Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 179: A long-term illness meets a good doctor, and time reveals a person's true characte

"Huh~ It's so comfortable!"

After soaking in the hot spring, Uchiha Gin felt relaxed. The fatigue of the past few days was swept away. He put on the yukata prepared by the puppets, opened the door, and found that the two maid puppets were still waiting there.

"You guys, forget it, go in~"

Uchiha Gin originally thought about letting these two maid puppets go back to where they came from, but when he thought that they still had their own chakra in their bodies, it would be difficult for him to explain it if the original owner Otsutsuki Biluo noticed it. ,

So with a sudden thought, he opened the shadow gap and threw the two maid puppets with cold faces into the realm of shadows.

"Hey, hey, this Shadow Realm is quite convenient!"

Although he felt uncomfortable when he was in the Shadow Realm, Uchiha Gin was quite satisfied with his ability to kill people and steal goods, and he couldn't help but express his affirmation.

"Mr. Silver, where is the puppet responsible for taking care of you?"

As soon as the front foot swallowed the two maids into the realm of shadows, the black puppet appeared in the silver face of Uchiha. Its yellow eyes kept turning up and down, left and right, and it seemed that it should be searching, but this kind of action was a bit scary.

"What puppet? I've always been alone!"

The Uchiha Silver pretended to be stupid and stunned. When he heard the black puppet's question, he immediately spread his hands and said that he had never seen the so-called puppet it said.

"Is it broken somewhere?"

Not showing any doubts about Uchiha Gin's words, the black puppet stopped moving his eyes and said to himself in a cold voice. It seems that the maintenance of puppets is a problem. There will be damaged puppets at every turn.

"I'm sorry to have troubled you."

The black puppet did not delve into the whereabouts of the two maid puppets, and said in an apologetic tone to Uchiha Gin, whose eyes were wandering,

"It turns out that your puppets can be broken too!"

"People die too."


Uchiha Gin lost his temper at these words. After all, people do die, but he is an exception.

"Yesterday, there was an old puppet that was in disrepair, and its head suddenly broke off in the middle of the night, so don't worry about it, the puppet is just a consumable."

After saying that, the black puppet bent down to guide Uchiha Gin and motioned for Uchiha Gin to follow.

So, Uchiha Gin, who looked curious, followed the black puppet and came to the inner room that he had always been curious about.

"Dong dong dong~"

The black puppet knocked on the door rhythmically.

"Come in."

Otsutsuki Biluo's crisp voice came from inside the door, and the black puppet pushed the door open without hesitation.

As soon as Uchiha Gin entered the door, he saw Otsutsuki Biluo who was leaning on the table and carefully reviewing documents, but what about the saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth?

"Hey, it's Ah Yin. Are you having a good time these days?"

Hearing the footsteps of the visitor, Otsutsuki Biluo slowly raised her head, staring at the strange-looking Uchiha Gin with a pair of white eyes, and asked in a friendly tone with her energetic voice, her face rippling. With a smile that can't be hidden,

"It's very good. Everyone here is talented and speaks well. I really like being here."

There was no adulteration in Uchiha's words, this place was indeed a paradise.

"That's good. My sister will take you somewhere later. Dress more formally and wear a bathrobe."

Otsutsuki Biluo nodded, his greedy eyes passing over Uchiha Gin's strong chest, and a somewhat awkward smile appeared on his face.

"It's up to you to do whatever you want."

Uchiha Gin, who didn't know what the other party was thinking, suppressed his inner doubts for the first time. After all, he couldn't sense any malice from the person in front of him, so Otsutsuki Biluo should not have any intention of harming him.

"Hmm, after sister finishes the work at hand, we will set off. You can rest for a while. There is tea and snacks over there."

Seeing that Uchiha Gin did not refuse, Otsutsuki Biluo began to review the list with confidence.

If there are 66 people, it will take about a week to complete all the rounds, including the two days that the clan leader and she have exclusively. The remaining 64 people will be completed in five days. It is really a huge project. Thank you for the hard work, this little guy, but For the sake of the family's rejuvenation, he had no choice but to suffer.

At worst, wait until afterwards and take a few days to comfort him and relieve Ah Yin's empty mind and body.

Thinking of this, Otsutsuki Biluo couldn't help but be moved by his kindness and squeezed out a few crocodile tears the size of soybeans.

Not knowing that his fate had been clearly arranged, Uchiha Gin happily sat on the big sofa and ate melon seeds, while observing Otsutsuki Biluo's inner room.

The room maintains the usual luxury of the Otsutsuki clan, but on top of that, some rare and cute styles are added. The ornaments and pendants placed are full of girlish atmosphere, making it difficult to distinguish this room full of pink atmosphere. The room is connected with the mountain-like Otsutsuki Biluo in front of him.

"Eh? It's that little sister again!"

Uchiha Gin looked at it, and his eyes were attracted by a beauty painting hanging on the wall. The white-haired beauty he saw in the painting was exactly the one he saw in the bathroom. Her charming style made people feel sad, and at the same time It also aroused his curiosity.

Who is this beauty? In his perception, there is only Otsutsuki Biruo alive in this palace. Uchiha Gin, who couldn't bear his cat-like heart and couldn't think of his sister, asked,

"May I ask Elder Biluo, if you have any sisters?"

"Uh? Ah Yin, why are you asking this? I don't have any sisters."

Otsutsuki Biruo, who was seriously thinking about how to express his condolences, was a little confused by Uchiha Gin's sudden inquiry, and then replied,

Tsk! It's done, it seems to be a portrait of an old friend, maybe my mother or grandma, right?

"Nothing, I'm just curious. Elder Biluo, doesn't he have family?"

I see your mother is still charming.

"Ah Yin, do you know how old I am now?"

When Otsutsuki Biluo heard the word "family", he immediately fell into silence. After a while, he raised his head with some regret and asked in reply, his eyes filled with an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes of life.

"You just turned eighteen?"

Uchiha Gin was well aware of the pitfalls of women's age issues, and was afraid that the other party would take advantage of them to enforce the law. After a strong ideological struggle, he endured the rising stomach acid and spoke his answer against his will.

"Hey, your little mouth looks like it's been covered with honey~"

Otsutsuki Biluo smiled, and all the fat on his body began to tremble rhythmically with the laughter. Uchiha Gin was so frightened that he moved his eyes away on the spot, for fear of being hurt again.

"Oh, sister, I am almost eighty years old."

? ? ?

Uchiha Gin was stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face. Although Otsutsuki Biluo's appearance did have some mental damage, judging from the voice of his voice and the majestic vitality in his body, he was only about thirty years old. look,

As if the surprise shown by Uchiha Gin was very useful, Otsutsuki Biluo used her thick fingers to fiddle with the long white hair hanging on her forehead, with a look of arrogance on her broad face and a smile on her lips that could not be suppressed. Slowly he explained,

"Haha, you're surprised, aren't you? Our Otsutsuki clan is the descendant of God."

"Zun Du Fake Du?"

Uchiha Gin frowned. He was also born to the same mother. How could his relatives on the moon survive so well? Could it be that their ancestors were bastards?

In the spiritual world.

The old Otsutsuki Hamura was lying on a buzzing massage chair with a look of enjoyment on his face. He got this from that strange junior. It was very novel, but it was used every time. When you scan the code, you have to pour some chakra into it to activate it.

"Ah sneeze~"

Otsutsuki Hamura was humming a tune comfortably, but he didn't expect a sudden chill behind him. He sneezed for the first time in a thousand years, which made his head dizzy and stars in his eyes.

"Eh? Who is talking about me? Hey! It must be the petty one in Hagoromo! I can't see my brother enjoying himself~"

"That's right, among our Otsutsuki clan, the whiter the hair and eyes are, the purer the blood is. The lifespan of people of this race, under normal circumstances, can reach about two hundred years."

Uchiha Gin, who was still a little confused at first, suddenly remembered that in the future period of the Incombustible Legend, the fisherman relative from his hometown, when he found Otsutsuki Toneri to recognize him, he sighed at the purity of his blood, so he did not kill him. He was just sent to a dark room and banned for a thousand years as a small punishment.

"My parents didn't have pure blood, so they died a long time ago."

After explaining to Uchiha Gin, Otsutsuki Biluo stopped what he was doing, a trace of sadness flashed in his white eyes,

"Well, who is the beauty in this painting?"

Pointing to the portrait on the wall, Uchiha Gin finally asked, since the blood of his parents was impure, which meant that his hair was not white, then who was the portrait hanging in the room?

"Huh? Haha, you ask this~"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who was still immersed in sadness, turned from sadness to joy after hearing Uchiha Gin's inquiry. A smile once again appeared on his face. He raised his eyebrows awkwardly and started showing off to Uchiha Gin. Guanzi picked up the teacup on the table and waited to hear his answer.

"Guess, if you guess it right, my sister will get a reward~ Oh~"

"I guess your grandma."

Uchiha Gin thought for a while, since it's not his mother, it must be his grandma!

Hi! I see your breasts are still charming.

"Pfft! Ahem. Ah Yin, if you don't want to guess, you won't guess. How can you say hurtful words?"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who had just taken a sip of tea, heard Uchiha Gin's explosive speech and immediately sprayed out a jet of water. After coughing a few times, he said with a face full of anger,

"Misunderstanding, I guess that's your grandma."

Uchiha Gin, who realized that there was indeed ambiguity in his words, explained embarrassingly that he was a good young man, how could he spit out fragrance.

"Oh~ look at it again!"

Hearing Uchiha Gin's answer, Otsutsuki Biluo stretched out his big face in anger, his narrow eyes blinking crazily, filled with incomprehensible hints.

"I'm sorry, I'm really"

Uchiha Gin subconsciously over-recognized and did not dare to look directly at the scene in front of him. After all, the scene when he opened his eyes was still vivid in his mind. Now he was a little dizzy. Just when he was about to admit defeat, he caught a glimpse of Otsutsuki Biluo's mouth from the corner of his eye. A familiar black mole made his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but stop mid-sentence.

Gathering courage, Uchiha Gin turned his head and carefully looked at the woman who frightened him, but found that besides being overly plump, she was not as ugly as the other Uchiha Gin she had seen before. On her big face, her facial features were still the same. Very pretty, with charming features between her brows and eyes.

Uchiha Gin looked at it for a long time and actually felt that Otsutsuki Biluo was actually quite interesting. However, as soon as he thought about it, he was scared to death by himself.

Ahem, am I really hungry?

He quickly closed his eyes, cleansed his deteriorated soul, and took another look at the pictures of beauties on the wall. Uchiha Gin had an answer in his heart.

But he really didn't want to believe it. After all, this kind of change was really rare in the world.

"No. Is it you?"

Holding the last glimmer of hope, Uchiha Gin asked tremblingly,

"Hey, you're really good at reading people!"

Otsutsuki Biluo smiled, but this time it did not make Uchiha Gin's stomach acid rise, because he already knew that the Roshan in front of him was once a graceful and graceful beauty.

The hanging heart finally died. I finally fell in love with a beautiful woman and wanted to get to know her better, and by the way, create a pure acquaintance with her. Now this thought can only be hidden deep in my heart and never see the light of day.

"Haha, the food of the Otsutsuki clan is good."

Uchiha Gin didn't know how to evaluate it, so he could only smile and give all the credit to the cooks of the Otsutsuki clan.

"You think I'm ugly too?"

Hearing the yin and yang meaning in Uchiha Gin's words, Otsutsuki Biluo, who had been happy just now, flashed a trace of disappointment in his eyes. It seems that Uchiha Gin is also that kind of superficial man.

"No no no"

Uchiha Gin realized that he seemed to have touched the reverse scale, and hurriedly waved his hand, and his mind instantly started a thinking storm, trying to find a way to make up for it.

"Alas~ You don't have to say it anymore. I know my ugliness best."

Seeing Uchiha Gin's face turn blue and white, Otsutsuki Biluo, who had already let go of his heart, did not continue to be angry. He sighed lightly, with a lonely look on his face.

"Then what are you?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Gin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He put on a sincere look and looked at Otsutsuki Biluo. He was curious about what caused such a beautiful woman to become the ancient god she is now. appearance.

"It starts from sixty years ago. At that time, I was the most beautiful woman in the world, and I was surrounded by countless people. The number of people chasing me could be from the ground to the moon, but I was not interested in those superficial men at all."

Speaking of the past, Otsutsuki Biluo's eyes showed a strange look, and her whole body exuded bursts of vitality. She was caught in memories and continued,

"Until one day, a man came into my sight. He didn't have strong weapons, but he had a pair of dexterous hands. He could not only play beautiful music for me, but also paint colorful and peerless paintings for me."

"Are you two getting along?"

I didn't expect Otsutsuki Biluo to have such a past, but what does this have to do with her Metamorphosis?

"No, although he was painting and playing for me by my side, I could see that I was not in his heart."

She shook her big head, her voice was a little disappointed,

"Then what?"

The heart of eating melons will never die. Just when Uchiha Gin thought that this story would develop in the direction of a love triangle between two women competing for a husband, Otsutsuki Biluo's next words made him shocked.

"Huh? Nothing more, I put that guy in jail."

? ? ?

There are some jumps in the plot development. Did I skip the order and read one less chapter?

"Hey, think about it, there is a man who is not attracted to me. There is definitely something wrong, so I checked it out privately. Not only did I find that the other man's purpose in approaching me was not pure, but he himself is a Nantong, and he is a good person. Xiaonanliang.”

Otsutsuki Biluo, who frowned slightly, had a strange look in his eyes. As I said, with his appearance at that time, how could any man be able to withstand his temptation, unless he didn't like women and preferred dry roads.


After Uchiha Gin heard this word, under the influence of some indescribable cross-latitude will, his straightened back suddenly felt cold, as if thousands of people were poking his spine at the same time, making his stable Taoist heart faintly... The trend of collapse,

But in the end, thinking of the rows of data, I gritted my teeth and withstood the pressure, and at the same time justified myself in my heart.

I am not from Nantong!

I swear not to invade Nanliang!

"The purpose is not pure? What does Nantong want from you?"

He couldn't think of anything that a Nantong man could do with women, so he asked curiously,

"These are all old things from the past. It's okay not to talk about the old disputes within the clan."

Speaking of the other party's purpose back then, Otsutsuki Biluo obviously didn't want to mention it anymore, but from the other party's words, Uchiha Gin still vaguely guessed that it should be related to the division of the main family of the Otsutsuki clan.

"Oh~ I originally had some thoughts about him, but I didn't expect that he would dare to lie to me!"

After so many years, when she talked about the man she once had, Otsutsuki Biluo only had a dull look in her eyes. It could be seen that she had been hurt before, but now she has let go of her obsession.

"Don't you want to know why I have changed so much? It's all that man's fault. At that time, I valued feelings very much. I didn't expect to be deceived so hard. I couldn't accept it for a while, so I turned my grief into appetite and began to Overeating.”

Otsutsuki Biluo touched his greasy cheeks, and simply stopped hiding it. He explained the reasons for his changes clearly, as if pouring beans. After that, he smiled slightly jokingly, and his white eyes were full of bitterness. Self-deprecating,

"Hehe, you may not have guessed that within a year, I became what I am now."

"Have you never tried to lose weight? Ninjas should be able to lose weight easily, right?"

Calculating time, Otsutsuki Biluo has been fat for sixty years, but obesity is not a big problem for ninjas. With a few adjustments, he should be able to return to his original shape soon, right?

"It's no use. I've tried various methods, physical, medicinal, ninjutsu, taijutsu, etc., but all have no effect."

Shaking her head, Otsutsuki Biluo's eyes were full of death and despair. It's not that she has never thought about losing weight, but she has tried various secret recipes and ninjutsu, and even tried to consume chakra in her body to the limit. Even then, her body's fat Still motionless.

"So amazing? Let me see! Although I am not talented, I do know some medical skills."

This situation of Otsutsuki Biluo was really rare, which made Uchiha Gin's soul of scientific research burn brightly. He couldn't hold back the restlessness in his heart and asked the other party to reach out and take a look for her.

"Hey~ I didn't expect Ah Yin to be a little doctor~"

Hearing Uchiha Gin's words, Otsutsuki Biluo chuckled, and a trace of apology flashed in his white eyes. How could a despicable person like himself be worthy of the kind and simple (?) Gin?

Putting his hand on Otsutsuki Biluo's thick wrist, his fingers gently caressed her fair and tender skin, slowly seeping chakra into her body, and began to check her body.

Well~ Chakra is abundant, vitality is majestic, blood vessels and nerves are very tough, the oxygen content in the blood is extremely high, and the density of the body's muscles is far higher than that of ordinary people.

Uchiha Gin's chakra went around and found that Otsutsuki Biluo's body cannot be said to have any problems, it simply has no problems at all. He is worthy of the Otsutsuki clan with pure blood. With such a superhuman physique, a healthy person can punch. A dead white-fronted tiger.

Success is also Otsutsuki, failure is also Otsutsuki.

Once this kind of physique is formed, it is indeed difficult to change.

The advantage of the Otsutsuki clan is that their physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, but it also has disadvantages. That is, the body plasticity of the Otsutsuki clan is poor. Once the body shape is fixed, it is difficult to change.

Think about the tall, short, fat and thin duo who are still on the road. Otsutsuki's figure management has always been a big problem, and he still needs to be self-disciplined.

"Elder Biluo, your situation is a bit complicated."

After retracting his hand, Uchiha's silver eyes were filled with thoughts. He raised his head and looked at Otsutsuki Biluo, who had no hope on his face, and said slowly,

"It's okay, I've gotten used to this for so many years."

Otsutsuki Biluo didn't have any hope for Uchiha Gin. Seeing the other person's frown, he immediately expressed relief,

"It's difficult, but it can be done."

According to Otsutsuki Biruo's physical condition, Uchiha Gin, who has learned a lot, just happens to know a way to try it. It shouldn't be a big problem.

"What a waste of getting used to it! Doctor, save me!"

Already relieved, Otsutsuki Biluo stretched out his big hand and tightly grasped Uchiha Gin's wrist, as if grasping a life-saving straw, his white eyes flashed with the light of prayer.

"Ahem. Men and women cannot be intimate. Elder Biluo, please let go of me first."

Feeling that his arm was tightly grasped by Otsutsuki Biruo's vise-like hands, Uchiha Gin rolled his eyes helplessly and reminded him loudly,

Tsk! This kind of force would probably cause comminuted fractures in an average person.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so excited!"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who was immersed in excitement, quickly let go of his hand when he heard this, looked at the other person's arm without any redness and swelling, with a deep apology in his tone,

"Huh~ It's okay, it's okay. I've been sick for a long time and found a good doctor. I can understand this feeling. After all, doctors are like parents~"

Shaking his slightly numb arms, Uchiha Gin switched to a serious scholar's posture. His black eyes were full of academic aura, which made the uneasy Otsutsuki Biluo feel a little ashamed of himself and lowered his head in shame. Headed up,

I actually want to climb up to such a knowledgeable man, I really deserve death!

"Hmm~ According to my diagnosis, there is a secret technique that can help you get rid of the fat and become yourself again."

Uchiha Gin closed his eyes, like an old monk in trance, and slowly opened his eyes after a long while. During this period, he had mastered a skill that had been in the dust for a long time in the skill bar, and got the opportunity to start a class and teach widely. Qualifications for accepting disciples,

Just like meeting his reborn parents, Otsutsuki Biluo didn't care about his identity as an elder at all. He bowed his head on the spot and shouted at the same time,

"Sir, teach me!"

"Although we meet by chance, we feel like old friends at first sight, and we are afraid that we will become close friends. So I will teach you this 'butterfly transformation technique'. I hope you can practice it well and regain your former feminine style as soon as possible~"

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