Chapter Seventy-Six Prelude to the Fourth War, The Humiliation of Mrs. Nara!!

“It seems that the windmills of the ninja world have begun to turn.”

In the underground research institute, the Great Snake Maru revealed a sneering smile, “The Naruto of the past generations who were used to monitor us have actually been removed twice, which means that the fool of the Fourth Generation Wind Shadow has begun to act.” ”

“So are we going to start jailbreaking?”

The medicine man pushed the glasses.

“Why jailbreak?”

The Great Snake Maru picked up the cold scalpel and began to dissect the corpse on the operating table, “Since the Five Generations of Naruto are willing to provide all the resources I need, what is the difference between being here and going out, and…”

And Aoji gave him a seductive condition.

He confesses that he is arresting Fei Duan who has an immortal body, and if he gets it, he will be transported to study eternal life as material.

“The Immortal Body……”

There was a hint of excitement in the snake pupils of the Great Snake Maru, “I’m also tired of the tedium of immortality, and if I can really use this opportunity to make a breakthrough, it would be a grateful thing.” ”

“However, the current fifth generation of Naruto should already be in a mess, right?”

“Hopefully there will be no accidents with his plan……”

“That Yin Yin Village?”

The medicine man asked very cautiously, “Do you really want them to be used by that person?” ”

“What’s so bad about that?”

The Great Snake Maru smiled indifferently, “Power, war, death, winners and losers, what do these have to do with us?” Whether it is survival or destruction, this is the fate of ninjas. ”

The medicine man was silent.

But it was clear to him in his heart that the prelude to war had been blown.

“Three more sand ninja squads have penetrated deep into our hinterland.”

In Naruto’s office, Nara Shikahisa stood across from his desk and reported with a straight face, “According to the information summarized by Kaiichi’s side, our border has almost been completely infiltrated.” ”

“There is no doubt that the village of Sand Ninja has torn the alliance treaty with us.”

“Where do you think their primary goal is?”

Aoji raised an eyebrow, “It should be Kijinzan.” ”

Lu Jiu obviously already had the answer: “I think they are ready to use Muren Mountain as a node to cover the hinterland of our western front, and at the same time use this as a transit station that can echo the follow-up action of Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village.” ”

“Do you think those two villages will also go to war?”

“Yunyin Village is bound to join forces with Sand Ninja, and today’s clues confirm this, and they have sufficient motivations themselves.”

Lu Jiu explained, “We have had a fierce war with Yun Nin Village before, and the enmity between the two sides has not yet subsided, there is almost no contact, and they have been coveting the fertile country of the Fire Country for a long time.” ”

“As for the Iwakuma village, although they have also made some moves.”

“But I personally think it’s all a bluff.”

“If what I expected was correct, they should have wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and see who wins and loses and who wins, and who they will help.”

“So your opinion is…?”

Aoji asked with a smile.

“Yanyin Village can ignore it, Yunyin Village can say it later, the most urgent task now is to go all out to crack down on Sand Ninja, knock out the mountains and shock the tiger, and let other people who are plotting against others have some scruples.”

Shikaku gave his advice very faithfully.

“It’s a really good proposition.”

Aoji nodded satisfactorily, “Then where do you think our primary goal should be?” ”

“Didn’t you already have an answer to that?”

Lu Jiu revealed a knowing smile, “Although it sounds like you are patting yourself on the back, based on some of your past performances, I think with your wisdom, you must have planned all this long ago.” ”

“So what do you think my arrangement would be?”

Aoji raised an eyebrow with interest.

“Lure the enemy deep and surprise behind enemy lines.”

Lu Jiu smiled slightly, “If I’m not mistaken, your target is Shayin Village itself!” ”

“Worthy of being the first wise man of Konoha.”

Aoji nodded with satisfaction, “I even guessed my next step.” ”

“But I admire you even more.”

Shikahisa said heartily, “Whether it is to intimidate Daimyo or to turn passive into active this time, everything you do seems simple, but every step is beyond the limit that ordinary people can think of!” ”

“You don’t have to tout me so much.”

Aoji smiled calmly, “The main reason why my plan was able to succeed was because the fourth generation of wind shadows looked down on me too much, and he thought he was taking the initiative to attack, but he didn’t know that I was drawing out his main force.” ”

“The depth of the Fire Nation is far greater than that of the Wind Country, and this is our greatest advantage in this war.”

“Sand ninja does not dare to go deep alone, once the front line is too long, it will be easily cut off by us, so we can completely exchange space for time to contain their main forces in the territory of the Fire Nation.”

“Once they learn at this point that their base camp has been lost……”

Aoji revealed a cold smile, “When the time comes to be in a dilemma and lose all morale, that’s when we destroy the Sand Ninja in one fell swoop!” ”

“This mistake of the four generations of wind shadows will affect the entire Shayin Village…”

Lu Jiu first sighed, and then couldn’t help but say, “However, since the troops of the sand ninja have all moved to the border, it is almost time for our surprise attack troops to be launched, right?” ”

“If you delay time, I am afraid that it will be self-defeating…”

“Moreover, even if the fourth generation of wind shadows did not expect that we would counterattack the village of Sand Ninja, I think we would also arrange relatively sufficient forces to defend the base camp, and unless the war was tight, they would be drawn to the front line one by one…”

“Rest assured, everything is in my calculations.”

Aoji smiled calmly, “Soon, I will burst into a brilliant firework inside the village of Sakura.” ”

“As for your next task……”

“In order not to let the four generations of wind and shadow detect the abnormality, or to organize some decent resistance at the border, and then gradually withdraw and attract them to continue to move forward, this difficult task is entrusted to you.”

“I will certainly live up to your expectations!”

Lu Jiu said hurriedly and seriously.

“It was good.”

Aoji nodded satisfactorily, “Then you can go down and make arrangements.” ”

Lu Jiu quickly and respectfully withdrew from Ming.

After he left, Aoji sighed leisurely and looked down at the bottom of the desk.

From just now until now, there has been a woman kneeling there.

She is Nara Yoshino.

At this time, her eyes were full of humiliation and embarrassment.

Since the end of that unforgettable tea party, she has often been amused by Aoji in various ways.

Although he had fantasized about resisting countless times, he threatened the survival of the entire Nara clan, coupled with the persuasion of his friend Rino Yamanaka, causing her to be broken through the bottom line that should not be broken again and again.

It’s like a doll that has lost its personality…

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