Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 174: Lao Deng's Relics, the Mysterious Figure

As the artificial sun inside the moon gradually dims, night falls slowly for the Otsutsuki clan.

In the black sky, floating islands with lights on them are like twinkling stars, bringing a touch of different color to this monotonous world.

In the palace of Otsutsuki Biluo.


As the door to the dormitory was gently closed by the black puppet, on the huge bed in the middle of the room, Uchiha Gin, who had just been sleeping soundly, slowly opened his eyes.

After sensing it, I found that the puppet chakra was still waiting at the door, with a glint in his eyes.

Under the covers, he quietly formed a seal, and a green wooden branch grew out of Uchiha Gin's body, and then turned into a clone exactly like him.

"That's no problem~"

After Uchiha Gin settled the wooden clone, he was thinking about how to sneak out of this room that was under surveillance.

Excessive violence can easily scare off the enemy. If I had known better, I would have lowered my face and asked my second uncle to learn the puppetry technique of the Otsutsuki clan. Then I would not be as comfortable as a fish in water in a place full of puppets.

Sigh~ In this situation, we can't let him use Sharingan to hypnotize a puppet, right?

Just as he was thinking hard, he looked at the black reflection on the ground and slapped his forehead suddenly.

"How could I forget such an important thing!"

Uchiha Gin, who just said that the Sharingan was useless, slowly turned scarlet in his eyes. The three mysterious magatama slowly rotated, and an obscure and dark aura quietly overflowed.

Feeling the majestic power in his eyes, Uchiha Gin quietly closed his eyes and activated the power hidden deep in his eyes.

The power that was given contained Uchiha Yao's ultimate power of regret and love.


When he opened his eyes again, the patterns on Uchiha's silver eyes had changed, and one of them turned into his own magatama kaleidoscope.

The other one turned into an equilateral triangle, dotted with black dots in the middle.

As the eyes change, the obscure aura just now becomes thicker,

"Sure enough, the pressure of the Eternal Eye is much stronger than that of an ordinary kaleidoscope."

The pupil power unique to the eternal eye exudes bursts of strange aura,

One of them, without Uchiha Gin's knowledge, seemed to be guided by something, penetrated through the layers of surroundings, and penetrated into the moon's crust.

"Lao Deng, Lao Deng, your gift is really not bad~"

Sensing the kaleidoscope that originally belonged to Uchiha Yao, Uchiha Gin sighed in surprise,

Don't worry, Uchiha Yao's pupil technique was just like what he once introduced.

The most important ability of Yiliang is to create a clone with simple consciousness, which can help the host perform a series of shady operations such as spying on intelligence and assassination.

At the same time, the pupil technique allows the owner to control the shadow and rely on the shadow to achieve the purpose of hiding. The shadow can also be turned into a weapon, giving the enemy a surprise blow at the critical moment.

"Use your power to sneak out first!"

Although it is the first time to operate this unfamiliar kaleidoscope, such a simple thing,

For Uchiha Gin, who has a variety of eye skills, it is just a piece of cake.

After a little practice, Uchiha Gin has become proficient in operating Shadow.

I saw the triangle in Uchiha's silver eyes rotating slightly, and a shadow appeared under his feet. The black shadow was like a huge mouth of the abyss, slowly sucking him into it,

The scene looked very scary, but his face was not only calm, but also slightly excited.

【Shadow Gap】

This is the ability that Gin Uchiha used when he first faced off against the two clones.

It can generate a shadow area under the feet of the host or clone. Entering it is like entering a shadow.

The movement distance in the Shadow Realm corresponding to the surface world is determined by the host's chakra.

Back when Uchiha Yao "manipulated" the clone of Nengliang to see him, the distance that Nengliang used the shadow gap was very short, and the time was not long. This was all due to Laoden's old age and physical weakness.

"Tsk! It's quite magical. I didn't expect that Yi Liang could open this kind of space."

Uchiha Gin is walking in a world of black and white. Things here are exactly the same as the outside world, but there is less color.

At this moment, Uchiha Gin is the only colored thing in this space.

As Uchiha Gin walked out of Otsutsuki Biluo's palace as if there was no one around, he turned to look at the black and white guard at the door, with some thoughts in his eyes.

This space looks very real, but I wonder if it can have an impact on the surface world?

With a rigorous scientific research spirit, Uchiha Gin reached out and pulled out the head of the guard puppet in the Shadow Realm.


In the outside world, two puppet guards stood motionless at the entrance of the palace. Just when everything was extremely calm, one of the puppets suddenly seemed to have some malfunction.

The yellow eyes flickered on and off, and then seemed to freeze, the light in the eyes dimmed, and then fell down and stopped moving.

"It's actually possible!"

Uchiha Gin looked at the puppet head in his hand with some surprise. He thought everything in the Shadow Realm was false.

But from the feedback from the surface world, he learned that the puppet guard fell suddenly at the same time, and his body and head were separated.


Just when Uchiha Gin was overjoyed, a strong sense of exhaustion suddenly surged into his heart, almost making his feet weak.

Fortunately, with the support of his strong physique, he did not fall down in embarrassment. Feeling that a section of his body was hollowed out in an instant, he was so horrified that he couldn't help but take a breath.

Just that move just now was able to suck out a jounin at will, and the cost of this move was too high. No wonder I never used this move until my death.


Taking two slow breaths to replenish the chakra lost just now, Uchiha Gin sighed in his heart.

That is to say, if he were an ordinary Uchiha clansman, using this pupil technique, he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

First pressing this killing move under the box, Uchiha Gin wandered to a secluded place in the Shadow Realm, passed through the passage of the Shadow Gap, and returned to the surface world again.

"Hey, the air here is really comfortable. It feels like the underworld down there. It's hard to breathe."

Uchiha Gin breathed in the fresh air outside and couldn't help but thought in his heart,

However, if Uchiha Yao was still alive, seeing Uchiha Gin's current operation would probably make his eyes pop out with fear.

It turned out that what Uchiha Gin didn't know was that the world of shadows opened by the shadow gap was a world that only the two clones, or those who merged with the two clones, could enter.

If an ordinary person's body enters the mortal body, they will be tortured to madness by the dark power of shadow.

If I have to describe it, the so-called Shadow Realm is the same as the Ke family's lair. It won't take long for ordinary humans to become mentally retarded and only know Aba Aba.

"Okay, now we have to go to the castle."

Uchiha Gin raised his head and looked at the castle which was not too far away from him. He kicked his legs and shot towards the sky.

The next moment, he landed on a small floating island, and used his strength again to continue upward.

After many efforts, Uchiha Gin finally arrived at the empty island of the castle. Looking up at the majestic palace, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but sigh,

"Sure enough, a treasure must be in a place like this to be considered worthy."

Sensing the countless puppet chakras around him, Uchiha Silver narrowed his eyes and penetrated into the Shadow Realm again, and then swaggered into the palace, all the way unimpeded.

"The palace I live in is like a pig's nest compared to this one."

Uchiha Gin, who was walking in the Shadow Realm, couldn't help but marvel at the gorgeous decorations around him.

By the way, I compared this place with Otsutsuki Biluo's residence. It was like the sky and the earth.

"Huh? Why is there no Tenseigan?"

Although the palace was large, Uchiha Ginsheng had good footwork and quickly went around all the floors of the palace. However, he did not find even a trace of the reincarnation eye. He couldn't help but frowned and complained,

"Isn't it possible? Didn't the puppet say that the treasure of the Otsutsuki clan is here?"

Unwilling to give up, Uchiha Gin headed towards the observatory on the last floor, hoping that his journey would be worthwhile, he could capture the Tsangikan in one fell swoop, complete his mission, and return home as soon as possible.


As Uchiha Gin passed through the last heavy door, he arrived at his final destination, the observatory at the top of the castle.

But what made him a little confused was how this observatory, which was surrounded by layers of security, seemed to be inhabited.

In the black and white world of shadows, messy clothes are thrown everywhere, food residues are everywhere, and books as high as a hill are piled in the corners.

The people living here are so filthy!

Since he couldn't see the color, Uchiha Gin could still tell at a glance that the owner of this room was an extremely slovenly dead man.

After walking a few steps inside, Uchiha Gin, who was still looking down, suddenly discovered that there was a life-size figure placed by the window of the observatory.

Out of curiosity, he tiptoed over and looked around, but did not find the owner of the dead house. So he plucked up the courage and began to observe the exquisite figures in front of him.

This is a typical appearance of the Otsutsuki clan. The skin is like snow, the small lips are slightly upturned, the forehead is dotted with Otsutsuki's unique Maro eyebrows, and there is no emotion in a pair of cold eyes.

Although the figure is wrapped under the robe, it looks very concave and convex. It can be seen that the owner has indeed added a lot of virgin fantasy when making her. Otherwise, how could he create such a life-like figure that can directly poke the heart of a man.

"Tsk! The owner of this room has good aesthetics. You must communicate with him when you have time to make progress together."

Uchiha Gin looked at this exquisite figure several times, and for some reason, he liked it very much.

But as the saying goes, a gentleman does not take what others like. As a first-class gentleman, Uchiha Gin chose to have a good communication with the owner of the figure when he had the opportunity in the future.

However, why does the appearance of this figure look more and more familiar?

After observing it carefully, Uchiha Gin found that he seemed to have seen the figure before him somewhere, but he just couldn't think of where he had seen it.

"Well, the master is not here anyway, so it should be okay if we touch it, right?"

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Gin couldn't think of a reason. His eyes were wandering and he looked around for no one. He began to mutter to himself and started self-hypnosis.

Then, the sinful hand climbed up to the towering tower in front of him.


Otsutsuki Tsukihime, the current patriarch of the Otsutsuki clan. She has shown talents far beyond ordinary people since she was a child. When she was ten years old, she was able to defeat all the adults in the clan.

When she was fifteen years old, the previous clan leader died of illness, and she was pushed to the position of clan leader inexplicably with a pair of iron fists.

At first, because she did not understand government affairs, Otsutsuki Tsukihime could only rely on the help of elders. After a while, after studying, she realized a truth,

For mere district government affairs, there is no need to do anything by oneself.

So, she just went ahead and handed over all the government affairs to the elders, and she stayed in the patriarch's castle and became a stay-at-home girl. In addition to practicing every day, she just worked and read books in her free time.

Let her go out?

Unless someone knocks on the door, it's absolutely impossible!

Otsutsuki Tsukihime lived in such a comfortable life for many years. Her subordinates brought delicious food every day, and there were too many books in the castle to finish.

In such an environment where she was lying flat, she didn't even want to go out. She lay on the observatory in a daze every day and had a great time~

Today is another leisurely day.

Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who had been reading all night yesterday, woke up again. It was already the second night. She felt a little hungry and ordered the puppet to make some food.

"Just the fried chicken and fries, no ketchup but chutney."

Throwing the recipe she wanted to eat to the puppet, Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who felt slimy all over, took off all her clothes and threw them to the ground. Anyway, the puppet would come to take care of her.

Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who was wearing underwear, yawned and lay lazily on the ground, flipping through the books in her hands and reading one romantic love story after another. An imperceptible longing flashed through her cold white eyes.

"Didi didi"

Just when she fell into some kind of pink fantasy, the voice of a puppet sounded outside the door. With a wave of her hand, the door slowly opened, and the child puppet who was thinking about fried chicken and French fries quickly got in.

"Go down."

Facing the soulless puppet, Otsutsuki Tsukihime was too lazy to put on the cold mask she wore when facing her tribe. She scratched her itchy shoulders and ordered the boy who had completed the task to step back.

"Hmm~ Just this one bite. If I don't eat it for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all over~"

When the boy closed the door, Otsutsuki Tsukihime ran over in a hurry. Without being polite, she directly reached out and grabbed the fried chicken and started showing off. The other hand was not idle, she picked up a handful of French fries and stuffed them into her mouth. , there is no ladylike temperament at all.

The wild eating appearance does not match the iceberg beauty-like appearance, but there is a strong sense of contrasting beauty.

"Hoo~ Resurrection, Resurrection!"

After cleaning the residue from the last chicken bone and throwing it on the ground, Otsutsuki Tsukihime, whose mouth was full of oil, wiped her mouth with her arm.

Like an ordinary fat man, he touched his slightly bulging belly and said with a bit of vitality in his tone.

"Oh, I forgot, this hand is also oily."

Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who had just finished sighing, suddenly noticed a greasy feeling in her lower abdomen, and then she remembered that both of her hands were oily.

He sighed and reluctantly walked towards the back room, taking off his underwear as he walked.

"I hate taking a bath the most!"

Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who had transformed herself into a little white rabbit, sat down in the tens of square meters of bathtub with a grimace, feeling the warm water flowing across her skin, and couldn't help but feel a tingle in her heart.

She is most afraid of water, just like a rabbit, she becomes powerless when touching water.

Resisting the discomfort in her heart, she reluctantly washed away the greasy sweat stains on her body, put on a robe, and escaped from the bathroom like a fly.

Shaking his wet white hair, he walked to the window of the observatory alone, ready to dry it.


Feeling the gentle breeze blowing in from the window, she felt very comfortable in the vacuum, as if a big hand was caressing her, and she couldn't help but cry out in comfort.

"It's really professional. The figure also has sound effects. It's worthy of being produced by the Otsutsuki clan."

I'm really sorry. Something happened and the delay was delayed. I've already revised it later.

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