In a critical moment, he quickly dodged to the side.

However, the sword energy still hit his arm, and then like a melted wax figure, half of his arm fell off.


The sword energy finally hit a mound, causing a huge explosion.

As for Luo Sha, he also screamed, and quickly retreated dozens of meters holding his broken arm, keeping a distance from Neji and Orochimaru.

""Senior, this move is very powerful, what kind of ninjutsu is it?"

Orochimaru was excited to see the prey, and was interested in new things and ninjutsu, so he licked his tongue and asked

"Yin-Yang Five Elements Body-breaking Sword Qi, if you are interested, I will teach you later."

It's so tantalizing.

Neci can do it very easily.

More importantly, he can teach, but whether you can learn it depends on Orochimaru's ability.

You know.

The sword energy developed by Neci is more difficult to practice than the Rasengan.

After all, you have to open up the meridians in your body and use the chakra as if it were your own arm, and it must be meticulous.

Otherwise, it is not practicing ninjutsu, but self-destruction and asking for your own life.

The Rasengan is practiced outside the body, while the body-breaking sword energy is practiced inside the body. Just based on this point, the difficulty of the two is not the same.

So Neci really doesn't think highly of Orochimaru.

Without his heaven-defying comprehension, it would be a long time to learn the body-breaking sword energy. 277 It's a pity that Orochimaru didn't know this.

Seeing that Neci was so generous and said he could teach him, he was very happy and felt that he had made a profit.

"Thank you, senior"

"Then get to work. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can go back."


There is a benefit to be hung, and Orochimaru also exerted some strength, and immediately chased after Rasa who was not far away.

Even Rasa in his prime might not be a match for Orochimaru.

Not to mention that he was injured first and his arm was cut off. No matter how powerful the magnetic tongsui bloodline is, it is useless if he can't catch Orochimaru.

Wait until Kimimaro and his group deal with those guards and rush over to help.

Rasa will be even more passive and won't even have a chance to escape.

"Damn Orochimaru, you all go to hell!!"

Being forced into a corner,

Luo Sha used the largest-scale gold sand burial.

Large pieces of gold sand surged on the ground, like waves in the sea, covering Orochimaru and others.


Luo Sha clenched his fist with one hand and roared with a ferocious face.


The golden sand ocean rolled and contracted several times, burying everything deep underground.

But just when Luo Sha thought he had finished everything and was gasping for breath, Orochimaru appeared behind him and gave him another kunai.

It was still the same place, the familiar smell.


Luo Sha screamed.

But this time, he was not as lucky as before.

He was tied up by Orochimaru's Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, and he couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

"Is it strange? Unfortunately, in front of my eyes, you are just an ant. Nothing you do will work."

Orochimaru said with a smile, and a three-magatama pattern flashed in his eyes.

That's right.

He has been reincarnated into the Uchiha given to him by Neji. Not only does he have the Sharingan, but it is also at the Mangekyō level. It is really easy to deal with a Rasa without much effort.


Luo Sha wanted to say something, but he couldn't hold on and fell down.

"It's boring."

Orochimaru said uninterested.

Because he hadn't used the Mangekyō's eye technique and Susanoo yet, and he only used a little illusion to end the battle.

For him, it was boring.

"I hope Konoha can make me happier."

Leaving the unconscious Rasa behind, Orochimaru turned his head and looked in the direction of Konoha, muttering to himself.

At this time, Neji also came over.

Ignoring Orochimaru who was talking to himself, he walked in front of Rasa and controlled him with puppetry.

The person is not dead. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It saved him some effort.

The key is that the gold sand all over the ground cannot be wasted. If Rasa dies, he will have to revive him before taking him away, which will be troublesome.

Now it's easy.

Controlling Rasa to collect all the gold sand, Neji sealed him in a special container.


The person is in hand, and the gold is not lost. It's absolutely perfect.

After that.

Neji separated from Orochimaru and his party.

They are going to pretend to be the Fourth Kazekage and go to Konoha as soon as possible. The speed is too slow.

Another thing is that Neji has no intention of getting involved in Orochimaru's plan, so naturally he doesn't need to mix with them. After using the instant transfer method he developed, that is, the space-time ninjutsu to return to Konoha.

Neji suddenly realized.

The Uchiha clan is no longer useful.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen is about to die, there is no need to take the lead, so what is the use of the Uchiha clan?

It is a bit of a hindrance.

In this case, let's reunite the whole clan.

That evening.

Neji took action and asked his men to surround the Uchiha clan's residence, and then he walked in alone.

Deal with the outside first.

Neji didn't kill everyone, but sealed them up and put them in his special container that can store living things.[]

This is a thumb-sized gourd pendant.

Using time-space ninjutsu and sealing techniques, a space of more than 100 cubic meters was opened up.

There were also hundreds of coffins placed inside, enough to hold the entire Uchiha clan.

It didn't take long.

Neji dealt with everyone except those with the Mangekyō Sharingan and Uchiha Rei.

Ordinary three-magatama Sharingan didn't even have a chance to resist him. Even if they saw him, they were knocked down without saying a word.

"Who is it?"

Since Neji did not hide his whereabouts, he was also discovered by the last few people.

Uchiha Rei walked out of the house with several top fighters.

They were in a meeting before, and wanted to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo again to avenge their tribe.

Because of Neji's arrival.

Invisibly, a problem was solved for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo.

But it doesn't matter.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is about to die, so there is no need to worry. As for Danzo, he is a clown. If he hasn't offended him yet, and he still has some use , it won't be too difficult for Neji to kill him.

"Who are you? What are you doing in our Uchiha clan?"

Looking at the young man that Ningci transformed into, Uchiha Rei thought about it again and again and felt that he had never seen him before, so he asked

"Uncle, why are you telling him so much? He came to us so late at night, so he must have bad intentions. Just take him away and search his memory, then his purpose will be clear to us."

"That's right, let me do it!"

Two Uchiha clan members with Mangekyō Sharingan said one after another, neither of them intended to give Neji a chance to speak.

Seeing this, Uchiha Rei also nodded, not wanting to talk nonsense with Neji anymore, since they would have to verify it in the end anyway.

It would be easier to solve it all at once.

"Go ahead, but remember not to kill them." Uchiha Lie waved his hand and said


"Got it."

The two Uchiha smiled at the same time and walked towards Neji.

"Boy, you are honored to have us two do it."

"Isn't it true? Others can hardly have such treatment."

The two Uchiha said with full confidence and a little arrogance.

Nothing else.

It's because they all have the supreme power of the Uchiha clan, the Mangekyō Sharingan.

In the entire ninja world, apart from the Kages of the five major villages, who else can have this honor, and let them deal with one?

Not to mention this unknown person in front of them.

Well, because they have never seen the character transformed by Neji, nor have they heard of it. And with the arrogant character of the Uchiha, it would be strange if they would take him seriously.. Được

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