Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 194 Return to the cave and draw the sword again

The crisis that had troubled the Otsutsuki clan for many years was dramatically resolved. As Otsutsuki Tsukihime raised her hand and waved a rainbow, the members of the Otsutsuki clan who received the assembly signal rushed to the signal launch site.

Uchiha Gin, Otsutsuki Tsukihime and Otsutsuki Biluo were standing next to a sinkhole in the primeval forest. They stretched their heads and looked down. Under the criss-crossing rock pillars, there was a pool of crystal clear water. The pool water is slightly emitting bursts of blue light,

"Mr. Yin, please wait a moment, we will organize a farewell party for you."

Putting on a set of simple robes, the tall Otsutsuki Biluo had a look of reluctance in her beautiful eyes. The corners of her rosy mouth were slightly lowered, and her grievances were palpable.

"Hey, don't worry, I, the honest young man Uchiha Silver, will definitely pave the way for you."

Facing Otsutsuki Biluo's burning eyes, Uchiha Gin pretended not to understand, patted his chest harshly, and assured the two of them,


While the three of them were chatting, dozens of figures arrived one after another, and the fragrance with complex composition hit their faces, making Uchiha Gin feel a little dazed.

I saw that the people who came were all white-haired women with pretty faces, and their white eyes were full of doubts.

Looking at the only male present, dozens of Otsutsuki women couldn't help but start whispering in private,

Occasionally, a few people with unrestrained personalities would even wink at Uchiha Gin, and their eyes were so filled with desire that they almost made their hair twitch.


Seeing that so many tribesmen were coveting Uchiha Silver, Otsutsuki Biluo suddenly felt unhappy. His body exuded a majestic coercion, which made the tribesmen present tighten their hearts with provocative eyes, and then they lowered themselves in fear. Headed.

"Ahem. This is Mr. Gin Uchiha. He has been ordered by his ancestors to come to rescue our Otsutsuki clan and provide powerful help for our revival plan."

Otsutsuki Tsukihime started talking according to the manuscript, and the eager tribesmen below were all very excited.

Looking at Uchiha Gin's white eyes, there was a hint of congestion, and his body became a little wet subconsciously.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about?"

Hearing this misunderstood opening statement, Uchiha Gin looked at the serious-looking Otsutsuki Tsukihime with black lines on his head. Is this girl really stupid?

"Huh? Isn't that right?"

Otsutsuki Tsukihime turned over the manuscript in her hand, and the delicate Maro frowned together, her little nose twitched, and the doubts on her face did not seem to be fake.

After thinking about it carefully, the little head showed an expression of sudden realization, and looked at Uchiha Gin with eyes full of disgust.

"Sure enough, for a person with a heart, everything looks dirty."

I will humiliate this little girl!

"In short, Mr. Uchiha Gin will help us open the passage to the ground."

After talking a lot of nonsense, Otsutsuki Tsukihime finally got to the point. When the Otsutsuki clan members heard the good news, they immediately started chirping excitedly,

They had only peeked at the ground from the monitor, and now they had the opportunity to go down in person. Everyone trembled when they heard this, and entered a beautiful fantasy time.

"Hehe, I have seen many handsome boys down there~"

"Hmph! I think that old man still has his charm~"

"Hi! Anyway, we live a long life, wouldn't it be nice to raise a cute boy from an early age?"

Hearing such powerful words of tiger and wolf, Uchiha Gin felt slightly apologetic, but he really couldn't bear this sweet burden alone.

Especially these Otsutsuki tribesmen, although they look like they are no more than thirty or forty years old, in fact most of them are centenarians. I really can't control it, so I'd better leave it to the buddies below!

"Quiet! Quiet! Don't make love to me here one by one. It really loses the majesty of our Otsutsuki clan."

Looking at the group of tribesmen trapped in pink bubbles, Otsutsuki Tsukihime frowned and poured chakra into her voice. The tyrannical pressure made the tribesmen wake up instantly. After it was quiet, she continued,

"In order not to lose etiquette, through the unanimous decision of our senior management, Mr. Uchiha Gin will be the one to set up an office for the Otsutsuki clan on the ground. All clan members will go to the ground for rotation in an orderly manner."

This plan was approved by the two senior leaders, the clan leader and the great elder. The result was two votes in favor and zero votes against.

"Who agrees and who opposes."

After Otsutsuki Tsukihime finished speaking, Otsutsuki Biluo raised her head and looked around the clan members, and asked coldly. Looking at the silence of the crowd, she nodded with satisfaction, chuckled, and announced loudly,

"Haha, since everyone agrees, then this plan is officially passed!"

"Pa bang bang~~"

Faced with this obvious threat, although the tribesmen below complained a little, it was of no avail. They could only bite the bullet and applaud, and the crackling sounds could not be heard for a while.

"Then let us bid farewell to Mr. Uchiha Gin. After he opens the channel, everyone will have the opportunity to go on duty~"

After receiving enthusiastic support from everyone, Otsutsuki Tsukihime took a step forward and raised her hands to signal all the clan members to send Uchiha Gin off.

"Uuuuuu~ Mr. Uchiha Gin, I want to have a monkey with you!"

"Mr. Yin, you must hurry up, I'm already so horny and thirsty~"

"Mr. Silver"

Faced with the overwhelming enthusiasm of the female comrades of the Otsutsuki clan, Uchiha Gin immediately ran away with his head in his arms, jumped down from the sinkhole without looking back, and came to the water pool. Otsutsuki Biluo and Otsutsuki Tsukihime followed closely behind.

"Mr. Silver, you must come back."

Otsutsuki Biluo looked at Uchiha Gin with his eyes, his full red lips pursed slightly, and he asked cautiously,

"Well, I always keep my word, but the construction of the portal may take some time. You can send people to station here, and they will be able to sense it when the time comes."

Uchiha Gin made seals with both hands, recalled what Otsutsuki Hamura had said to him, and then explained to Otsutsuki Biluo,

The bloodline of the two women behind them does not possess the genes of the Six Paths Sage, so they cannot rely on teleportation to bypass the smart lock on Otsutsuki Hagoromo's lock.

Only after he changes the lock can the Otsutsuki clan be teleported to the ground, but the process of changing the lock takes a certain amount of time.

It may be one day, or it may be a year, it all depends on the construction speed of the teleportation array.

"How can I find you then?"

Otsutsuki Biluo's heart was pounding, and his heart tightened, and he quickly asked,

"Well, I remember I gave you a cloak, right? Have you brought it with you?"

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Gin asked aloud. He did have his own way to find acquaintances.

"Here it is, I always carry it with me!"

After hearing Uchiha Gin's words, Otsutsuki Biluo took off her simple robe, only to see a pure white magic resistance cloak inlaid with gold, which she wore closely.

A pair of mountain peaks that had recovered from the consumption of butterfly transformation raised the top of the white cloak high,

This fragrant scene made Uchiha Gin swallow subconsciously and said with difficulty,

"Just take it with you."

After that, he took out a cloak of the same style from his bag. Under the confused eyes of the other party, he patted the cloak in his hand.

There was a flash of dazzling light, and the cloak on Otsutsuki Biluo disappeared. Just when she fell into surprise, she saw the empty scenery under the cloak,

Uchiha Gin didn't bother to explain anything to the other party, and jumped into the pool without looking back, leaving only one sentence that echoed in the sinkhole,

"Wear that necklace with you. I can sense you through it. As long as you appear on the ground, I will find you as soon as possible."

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Gin would leave without saying goodbye. Otsutsuki Biluo, who still had a lot to say in his heart, slowly lowered his raised hand, with bitterness in his heart covering his pretty face. He didn't know when the next time he would meet would be.

"Huh? The breath of life on your necklace is so rich!"

Just when she was dejected, Tsukihime Otsutsuki stared at the blue necklace in the huge scar and screamed in surprise,

The envy in her eyes was beyond words, and she rushed to the edge of the pool, stretched out her head and shouted to the still rippling water,

"Hey hey hey! There's still me~"

"Mr. Silver, wait for me!"

Stroking the giant dragon's claw that exuded warm breath on his chest, Otsutsuki Biluo's eyes were filled with passion again, the beauty mark at the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and the longing in his heart became more determined.

As soon as Uchiha Gin entered the water, he pinched Professor Otsutsuki Hamura's teleportation technique. He did not feel the feeling of suffocation in the water. He only felt that he had fallen into a deep vortex, and was pulled dizzy by a huge suction force. Feeling like having a headache and feeling like vomiting.

After about ten minutes, the pulling feeling around Uchiha Gin slowly subsided, replaced by a familiar feeling of suffocation. The cold and biting water slapped on his body. He slowly opened his eyes in surprise.

I saw a bright white moon reflected on the water. Looking at the moon hanging high in the sky, Uchiha Gin's heart relaxed.

Just as he was about to surface, his sliding foot hit a hard object. He lowered his head in confusion and saw the long black sword inserted above the underwater technique.

The relic of the Immortal of Six Paths was the sword of the heart that locked the door of his younger brother.

"I don't know if I can pull it out this time."

Uchiha Gin looked at the plain black long sword and couldn't help but feel a sense of trying in his heart.

Then he refined the chakra into his eyes, scarlet color suddenly appeared, and used strange power to bless his hands, all the chakra of each bloodline in the body appeared,

Uchiha Gin's slender body was filled with light of various colors, making his whole figure look like a disco light ball in a nightclub.

Holding back the impact that burst out in his body's meridians, he stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and a black shadow slowly appeared behind him. With the blessing of all forces, this thousand-year-old sword was inserted into the teleportation technique. , actually loosening slightly,

"It can happen!"

Seeing that there was something going on, Uchiha Gin accelerated the refining of chakra. The three magatama in his eyes turned into an equilateral triangle, and the shadow behind him became more solid, as if it would take shape in the next moment.

"Eh? Isn't this the sword of that traitor in Hagoromo? Since this kid wants it, let's help him~"

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