Chapter Eighty: The Death of the Four Generations of Wind Shadows, the Humiliation of Chiyo’s Mother-in-Law!!

Rosa felt his head hurt more and more.

Ever since he gave the order to retreat, he found that it was indeed not easy to leave.

Konoha had already dispatched a large number of elite squads, almost 24 hours a day without interruption, so that the already demoralized sand ninjas were even more panicked, and they could receive reports of disappearance at any time.

The attrition of the troops has become more and more serious.

Moreover, as the sand ninjas became more and more tired, the attacks on the Konoha side became more and more powerful, and almost every time several upper ninja squads acted together, avoiding real attacks and attacking the weak links of the sand ninjas.

These Konoha ninjas are like a group of people who come and go without a trace.

Rapidly nibbling at the wheat fields made up of the Sand Ninja troops.

In order to reduce the losses of the troops, Luo Sha had personally attacked dozens of times, and after repelling dozens of attacks with the strength of the shadow level, the morale of the troops had finally improved slightly.

But it also places a heavy burden on him.

Every time you receive enemy information, then rush to the scene of the incident, then fight, and then continue this cycle………

After these days of continuous rotation, Rosa obviously felt that he was about to be unable to hold on

Originally, when I brought Ai Luo to the battlefield, he hoped to come in handy in the battle of attacking the battlefield, but now that he was facing the constant harassment of the enemy, the role of I Ai Luo instantly became smaller.

And during this time, I love Luo’s mood has become more and more manic and unstable.

“It’s a failure…”

After once again repelling the harassment of the wooden leaves, Rosa returned to his tent tiredly.

While sighing that I love Luo without controversy.

He could only put his last hope on the side of Yunyin Village, hoping that their attack on the eastern front would relieve the pressure on the other side.

As for Iwakuma Village………

At this time, Rosa already knew that they could not count on it at all.

“Damn, if I can escape back this time……”

Luo Sha gritted his teeth secretly, and the thought of revenge moved in his heart, even if he endured humiliation and burden, he must return the tooth with a tooth in the future!

“You have no future.”

Suddenly a voice sounded outside the tent.

A figure walked in.

“Who are you?”

A chill flashed in Luo Sha’s eyes, and the gravel around him began to surge like a tidal wave.

If the other party is not a person of the sand, then it can only be the person of the wooden leaf.

This is the base camp of the Sand Ninja Army.

Being able to appear here quietly can obviously only be the effect of time-space ninjutsu.


The other party is the culprit who destroyed the village of Shayin!

“Lucky to meet, in the next fifth generation of Naruto.”

An eternal kaleidoscope appeared in Aoji’s eyes, “This time I came to take your life.” ”

Sure enough, it was him!

Anger rushed to Luo Sha’s sanity, and a battle of shadows and shadows broke out.

The battle immediately spread to a large area around it.

The ninjas who heard the movement wanted to support the wind shadow, but they were reborn by the three of the dirt

Blocked by the generations and the four generations, even if they rushed into the battlefield with their lives and deaths, it still did not change the fate of Luo Sha being taken from the first rank.

As the shadow of a village, Luo Sha’s strength can only be said to be OK.

Of course, it will not be Aoji’s opponent.

Moreover, after this period of attrition, his combat effectiveness has now seriously declined, so that it did not take long for Aoji to end the battle.

He then used the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave the battlefield.

The sand ninjas who lost their leader were even more godless, and they almost collapsed in despair, and later they once again elected a temporary leader, but they were soon executed again with the beheading tactic.

Although the Chakra of Aoji was not enough to destroy the entire army alone, it was still easy to take away a head rank below the shadow level in the crowd of ten thousand people.

In this way, Sha Shinobi has always been in a situation where the dragons are leaderless.

Due to the rising pressure caused by internal and external difficulties, they eventually lost their fighting spirit completely, mutinied, fled, committed suicide, and various scenes were staged in turn, which eventually evolved into collective surrender.

“Since all those who disagree are dead.”

Aoji led the elite backbone of Konoha and condescended to face the defeated soldiers of the Sand Ninjas, “Then, from this moment on, the Sand Ninja is already history, and you will become the ninjas of Konoha.” ”

“I will divide more than a dozen settlements for you outside of Kiba Ninin Village.”

“Of course, as time goes by, you will gradually integrate into the leaves, which is also conducive to the stability of the whole for me, so you don’t have to worry about being ostracized.”

“But before accepting your surrender, I have two conditions.”

Aoji glanced coldly, “First, where is Chiyo’s mother-in-law?” ”

“The old man is here.”

Chiyo’s mother-in-law came out of the crowd.

Aoji originally thought that she was old enough to be left in Sakura Village, but that night there was no trace of her at all, so he expected her to be recruited into the expedition.

When I see it now, it is.

“I heard that Chiyo’s mother-in-law has a secret technique called rebirth of herself, right?”

Aoji smiled and looked at Chiyo.

“It’s true.”

Chiyo nodded cooperatively.

“Then you can pick out ten of your companions who are present, and you won’t have to do anything for the next month, and you must let them all grasp their own rebirth.”

“It’s simply impossible!”

Chiyo’s mother-in-law was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help but say, “Rebirth is not a low-level ninjutsu, a month is simply not enough, and why should so many people learn this ninjutsu, are you…”

“You don’t have a choice!”

Aoji coldly interrupted Chiyo’s mother-in-law, “I can honestly tell you that my purpose is to use them to exchange my life for my life when needed. ”

“All I ask for is ten people, and ten people’s lives can be exchanged for the peace of all.”

“Isn’t that good enough?”

Aoji smiled sarcastically again, “Aren’t you already used to sacrificing your own people anyway?” At that time, as the hero of the sand ninja, Ye Cang was not betrayed by you to Kirisame Village after changing hands? What is so difficult about putting together ten sacrifices now? ”

As soon as she heard Aoji mention this old story, Chiyo’s mother-in-law was dumbfounded.

That incident was indeed an eternal stain on the village of Shayin.

“If you think a month is too hasty, if you think this secret art is too difficult to learn, then try to pick out some geniuses, after all, my conditions cannot be changed.” 」

“If you can’t do that, then the victims aren’t just ten.”

“I see……”

At this time, Chiyo’s mother-in-law suddenly sensed Aoji’s intentions, he not only wanted to create ten life-for-life tool people, but also wanted to cut off the talents of the next generation of sand ninja!

Such a fact made her feel endless humiliation in her heart! The humiliation of being a prisoner of the order!

Even if you know that the other party has a sinister intention, you don’t have the right to refuse at all!

“Well, you say, say…”

Chiyo’s mother-in-law suppressed her grief and indignation, and said hesitantly, “What is the second condition?!” ”

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