“You seem to have something on your mind?”

Seiji sat behind a large desk, keenly aware of Inuzuka’s desire to stop talking, “Can I say it so I can share it with you?” ”

“Hey, my mom seems to want to see you…” Inuzuka sighed.

“Oh? Suddenly want to see me? ”

Aoji raised an eyebrow, “Why?” Is it about the cooperation between the Inuzuka family and the inspection department? ”

“It’s about me and you…”

Inuzuka bowed her head and said, “Yesterday my brother saw us together, and he went to make a small report with my mother, so she knows that I have a lover now, but she just doesn’t know that person is you.” ”

“That’s the way it is.” Aoji nodded thoughtfully.

“But I haven’t promised them yet.”

Inuzuka hurriedly said, “I said that you have been very busy at work lately, and you may not have time to pass.” So it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to go, I’ll just find a way to prevaricate when the time comes…”

“Why wouldn’t I want to go?” Aoji smiled and raised an eyebrow.

Inuzuka blushed suddenly.

To be fair, she doesn’t resist bringing her favorite lovers home to meet her parents, especially lovers like Aoji, who are excellent in all aspects.

Because seeing the parents’ behavior is actually signing and stamping the relationship between the two.

It will make people feel more secure.

But after all, she was only part of the harem, and seeing her parents felt like she was sneaking away, and her mother’s obvious impression of Aoji was very bad, and it was estimated that it was easy for the two to have an accident when they met.

That’s why Inuzuka feels embarrassed.

“I’ll take care of these things, and it’s time to see your mom again.” The corners of Aoji’s mouth flashed an inexplicable smile.

He really hasn’t been very concerned about Inuzuka’s claws.

When he first showed his animalistic nature in the dojo, just to get a little bit of pleasure, he would later ask the other party not to be touched by other men, and only to satisfy his instinctive possessiveness.

Inuzuka himself had long since been left behind by him.

But that doesn’t mean she’s escaped the clutches of the devil.

After getting the Inuzuka flower, Inuzuka Claw has a new layer of buff in terms of identity.

This made him interested again.

“But, but my mother seems to have some opinion about you…”

Inuzuka looked at Aoji with some emptiness, “I think she may already know that you have a harem, so I don’t quite believe in your character, I’m afraid that you will make it unpleasant when the time comes…”

Judging from last night’s situation, Inuzuka Claw clearly didn’t believe Aoji more than just that.

Whether at the beginning or after learning that she had a boyfriend, the mother always advised her to resign from the inspection department.

But Inuzuka still very strongly refused.

The reason is very simple, the work of the inspection department is easy, the salary is high, the treatment is good, if she resigns, she can only run to become a veterinarian, and the family’s income is bound to plummet.

And most importantly, then there will be no way to get along with Aoji in the inspection department.

“Rest assured, I will try my best to get her approval.”

Aoji smiled and rubbed Inuzuka’s head, “And even if she is unhappy with me, even if she embarrasses me, it is what I deserve, after all, no one wants her daughter to become someone else’s harem, right?” ”

“I was willing.” Inuzuka explained softly.

“I know.”

Aoji smiled softly, “In short, you don’t have to worry, no matter what your mother does to me, I won’t be angry, and no matter what the result of the meeting is, I won’t give up on you.” ”

“You belong to me, and no one can take you away from me.”

“Well, no one can take me away.”

Inuzuka gently fell into Aoji’s arms, “I will always belong to you, to you alone.” ”

“That’s how it was decided.”

Aoji continued, “I’ll arrange to see your mother as soon as possible, but I do have a lot of work these two days, so I’ll have to wait a few days.” ”

“Well, I’ll talk to my mother when I get back.”

Inuzuka nodded obediently and stood up from Aoji’s body, “I’ve been here for so long, I have to hurry out, otherwise those colleagues may have associations…”

“Hmm.” Aoji nodded.

The two of them sorted it out briefly, and then Inuzuka opened the locked door and walked out of the minister’s room with a natural look.

Aoji looked down at a document on the table again.

It was an important piece of information submitted by the squad leader below, mentioning that they had accidentally dug up a large mole rat in the wooden leaves, but because the other party was very hard-spoken, no important progress was made for the time being.

They hoped that Aoji would personally interrogate the prisoners.

But if Aoji can sit in his current position, he will naturally not be a stupid person, the inspection department and the torture team have in-depth cooperation, and for those torture experts, there can be no mouth that absolutely cannot be pried open.

And if the other party is really that kind of hard stubble, what is the use of Aoji even if he personally interrogates?

Just because he’s handsome?

Therefore, it is likely that the people below have indeed found an amazing big fish, and the credit is too great for them to digest, so they have to contribute to Aoji and let him show his face in front of the three generations.

If it was just an ordinary big fish, the people below would never dare to let Aoji work to drive it.

So, who exactly did they catch?

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