Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 10 People who shouldn't exist

Under the dark night, the pale moonlight shone on the face of the Uchiha clan who had captured him.

Combined with his evil smile, it looked very eerie, making the already timid Senju Itama shiver uncontrollably, and his mouth blocked by foreign objects could only make a whine.

"Little devil of the Senju family, if I were you, I would eat it now."

The Uchiha "devil" in front of him looked at him and rolled his dead fish eyes and said.

Hearing this, Senju Itama subconsciously licked the thing in his mouth with his tongue, and the tip of his tongue responded with a salty fragrance.

Then he bit it hard and found that the thing could be bitten. After chewing it carefully for a few times, he found that the thing in his mouth was actually jerky.

Senju Itama, who had not eaten for two days, did not care whether the food given to him by the enemy was poisonous or not, and chewed it in big mouthfuls, and ate a large piece of jerky into his stomach in no time.

After finishing the meal, he smacked his lips and asked with a lingering feeling,

"Anything else?"

Hearing that this captive was so shameless, Uchiha Gin's forehead was choked with anger, and then he slapped his black and white head.

"Little brat, don't you understand the situation?"

"The Senju clan will never be slaves! If you have the guts, just kill me, and my father and brother will avenge me." Senju Itama was also tough.

Looking at the expression of the little brat in front of him who was ready to die, Uchiha Gin, who had wanted to tease him, suddenly felt bored.

In his previous life, he also had brothers and sisters. A boy as old as Senju Itama probably watched cartoons and ate snacks every day, and lived a carefree and happy childhood. But in this era, such a young child has already killed or been killed on the battlefield.

"What a disgusting era."

Uchiha Gin, who felt a little heavy, was moved.

After all, he was a modern person with normal values ​​a few days ago. It is impossible for him to be assimilated into this era all of a sudden. It is too strange for the protagonist who can adapt to the new rules just after crossing over!

"Ah, what are you talking about? I tell you, I won't say a word about the information of the family!"

Senju Banjian, who guessed that the other party captured him to torture the information of the Senju clan, still said stubbornly, and his small face revealed the maturity that he should not have at his age.

"What a self-righteous brat."

Uchiha Gin suddenly looked down at him, with a cold breath in his eyes. Senju Banjian, who was stared at by him, felt scared, but the pride from the blood of the Senju clan made him look at the Uchiha in front of him stubbornly.

"Very good eyes, we won't kill you for now, but don't think about running away."


"Of course, don't think about committing suicide, because if you die, we can only catch your brother again."


Looking at the biting eyes of the little ghost in front of him, Uchiha Yin slowly squatted down, got closer and whispered in his ear,

"Little ghost, you don't want your brother to be caught by us because of you, right?"

Like the whisper of an ancient god, Senju Banjian was confused for a while, and the resistance that had just risen was instantly disintegrated.

"I hope you cooperate well. The royal Uchiha clan has always treated prisoners well, and maybe they will let you live in the end." Uchiha Yin continued to bewitch.

"Can you promise?" After a moment of silence, Senju Banjian raised his head, his small face full of determination.

"I swear on the honor of the Uchiha ancestors." Anyway, the ancestor is now shrinking in the body of Uchiha Madara, and he swears that Uchiha Yin has no burden in his heart.

"A-choo." A hedgehog-headed boy who was practicing skipping stones by the river suddenly felt a chill on his back and sneezed violently.

Next to him, a mushroom-headed boy was teaching him how to throw stones to the other side. Seeing him suddenly sneeze, he asked with concern,

"Are you okay? Don't worry if you can't throw it over. You have to find the feeling of pulling upwards."

"It's all your fault that you, a weird guy, stand behind me. I have a super sensitive physique that makes people standing behind me unable to pee!"


The scolded mushroom-headed boy sat down on the ground depressed.

[Two entangled people, fateful encounter, the era of ninjas begins here]

Senju Itama compromised. Now the other party is holding his weakness. The young boy can't analyze whether the other party's words are true or false like his precocious second brother Senju Tobirama.

If Uchiha Gin said that to Senju Tobirama just now, he probably wouldn't see the sun the next day.

Because Senju Banjian took the initiative to cooperate, Uchiha Gin removed the iron chain on him. After all, he had been carrying this kid on his back, and the iron chain weighing more than ten pounds was a burden.

Retracting the scroll also greatly reduced the burden, and then simply tied Senju Banjian's hands with a rope.

The other party must not be allowed to sleep in the tent, so Uchiha Gin circled a piece of open space behind the tent and inserted a wooden stake. He tied Senju Banjian to the stake in the same way that Hatake Wuwukai tied Naruto when he first tested the seventh class.

Uchiha Gin, who had settled everything, was a little tired, and the next step was to go back to the tent to rest.

While thinking about how to trick Uchiha Dalang into a "battle" with him tomorrow and get some mental energy from the Heart Steel Treasure Box, he stretched his body.

Just as he was about to go back to the tent after going out of the open space behind the tent, he suddenly found that the surrounding atmosphere stagnated and felt that someone was spying behind him.

He subconsciously looked back at the stake where Senju Itama was tied. In the dark night, a figure stood silently on the stake, and Senju Itama, who was tied to the stake, had long disappeared.

"Enemy attack!"

Uchiha Gin's pupils were shocked. This mysterious man could actually appear in their camp quietly, and was not discovered by Uchiha Fenghuo with three magatama.

He wanted to shout a warning and call the surrounding Uchiha people at the first time, but a ray of moonlight sprinkled down, and the other party's figure was also revealed.

Watching the other party's veil slowly lifted from the night, Uchiha Gin wanted to shout out the words stuck in his throat.

The person in front of him shocked Uchiha Gin, who had never been surprised since he traveled through time, as if he was struck by thunder. A cold current ran from his heels to his forehead. As the moonlight completely penetrated the black shadow, Uchiha Gin revealed the identity of the visitor with a dry mouth.

"It's impossible for Uchiha to fight seven alone. It's impossible for you to exist in this era. Could it be the dragon vein?"

The black-haired young man in black and red cloud clothes stood there quietly with his eyes closed. There were two deep lines on his pale and handsome face. He wore a forehead protector that didn't belong to this era, and a scratch on it was clearly visible.

Uchiha Gin, who had read and watched Naruto for many years, recognized the man at a glance as Uchiha Itachi, the man who was indispensable to the life of the heroine, the second pillar in the original work.

Uchiha Gin was shocked, but he didn't forget to fill in his mind. Could it be that the Akatsuki organization also discovered the dragon vein deep in Loulan, and Uchiha Itachi was sent to this era by the dragon vein?

Seeing that Uchiha Itachi didn't speak or move, Uchiha Gin was about to call Uchiha Fenghuo and others.

At this moment, the young man on the wooden stake slowly opened his eyes, and a pair of shuriken-like Sharingan emitted a faint light.

A strange scene happened around Uchiha Gin, and the white moon in the sky seemed to disappear.

A scarlet full moon rose in the sky, and then the whole space around him was filled with blood-red, and an oppressive breath came to his face.

In the moment of unconsciousness, Uchiha Gin felt as if he was hung high up by someone, and in the blink of an eye, he was tied to a cross.

"Blood moon, cross. Could it be???"

Uchiha Gin, who came back to his senses, was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He had seen all this in books, but it was the first time he experienced it in person.


Uchiha Gin looked up and looked around. One by one, Uchiha Itachi slowly appeared, each holding a samurai sword in his hand. One of them said expressionlessly,

"In the world of Tsukuyomi, space, time and mass are all under my control. In the next 72 hours, I will keep stabbing you with a knife."

With the sound of the knife tip piercing into flesh and blood, the entire Tsukuyomi space was filled with Uchiha Gin's helpless and miserable screams.

In his previous life, Uchiha Gin, who had mobilized a large number of troops even for a scratch, was close to collapse.

Even though he knew it was an illusion, the pain from the knife slashing his body was real, and every stab made him tremble with pain.

The characteristics of the illusion space prevented him from fainting from the pain, and he could only watch the blood hole that had just healed a second ago being stabbed with a sharp knife again.

Uchiha Gin was in so much pain that he burst into tears and even lost control of his bowels and bladder. He didn't know how long it had been, and when he thought the time was up, a ghostly voice came to his ears:

"There are still seventy-one hours."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Uchiha Gin's wailing continued.

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