Of course.

It is undeniable that Sarutobi Hiruzen had a good reputation and popularity in Konoha. No matter if he was acting or not, at least he did it, and many ninjas and villagers sincerely supported him.

I heard that when he died, many people cried even harder than before.

Especially on the day of his burial, the square was so sobbing that it was tear-jerking.

"Brother Ningci."

Hinata gathered her courage and held Ningci's hand.

"What's wrong Hinata?"

Ningji turned around and asked

"I...It's okay."

It's not that Hinata missed Sarutobi Hiruzen, she just felt the fragility of life, as if it would be gone in the blink of an eye.

So, you should be brave in life, otherwise it will be too late to regret it in the future if you miss the opportunity.

After the funeral

"The two advisors, Koharu Utatane and En Mitomon, who were hiding somewhere before"Five Hundred Zeros", finally showed up and approached Jiraiya who was still in Konoha.

"Uncle Yan and Teacher Xiaochun, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Jiraiya, who was collecting materials with a telescope on the rooftop, turned his head and asked without any expression.

"What's up?"

"Jiraiya, Konoha has become like this, Sarutobi is gone, even if we don't say it, you should understand the situation now!"

Mitomon En said unhappily.

"Ha, don't say this is scary."

Jiraiya stood up, folded his arms and said:"Didn't the negotiations with the Sand Village end successfully?"

"The Sand Village issue is just a small matter, the succession of Hokage is the big issue"

"No way, you want me to be Hokage?"

"you are not willing?"

"Of course, I don't want to deal with so many things, it's too troublesome, and Konoha is not at the point where there is no one available."

Jiraiya spread his hands and said

"But the fact is that there is no suitable candidate at the moment"

"How could that be? During the previous battle, didn’t Hinata Hizashi do very well? He had the strength, the brains, and good leadership skills. Why didn’t you choose him?"

"He absolutely cannot do that!"

These words were said by Utane Koharu, and her tone was also firm.


Zilaiya didn't understand.

"It's very simple, because he is the patriarch of a large family. When the interests of the family and the village conflict, no one knows what he will choose."

Tatene Koharu said expressionlessly.

"This kind of problem is not a big deal, can't we just ask him to resign as the clan leader? Isn't that what the old man and Danzo did?"

Jiraiya spread his hands again in a serious tone.


"It's OK, Jiraiya, the matter here is very complicated, and I can't explain it to you in a short time, so don't say so much."

Seeing that Utane Koharu was a little choked, Mitomon En spoke up

"So, it's just because it's too troublesome that I don't want to be the Hokage. You should find someone else."

Jiraiya waved his hand and rejected this matter again.

But Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En couldn't give up so easily.

Because Konoha is really losing talent at the moment, and they can't come up with anyone who can inherit the position of Hokage and suit their taste.

What about Hyuga Hizashi?

It's just not to their taste.

There is a powerful Hyuga clan as support behind him, and he is not close to the people of their Hokage faction.

The former is not easy to control.

The latter is not in place and does not belong to their own people.

Naturally, they will not support Hyuga Hizashi to become the fifth Hokage.

And Jiraiya is different.

He is a lonely man, Very easy to control.

Plus, he is Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciple, definitely one of their own.

So letting him become Hokage is what the elders and advisors like Utane Koharu want to see the most. No matter how they try to persuade him, he is entangled to no end. It wasn't until Jiraiya pushed Tsunade out that the two advisors finally let Jiraiya go.

But they were also given a time limit.

If Tsunade cannot be found within the specified time limit and allowed to succeed as the fifth Hokage, the two advisors will not let Jiraiya go.

The matter came to an end.

Not to mention that Jiraiya took Naruto out to look for Tsunade. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the Hyuga clan side.

Neji is also chatting with Hizashi

"Father, don't you want to be Hokage?"

The opportunity is really good now.

As long as Hizashi Hizashi wants to do it, no matter what those two old guys, Koharu Utatane and En Mito, do, whether they ask Jiraiya or Tsunade,

Neji is sure to push Hizashi to the position of Hokage..

"There's no need for that."

Hyuga Hizashi waved his hand, not showing much interest in Hokage.

"Just like you said, as long as we can control Konoha's economy and continue to improve the family's strength and influence, will it make any difference whether we become Hokage or not?"

"That's right."

Ningji smiled and stopped thinking about it.

The key point is that the position of Hokage is really dispensable to them, father and son, and it is not important at all.

Others have been promoted.

They can also use the overall strength of Konoha to benefit themselves.

But they don't need it.

It is because of Neji's teaching and arrangement that the strength of the Hyuga clan is increasing day by day, almost reaching a new level every day. They are making more and more money, and they can't spend it all.

There is no shortage of resources.

There are also talents.

They can be self-sufficient in all aspects.[]

If they take the position of Hokage again, even if they run away with the entire Konoha, they will not be considered a burden. Is there any need for that? It is like chewing wax, and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

This is the situation.

A few days later.

Under the chairmanship of the Daimyo Mansion, Konoha held another high-level meeting.

The patriarchs or representatives of all the big and small families gathered together, and two advisors and Danzo also came.

"This meeting is held because the Emergency Executive Committee has been formed, and I want to inform everyone. As soon as

Koharu Utatane's voice fell, the 3.9 people below started to discuss.

The key point is that the formation of this committee was not notified to them at all.

"Dormitory transfer consultant, what kind of organization is this committee you are talking about? When was it established?" Someone asked

"It's the Emergency Executive Committee."

After emphasizing the name, Koharu Utatane explained,"As the name suggests, this is a temporary department formed specifically to handle emergency situations."

"There is no need to question its legitimacy, because we formed this organization under the arrangement of the daimyo."

"As for the establishment time, it is not long, just a few days ago"

"Who are the members of this department and what are they responsible for?"Someone asked again. Come on, give me some flowers and tickets , brothers, thank you all.


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