After the succession ceremony, a few days passed.

On this day, Neji's team gathered again and came to the Hokage Building with Might Guy to accept a new mission.

"Hyuga Neji, due to your excellent performance in the Chunin Exam, you are now specially approved to be promoted to Konoha's Chunin."

Tsunade personally handed a letter of appointment to Neji.

Is this to win people's hearts?

It seems that this woman is not stupid.

While thinking, Neji's actions were not slow, and he stretched out his hand to take the letter of appointment.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama"

"Well, due to some mishaps during the Chunin Exam, the competition was not completed, so the results were also invalidated. Neji, you are the only candidate who became a Chunin."

"As for the others, don't be discouraged. Just take the exam again next year. As long as you have the ability, I believe you can definitely get promoted."

Tsunade said this, giving Neji special treatment, and comforting Tenten and Xiao Li at the same time, which can be regarded as high emotional intelligence.

Looking at Tenten and Xiao Li again.

Sure enough, they were convinced by Tsunade's words, and they all cheered up and showed a determined look.

"Okay, let's talk about the mission first......."

123 Tsunade took out another scroll.

This mission was not too difficult, it was just a B-level escort mission, which was relatively simple in this level of mission.

After getting the mission scroll.

The group left the Hokage's office and gathered outside the village.

Of course.

Neji, who was not interested in such boring missions, let his clone follow the team and he went to do other things.

Uchiha Shin's serum has been produced.

The experimental results are not bad.

But Neji was not in a hurry to use it.

Because he hadn't found Hiruko yet and got his Demon Spawn forbidden technique.

The fusion plan cannot be started.

Even if Uchiha Shin's serum is used, there is not much meaning.

It is better to study it more and wait for a better version in the future.

Neji's current plan is.

First use Uchiha Shin's serum to transform himself into an omnipotent physique, so that he will not have a rejection reaction when merging anything.

Then use the Demon Spawn forbidden technique to fuse the other five creatures.

Realize the transformation from human to god.

The first creature, as mentioned before, is the clone of the Ultimate Summoning Beast that can evolve itself by devouring other creatures.

The second one is Kimimaro's clone.

The Shikotsu bloodline is indeed difficult to develop.

Even with a super strong understanding, it would take a lot of time for Neji to develop this bloodline by practicing alone.

He didn't want to waste all his time on this matter.

Because it would slow down his other research projects.

In addition, the Shikotsu bloodline is still quite good and has a lot of room for development. He can't give it up.

So he might as well use the fusion method to obtain it.

The third one is the clone of Senju Hashirama.

Wood Release is not to be mentioned.

The key is the Sage Body, which can't be missed.

The fourth one is Uchiha Madara's clone.

Why do you need Uchiha Madara if you have the Sharingan?

For the Samsara Eye!

Even if you can't get the Samsara Eye directly by fusing Uchiha Madara's clone, don't forget.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara both have the chakra of Indra and Ashura.

It's useless to have one.

Only when both brothers are together can the Samsara Eye be awakened.

Naturally, it is not enough to have Hashirama Senju, and Uchiha Madara cannot be let go.

As for why he didn't make clones of Sasuke and Naruto.

Nothing else.

They are too weak, and the speed of improvement is not as fast as Neji. How can he wait for the other party to do this?

Unless there is no other choice.

Otherwise, who would choose the weak instead of the strong? Isn't that a problem?

Of course.

This matter can also be neutralized.

When cloning Hashirama Senju, add Naruto's genetic information. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Similarly, when cloning Uchiha Madara, add Sasuke's genetic information, then both ends will be taken care of and everything will be done.

Let's talk about the fifth fusion target.

What Neji wants is the clone of the descendant of Otsutsuki Hamura who is still on the moon.

The reason is very direct.

That's right.

It's for the Samsara Eye.

There is no bloodline of other Hamura descendants to assist.

The Byakugan of the Hyuga clan alone cannot evolve, because the power and information contained in the bloodline are not enough.

So this fifth thing is also very important and must not be missed.

There are too many targets.

But it doesn't matter, just take it slowly.

The Ultimate Summoning Beast is available, and clones of Hashirama Senju and Kimimaro are also being cultivated.

Now the only ones missing are Uchiha Madara and the descendants of Ōtsutsuki.

Let's talk about Uchiha Madara first.

If that guy Kabuto Yakushi could find the other party's body, there is no reason why Neji can't find it?[]


A person appeared in front of Neji.

Well, at least he looked like a person, and he was pretty.

"Little brother, is there anything you need from me?"

The red-haired Princess Tsuzu flew in front of Neji, put her face very close to him, and said in a confusing tone.

"I want you to help me find someone."

Neji was unmoved, and his expression did not change.

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

Flying around Neji, Princess Mizutsuji put her hand on Neji's neck again.

"A dead person to be exact."


She stuck out her tongue and licked it, and said,"I'm a little interested. Tell me about it first.""

"His name is Uchiha Madara. I wonder if you guys in Ryuchidong have heard of him."

"It turned out to be him, the famous Shura of the Ninja World and one of the founders of Konoha. Of course we know"

"What, you want his body?" asked Tsujinji

"Well, let's study it."

Ningji nodded.

"I don't care what your purpose is. The key is that you want me to do things for you. What's the benefit for me?"

As expected, you are from Ryuchi Cave. You ask for benefits before doing anything. It's the same old tradition.

Ningci was not surprised.

After thinking for a while, he said,"Of course there are benefits. What do you think of this thing?"

While speaking,

Ningci also condensed a life energy on his fingertips

"What is this?"

Feeling the rich breath of life, Tuanjinji's whole face, no, the whole snake changed, and she was stunned.

Don't think that the snakes in their Longdi Cave can live for a long time.

Like the White Snake Immortal, it has lived for thousands of years.

But it doesn't mean that they won't age!

This is the key. Let me ask again, is there any female creature, no matter whether it is human or not, who can refuse to stay young and look young forever.


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