Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 167 Recognize one's relatives? Ugly rejection!

"Brother, look at the moon tonight. Is it quite round?"

As night fell, outside the Uchiha clan's camp, Uchiha Izuna was lying on the grass, pointing at the full moon hanging in the sky, with longing in her eyes.

The moon exudes gentle light, giving this somber place a moment of tranquility.

"Hey, what's so good about the moon?"

Madara Uchiha, who was on the side, sneered when he heard his brother's childish words and continued to wipe the cold scythe in his hand. Now, he was only interested in Hasi Hot Mom and ignored other things.

"Oh~ It's so boring."

When Uchiha Senna heard her brother's words, she couldn't help curling her lips. The bright moonlight reflected in her black eyes.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he turned his head and said to Madara Uchiha next to him with a mysterious expression,

"Brother, let me tell you a secret."


"I remember one time, my drunk cousin pointed to the moon and said to me that we have relatives up there."

Quan Nai moved over carefully, looked around vigilantly, and quietly shared the secrets she had hidden for many years with her brother.

"Are you an idiot?"

When Uchiha Madara heard this, he stopped moving his hands, looked at his brother with a determined look on his face, and couldn't help but cursed,

"Huh? My eldest cousin never lies to me."

The New Year's money given to him for so many years was not in vain. Uchiha Izuna trusted his amiable eldest cousin from the bottom of his heart.

"Then what do you think those relatives are doing on the moon?"

Looking at his younger brother who behaved childishly, Uchiha Madara sighed in his heart, this kid is already in his twenties, why is he still acting like a child?

"Hey, you've asked the right person. My eldest cousin told me specifically."

Hearing Uchiha Madara's cooperative question, the long-awaited Uchiha Izuna's eyes lit up, and immediately stood up, pointed at the silver-white moon, and said with a smile,

"The relatives on the moon guard a tree, and our ancestors are hung on the tree."

"Stop drinking with your cousin from now on, it hurts your brain."

After a long silence, Uchiha Madara raised his eyes to the full moon in the sky for the first time.

The moon at this time is like a fairy who has walked into the world inadvertently, filled with indescribable beauty.

It does look pretty, but my cousin's story is so poorly told. How could anyone live on the moon?

"I'm looking in the distance, how many dreams are flying freely on the moon~"

In the dense jungle, leisurely humming a familiar divine song, Uchiha Gin sat on the ground. In front of him was an endless lake with sparkling waves and water and sky.

A sun exuding a gentle heat wave hung in the sky not far above our heads. It brought an adaptable temperature and at the same time added vigorous vitality to this paradise. Enjoying a moment of tranquility, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but sigh,

"If nothing else, this place is really a good place for a leisurely vacation."

"Discover. Break into."

Untimely noise broke this rare leisurely moment.


Uchiha Gin rolled his eyes, and the good mood that had just arisen was ruined again. He turned around and threw out a beam of lightning. He only heard a crisp sound and the noise suddenly stopped.

"Oh~ How on earth are we going to go back?"

Uchiha Gin sighed, stood up and patted the dust on his body. A faint blue light appeared in his dark eyes. His vision instantly penetrated the shadows of the trees, trying to find clues to get back.

"Huh? There seems to be a lot of people there. Let's find a local guy to show us the way~"

With the blessing of the mutated white eyes, Uchiha Gin quickly searched for a city in the distance that exuded an ancient atmosphere. He immediately stopped hesitating, kicked his feet hard, and flew in that direction.

Shortly after he left, several figures in robes appeared at the place where Uchiha Gin had stayed.

Looking at the charred earth beneath her feet, a middle-aged woman in the lead felt her heart skip a beat, and her white eyes were filled with deep horror.

"After so many years, there are still intruders from Earth Ninja."

In front of him, hundreds of large wooden puppets used in battles lay scattered.

Some were burnt to charcoal by fire, some were torn into pieces with brute force, and many more were blasted by lightning until their parts were scattered. This kind of method was definitely not from their clan.

"How many people came from the other party, and they were able to destroy so many puppets without leaving any clues afterwards."

From the woman's point of view, although these puppets were mass-produced, their strength was not weaker than that of ordinary tribesmen. Unexpectedly, so many of them were destroyed. It seemed that the intruders were definitely prepared.

"You guys stay here to continue the investigation. I'll go back and report to the clan leader first."

With a sense of crisis in her heart, the woman turned around and told the tribesmen behind her to make arrangements, while she was riding a small suspended airship and speeding towards the sky.

"Tsk! Why is it an empty city? There isn't even a dog."

Within a moment, Uchiha Gin arrived at his destination and wandered around this lifeless city, but found no trace of any living person.

"Sigh~ It seems that no one has lived there for at least hundreds of years. It will be difficult now~"

He stretched out his hand and touched the faded wall, and found that these once extremely hard rocks were easily broken at the touch. He then sighed, dusted off the dust in his hand, and said disappointedly,


A vague voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

"I can only find it elsewhere~"

Uchiha Gin followed the correct guide to escape from ghost movies and ignored the hazy voice in his ear.


The voice in his ear became clearer and more impatient.

"Baiyan, open!"

Uchiha Gin's ears were selectively deaf, and he refined the chakra to his eyes. The white eyes with a blue halo appeared again.

"Stranger. Dear! You are finally here!"

The impatient voice in his ear changed its tone instantly with the opening of Uchiha Gin's white eyes, and became a flattering tone, which kept chattering in his ears.


Uchiha Gin tilted his head, raised his eyebrows nervously, and asked a soul-searching question.

"Ahem, I am so abrupt. Dear ones from the earth, please move to the inner hall."

The voice that had a very bad attitude just now changed to a cautious tone, and pointed out a path with chakra in the vision of Uchiha Gin's white eyes.


Uchiha Gin, who sensed the change in the other party's attitude, no longer pretended to be deaf and dumb. He ran along the direction indicated by the chakra, passed through a secret door below, and came to a dark hall.

"Huh~ Why is it so gloomy here?"

The dark hall, under the normal vision, is pitch dark, but fortunately with the help of the white eyes, everything around is clear at a glance.

Uchiha Gin looked at the small bulges in front of him, and subconsciously got goose bumps. Is this a cemetery?

"Hey, hey, is there anyone alive?"

Uchiha Gin sensed that there was no breath of life around him, and the chill in his heart became stronger, so he politely said hello,

"No one, I'm leaving~"

Seeing that the surroundings were still silent, Uchiha Gin chose to run away directly. If he stayed in such a place for a long time, his vigorous yang energy would be exhausted.

"Wait, relatives from the earth ninja."

Just as Uchiha Gin turned around, a cold voice sounded in the darkness,

Accompanied by the voice, a trance figure slowly walked out. It was a long-haired man with his eyes closed. The voice just now came from his mouth,

"Hello, but you recognized the wrong person, I don't have such an ugly relative."

Uchiha Gin looked at the other person's not outstanding old face with disdain, and said in a slightly euphemistic tone,

Our Uchiha clan's appearance is still very durable. It's really embarrassing for you to be relatives with such a look.


The long-haired man heard Uchiha Gin's words, and the speech he had just prepared was aborted.

Although he couldn't see the other person's appearance now, he could already imagine the face of the person in front of him who deserved a beating.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, the long-haired man organized his words and continued to speak,

"My dear, although I don't know how you came to us, as a descendant of the ancestor, please listen to me"

"No, no."

"Listen to me."

"Turtle chanting sutra~"


The long-haired man's face, which was originally lifeless, was now full of black air. Looking at Uchiha Gin who was covering his ears and shaking his head, he slowly opened his tightly closed eyes.

"Where are your eyes?"

Uchiha Gin, who was covering his ears, saw the man's eyes open and were pitch black, so he stopped talking and asked with a frown,

"Can you listen now?"

"Okay, you are the most blind, just say it~"

Although he knew the general idea, Uchiha Gin still gave the NPC face, after all, the other party's purpose of appearing was here,

"Dear relatives of the earth ninja, do you know who we are?"

"You can skip this part, if you have something to say, don't use the original water words Count." Uchiha Gin rolled his eyes again, and said to the bitter long-haired man with an impatient face, "Huh?" His full manuscript was aborted again, but it was his duty to explain it to this guy clearly, "We are" "Stop talking nonsense, just say who you want to kill!" Uchiha Gin, who was thinking about the speed run map, waved his hand to interrupt the other party's lengthy introduction, and hoped that the other party could get straight to the point, he just wanted to finish the game and go home. "Ugh~"

Uchiha Gin's words made the long-haired man choke and almost resurrect on the spot. He stretched out his hand, dug out a purple ball of light from his throat, and smashed it hard on the ground.

"I won't say anything! Whoever wants to say it can say it!"

The long-haired man looked like he was going to lose it. He lay down in a stone coffin beside him angrily, and took the initiative to knock the coffin lid on it with his hands. At the end, he didn't forget to add,

"No matter how pure your Byakugan is, it's useless if your brain is not right!"

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