Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 213 Worrying about the future of the Uchiha clan


As the closed door was opened, Uchiha Madara, who was waiting anxiously outside the door, his already hanging heart suddenly rose to his throat. He looked at the man who came out of the door, wearing a white coat and a mask on his face. Uchiha Miao asked cautiously,

"Elder Miao, how is father's injury?"

"Alas~, Mr. Patriarch, I tried my best, but the old patriarch is old and severely injured. You go in to see him for the last time, and then prepare for the funeral."

With a deep sigh, Uchiha Miao turned sideways to make way, with a deep sense of regret in his tone, and said to Uchiha Madara in front of him,

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Until this moment, Uchiha Madara did not believe that his invincible father would leave him so easily. Suppressing the grief in his heart, Uchiha Madara stepped into the ward.

As soon as he entered the room, he smelled a pungent smell of medicine. On the only hospital bed in the room, "Uchiha Tajima" was lying peacefully on it. The blood stains on his body had been cleaned up, but after a closer sniff, he could still smell I smelled the smell of blood mixed with the smell of disinfectant.

"Ahem, cough, is it Spot?"

Maybe the footsteps were too loud when he came in, which woke up "Uchiha Tajima" who was already on his deathbed. Only a weak voice sounded, waking up the numb Uchiha Madara,

"Father, I'm here."

Uchiha's dark eyes were instantly filled with deep sadness. He quickly walked to his father's bedside and looked at the man who once stood tall in front of him. He was lying weakly on the bed at the moment, with a pale face, unable to see anything. With a trace of anger, he stretched out his slightly trembling hands and wanted to do something, but he could only stop in mid-air helplessly.

"Where's Izuna?"

"My brother is still on the way. Father, hold on, he will be here soon."

Able to sense that the vitality in his father's body was about to dry up, Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth, and the hatred for a certain white hair in his heart was about to reach its peak. Just when he didn't know how to face his father who was about to leave, he was lying on the hospital bed. "Uchiha Tajima", he took a hard breath and said,

"Madara, you have to understand that there are traces of failure as a father."

"Father, please stop talking."

"No, all of this stems from my father's blind eyes. Otherwise, how could I be defeated by that kind of brat?"

After forcing himself to stand up, "Uchiha Tajima" took off the reading glasses he was wearing. With a pair of dull gray eyes, he stared at the astonished Uchiha Madara and continued,

"Your situation is not much better than mine. If you continue, you will die in the hands of those brothers sooner or later. By then, the Uchiha clan will be lost in the history of the Fire Country."

"And you are the sinner of Uchiha."

"Father, I."

Faced with "Uchiha Tajima's" reprimand before his death, Uchiha Madara wanted to retaliate, but looking at his dying father, he finally chose to accept it silently.

"I'm going to die, but I won't give in."

He stretched out a trembling hand and put it on the silent Uchiha Madara's shoulder. "Uchiha Tajima" said slowly with all his strength,

"Madara, I hope you can lead the Uchiha clan with my eyes and stand at the top of the Land of Fire."

"Father, do you want it?"

Uchiha Madara, who had a vague answer in his heart, looked at his father with a determined look in front of him in surprise, and asked hesitantly,

"That's right, transplant my kaleidoscope and create an eternal eye that will never lose its light!"

The hand placed on Uchiha Madara's shoulder was slightly firm, and the words coming out of his mouth had a meaning that could not be rejected.

"I don't."

Uchiha Madara was about to refuse, but was stopped by a look from "Uchiha Tajima".

"Madara, the Eternal Eye is the ultimate power of our clan. Once you possess it, your strength will increase by leaps and bounds. By then, that kid from the Senju clan will definitely not be your opponent."


Madara Uchiha still had some grudges in his heart, but the look of resistance on his face relaxed a lot.

"Ahem, cough, cough. I don't have much time. Apart from this, there is one more thing..."

"Uchiha Tajima" suddenly vomited blood, and the spurted blood dyed the white sheets red, just like the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan,

He stretched out his trembling hand and wiped the blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. Looking at Madara Uchiha with a tangled look on his face, there was a hint of pleading in his last words,

"Remember to give your cousin a salary increase and let him work in the dungeon until he retires~"

"Okay father, I promise you."

Looking at "Uchiha Tajima" who had more air coming in and less air coming out, Uchiha Madara closed his eyes and seemed to have made a great determination. He slowly opened his slightly red eyes and faced his most respected father. , nodded.

"Okay, okay, then I can leave peacefully."

Now that Uchiha Madara had agreed and the goal was achieved, Uchiha Gin no longer dragged on the plot. Facing his elder cousin who was immersed in grief, he immediately tilted his head, and the hand on his shoulder slowly lowered, his whole body There is no sound anymore.


After many years, Uchiha Madara lost his dearest relative again. He burst into tears instantly and opened his mouth wide. However, he was so sad that he could not make a sound no matter what.

"Old patriarch~"

Uchiha Miao, who had been watching the show outside for a long time, saw that the time was right and came in to join in. This 80-year-old man who had always been cold and indifferent had tears in his eyes at this moment, looking at "Uchiha Tajima" who had lost his life breath, and his voice There was also a slight tremor in Zhong Ye,

"Lord Patriarch, I express my condolences and accept the change. Does the old Patriarch have any unfulfilled wishes?"

"Elder Miao, please transplant my father's eyes to me."

Hearing Uchiha Miao's unintentional words, Uchiha Madara pulled away from his sadness, looked at the old man in front of him with cold eyes, and said aloud,

"As you command!"

This is what I'm waiting for~

Because of Uchiha Madara's cooperation, the kaleidoscope transplant operation ended quickly. When his cousin, whose eyes were wrapped in white cloth, was pushed out of the ward, Uchiha Gin, who had been pretending to be dead for a long time, slowly opened his eyes and moved his stiff muscles. Even ten wooden figures couldn't suppress the smile on his body and lips.

"Ah Yin, the operation went well. After the anesthesia is over, the patriarch's eyes can be used normally."

Uchiha Miao, who had just taken off his gloves, walked in, looked at "Uchiha Tajima" with a smile on his face, and said aloud,

"Huh~ It's not easy, but this can only deceive my cousin for a while."

Uchiha Gin, who waved off the disguise, jumped off the hospital bed and reminded his criminal partner,

"Are you so sure that after the clan leader obtained the Eternal Eye, he is still no match for Senju Hashirama?"

As the master of scientific research of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Miao best understands the power of the Eternal Eyes. The mere fact that he can use the Eye Technique without side effects is already the ceiling of the ninja world's combat power, not to mention the power of these eyes for mustaches. Zuonenghu's bonus can reach extremely terrifying levels.

"Wood Release."

Uchiha Gin shook his head and softly uttered these two words,

"That Senju's secret technique is very strong, but I don't think it will be a match for the clan leader."

"No one knows Wood Escape better than me!"

As the only Wood Release ninja in the current ninja world, Uchiha Gin can clearly sense that the majestic Wood Release power in Senju Hashirama's body is indeed a natural immortal body. He usually retains his strength when fighting with his older cousin. Afraid of hammering his best friend to death.

"For some unknown reason, Senju Hashirama has been keeping his hand, but this time my cousin is so happy with the Eternal Eye, it should make that guy serious, just wait and see~"

"Just rely on your secret house-building skills?"

Uchiha Miao has never been very fond of Wood Release. The reason is because he knows that Uchiha Gin uses Wood Release to build a house. How can this low-level secret skill be compared with the noble blood successor of the Uchiha clan? .

"Okay, okay, how did you go about the thing I asked you to do?"

For this kind of old man with long hair and short knowledge, Uchiha Gin does not blame him. After all, Uchiha Miao has never witnessed the power of wood escape on the battlefield, so he can understand the contempt he showed, and then skipped this Topic, ask aloud what he has entrusted,

"I have designed the steel ship you want and are currently experimenting with it. If nothing goes wrong, it will be put into mass production this year."

Recalling the matter entrusted to him by the other party, Uchiha Miao frowned. He still couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Uchiha Gin's gourd. Why did he have to go to sea without staying in the Land of Fire?

"That's good, Elder Miao, the future fate of the Uchiha clan will all fall on you."

Hearing that the matter he had entrusted had made great progress, Uchiha Gin immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The escape route that he had worked hard for the Uchiha clan for many years was finally going to be put to use.

Just as the two were having a heated discussion about ship design, a familiar figure arrived late.

"Brother! Brother! What's wrong with father?"

Uchiha Izuna's handsome face was full of anxiety. He had just rushed back to the camp and learned the bad news of his father's death and the sudden change. His eyes were red and his hands and feet were trembling. After asking, he ran towards the ward without stopping.

"Well, my little cousin is here~"

Hearing Uchiha Izuna's screams in the ward, Uchiha Gin felt something. He quickly formed a wooden clone and commanded it to perform the art of disguise, pretending to be the lifeless Uchiha Tajima, and then lay down on his back. There was blood on the hospital bed, while he and Uchiha Miao stood beside the bed with their heads bowed, making mourning gestures on their faces.

"Big cousin! Father is here"

He rushed into the ward in a hurry, not expecting to meet Uchiha Gin here. Uchiha Izuna, who was just about to say hello, saw his eldest cousin's face was filled with pain, and his heart immediately tightened, and then he saw his lifeless father on the hospital bed. , tears burst into his eyes immediately, and his hands and feet also showed signs of weakness.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Father, how come you are lying on the bed in the blink of an eye?”

I saw Uchiha Izuna slipping to his knees and arriving at Uchiha Tajima's bedside in an instant. He hugged the body and started crying. The sticky mucus mixed with tears all stained the wooden clone's face, which made Uchiha Gin's heart skip a beat. Fortunately, I am not acting as a corpse.

"Ahem, cough, little cousin, my condolences."

Uchiha Gin, who couldn't stand it anymore, reached out and patted Uchiha Izuna, who was crying, and said comfortingly,

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't held that Bai Mao back, my father wouldn't have died."

Uchiha Izuna, who had already learned the cause of his father's death, fell into deep self-blame. His hands were clenched into fists, and visible veins were beating on the back of his white hands.

If he could hold back or defeat the hateful Senju Tobirama, his father, who had begun to enjoy his old age, would not leave them.

"Oh~ it's not you who's wrong, it's the world."

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