Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 158 Please respect my profession

"Look, Tobirama is no match for me~"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Senju Hashirama used both hands to lift up Senju Tobirama, who was also stunned, and said with a smile to the Senju tribesmen who appeared,

"Huh~ That's right, I'm studying physical skills with my eldest brother."

Senju Tobirama in mid-air imitated the expression he should have, and said with an indifferent expression,

"Why are you here?"

"We just heard a violent explosion near here, so we came to investigate."

The cool and tall woman cupped her hands and reported truthfully,

"Haha! It's okay. Tobirama and I wrestled just now and the noise was a bit loud. You don't need to continue searching."

Senju Hashirama laughed and waved his hand to the woman in front of him to reassure them.

"Well, since that's the case, let's leave first."

A glimmer of light flashed in the woman's eyes, and she took advantage of the opportunity to turn around to release her senses. The result of the detection made her expression relax, so she did not stay any longer and waved her hand to order her subordinates to leave.

"Captain Taohua, why did the clan leader and second leader feel weird just now?"

A member of the Thousand Hands clan next to the woman came over and said,

"Shut up and don't speculate on the clan leader's behavior."

The cold woman named Taohua scolded, but a few doubts appeared in her eyes, but she immediately gave up the thought she had just had.

The chakra of the clan leader and second leader is fine, excluding the possibility of outsiders impersonating them, but

"But why are the two adults with red faces and disheveled tussling in the woods?"

Just as Senju Taohua was thinking, another tribesman said with gossip in his eyes,

"Yes, yes, Lord Tobirama's shirt is missing. It seems that the 'battle' between the two is indeed fierce~"

A girl in the team raised her head, her black pupils were full of pink bubbles, she crossed her hands and said in a strange tone,

"No wonder the patriarch agreed to the Whirlpool clan's regretful behavior. It turns out."


Unexplained strange laughter rippled through the team.

"Oh, you guys!"

Senju Momo looked at the heated exchange between her subordinates, shook her head tiredly, and said in her heart,

The scene just now must be kept secret. If it is reported to the clan, it may cause an uproar.

"Listen carefully, no matter who asks, you must insist that we didn't see anything or meet anyone just now."

Qianju Momo thought again and again, and in order to preserve the reputation of the clan leader, she ordered her chattering subordinates with a serious expression,

"I know captain, good captain!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes"

Everyone accepted it with a smile, and swore to their ancestors that they would never say a single word.

Seeing the cooperation of his subordinates, Senju Momo breathed a sigh of relief and turned around. Just as he was about to take off, he found two familiar figures walking out of the jungle in front of him.

"Head of the clan! Second in charge?"

Qianju Taohua's heart tightened. Could it be that the other party was here to kill people and silence them?

"Ah! Isn't this Taohua? We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Senju Hashirama, who was wearing red armor, saw Senju Mooka leading a group of people discussing something on the spot. Out of curiosity, he stepped forward and said hello.


Senju Momoka and the subordinates behind him all looked confused. Didn't they just meet him just now?

And the two of them changed clothes pretty quickly afterwards.

"What happened to you?"

The thoughtful Qian Shu Feijian noticed something was wrong with the people in front of him. He narrowed his scarlet eyes and asked in a slightly cold tone, with the aura of "If you don't tell me, I have a lot of ways for you to tell me."

Senju Momo felt the coldness in Senju Tobirama's tone, and her heart tightened, and she suddenly started sweating.

It's over. Lord Tobirama is fishing for law enforcement. He wants to see if we are strict enough. If we tell what happened just now, our team may not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"No, no, no, we just went to patrol the front and didn't find anything suspicious."

Senju Momoka, whose mind had turned around, immediately denied it and at the same time made a gesture to his subordinates with his hand behind his back.

"Yes, yes, we found nothing!"

"In this place where birds don't poop, I don't even see a rabbit."

"In this case, you can continue patrolling."

Although he felt that the eyes of these people looking at him were a little strange, seeing that they were of the same race, Senju Tobirama didn't care and waved them away.


As if she had received an amnesty, Qianju Taohua led her men and ran towards the camp without looking back, for fear that the other party would regret it.

"It's strange, Taohua has never been so frizzy before."

Senju Hashirama tilted his head, looked at Senju Momoka's retreating back, and said strangely,

"Brother, let's put aside the clan's chores for the time being. The top priority now is to deal with the Uchiha clan."

Senju Tobirama turned his head and reminded Senju Hashirama, who was looking thoughtful. Then he thought of something, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"That woman Uzumaki Mito actually dares to regret her marriage. Can't Uzumaki Ashina control his precious daughter?"

"Well, I don't want to get married yet~"

"No! You must get married, otherwise your weird thoughts will continue."

Qianshou Feijian gritted his teeth and said,

"Huh? What weird idea?"

Senju Hashirama had a question mark on his face, looking at Senju Tobirama who was lowering his head and thinking hard, he asked aloud,

"Okay! Since the Uzumaki clan regrets their marriage, let's find a suitable one from the clan!"

Senju Tobirama turned a deaf ear to his elder brother's words. Recalling Senju Momoka's appearance just now, his eyes suddenly lit up, he clapped his hands excitedly, and said to himself,


other side.

"What to do? What to do?"

The two people who finally deceived Qianju Taohua were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. Qianju Feijian no longer had the ambition to conquer the world. At this moment, he wished he could slap himself twice and teach himself a lesson for being such a crow. .

"Huh~ There is no other way, only..."

After a brief thought, Senju Hashirama raised his head, his eyes solemn yet majestic, and said to the anxious Senju Tobirama,

"Only what? Do you have any good ideas to remedy this?"

Senju Tobirama stopped pacing, looked at Senju Hashirama who looked confident, and asked doubtfully,

"Hey, leave this mess to the main body~"

Senju Hashirama smiled slyly, took the initiative to cancel his transformation, and disappeared into a wisp of white smoke between heaven and earth.


Senju Tobirama looked at Senju Hashirama running away and clicked his tongue fiercely,

I didn't expect that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes would betray the revolution.

But this also made him figure out that if there is trouble, let the main body wipe his butt. Anyway, he is just a clone, so what do you do with so much free time?

Senju Tobirama, who had a clear mind, felt his heart change, and the seal lifted himself, leaving only a wisp of white smoke to prove that he had been there.

At the same time, in the medical center of the Uchiha tribe.

"Hurry, save my cousin!"

Uchiha Izuna dragged Uchiha Miao, who had not appeared for a long time, and begged with tears in her eyes,

"Young Patriarch, please let go first, so I can't check."

The skinny Uchiha Miao had cold eyes and distanced herself from Uchiha Izunana without any trace.

Um, don't get your snot on my new clothes.

"Quinai, let go."

Uchiha Madara on the side said loudly, Uchiha Miao has the highest medical level in the whole clan now, so don't delay your cousin's rescue opportunity.

"Uchiha Gin, it's been such a long time."

Standing next to Uchiha Gin's bed, the fully armed Uchiha Miao's eyes flashed slightly. After so many years, the disgust in his heart for the person in front of him has faded a lot, and he is not as repulsive as he was in the past few years.

"According to seniority, you still have to call me Second Master."

People tend to chatter when they get older.

While operating the instrument in his hand, Uchiha Miao, who had never talked much, actually started to interact with Uchiha Gin, which made him a little confused as he pretended to be in a coma.

It’s not that the people who were present twelve years ago were subconsciously planted with the idea of ​​hating themselves. Could it be that my uncle’s other gods have expired?

As an outsider, Uchiha Gin didn't have any grudges against the original owner's old sesame and rotten millet matters. On the contrary, he had to thank this behavior for indirectly reducing the difficulty for him to gain strength. It was good that he didn't take any pleasure in it.

"How come you have such strong vitality?"

Uchiha Miao, who had been chattering in Uchiha Gin's ear for a long time, looked at the data of the instrument in his hand, his withered face wrinkled like old tree bark, and whispered in a very confused voice,

Then he checked Uchiha Gin's internal organs and found that they were much stronger than ordinary people. Then the cell test results came out.

"What! The activity of cells is actually so high?"

Looking at the test report in his hand, Uchiha Miao's eyes almost popped out of his head. He had dissected not 10,000 but 8,000 people in his life. This was the first time he had seen such active cells.

With doubts, Uchiha Miao turned around and walked out of the ward, and found Uchiha Tajima and others who were waiting hard. Before the other party could say anything, he took the lead and asked,

"Lord Clan Leader, what happened before Uchiha Gin fell into coma?"


His question was met with silence from everyone.

"Did he eat something strange, or use some special technique?"

Unwilling to give up, Uchiha Miao continued to ask, if he hadn't accidentally eaten something that stimulated the cells, or some kind of secret technique had been used, the activity of the cells would be so high.

Uchiha Tajima said nothing and turned his attention to the two Uchiha Madara brothers. After all, when he appeared on the stage, Uchiha Gin had already begun to act as a corpse.

"Take a step to speak."

Feeling his father's gaze, Uchiha Madara stood up and said to Uchiha Miao, who looked confused,

"My cousin was not unconscious before."

Arriving at a secluded place, Uchiha Madara said slowly,

"I know, so I want to ask Uchiha Gin if he wants to eat it."

Hearing Uchiha Madara's wrong answer, Uchiha Miao frowned and interrupted,

"My cousin died for a while before he fell into coma."

Uchiha Madara ignored Uchiha Miao's words, decided not to be the Riddler, and directly told Uchiha Gin's state before coma,


Hearing this, Uchiha Miao's Sharingan almost popped out. He had previously guessed that Uchiha Gin might have eaten some kind of heavenly material or earthly treasure, or used some enhanced secret technique, but he never expected that the other party would die. resurrection,

"Young Patriarch, please don't insult my profession with such words!"

Uchiha Miao was a bit sluggish. How could such an unscientific thing like resurrection from the dead happen?

Ienagi: I don’t want to lose face? ? ?

"I, Miao Uchiha, am a scientist. I only believe in science in my life!"

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