The next day, the injured Sasuke was taken back by Might Guy and sent to the hospital.

As the eldest of the Xiaoqiang,

Ningci went to visit him with Lee and the others.

However, under the influence of the Tsukuyomi eye technique, Sasuke became stupid and silent, so the visit was very short. It was not until Ningci and the others were about to leave that Sasuke, lying on the bed, spoke.

"Ningci, why did you become so strong?"

Of course it's because of the cheat.

It's a pity that he won't tell outsiders about this kind of thing

"Talent, hard work, and a desired goal, then do everything you can to pursue it, and strive for it. The result can't be worse, right?"

Stopping at the door of the ward, Neji brought a bowl of chicken soup.

""What is your goal?" Sasuke asked again.

"Unlike you, my goal is to protect and reach the top to see the scenery of the ninja world."

I thought so too.

Sasuke didn't say this.

Because it was too late.

His family was gone, his parents were gone, and he had lost everything. What else could he protect?

As for reaching the top, let's wait until he gets revenge first, otherwise it will all be a joke.

"I understand, thank you for sharing"

"You're welcome."

Waving his hand, Neji said,"Take good care of it. If you need anything, let me know and I'll help you if I can."

"Thank you."

After Sasuke's thanks,

Neji didn't say anything else and just turned around and left the ward.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month had passed.

Jiraiya still hadn't found Tsunade.

So Konoha still maintained the status quo. The top management headed by Danzo and two consultants did not get along with the major families and often argued with each other.

Of course,

Neji didn't care about those things.

Because he still had his own things to do.

In addition to developing the immortal cultivation method, he was also doing various experiments and perfecting what he had developed before.

For example, the method of food supplements and the technique of soul transfer were still a little short of the real Six Treasury Immortal Thieves and the Soul Binding and Sentencing. He must continue to think about it and bring forth new ideas.

"Sir, the spiritual island is ahead."

On the vast sea, a large ship sailed over.

Neji and Uchiha Izumi were fighting on the bow, and some Hyuga clan members followed behind.

"Well, let's sail the boat over there."


It took some time for the ship to sail near the island and then stop.


With the sound of flapping wings, a giant eagle with a wingspan of several meters flew over the heads of the crowd.

This is not a big deal.

After Neji and his companions landed on the island, they saw even more giant creatures.

Giant snakes that are dozens of meters long.

Spiders as big as trucks.

There are also lizards that are similar to dinosaurs, and centipedes as big as trains.

They are everywhere, and you can meet one after walking a distance.

It can only be said that this place is worthy of being the summoning island. The huge creatures unique to the island are too suitable to be the summoning beasts of ninjas.

Of course, these creatures that have not been trained are still a little weak.

Look, Neji doesn't even need to take action.

The subordinates he brought with him can knock down all the invading creatures and prevent them from getting through.

""Sir, we found the research institute. There are still many people inside. Should we control them?"

The clan member who went to gather intelligence came back and reported.

Neji came here for the purpose of getting the Ultimate Summoning Beast for this scientific research team, so he would not let them go.

"Well, control them all, and remember not to damage the things inside"


The tribesman took the order. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then he took the others and left first to do things.

In the center of the island, near the crater.

There are several houses built here, and there is a huge experimental area underground.

A dozen researchers in white coats are busy inside, either recording various data or discussing something together.

There are also some ninjas standing by, and I don't know if they are protecting the safety of these people or protecting the experimental results.

Maybe both.


""Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Because the Hyuga clan members and the clone team they led did not hide their whereabouts, they were also discovered by the ninjas here.

But it didn't matter.

The key point was that the strength of the two sides was seriously unequal.

It only took a few minutes.

All the ninjas in the institute were eliminated, and the scientific researchers were also driven to one place and controlled.

There was no such scene of fighting.[]

With the sound of footsteps,

Ningci and Uchiha Izumi also walked into the research institute.

"Who is the person in charge here?"

After looking around, Neji asked

"I'm asking you guys a question, are you all mute? If you don't answer me, I'll bury you all alive!

Seeing that no one was paying attention to Neji, a Japanese ninja threatened directly.

""Sir, I am the person in charge here, but I am only responsible for the experiments. I have no control over other aspects, and it has nothing to do with me."

A middle-aged man stood up with his back bent and answered carefully.

"That's enough. Let me ask you, what stage has your experiment reached? Has the research on the ultimate summoning beast 427 come out?"

"Back...My Lord, the experiment has reached the final stage. If everything goes well, it will be completed within three months. It is better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early.

Hearing this, Neji also smiled with satisfaction.

"Very good, then you will continue to be responsible for carrying out the experiment. Don't let me down. If you fail to complete it, you should know the consequences."

"Yes, please rest assured, sir. I will do my best and not let you down!"

The person in charge made a promise.

"May I have your name?"


"Well, I'm a person who clearly distinguishes between gratitude and resentment. If you don't do well, there will be punishment, and if you do well, there will be rewards. Whether it's money, beauty, or strength and status, I can satisfy you all."

"So I also hope that you can face the reality and stop thinking about useless things. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand!"

"That's the best. Take them to work, Kitano-kun."

""Yes, thank you, sir."

Kitanojima responded again, and then left with the researchers.

There was still one person who did not leave.

This was a young girl, with a good appearance and figure, and the key point was that she also had a very conspicuous red hair.

"Are you from the Uzumaki clan?"

"Yes, sir."

The girl replied, quite well behaved. Được

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