At noon, Aoji accepts Hyuga’s invitation and enjoys a staggered lunch.

The result, of course, is the pleasure of the guests and the hosts.

Nowadays, Aoji and the major ninja clans have established relatively good relations.

A consensus has been reached on living in harmony with each other.

After lunch, Aoji left and returned to his paradise-like home.

He took a shower and then went to Mikoto’s room.

Meiqin, of course, was taking a nap.

She dreamed that she had become a house with three rooms, each with a door.

She dreamed that Aoji was in these rooms.

In and out.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Aoji’s gentle and kind face, and truly felt that none of this was a dream.

The two had a pleasant two hours.

After coming out of Mikoto’s room, Aoji took another shower and went to his own dojo.

Began the routine ninjutsu practice.

Unless there is something important to delay, he will find time every afternoon to exercise, even if he does not need to go out on a mission, and there is no chance of working with people.

After all, in most cases there are excellent subordinates to do the work.

Although after mastering the Flying Thunder God and Kaleidoscope’s pupil technique, the current Aoji already has the strength of the shadow level or above, but if he is complacent and abandons the exercise, then the strength will definitely decline.

Therefore, you need to exercise regularly to keep your body sharp.

He stayed in the dojo until near dusk.

Sweating from strenuous exercise, he took another shower to refresh himself, and when he came out, he met the sunset red who was walking.

“I heard there’s a chicken ball in tonight’s dish?”

Yuriko smiled and walked over, “Sister Mikoto told me that Miss Inuzuka will come to visit tonight?” ”

“There is such a thing.” Aoji nodded.

“Since I will agree to your direct invitation, it seems that this Miss Inuzuka cannot escape.”

Sunset’s red eyes fluttered: “But this is also inevitable, how can this domestic dog of hers fight against this evil wolf of yours?” ”

“Not just a wolf.”

Aoji smiled and took Yukiho’s hand, “Aren’t you also an accomplice?” ”

“So you’re going to reward me.”

Xi Rihong revealed a very feminine smile: “For the sake of my understanding, in order to make you satisfied, I also helped you expand the harem, how can this be considered a great achievement?” ”

“So what reward do you want?”

“Then what reward do you want to give?”

“You’ll know right away.”

Aoji smiled knowingly and walked to his room with Yukimi.

Another two hours passed.

After Yuri got up lazily, she briefly sorted out her makeup and then smiled and looked at Aoji, “I am satisfied with your reward.” ”

“Thank you for your compliment.”

Aoji smiled and got up and put on his clothes.

Then decided to take another shower.

Tonight he will harvest the sweet fruit of Inuzuka flower, but his body is inevitably stained with the smell of sunset red.

So let’s wash it up.

During the third bath of the day, Izumi suddenly trotted in and said, “I already know!” ”

“What do you know?”

Aoji reached out and turned off the shower, wiping the beads of water off his face with a towel, “I don’t think I did anything to make you angry, did I?” ”

“They both got it today!”

Izumi looked very aggrieved: “Only I don’t!” I haven’t gotten it for a long time! ”

“I only gave it to you the other day, didn’t I?” Aoji shook his head helplessly.

“Forget it, come here.”

Aoji sighed and beckoned to Izumi, “Today I will treat them equally.” ”

Another two hours passed.

The sky had unknowingly become pitch black.

It’s clearly not too early.

When Aoji leads the softening Izumi to the dining room, Inuzuka Hana is sitting here talking to Mikoto and Yukiri.

Her face had turned red.

“The two are finally busy?”

Xi Rihong gracefully held her chin with one hand and said with a smirk, “The food is almost cold, not to mention, our guest has been waiting for a long time.” ”

“It’s really disrespectful to us.”

Aoji showed an apologetic expression, “I know you must all be hungry, so let’s start eating.” ”

The five of them finished their dinner.

After the meal, Izumi followed Mikoto to clean up the dishes, and then the two of them began to wash in the kitchen.

“I’ll go back to my room and go to bed.”

Yukihiro gracefully stood up, leaving room for Aoji and Inuzuka Hana, “Let’s have a good exchange between the two of you.” ”

Inuzuka’s face suddenly became redder.

“You look nervous?”

Aoji smiled and looked at Inuzuka Hana, “Don’t be afraid, I won’t leave you with bad memories.” ”

“If you’ve made up your mind, then…”

His eyes were full of enthusiasm and sincerity: “Tonight will be the beginning of your good life, and I can guarantee that you will never regret it.” ”

“Me, I see…”

Inuzuka nodded shyly, although she felt very flustered at first, but after a long day of adjustment, she was mentally prepared: “Please make me as happy as they are.” ”

“Well, I want to take you somewhere.” Aoji smiled softly.

“Well, I’ll go with you.”

Inuzuka nodded seriously, her heart pounding, she thought that Aoji would take her to his room, but she did not expect to enter a dojo used to practice ninjutsu.

“Why is this kind of place?” Inuzuka had doubts in her eyes.

“This is my own dojo.”

Aoji smiled warmly, “Every time I stay here, I feel very peaceful inside, this place is very meaningful to me, and I have never brought anyone else here.” ”

“You were the first woman I brought here.”

“I don’t know why, but at this moment, I’d love to spend here with you.”

“Well, then okay…”

To be fair, Inuzuka didn’t like it here, not even a serious bed, but listening to him say that this place had a special significance, and he was the first person to come in, and there was still some inexplicable sweetness in his heart.

Although she still felt that Aoji’s idea was a little strange, she willingly obeyed this weirdness.

So, in the same place.

As a daughter, Inuzuka felt what her mother had felt.

It’s just that she’s going to be happier.

Because Inuzuka Claw gets more than just happiness.

And all she gets is happiness.

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