Wind Style: Net is one of Shamen's best wind style ninjutsu. Compared with the ordinary net style,

he took advantage of the venue in a different way and mixed sand and gravel into the wind style, giving this ninjutsu greater lethality.

Sure enough, yellow sand is the romance of the ninjas of the Wind Country~

Shamen looked at the sand and gravel flying with the wind style with satisfaction, and a hint of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

The violent yellow wind carried the sand and gravel, and laid a net in the sky, vowing to bring the elusive Zuo Ling to justice.

But as the big net was covered, Shamen found that his carefully prepared ninjutsu did not catch even a hair.

Then he frowned and looked up at the sky. The scene he saw made his mouth open, and he did not even notice the rolled up gravel entering his mouth.

The Shamon, who was sure of victory just now, now has a dull face and a big bald head. His narrow eyes are wide open, looking at Zuo Ling flying freely in the sky, and his broad chin dropped in shock.

"Can he really fly?"

"Ahem. Technology~ It's all technology~"

Facing the shocked Shamon, Uchiha Gin, who realized that the technology of Otsutsuki was indeed too advanced, laughed out loud.

In this era, the puppet technique of pulling strings has not appeared yet, and he has already made Iron Man. It is really a dimensionality reduction attack.

"Zuo Ling, fight quickly and make a quick decision."

Seeing that the battle between Zuo Ling and Shamon was in a stalemate, Uchiha Gin had to pass the order to the puppet floating in the air through chakra.

It's already an air battle, that won't work. If it drags on, I won't be able to have dinner when I go home.


Feeling the command transmitted in his body, Zuo Ling's yellow eyes flashed a glimmer, and then he dived and attacked the alert Shamon on the ground.

"Hmph~ I haven't met an opponent in physical skills yet!"

Looking at Zuo Ling rushing towards him, Shamen sneered. How could a mere puppet be comparable to my strong body? Besides, he has the dragon vein chakra to protect his body, and ordinary people can't get close to him at all.

"I hope your mouth is harder than my fist."

Zuo Ling swooped down, stretched out a delicate fist, wrapped in light blue chakra, and smashed Shamen's big face.

Facing Zuo Ling's seemingly light punch, the arrogant Shamen didn't take it seriously at all.

As the guardian of the dragon vein, as long as he is within the range of Loulan, he can get the protection of the dragon vein power, forming a layer of light purple chakra coat around his body, which can easily block the damage of ordinary physical skills.

"I have dragon veins protecting me, and ordinary physical skills can't shake me at all. Ugh~"

But this time, he hit a wall. He saw Shamen's big face was hit squarely by Zuo Ling's small fist.

The nose bridge that was originally quite high was hit by this punch and sunken, and the nose bleed gushed out instantly.

"I see that you are a woman, so I will let you have three moves. Come on, come on, there are still two moves left."

Resisting the pain on his face, Shamen covered his nose and stiffened his neck to continue to be stubborn.

Hearing this, Zuo Ling didn't indulge him. The power furnace in his body burst out a primitive force, and several arms grew behind him, wrapped in light blue light, and shot left and right at Shamen's fat face.



After a series of crackling sounds, a painful wail sounded from the depths of the desert.

The monk who was beaten into a pig's head by Zuo Ling lay on his back on the sand. His narrow eyes were completely covered by swollen eye sockets, and only a gurgling stream flowed slowly from the middle.

"Wuwuwu~Why only hit my face? What should I do if I'm disfigured?"

The monk, whose face was the only one injured, opened his swollen sausage mouth. Even though he couldn't see his eyes, Uchiha Gin could see the deep doubts on his unrecognizable face.

"Um, Zuo Ling is a fully automatic puppet. I'm not sure. Maybe your face is too sarcastic~"

Uchiha Gin, who had just received the system's +1 reminder, waved his hand to recall Zuo Ling, who was still reluctant to leave, and walked to Shamen, who was in tears.

Looking at the blue dragon on his head that had turned into a pig worm, he suppressed his inner smile and said with "sincere" apology,

"Shamen, I'm sorry, Zuo Ling didn't hit you hard, but you should be fine. Your face is disfigured, which is equivalent to plastic surgery."

"Woo woo woo~"

Shamen, who had no desire to live, could only stare at the scorching sun in the sky and shed tears called the pain of growing up.

"Mr. Yin, are you really not going to stay for a few more days?"

In front of the gate of Loulan Camp, in order to hide his ugliness, Shamen used a large face towel to wrap his swollen face tightly. Looking at Uchiha Yin who was ready to go, a muffled voice came from under the face towel,

"Shamen Laodi, you and I hit it off at first sight. We should have been drinking wine and talking about the world, but unfortunately it happened to be a war, and I couldn't bear to worry about my family, so I had to leave first. I hope that the next time we meet, the storm in the Wind Country will be settled and the world will be peaceful."

Carrying a large bag of specialties given by Shamen, Uchiha Yin tightened the dry food hanging on his body, his tone full of reluctance,

The Laodi of the Wind Country is really too simple, and I can't bear to continue to cheat them here.

"Thank you for your words. The wind in the Land of Wind will stop."

Hearing this, Shamen had a flash of determination in his mind, and then he stretched out his hand to Uchiha Gin,

"Mr. Gin, thank you!"

"Well, you are quite polite."

Bewildered by the sudden thanks, Uchiha Gin still politely stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Although Mr. Yin has a puppet with you, I'm still a little worried, so I asked him to lead you to the nearby road."

After saying goodbye, Shamen waved to the back, and a figure who was not unfamiliar walked over obediently. He was the ninja guarding the door.

"Mr. Yin, feel free to leave the rest of the journey to me. I can walk around here with my eyes closed."

The lilac-haired guard patted his chest and assured that he was a man known as the Living Map of the Desert.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you~"

Seeing this situation, Uchiha Gin could not continue to refuse, and then nodded to the guard.

"Mountains will not change, rivers will change, we will see you in the world~"

With his back turned to Salmon and waving, Uchiha Gin followed the guard and walked into the rolling desert.

"Mr. Silver, next time we meet, I will show you a brand new Samana."

Watching Uchiha Gin's leaving back, Shamen clenched his fists and swore secretly in his heart. Then he turned his head and looked at the black tower standing in the center of Loulan Camp. The struggling look in his eyes turned into determination.

"Loulan, it's really too small."

Although as a member of the Baolong clan, Samana was respected by everyone in Loulan, the black tower he was guarding also became a cage that imprisoned him.

Dazzled by false glory, he couldn't defeat even Mr. Silver's puppet. He was not a real strong man.

He still has lofty ambitions that he wants to realize, and Loulan, who is hidden in the world, is not his destination after all.

"Liedou, let me test your strength!"

Samana, who was already feeling divorced, thought of the name Uchiha Gin had mentioned, so let him try to see if the man named Lieto had the qualifications to unify the ninja world of the Land of Wind.

The purple-haired guard led Uchiha Gin across a desolate plain. After making three turns, he came to a rutted road. The somewhat exhausted guard gasped and pointed. In one direction, he said to the man behind him who looked normal,

"Huh~ Mr. Yin, this is the official road of the Kingdom of Wind. If you follow that direction, you can reach the next town."

"Well, it's so fast. Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I don't know how many detours I would have to make~"

Rolling his salty eyes helplessly, Uchiha Gin thanked the guard for his hard work for a long time in a grateful tone.

Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would be home now.

"No, no, you are Captain Shamen's friend. This is what I should do."

The purple-haired guard waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that Uchiha Gin was welcome.

"It seems that you admire Brother Samana very much~"

While Uchiha Gin was calculating his route home, he was chatting with the guard who was resting on the spot.

"That's for sure. Captain Shamen is my idol. As his number one follower, I will go wherever he goes!"

When the purple-haired guard talked about Samana, his eyes couldn't help but stars, looking like a senior fan.

"Okay, you're very energetic! By the way, I remember you just got a daughter."

Looking at the other party's lavender hair, Uchiha Gin suddenly thought of the other party's daughter who would shine brightly in the future, so he asked aloud,

"Hey, Mr. Silver has a really good memory. Our little Chiyo will be one month old in a few days."

Speaking of his daughter, a touch of tenderness appeared in the guard's eyes.

"Hey, it's almost a full moon. Look, I didn't bring any gifts when I went out~"

Uchiha Gin groped up and down, but found nothing. After thinking for a moment, he reached into the system bag, and then took out a short purple stick from it. After taking a look, he handed it to the guard in front of him.

"Here, just give this to your daughter as a full-moon gift. Don't dislike it."

"Huh? No, no, it's too expensive!"

The guard who subconsciously took the stick felt that it was heavy in his hand. When he took a closer look, he found that the stick was inlaid with a purple disc gem.

The edge was made of an unknown silver metal, engraved with a ferocious dragon. Looking at such a delicate object, the guard immediately declined, saying it was too expensive.

"No, there is no reason to take back what you have given away."

Uchiha Gin waved his hand and pushed back the useless stick. Anyway, he still had a bunch of these things in his bag, so it was just right to give them to the little girl.

"Then I will replace Mr. Yin for Qian."

Unable to resist, the guard had no choice but to put the delicate stick in his arms and thank him repeatedly.

"Okay, just rest first, I have to go home soon~"

After seeing that the matter was over, Uchiha Gin no longer lingered. After saying hello to the guards, he turned around and disappeared on the road.

"Huh? What happened?"

Uchiha Gin had just left and returned to the guard behind Loulan. When he saw the chaotic crowd in front of the camp gate, he came over in surprise.

"Captain Samana, where are you going?"

After asking his colleagues, he learned that Captain Salmon was leaving Loulan, so he was surprised and quickly squeezed into the crowd, found Salmon in the center, and asked the burly man,

"I'm going to change the Kingdom of Wind, do you want to go with me?"

The Samana who was ready to find Lie Dou launched a recruitment campaign for this former loyal subordinate.

"I do! Our family will follow Captain Samana to the death!"

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