Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 181 The clan leader is very angry, and the consequences are serious


The bronze bell hanging on the top of the palace rang on time, and the sound of the bell echoed in Otsutsuki Biluo's ears, making her already hesitant and even more nervous.

"Mr. Yin, is it really okay?"

Otsutsuki Biruo swallowed, and looked at Uchiha Gin who was asking for help with a pair of white eyes, and asked cautiously,

"Believe me, you are the best~"

Uchiha Gin put on a big smile and encouraged the anxious Otsutsuki Biluo. He had just helped him eliminate the impurities in his body.

Of course, there are some places that he "accidentally" missed, hey! After all, it is a manual operation, and it is understandable to make mistakes occasionally, right~

His dead fish-like eyes glanced over the opponent's huge body, stopping briefly at a certain key area. Let this secret rot in your stomach!

"Then please, Mr. Silver, look at me, my transformation!"

Inspired by Uchiha Gin's words, Otsutsuki Biluo felt an unprecedented power surge out of his body. His white eyes reflected the smile of the man in front of him. His heart beat slightly, and then he took a deep breath. Activate the art of butterfly transformation and prepare to complete the gorgeous transformation from cocoon to butterfly in front of the one you love.

"Dong dong dong!"

I saw waves of blue chakra emerging around Otsutsuki Biluo, like burning flames. As the chakra rose, a pair of blue butterfly wings slowly condensed behind her, and she was about to be reborn from the ashes. At that moment, there was a rapid knock on the door, interrupting the secret technique she had been brewing for a long time.

"Who is it! Didn't I say that no one is allowed to disturb me!"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who was forced to interrupt the spellcasting bar, had a look of worry on his face. He yelled at the door several times angrily, but the knocking on the door still kept coming, and even the frequency increased a bit.

Unexpectedly, the person who knocked on the door was so insistent. Otsutsuki Biluo had to suppress the anger in his heart and waved his hand to open the door. He saw that the person who knocked on the door was actually a black puppet waiting outside.

"Why are you? Why do you keep knocking on the door?"

Unexpectedly, the person who interrupted the critical moment of her transformation was actually her own housekeeper puppet. Otsutsuki Biluo couldn't help but feel a little doubtful, so she didn't blame her, but just asked aloud to see what part the other party was acting.

"Master, you set the alarm clock, it's time now."

The black puppet's face showed no sadness or joy, its yellow eyes stared at Otsutsuki Biluo, and a mechanical voice sounded,

"Tsk! Look at me, how can I forget the important things~"

Hearing the puppet's reminder, Otsutsuki Biluo immediately slapped his forehead, and just woke up as if from a dream. Tonight was an important day to honor the clan leader, how could he forget it.

"Mr. Silver, please come with me~"

Turning to look at the confused Uchiha Gin, Otsutsuki Biluo sighed slightly in his heart. It would be great if the two of them met earlier. He had already submitted his plan. For now, he could only do his best. , to protect Mr. Yin's life, as for the others, we can only figure it out slowly.

After sorting out the yukata that was torn apart by Otsutsuki Biluo, Uchiha Gin frowned. He planned to visit the figure girl again tonight, and he was determined to get to the bottom of the truth about the treasure.

"Uh, it's so late, you still want to go out?"

Unexpectedly, it was already so late, and Otsutsuki Biluo would take him out. She thought that the Butterfly Transformation Technique would allow her to let her go temporarily tonight and give up her plan to go out at night. But now it seems that she can't escape. .

"Well, don't worry, just bite the bullet and get over it."

Otsutsuki Biluo lowered her head and looked at Uchiha Gin, who had a somewhat resistant look on her face. The guilt in her heart became stronger, but she could only endure the sadness in her heart, put a void green hat firmly on her head, and squeezed out With a very forced smile, he said softly to Uchiha Gin,

? ? ?

What do you mean, this means killing the donkey? But there was no malice at all, and the kindness was so full that it almost overflowed.

After listening to Otsutsuki Biluo's rambling words, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but beat his heart. Has his perception deteriorated to the point where he can no longer perceive good and evil?

There was no other way, Uchiha Gin could only bite the bullet and keep up with Otsutsuki Biluo's pace, and got on a gorgeous airship. As the airship slowly took off, he and the false moon in the sky became more and more distant. close.

Or leave? The attraction of the figure girl is so strong that if you don't see her for a day, your heart will be scratched like a cat.

Uchiha Gin looked at the Otsutsuki Biluo standing on the bow of the ship, and couldn't help but think about Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, preparing to escape from the cicada's shell while the other party was not paying attention, and find the figure girl who was inexplicably attracted to him.


Just when Uchiha Gin was secretly sealing the seal and preparing to invite the Laomu clone, he inadvertently looked up and found that the boat he was sitting on was getting closer and closer to the castle of the figure girl. Looking at the route, Otsutsuki's blue sky was falling. The destination is right there.

"Elder Biluo, are we going to remove the forehead? Why are you crying?"

Uchiha Gin, who felt the coincidence in his heart, dispersed the chakra in his hand, straightened up and walked to Otsutsuki Biluo's side, and was about to test the purpose of his trip. Unexpectedly, he saw the other person's face full of tears. .

"Woooo~ I'm not crying, it's just that the wind on the bow of the boat is a bit strong, and my eyes are blurred by dust."

Seeing Otsutsuki Biluo standing quietly beside him, he was startled. Why is Mr. Yin's footsteps so light? He didn't even sense his arrival, so he quickly reached out to wipe away the bitter tears on his face, forced a smile, and explained,

"The wind is a bit noisy today."

Uchiha Yin, who could only feel the gentle breeze, was extremely surprised. After holding it in for a long time, he uttered a comment,

I didn't expect that Otsutsuki Biluo, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also lie with his eyes open. It was probably because of the surprise of losing weight that made her cry with joy!

"Okay, Mr. Yin, we're here."

As he spoke, the spaceship had landed steadily on the dock of the most majestic castle on Sky Island. Otsutsuki Biluo sorted out his mood, with a bitter look on his lips, and extended his hand to invite Uchiha Yin to get off the ship.

"Where is this?"

Uchiha Gin, who fell on the grass, pretended to be at a loss, looked at Otsutsuki Biluo who brought him here with a puzzled look, and asked,

"Mr. Gin, time is running out, you just need to follow me, don't say anything more."

Looking at the slowly opening golden door, Otsutsuki Biluo felt more bitter. She didn't want to suffer anymore, so she had to cut the Gordian knot. After a few simple instructions, she took Uchiha Gin into the deep castle.

Uchiha Gin, who followed behind, looked at the castle openly. When he came here last night, he relied on the shadow world to sneak in, but he didn't appreciate the surrounding brilliance at all. Taking this opportunity, he had to observe it carefully.

The interior of the castle was much more luxurious than Otsutsuki Biluo's palace. The tall windows were inlaid with colorful stained glass, depicting many portraits and deeds, which made people linger.

As they walked along, countless puppets were operating in every corner, maintaining the operation of the castle day and night.

"Go in, remember not to offend, otherwise I can't protect you."

Finally, the two walked to a heavy door, where several powerful combat puppets stood. It can be seen that the people inside are definitely important people, but Uchiha Yin looked more and more familiar.

Isn't this door the room of the figurine girl?

"Knock knock knock~ Lord Patriarch, Otsutsuki Biluo wants to see you!"

Otsutsuki Biluo took a step forward and knocked on the heavy door. The dull knocking sound made Uchiha Yin's heart tighten.

No way, no way, I didn't want to come in openly~

This room turned out to be the room of the Otsutsuki clan leader, so that figurine girl, is she the chief's bed warmer?

"Come in."

As soon as Otsutsuki Biluo finished speaking, a cold voice came from inside the door, which made Uchiha Gin feel familiar.

This voice...isn't it the voice of that figurine girl! She came back so quickly, she is indeed a maid~

Uchiha Gin's body froze, and he wanted to run away on the spot, but before he could act, the door in front of him slowly opened. Uchiha Gin had no choice but to crouch down and follow Otsutsuki Biluo in, and at the same time he comforted himself in his heart,

I didn't show my face yesterday, the other party shouldn't find it~

"Elder Biluo, what are you doing so late?"

Otsutsuki Biluo looked respectful, looking at the cold-faced Otsutsuki Tsukihime in front of him, and was about to speak, but the other party asked first, and his face didn't seem to be false,

"Isn't it written in the plan?"

The scene was a little cold for a while, and Otsutsuki Biluo's raised hand froze in mid-air, and his heart was like a thousand grass mud horses whistling through. Is this considered offering a husband?

I even brought Mr. Yin here to serve, it seems that the clan leader didn't even read the plan, right?

Thinking of this, Otsutsuki Biluo felt a long-lasting depression in her heart, causing a crack in her Dao heart.

Uh. Is she taking advantage of the power of the tiger? Is this maid so powerful? How dare she speak loudly to the great elder of the Otsutsuki clan?

"Plan? Oh~ I see, didn't I ask you to implement it as soon as possible?"

Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who was sitting on a high seat, was obviously absent-minded. She didn't show much attention to Otsutsuki Biluo, and she just ignored the figure who was following her.

Uchiha Gin was swept by the other party's cold eyes, and he was sweating all over. His perception was alarmed in his mind.

Wrong, all wrong, this guy is not a maid, he is the patriarch of the Otsutsuki clan!

Now, Otsutsuki Tsukihime only had the despicable thief who offended her last night in her mind. Thinking of the other party's abominations, a trace of impatience flashed across her cold and beautiful face. She lowered her head and looked at the respectful Otsutsuki Biluo, and secretly reconsidered in her heart,

Why did Elder Biluo not go to bed at night and bring this stranger to disturb her?

"Then I'll leave?"

Unexpectedly, the clan leader really didn't read the plan. Otsutsuki Biluo suddenly had a crazy idea in his mind. He pretended that nothing happened, took back the plan, and went back to revise it to preserve Mr. Yin's freedom to the greatest extent. Thinking of this, she bowed to Otsutsuki Tsukihime and said loudly,

"Clan leader, the plan is still imperfect, so I came here this time to take back the plan and present it to the clan leader after it is perfected again."

"Okay, I'll look for it."

Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who did not take the plan to heart, stood up and searched among the scattered books. Her white bare feet took elegant steps and walked in the sea of ​​books. Her pure white eyes turned slightly, her expression With a strange rosiness,

Damn it, I forgot to wear it again, it’s all that thief’s fault!

Feeling the strange friction at the base of her thighs, Otsutsuki Tsukihime finally turned her eyes to the plan books scattered in the corner. After glancing at the name of the plan on the home page, she began to bend down to pick up the plan books scattered on the floor. ,

The slender beautiful legs are looming under the robe, and the peach-like buttocks leave a beautiful arc in the air. With this movement, the proud ravine on the chest is about to emerge from the loose collar, and the naughty white tenderness is revealed. , it stung Uchiha Gin, who was peeking below, bending down deeper and deeper,

How can it be repaired? I am also a veteran who has experienced many battles. How could I be defeated by such a pediatric scenery?

Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who was not aware of her youthfulness at all, picked up the plans one by one. When her eyes accidentally glanced at one of them, she found her name on it. Out of curiosity, she took a closer look. ,

"This one is the same, eh~ eh? Ah!"

I didn't expect it, I didn't know it until I saw it. I was shocked when I saw it. A charming blush suddenly spread from Otsutsuki Tsukihime's bare feet to the top of her head. After tremblingly arranging the plans neatly, she quickly sat back on the high seat. For the first time, she carefully read the plan submitted by the clan.

"Hey! Mr. Patriarch, don't waste your time. That's the first draft and I still need to make major changes!"

Seeing that Otsutsuki Tsukihime was interested in the plan again for some reason, Otsutsuki Biluo below was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She glanced at Uchiha Gin who was wandering behind her, and she plucked up the courage to pretend. He said indifferently,

"Elder Biluo, what is the purpose of your trip?"

After reading the plan in her hand, Otsutsuki Tsukihime pinched the paper with her fingers until it wrinkled. After calming down her mood, she put on her usual cold eyes and stabbed Otsutsuki Biluo, who was trying to get through, like a sharp sword.

"Well, I'm really just here to get the plan, trust me!"

It is said that the patriarch's eyes can see through a person's soul. Otsutsuki Biluo, who has never believed it, feels a little drumming in his heart at this time, but he has said what he said before. If he changes his mind temporarily, wouldn't there be another person who deceives the patriarch? She was guilty of the crime, so she gritted her teeth and continued to stick to what she had said before, looking confident, trying to convince Otsutsuki Tsukihime.

"Hmph! If you're just here to get the plan, what's the explanation for the man behind you?"

When Otsutsuki Tsukihime heard this, a hint of anger flashed across her cold face. Now, is this Otsutsuki Biluo still speaking arrogantly?

I saw her eyebrows standing upright, her delicate nose wrinkled, and her red and plump lower lip slightly biting. Her pure white eyes were filled with disappointment for Otsutsuki Biluo, and the bulge on her chest was high. As her violent breathing moved up and down, it could be seen that Otsutsuki Tsukihime was really angry this time.

"Is it that I, Tsukihime Otsutsuki, can't hold the knife anymore, or are you guys drifting away?"

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