“I repeat, that letter was forged!”

Tuanzang said with a calm face, “Ten thousand steps back, even if the letter is true, what can it mean?” Who is a Itachi? A man who slaughters his own family! What he said simply couldn’t be trusted! ”

“The credibility of the letter is easy to verify.”

Aoji said lightly, “The Itachi made it clear in the letter that the main purpose of your persuasion to destroy the Uchiha clan was to study and write the wheel eye, and you asked him to hand over a large number of Uchiha corpses to you.” ”

“Nonsense! There is no such thing at all! Tunzang did not hesitate to firmly deny it.

“This is the end of the matter, and denial is useless.”

Aoji smiled and shook his head, “My undercover has found that people with roots in the Uchiha cemetery have been infested, and almost all the bodies of the clans have been exhumed, how do you explain this?” ”

“My explanation is simple, what you say is slander!”

Tunzang snorted coldly, “I sent someone to dig up the bodies of the Uchiha people?” Where is the evidence? Where is the corpse?! ”

“The body must have been destroyed by you a long time ago, but…”

Aoji’s expression easily hit the key point of Tunzang: “Those writing wheel eyes on the corpse that you took away are the evidence that absolutely cannot be denied.” ”

“Lord Hinata, I’m going to trouble you.”

“A small thing!”

The forehead horns of the sun foot instantly burst out of the vicious green tendons, and through the white eye, they saw through the bandages on Tuanzang’s body.

“Sure enough, it was covered with arms that were covered with writing wheel eyes…”

Hinata said what he saw truthfully: “I see that the color of the arm has been modified, and there is a figure of a human face on the arm. Apparently, Tuanzang was conducting human trials on himself. ”

The other ninja people changed their faces.

Tuanzang is even more sunken as water.

He had woken up to the fact that by now, there was no room for debate!

“Now the facts are clear.”

Aoji said in a timely manner, “Mustela also mentioned in the letter that the entire Shimura clan was aware of this matter, and you are the co-planners!” ”

In the face of his accusations, Tunzang did not refute them.

Because it doesn’t make sense.

He suddenly let out a long sigh and accepted the fact that he had failed: “So? What’s next for you? ”

“I want the Shimura clan to disappear from here.”

Aoji said lightly, “All ninjas of the Shimura clan will either have to kill themselves or die, and all ordinary people of the Shimura clan will either give up their surnames and leave Konoha or they will have to die.” ”

“All your family property will be taken into public ownership.”

Aoji said coldly, “This is our final decision!” ”

“You did the right thing.”

Tunzang nodded with a wooden look, “If I were you, I would do the same.” ”

“Thank you for your understanding.” Aoji nodded.

Tunzang turned his head to look at the others present, “But I must warn you, if you don’t unite against this person, sooner or later you will follow in the footsteps of the Shimura clan!” ”

Unfortunately, no one bothered to pay attention to his words.

Because that’s the lament of the loser.

“By the way, you, the biggest culprit, have sentenced you to death.”

Aoji’s eyes looked coldly at Tunzang, “And I, the executor.” ”

“My death sentence is not so easy to execute.”

Tunzang untied the bandage wrapped around his right arm, “Maybe you’ll go one step ahead of me.” ”

“Then give it a try.”

Aoji opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and his scarlet eyes looked directly at Tunzang, “I give you a fair fight.” ”

He usually doesn’t like to do it himself.

As a high-powered leader, when encountering an enemy, he should be done by his subordinates, and there is no way to charge the battlefield himself.

But this time the situation is slightly different.

After all, the ninja’s world worships the strong, and now that witnesses of various ninja clans are here, Aoji feels the need to properly display his power in order to establish authority and strengthen his dominance.

And so a crushing battle began.

When Tunzang was preparing to launch an attack with the Wind Escape, the space on his body suddenly twisted, and his head was strangled by the invisible force and disappeared.

This is the power of God.

The other ninjas present were shocked to see this move!

No matter how strong or low, they are very knowledgeable!

This move of Aoji obviously uses the power of time and space, and it can kill all of them in the case of preemptive hand!

But Tunzang did not die like this.

After the headless body fell, another regimental zang appeared out of thin air and attacked Aoji again.

“This is Izanagi?”

Hinata had already heard Aoji mention it, and he suspected that Tunzang was deliberately collecting the Writing Wheel Eye in order to cast the incomparably powerful Izanagi and change cause and effect, and even death could be invalidated!

But even so, Tunzang’s resistance was still powerless.

He was killed countless times by Aoji using Amaterasu and Kamui, but was never able to break through Susanoo’s absolute defenses, and finally died in the real world after being tortured in the world of Tsukiyomi.

The whole battle didn’t even hurt even one of Aoji’s nails!

This made everyone present extremely impressed!

Being able to easily kill such a difficult opponent, Aoji obviously has the strength to be at least above the shadow level, as Sanshiro said!

But what they don’t know is that

These strengths are just the tip of the iceberg that Aoji has revealed.

Whether it was the space conversion ability of Shenwei, the ability of flying thunder god to jump time and space, or the ability to use Shenwei to virtualize the body, Aoji did not use it deliberately.

Because these are the ability to save lives at critical moments.

He was reluctant to expose it easily.

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