Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 152: Finishing, unexpected wealth (two in one)


Uchiha Izuna looked at the cold and sharp wooden branches above her head, closed her eyes subconsciously, and her mind started to play all kinds of people and things that she had experienced in the past ten years or so.

The faces of his father, brother, comrades, and many other people flashed rapidly in his mind, and finally his eyes focused on a pile of indescribable books.

ε=(ο`*))) Well, after I die, what should I do with those treasures? If they are dug out by others when sorting out my belongings, wouldn’t my reputation be ruined in one day?


Just when Uchiha Izuna was thinking wildly and waiting for death, he found that the wooden branch above his head had not yet fallen. At the same time, his brother's surprised voice came to his ears. He opened his eyes in confusion, but saw what he saw. An unforgettable scene,

At some point, the dull-looking Uchiha Gin's eyes regained their sparkle. At this moment, he was standing in front of him like a majestic mountain.

Stretching out his hands, he firmly pressed against the sharp wooden branch in Senju Hashirama's hand. Even though his palm was pierced by the wooden branch, he did not retreat at all. The bright red blood gurgled along his elbows and formed a line at his feet. creek.

"Hey, little cousin, have you seen my eldest cousin's heroic appearance?"

I saw Uchiha Gin turning his head slightly, with three magatama slowly turning in his scarlet eyes. With a forced smile in his eyes, he opened his mouth and asked in a casual tone,

"Cousin! Well, I just closed my eyes."

The excited Izuna's eyes turned red, and tears rolled in her dark eyes. When she heard Uchiha Gin's words, her mind couldn't keep up with the rhythm for a while. After hesitating, she told the truth.

"Tsk! This is one of the few bright moments of my cousin, and you actually missed it!"

There was smoke coming from Uchiha Ginki's head. His little cousin was not strong enough. If he had watched his superb performance carefully, his eyes might have been opened just now.

"Cousin, run away!"

Uchiha Madara, who was tightly bound on the side, witnessed Uchiha Gin risking his life to block it. Seeing that his own brother was safe for the time being, he first breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Uchiha Gin whose hands were full of blood, and hurriedly urged,

When Uchiha Gin heard Uchiha Madara's words, he raised his eyebrows and raised his hand holding the wooden branch.


With a crisp sound, the wooden branch growing in Senju Hashirama's hand was cut off by Uchiha Gin.

Shaking away the blood on his palms, Uchiha Gin raised his hands and made a classic hand gesture. He stared at Senju Hashirama with a surprised look on his face and said,

"Haha, how can an elder brother leave his younger brother and run away alone?"

"Big cousin, you are no match for him!"

Seeing that Uchiha Gin had no intention of running away, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna became a little anxious.

They know the strength of their eldest cousin very well. Even if he explodes now, dealing with the Senju Hashirama in front of them is just a mayfly shaking the tree, and the effort is in vain.

But at this time, Uchiha Gin could no longer listen to any dissuasion. A pair of dead fish eyes were full of fighting spirit. He glanced at the Senju brothers in front of him. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he slowly uttered a few words,

"Prisoners, watch out, this is my cousin's youth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Gin burst out with an astonishing aura, and blue chakra slowly emerged from his body visible to the naked eye. Senju Hashirama across from him frowned and couldn't help but say,

"I didn't expect you, a guy, to have such a trump card?"

"Come and fight!"

Uchiha Gin stared at Senju Hashirama in front of him, stretched out a hand to challenge,

"You have no shame in your words and become the nourishment for my Mu Dun!"

Senju Hashirama smiled disdainfully, clapped his hands, and countless branches rose from the ground, sweeping towards Uchiha Gin with great momentum.

"Don't think you're the only one who knows this technique."

Uchiha Gin's eyes were focused, and he also used the technique of clapping his hands. A wooden branch that was exactly the same as Senju Hashirama emerged from the ground and rushed towards the menacing wooden branch.


The moment the two moving seas of trees collided, a huge sound was produced. Countless branches were entangled together, refusing to give way to each other, and the scene reached a deadlock.

"Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"

Senju Hashirama saw that the attack failed, and summoned a ferocious wooden dragon with his backhand. He stood on the dragon's head, opened his big mouth, and ran over Uchiha Gin who was struggling to support himself.

"Cousin, be careful!"

The two captured brothers watched intently as their usually indifferent eldest cousin played chess with Senju Hashirama.

They never dreamed that Uchiha Gin would be able to fight evenly with his opponent, and a glimmer of hope arose in their hearts.

"Hmph! Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"

Uchiha Gin looked up and saw the wooden dragon with its bloody mouth open. He did not show any panic. He snorted coldly and refined the chakra in his body. A wooden dragon of the same size rose up from the ground and faced him without any timidity. He rushed towards the wooden dragon between the Senju Pillars.


There was a loud noise, and the two huge wooden dragons collided, entangled and biting each other, with the intention of fighting to the death.

"It's interesting. Apart from Motor, the Uchiha clan also has interesting guys like you!"

Senju Hashirama, who was too deeply involved in the drama, clasped his hands together, his face full of excitement, stared at Uchiha Gin, and shouted loudly,


Uchiha Gin smiled disdainfully and said nothing, as if he was full of confidence and fearless.


Although the two seemed to be on par, the sharp-eyed Uchiha Madaras judged from Uchiha Gin's slightly trembling feet and sweaty back that their eldest cousin was most likely at the end of his strength. In order to protect them, he kept gritting his teeth and persisting.

"Brother, stop playing around and just take him away!"

Little Baimao, who was watching the show with his arms folded, saw that the time was almost right and reminded him loudly.


Senju Hashirama took a few steps back, his eyes turned into determination, he looked at the three people in front of him, and slowly spoke,

"Moda, no one wants this to happen."

"Haxi hot mom!"

Uchiha Madara, whose whole body was wrapped in wooden branches, only his mouth was still hard.

"Wooden Release: Wooden Man's Technique!"

The fat Arhat giant appeared again, and Uchiha Madara's eyelids jumped, recalling the fear of being dominated by this big guy.

"Cousin, it's better to run away, you are no match for him!"

Looking at the huge arhat covering the sky and the sun, Uchiha Madara finally gave up hope and advised Uchiha Gin,

"Cousin, no matter what difficulties you encounter, don't be afraid, face it with a smile."

Unexpectedly, at this point, Uchiha Gin was still preaching to him.

Uchiha Gin's eyes became determined, and his clasped hands glowed with green light. He took one last look at the Uchiha Madara brothers and said with certainty,

"The best way to defeat fear is to face it, come on!"

"Cousin, no!"

Seeing Uchiha Gin speeding towards the Arhat Giant, the restrained Uchiha Izuna used his last strength to shout,

"Mr. Silver, no!"

In the corner, the trapped girl's eyes were full of worry.

A strange-looking flashlight emerged from the palms of his hands. After holding it in his hands, Uchiha Gin burst out with majestic chakra. He raised the flashlight and slowly said three words,


Dazzling green light enveloped Uchiha Gin's body, and then a big hand rose up from the ground with bursts of smoke, holding him in the palm of his hand. As the smoke rose higher, a strange-looking figure stood at the waist. Between heaven and earth.

"This is???"

Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna looked stunned at the green giant that appeared out of thin air.

Okay, okay, when did my eldest cousin get this thing? He didn’t let us play with it, right?

"Wash your socks!"

The turquoise giant that appeared on the scene made a weird starting gesture, with a pair of big oval-like eyes, staring straight at the Arhat wooden figure between the Thousand-Armed Pillars, stretched out a hand, and made a provocative movement .

[Ultra Provocation]

"Ah! Come on!"

Seeing the provocative gesture, Senju Hashirama seemed to have stirred some nerve, urging the Wood Escape Arhat Giant to rush towards the emaciated giant.


Huge battles are always accompanied by smoke and violent explosions. The two giants fought like this in front of everyone's astonished eyes.

Because they are both wood escape creatures, the ability to absorb chakra cancels out each other like a tug of war. The two giant guys can only fight with the most primitive hand-to-hand combat. You punch and I kick, and for a while, wood chips are flying in the sky.

"Cousin, can you do it?"

Uchiha Izuna, who was staring at the fierce battle between the two giants, said worriedly,

"Believe me cousin, don't forget, he is still an Uchiha."

Uchiha Madara expressed relief, his eyes also attracted by the battle. Such a huge battle had a huge impact on him, and it once made him wonder if his usual battles were child's play.

"Yes, my eldest cousin also has the Sharingan!"

Thinking of the pupil technique that the Uchiha clan is proud of, Uchiha Izuna couldn't help but feel a little more confident.


The two actually clenched their fists and reached a stalemate, and the scene fell into a deadlock of wrestling.

"Hey hey hey, is it almost done?"

Senju Hashirama, who stood on the head of Arhat, had a strange look on his face and was communicating with Uchiha Gin opposite him in his mind.

"Tsk! Why don't you stop it all at once? Who told you to start a huge war? Who can withstand this?"

Uchiha Gin said in his heart that no boy could refuse the temptation of a huge battle.

[Ninja Technique: The Art of Mind-opening]

This is one of the relatively useless skills that Uchiha Gin developed in the backyard, but it works well for encrypting conversations and will not allow other people to read your lips.

"Hurry up! I really don't want to continue playing Bai Mao~"

Senju Tobirama joins the chat group.

"Ahem, everyone performed well. There has been no NG. Especially you, Hashirama. Although you added scenes without permission, your performance was very smooth and natural, and you portrayed the characters in a profound way. It deserves encouragement!"

The original owner, Gin Uchiha (director), who was sitting on the sidelines, also joined the chat group and began to summarize before finalization.

"What about me?"

Senshou Tobirama was in the group @director and asked very excitedly,

"In terms of forehead, Typhoon is as stable as ever. There are no mistakes, but there is nothing outstanding. The performance is quite satisfactory. Next time, remember to add a little more understanding, so that the drama will be wider."

"Haha, then I don't even need it."

Uchiha Gin sent a smiling emoticon to the group, preparing to brag, but was interrupted by Uchiha Gin (director).

"Ontology, as the male lead, you don't go online until most of the story. You can interact with the four groups of Ji Tou at the beginning to win everyone's attention. Okay~, you don't do this kind of explosive point, let's talk about it later. When, you can clearly make a show with your eyes, but you continue to be indifferent and pretend to be dead."

"My method of acting is called Down syndrome. Director, do you understand? My empty and dull eyes, don't I interpret the despair of a character who has been tortured and humiliated?"

When he heard that his superb acting skills were questioned by the director, Uchiha Gin immediately became unhappy and retorted,

"Huh? You're still performing Tang's syndrome, your pure corpse-laying performance, just this once. Next time, get as far away as you can. I don't want to see a guy like you without the spirit of an actor!"


Uchiha Gin cursed and quit the temporarily formed crew chat group, and blocked the director at the same time.

The screen returns to the battlefield.

The two Wood Escape giants were still in a stalemate, and the debris from the friction on their palms fell to the ground.

Senju Hashirama, who had a deep gaze, suddenly gave the opposite Uchiha Gin a cryptic look. He immediately received the message and had a certain idea in his heart.

Everyone present watched the two giants wrestling nervously, and the sweat on their palms dripped to the ground.

Suddenly, they discovered that Uchiha Gin jumped out from the round bulge on the skinny giant's chest, punched straight towards Senju Hashirama's body, and the giant behind him began to fall apart as he left.

"Ha! Let me just say, my strategy is right!"

Uchiha Madara couldn't help laughing when he saw Uchiha Gin taking Senju Hashirama,

"Eat my big illusion!"

Flying in the air, Uchiha Gin was afraid that the people around him wouldn't hear, so he used all his strength to shout at the top of his lungs.

"Big cousin! Come on!"

Hearing Uchiha Gin's shout, several Uchiha present sympathized with each other and looked excitedly at the figure with cold and obscure power rising all over his body, hoping that he could use the power of his family to defeat the invincible Senju Hashirama.

Intimidate thousands of hands and exaggerate the prestige of our clan!

"Brother, be careful, look away!"

The little white-haired Senju Tobirama is playing for himself below. It seems that the director's words just now worked. This guy is also a talent.

Senju Hashirama heard his brother's reminder and without hesitation locked his eyes on Uchiha Gin's lower body. At the same time, he charged up his fists, preparing to shock this hard-won target with some strange power.

"Where are you looking?"

Just when Senju Hashirama was about to punch Uchiha Gin who was about to fall in front of him, a frivolous figure sounded in his ears, making his hair stand on end instantly.


He had just turned his head halfway when a fist packed with strange power hit his honest and handsome face, and his face was instantly distorted.


Uchiha Izuna looked at Uchiha Gin who fluttered a shot, and shouted excitedly.


Uchiha Madara looked at the two people on top of the wooden figure with some worry. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh!


As Senju Hashirama was punched down by Uchiha Gin, "Uchiha Gin" who was still free falling in the air turned into a dead tree and fell to the ground.

Senju Hashirama, whose face was overwhelmed by the strange power, was like a cannonball, hitting the open space in the distance at an extremely fast speed, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, Senju Hashirama was lying on his side in the pit in the same lying position as Yamcha, unconscious and not knowing whether he was alive or dead.


Uchiha Gin knelt on one knee on top of the Arhat wooden figure, breathing heavily, but there was uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

Done! It will be finished soon!


The Arhat giant under his feet began to slowly collapse as his master was defeated. Gin Uchiha, who barely stood up, jumped off the giant and landed next to the unconscious Senju Hashirama, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

"Big cousin Niu B! Kill that guy quickly!"

Uchiha Izuna looked at Uchiha Gin who was standing at the end, couldn't hold back the joy in her heart, and shouted at him,

Big cousin, YYDS!

"Cousin, wait."

Uchiha Madara on the side was in a dilemma. He wanted to speak but didn't know where to start.

If someone wants to kill you, why don't you show mercy? Don't be so vicious, okay?

Uchiha Gin looked at Senju Hashirama who fell to the ground with gurgling eyes, and drew out the long decorative knife from his back, preparing to kill this guy.

"Ha ha!"

Uchiha Izuna couldn't help laughing when he looked at the long sword radiating cold light, and the curved corners of his mouth could no longer be suppressed.

"Mr. Silver, he actually won!"

Uchiha Governance in the corner had a pair of beautiful eyes full of surprise. Seeing that Uchiha Gin was safe and sound, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Wait, why is it that Senju Hashirama has fallen to the ground and the restraints on his body have not been lifted yet.

Among the three people present who were bound by the wood release, Izuna was excitedly watching the execution and had long forgotten who was responsible for the restraints on his body. Uchiha Madara was thinking about the battle between heaven and man in his mind, and for a moment he also forgot about the wooden branches tightly wrapped around his body.

"Mr. Silver, be careful!"

The girl didn't care about the restraints of thorns on her body. Even though she was pricked by a wooden branch and bleeding, she still stood up tenaciously. Using all her strength, she shouted to Uchiha Gin who raised the knife,

"Huh? What is Xiaozhi talking about?"

Uchiha Gin knew this, but he still turned his head in confusion.

The next scene made the originally happy people feel as if their hearts were falling into an ice cellar.


Hearing a dull sound, Uchiha Gin felt a pain in his chest. He lowered his head in confusion, only to see a sharp blade emerging from his chest. The dazzling cold light made him unable to open his eyes.


A puff of smoke rose, and the Senju Hashirama lying in the hole in front of him turned into a piece of dead wood.


Blood spurted out from Uchiha Gin's mouth, and he turned his head slightly. Behind him, Senju Hashirama, who looked slightly embarrassed, was holding a long knife behind his back. His eyes were closed tightly, showing no emotion.

"I was stabbed in the back"

"I'm sorry, my dream has not been realized yet, so I can't fall here."

Before going offline, Senju Hashirama did not forget to add drama to his character.

Uchiha Gin slowly fell to the ground, and the blood flowing from his chest slowly spread out, like a poignant oil painting, filled with the sadness of the ending.


After a short period of silence on the battlefield, three waves of chakra suddenly rose into the sky, mixed with cold and obscure eye power, making everyone present feel chilled.

"Haha, cousin, stop making trouble and stand up quickly."

The first person to speak was Uchiha Izuna, who lowered his head. He laughed a few times in a hoarse voice. He slowly raised his head and murmured to Uchiha Gin's body, hoping that the other party would be like him. It's like playing a duel game. You fall down and say a few dirty words and then stand up.

Two bloody tears flowed down Uchiha Izuna's cheeks. The pupils that were dark just now have turned scarlet. A coquettish and strange pattern slowly rotated in them. As he spoke, cold power condensed behind him. It seemed as if he was about to escape from his body in the next moment.

"Ha! Hi! Hot! Mom!"

Uchiha Madara, however, stared intently at Senju Hashirama, whose hands were stained with Uchiha Gin's blood. Even though his eyes were covered with blood, he did not blink. Now he only had endless regret in his heart.

If he had been stronger, Uchiha Gin would not have died. He had just vowed to protect his brother, but in the blink of an eye, he was separated forever.

A deep sense of powerlessness filled his heart with regret. As his emotions amplified, the three magatama in his eyes slowly transformed into an equally coquettish and strange pattern.

"Fake, all fake"

The girl in the corner was bleeding from thorns all over her body. Her long purple hair was wet with sweat. Her beautiful eyes were now vacant and lifeless. She could not stop mumbling as she looked at the silent Uchiha Gin in the distance. muttering to himself,

As the hole in the girl's heart widened, her eyes turned scarlet, and the three young magatama spun rapidly. When the emotion in her heart reached its peak, the shackles in her blood were quietly broken.

Two bloody tears slowly flowed down, and the three magatama disappeared, turning into a scarlet clover, with a hint of mystery mixed in the coldness.

Uchiha Ginqiao, who was lying on the ground in suspended animation, opened one eye and sensed the status of several people on the field.

When he saw that his little apprentice also had a kaleidoscope, he was extremely surprised.

What is this? Buy two get one free, windfall?

"Call the director! Call the director! It's time to end!"

Uchiha Gin, who switched back to the chat group again, first blacklisted the director, and then shouted in the group that if he didn't come to end it, the scene would be unstoppable.

You see, my little cousin is almost ready to drive a Gundam, and the little manager seems to be using some strange skills. Someone come quickly!

"Received, received!"

The director, who had been watching the show from a distance, elbowed Uchiha Tajima next to him and said,

"Uncle, it's done!"

"Yeah, I sensed it, but why are there three of them? Did you open it too?"

Uchiha Tajima, who could only see a rough picture, stood up and asked doubtfully,

The huge battle just now made his blood boil. He wanted to observe it carefully, but he accidentally turned on the kaleidoscope, which caused his eyesight to slip a bit and he could not clearly see what happened next.

"I really didn't open it, it was Xiaozhi who opened it."

Uchiha Gin quickly waved his hand, indicating that he would not touch that kind of thing.

"Hey, it seems like your little apprentice is quite interested in you~"

Uchiha Tajima smiled teasingly and elbowed Uchiha Gin, the embarrassment in his eyes was clear.

"Don't talk nonsense. Xiao Zhi and I are innocent. Besides, her mother and I are close friends. How could we do anything else that is arrogant!"

Okay, the Warring States Chapter is almost over (should be).

There are still a few holes that have not been filled in, and the moon wants to go up and have a look~

So, do you want Konoha to be founded, or do you want to play in the Warring States Period for a while~

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