

After saying this and snorting coldly, Gaara called back his sand, turned around with the gourd on his back, and staggered away.

Temari and Kankuro looked at each other.

They were helpless, a little scared, and too complicated to describe.

On the other side, the Third Hokage gathered everyone together and talked.

So far, the preliminaries were over.

The ten candidates who won the qualification were: Neji, Rock Lee, Hinata, Ino, Tenten, Toss, Aburame Shino, Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Temari.

"The official competition will show everyone's battle to the audience. I hope that everyone, as representatives of their respective countries, can show their strength without any regrets......."

"Well, we'll see each other in a month, let's disband now!"

After a lot of useless words, Sarutobi Hiruzen announced the disbandment.

Leaving the central tower, they returned to Konoha. After fighting for several days and nights, the exhausted Xiaoqiangs all dispersed, and Ningci and Hinata also returned to the Hyuga clan. Được

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