The next morning, Inuzuka came to work at the inspection department as usual.

Then he was summoned by Aoji.

“Do you have a clear answer to my request yesterday?”


Inuzuka nodded, “But we hope to relax the deadline by half a month, otherwise there is no guarantee that we will be able to complete the task.” ”


Aoji nodded very generously, “Then I will give you another half a month, this is the approval note I have signed, and you can use this to withdraw the first batch of funds tomorrow.” ”

“Thank you Lord Minister for your recognition of us!” Inuzuka rushed forward to take the note.

“Let’s talk about it here.”

Aoji said calmly, “If there are any follow-up questions, you can come directly to me to communicate.” ”

“I see!”

Inuzuka nodded heavily, but her expression became a little panicked, “Then I will back off first!” ”

She left the ministerial office in a hurry.

Only she herself knew how intense her heartbeat had just been.

“There is such a thing…”

After leaving the minister’s office far away, Inuzuka finally stopped and breathed, and her mind only felt that the sky was spinning.

She felt like she had discovered an amazing secret!

As a member of the Inuzuka clan, even without using the Beast Ninja Technique, her five senses were different from ordinary people, and when she went to take the note, she smelled a faint smell.

She was sure that the smell was the body fragrance of Yue Yue’s face!

And she heard two heartbeats!

So there was only one conclusion, and Yue Yuexiyan was also in the minister’s office at that time!

Right under the desk!

Although Inuzuka is an untrained virgin and has not even talked about a relationship, she is not a fool after all, and she knows exactly what this situation means!

That seemingly cold Yue Xiyan would actually do that kind of thing?

Was she coerced?

Or voluntary?

After calming down a little, Inuzuka Hana’s intuition was that the latter was more likely.

Maybe it’s a long-term relationship, right?

Yue Yue Xiyan is the right and left arm of the minister, and the two are inseparable from each other most of the time, one is handsome, the other is cold, and it is not difficult to understand each other’s heart.

But no matter what, this must be very unfair to that sunset red.

Did he abandon his job for love and move to his lover’s house as a full-time housewife, only to be ruthlessly betrayed?

This is so sad.

Inuzuka couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Yuri Hong, and suddenly understood why her mother had been strange lately.

Maybe she found out about it too?

Inuzuka thought she had figured out the crux of the matter, and then began to think about what to do next.

First of all, exposure must not be exposed.

The rise of the Inuzuka clan also depends on the support of Aoji, offending him is equivalent to cutting off his own financial path, and it will also make the two sides form a vendetta, Inuzuka does not think that she can withstand the anger of the other party.

Second, there is no need for anything secondary.

The reason was enough.

And for the sunset red who is kept in the dark, it is a kind of happiness to know nothing, right?

Inuzuka made her decision silently.

For the rest of the day, she continued to do her job, just as she had done when she was a patrol officer, and after joining the patrol department, she spent part of her day patrolling the post.

Then she suddenly saw the figure of Yue Yuexiyan on the street.

The other person is talking to another woman.

The woman was plump, beautiful and generous, carrying a vegetable basket in her hand, her eyes were bright, and she looked like she had been quiet for a long time.

Next to the woman stood another girl a few years younger.

Very well-behaved and cute.

Yue Yuexiyan still had a cold look, and seemed to be seriously telling them serious things.

But every opening and closing of that cherry mouth.

All of them reminded Inuzuka Hana, who was standing in the distance, of the bright ministerial room, of the large desk, and even imagined the picture of Tsukizuki kneeling on the ground.

Inuzuka subconsciously wanted to turn around and avoid them.

But she had already been noticed by the other party and beckoned her to go over and speak.

Inuzuka could only say hello to her with a hard scalp.

“Are you Inuzuka Hana?”

The beautiful woman showed a kind smile: “My name is Xi Rihong, and I just heard Xi Yan talk about you.” ”

“My name is Uchiha Izumi!”

The younger girl also smiled and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you!” ”

“Thank you!”

Inuzuka quickly expressed her courtesy, but she felt some doubts in her heart.

How can they talk about themselves?

“Then we’ll go first, and you’ll take care of the rest.” Xi Ri Hong turned her head to look at Yue Yue Xi Yan again.

“I understand.” Yue Yue nodded.

So Yuri Hong led Izumi to say hello to Inuzuka again, and then walked home with the basket.

“Then I’ll go on patrol too…”

Inuzuka hurriedly opened her mouth, but was interrupted by Yue Yueyan, “You have to wait a little longer.” ”

“Does Lord Moon have any other orders?”

“You’ve found out, haven’t you?”

Yue Yue looked directly into Inuzuka’s eyes, her expression still calm and cold: “My body odor, my heartbeat.” ”

“What are you talking about?” I really don’t understand…” Inuzuka broke out in a cold sweat.

“You don’t have to be afraid.”

Yue Yuexiyan revealed an inexplicable smile: “I am a dark minister, the best thing is to hide and hide, if I want to hide my breath, then you are not so easy to find all this.” ”

“You, you mean…?” Inuzuka’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“Come with me.”

Yue Yuexiyan beckoned to her, “We should talk in another place.” ”

“What place?” Inuzuka asked warily.

“Lord Aoji’s house.”

Tsukizuki took another step closer and whispered in Inuzuka’s ear, “My master’s house.” ”

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