Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 192 Ancestor, please do me justice

"I don't agree!"

After hearing Otsutsuki Biluo's explosive speech, Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who was lying on the ground pretending to be unconscious, rolled up and stood up.

The few hanging strips of cloth were finally overwhelmed and fell to the floor with her big movements. Under the illumination of the golden reincarnation eye, her plump and delicate body exuded waves of charming halo.

Uchiha Gin, who was already suffering from cerebral ischemia, had his blood flow even faster.

Although the spring scenery is beautiful, don’t be greedy.

Then he turned aside his disappointed eyes. At this moment, Liu Xiahui was with him.

"Here are these two cloaks for you, the weather is a bit hot~"

But when he turned aside, he saw the green and white body of Otsutsuki next to him, and felt that his nasal cavity was slightly itchy.

So he fumbled around in the system bag, took out two pure white gold-inlaid anti-magic cloaks, threw them to Otsutsuki Tsukihime and Otsutsuki Biluo, and told them not to catch a cold and himself not to suffer from heatstroke.

"Don't think that I will forgive you!"

Otsutsuki Tsukihime put on her cloak very proudly and wrapped herself tightly.

"Mr. Silver, I will cherish it~"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who was beside him, carefully took the cloak with a surprised look on his face and put it on his body, looking at Uchiha Gin with gurgling eyes.

After taking cover, the two women obviously relaxed a lot, and then started communicating again.

"Elder Biluo, if you defect, who will handle the affairs of the clan?"

It turns out that the point is this, you stupid patriarch, go and learn government affairs from me!

Watching this abominable thief not only steal his two most important things, but also steal his best assistant.

At first, when she heard Otsutsuki Tsukihime's reluctant voice, a trace of struggle flashed in Otsutsuki Biluo's eyes, but as the second sentence came, her breathing suddenly stagnated, obviously she was very angry at this reason.

"And you! Why did you steal my inner tenseigan!"

The angry Otsutsuki Tsukihime simply broke the jar, stopped pretending to be reserved, and puffed up her fair little face into a bun.

His big white eyes stared straight at Uchiha Gin, he pursed his rosy mouth and asked angrily,

"What bad things are you going to do and you don't know?"

Faced with Otsutsuki Tsukihime's question, Uchiha Gin was a little confused.

For the sake of world peace, he took the risk to steal the reincarnation, and almost sacrificed his appearance. This noble character of self-sacrifice can at least be exchanged for several steamed buns.

Thinking of this, he stared back openly, looking at Otsutsuki Tsukihime with white eyes,

Uchiha Gin discovered why he felt that this woman looked familiar when he saw her for the first time.

Except for the long pure white hair, this guy's face is very similar to the future Hinata Hinata, and his figure is also good-looking. From this, it can be judged that the two people may be related in their ancestors.

After comparing the appearance of the two, Uchiha Gin suddenly realized,

No wonder Hinata Hinata will be called Byakugan Princess by long-haired men in the future. On the one hand, it is because of the purity of her Byakugan.

On the other hand, it may have something to do with her appearance. After all, her appearance is very similar to the legendary figure who has used the Tsangigan.

"Huh? Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Hearing this, Otsutsuki Tsukihime looked as confused as the white-haired old lady just now, and Uchiha Gin sneered.

snort! You two are really better than plastic bags.

"Mr. Yin, why do you say this?"

Even Otsutsuki Biluo, who had reorganized his camp, frowned with a hint of melancholy after hearing Uchiha Gin's words, and then asked aloud. She also wanted to know the real reason why Mr. Gin stole the reincarnated eye.

"You're pretending to be confused, right? Do you want me to expose your shameful things to the public?"

Uchiha Gin raised his eyebrows. These Otsutsuki really didn't shed tears without seeing the coffin, so let me humiliate them severely, so he said,

"You Otsutsuki split up the family, misinterpreted the will of your ancestors, sacrificed your entire clan to activate the Tsangseigan, and tried to rely on it to control the moon's fall, destroying all living things on the ground."


After hearing Uchiha Gin's evil plan summarized in one sentence, the two of them looked at each other in confusion, both seeing big question marks in each other's eyes.

The patriarch/Elder Biluo/the old patriarch is secretly doing bad things without telling me!

This idea appeared in the minds of the three of them at the same time. Not only did their eyes look at each other change, but their bodies also subconsciously took a step back to prevent the inner ghost from breaking out.

"Let me tell you the truth! Patriarch/Elder Biluo/Old Patriarch!"*3

After the two people and one ghost pulled away, they shouted at the same time in a tacit understanding. This scene confused Uchiha Ginnao on the side. Are these three guys playing Three Kingdoms here?

"Stop, stop, stop! Why are you three talking in unison here? If you do something bad, you must admit it and seek leniency from the organization."

Uchiha Gin couldn't stand it any longer, so he took action to interrupt the mutual suspicion between the three of them.

"Mr. Silver, believe me, I know nothing about this plan."

Otsutsuki Biluo was the first to clear up the relationship, his big white eyes glowing with pink light, which made Uchiha Gin sweatdrop, and he immediately nodded to indicate that he believed the other party.

"Hmph! I still have a lot of novels that I haven't finished yet. How could I agree to this plan?"

Tsukihime Otsutsuki, who spoke second, gave an impeccable reason that was very convincing.


After saying these words, the three people simultaneously turned their eyes to the white-haired old lady who was thinking with her head down, their eyes wide open and full of doubt,

"Please confess your crime, Master."

Stepping forward and patting the white-haired old lady on the shoulder, Otsutsuki Tsukiki advised her to surrender with a look of deep sorrow.

"Old clan leader, I cannot agree with this plan!"

Otsutsuki Biluo shook his head and took a step back, indicating that he had drawn a clear line with the old clan leader, and claimed that he had not served as the chief elder during her tenure.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Uchiha Gin took out a pair of handcuffs from his bag, transformed into Uncle Hat, and prepared to bring this well-disguised mastermind to justice.

"Are you idiots? How many years have I been dead?"

Seeing the appearance of the three people, the white-haired old lady was furious and cursed bluntly,

"That's right, it's because you are dead that you are so crazy and want to drag people from two planets to be buried with you!"

Uchiha Yin found the key evidence and made a judgment immediately.

"Ah Minos!"

The white-haired old lady who became the culprit in a muddle was crying at this moment. As a spirit, she had long been insensitive to worldly desires.

Just when the whole thing was about to be settled, a burst of purple light suddenly enveloped the entire space, causing the breath around the people present to stagnate. Except for Uchiha Yin who was familiar with this opening, the other two people and the ghost were all on guard.

"The ancestor has arrived, why don't you pay your respects quickly!"

The long-haired man, who was pretending to be powerful, shouted in front of several people like a lackey, and then knelt on one knee, as if to welcome a big shot.

Huh! Only I can make the main family stand up again after being broken in front of the branch family.

"Uncle, who are you?"

Otsutsuki Tsukishime frowned her beautiful eyebrows and looked at the arrogant long-haired and eyeless man with a look of suspicion. No one dared to speak so loudly in front of her.

"Hehe~ I am"

This question hit the long-haired man's heart. After snorting twice, he was ready to introduce himself to the people present.

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just a passerby."

Just when the long-haired man was about to speak out his years of preparation in one breath, Uchiha Gin, who was in a hurry, interrupted his self-introduction mercilessly, waved behind him, and shouted,

"Second Uncle Ancestor, please hurry up and stop wasting time. We are all family members~”

“Ahem. Descendants of the branch family, you still don’t repent?”

Otsutsuki Hamura, who was preparing to make the final appearance at the back, stumbled and almost fell out when he heard Uchiha Gin’s call.

Looking at the several pairs of white eyes staring at him, the ancestor of the Otsutsuki clan coughed a few times in a fake manner,

Then he raised his head and looked at the few people. In the gray white eyes, a pressure that made everyone’s blood tremble suddenly appeared. Otsutsuki Tsukishima and the others suddenly stagnated their breath and looked at the old man with deep respect.

"Greetings, ancestor!"

Even though Otsutsuki Tsukihime was usually arrogant, she lowered her attitude after realizing Otsutsuki Hamura's identity, and then saluted,

"Do you know your mistakes?"

Faced with the respectful attitude of his descendants, Otsutsuki Hamura nodded in satisfaction, but his face was still calm, and he continued to use a very majestic tone to ask the women,

"Ancestor, I am innocent!"

Unexpectedly, the first person to speak was the white-haired old lady who was besieged just now.

I saw that this former clan leader with a serious face cried like an eight-hundred-pound child after seeing Otsutsuki Hamura, With tears and snot, she told her grievances.

"Our branch family has always been dedicated to its duties, guarding the moon and supervising the earth, and has never slacked off. Now it is said that we want to destroy the world. It is ridiculous."


The white-haired old woman's voice trembled slightly, as if she was trying her best to hold back the pain in her heart. Seeing that her expression did not seem to be false, everyone could not help but frown, thinking that something was a bit strange.

"Then why do you want to activate the reincarnation eye?"

Otsutsuki Hamura frowned tightly at this moment, and his heart couldn't help but beat. Could it be that his information was wrong and he wrongly blamed this generation of the branch family?

"Is there any necessary connection between activating the reincarnation eye and destroying the world?"

As the current clan leader, Otsutsuki Tsukishime stood up and raised her own doubts. Is it not qualified to use the reincarnation eye? It has been kept like this, and it is not possible to use it yourself?

"Hey! Still quibbling, if you don't want to destroy the world, why would you activate the Samsara Eye? Is it because it looks good?"


The Ōtsutsuki Tsukihime, who had just looked down on others, became a little weird after hearing the long-haired man's rebuttal, and her eyes were erratic. At first glance, she was guilty.

"I'm a girl, it's okay for me to like beautiful things!"

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