Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 240 Horror chat room, disappeared group members

"It's so scattered. There are two of them only in the water."

Looking through the information obtained from "free prostitution" in the sky world, Uchiha Madara walked in the quiet jungle, his dark eyes flickered, full of thoughts,

According to intelligence, these tailed beasts can be found in every corner of the ninja world. Some live in vast plains, some have been entrenched in canyons for a long time, and some wander in rivers and lakes. It seems that each has its own territory and does not produce any Territorial conflict,

Hasi Lama's Wood Release should not be able to exert its full power when fighting on the water, so he would just accept the ones in the water.

"Don't worry about these two in the water. Sooner or later they will be mine. So, let's start with the four tails!"

After an analysis, Madara Uchiha regarded the Four-Tails living at the junction of the Country of Fire and the Country of Tang as his first prey.

Without further ado, let’s go now.

I saw Uchiha Madara's eyes condensed, and his eyes were instantly stained with scarlet, and a layer of blue coat appeared around him. As he climbed higher, a huge Tengu giant stood between the sky and the earth, with wings behind his back. Suddenly, the huge wind pressure blew the surrounding trees to pieces.

"Let's go! Naruto, I, Uchiha Madara, am determined!"

Controlling the completed Susan, Madara Uchiha locked the direction of the target and turned into a blue lightning, tearing apart the floating clouds in the sky in a moment and drawing a narrow dividing line in the blue sky.

"What a frizzy young man, not as steady as Yin Sang~"

Her white bare feet stepped on the gray tiles on the roof. The lazy woman who had just handed over the information to Madara Uchiha knocked on the cigarette in her hand and smoothed her temples that were messed up by the strong wind pressure. Looking at the blue giant disappearing into the skyline, he shook his head and commented,

"But he's very motivated, not as lazy as Yin Sang~"

On the other side, on the vast plains in the Land of Fire, a white lightning was galloping, with five pure white tails floating behind it. Hot steam was boiling around it, baking everything around it.

Today is the same as usual. King Mu, who likes to run freely, is happily running around on his own territory. He is not aware of the danger at all. His four hooves are swinging very fast. This comfortable feeling makes him feel comfortable. ,

"Hey, hey, is anyone here?"

Just as King Mu was running selflessly, a voice sounded in his mind. Hearing the familiar voice, he immediately stopped his hooves, tilted his head, and replied in his heart,

"Is this voice Shukaku's?"

Immediately, it entered the chat room that belonged exclusively to the tailed beast, and looked at the dark surroundings, with only a fat figure standing there.

"Hmph~ Apart from that stupid civet cat, who else would take the initiative to chat~"

The moment King Mu had just finished asking, a nervous voice intervened, and his words were full of gloating. Then, a slender figure wearing a fiery red dress walked out slowly,

"Nine Lamas, you idiot!"

Fatty Dundun, who was the first to start the chat, cursed angrily after hearing this harsh voice,

"Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel, Shukaku, what happened?"

Just when the two voices were about to quarrel, a gentle voice sounded, and a cat with blue flames all over its body emerged from the shadows and said kindly,

"Youlv, how are you lately?"

King Mu saw the big blue cat and asked with a smile,

"Fortunately, I feel quite bored~"

Licking his paws, the big cat named Youlu lazily replied,

"Where are the others?"

"I'm here~" A honest voice sounded, and a little turtle slowly crawled out from the darkness. Its ignorant one eye was full of innocence.

"It's been so hot lately, I feel like I'm going to melt~" A creature that looked like a slug had a waxy voice like a child,

"I'm spinning a cocoon, don't disturb me~" This voice came from a white cocoon. It seemed that its owner was undergoing transformation.

"Hey~ It's so boring, does anyone want to have a fight!" Following a rough voice, eight octopus-like tentacles suddenly appeared, with a burly minotaur on top, dominating the audience.

"It seems that everyone is in good spirits. If there is any news recently, please tell me~"

Looking at the other lively tailed beasts, the chubby Shukaku touched his big belly. There was a hint of deep envy in his eyes, and then he asked in a low voice,

Since being sealed by the people from the Kingdom of Wind, it has lost contact with the outside world. Listening to the monks ringing bells and chanting Buddha every day, it almost goes crazy. It can only come to the Tailed Beast Chat Room from time to time to chat and listen to the news.

"Haha, you idiot Shukaku, you are such a disgrace to the tailed beast. No wonder the old man only gave you a tail back then. He expected you to be such a bad guy~"

The fiery red figure bared his teeth, looked at Shukaku with a longing look on his face, held his stomach and laughed,

"Using your tail to measure your strength is the most idiotic thing to do, Nine Lamas!"

When Shukaku heard the ridicule of his dead opponent, he became furious on the spot. If it weren't for the fact that he was in the chat room, he would have given this stinky fox a few rounds of blank ammunition.

"Ha~ isn't it?"

The fox lying on the ground squinted his eyes and asked doubtfully,

"I agree with Shukaku's point of view. The number of tails means nothing~"

The big blue cat shook his head and said righteously,

"Hahaha, let's have a fight!"

Ushiki curled up his eight tentacles excitedly, glanced at the tailed beasts around him with irritable eyes, and made a promise to fight,

"Hey, hey, hey, don't forget the old man's instructions. The farther away we are from the tailed beasts, the better. It's best not to meet each other in this life~"

The one-eyed turtle stuck out his head, with a thoughtful look in his one eye, and then spoke out to remind the tailed beasts,

"Um, so I saw you passing by my house last week?"

Stretching out a tentacle and scratching the horn of the cow, the cow ghost asked in confusion,

"Well, I saw a plump turtle and wanted to make friends with it, but I accidentally entered your territory."

Isofu shrank his head in embarrassment, and his words were full of shyness. The turtle carrying the island seemed to be controlled by humans. Do you want to be a hero and save the beauty?

"Idiot Shukaku, what does it feel like to be imprisoned by humans~"

While several tailed beasts were doing their chores, the somewhat naughty Kurama rolled his eyes and asked Shukaku, who was a little lonely, "

"Yes, yes, let's talk about it~"

The other tailed beasts who had not been imprisoned immediately came forward, their big confused eyes flashing, waiting for Shukaku's speech.

After all, the most they can do is to be captured by humans and used as disposable nuclear weapons. They have not yet tasted the taste of captivity.

"Hmph~ Who said I was imprisoned by humans? I just accept offerings from humans. They also sing to me every day. Not to mention how comfortable I am~"

Shukaku, who had been imprisoned in the temple for many years, immediately replied harshly,

"Really? How do I remember that there was a tailed beast crying here all the time~"

The Nine Lamas were the first to not believe Shukaku's words. He looked at the fat raccoon cat suspiciously and spoke out,

"Wulu Sai! I only listened to the music. The singing is so touching, isn't it?"

The pricked civet cat immediately jumped up, its eyes like copper coins filled with anger, and then shouted loudly,

"Wait, you idiot fox, one day you will be like a dog, with humans riding on your head and yelling at you!"

"Do you think I'm a fool like you?"

Jiu Lama rolled his eyes. Apart from the old man and his two sons, he had never been afraid of anyone~

"Wait, have any of you seen Sun Wukong?"

King Mu looked at the two people fighting with a smile. As a collection of chakras belonging to the same origin, these tailed beasts were essentially brothers and sisters. When he glanced at the other tailed beasts around him, he suddenly discovered that one of them seemed to be missing. bit, and then frowned and asked,

"Huh? That's right, why didn't it come? It's the one who loves to warm up the show~"

Niu Gui touched his chin and felt a little strange. When we usually chat at gatherings, Sun Wukong is the most active one. Why is it so unusual today? We have been chatting for so long and the other party is not online yet.


The other tailed beasts also discovered that one Sun Wukong was missing. They stopped communicating one after another and began to try to call the four tails. After a while, a strong figure seemed to have received a call and walked slowly out of the darkness.

"Everyone, be careful, there is someone"

Just when the tailed beasts breathed a sigh of relief, they saw the four-tailed strong figures shrinking rapidly. In the astonished eyes of the tailed beasts, Sun Wukong, who had not yet shown his face, used his last bit of strength to squeeze out After half a sentence, with a burst of cold power that made the tailed beasts tremble, its figure disappeared into the tailed beast chat room.

"What happened!"

Some timid six-tailed rhino dogs, after sensing the cold power, seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and their whole bodies began to tremble involuntarily.

"Is this feeling Indra?"

You Lu, who is proficient in Yin Escape, felt the hairs all over his body stand up. The cold force that passed away just now was clearly that of the old man's bad-tempered eldest son.

They, these tailed beasts, lived in the shadow of the old man's two sons when they were young. One would glare at them at all times, and although the other was honest and honest, he would also whip them with a wooden stick in order to prevent them from hurting others.

"Impossible, Indra has been dead for many years!"

Jiulama shook his head. As a traitor who has been in the ninja world for many years, he knows the strength of human beings well. Indra has died of old age long ago. Although there are his descendants in the ninja world, their strength is far less than his. tyrannical.

"Then what happened to Sun Wukong?"

The Niu Gui on the side, with eight tentacles stretched tightly at the moment, swept away the stern posture just now, and asked with some surprise,

"King Mu, you are closer to Sun Wukong. Go and see what is going on."

Seeing that all the tailed beasts were in panic, the Nine Lamas, who claimed to be Lao Da, stood up and turned to King Mu and ordered,


Normally, King Mu might have said a few words, who is not a tailed beast anymore, but now the situation is a bit subtle, as if someone is coveting them, and with the overall situation in mind, it said no more, nodded, and then exited. The tailed beast chat room,

"I remember, Monkey King's home is over there~"

On the plain, King Mu shook his big head. After determining the location of the volcano group where the four-tailed Sun Wukong lived, he immediately stepped forward with his four hooves, turned into a white light, and disappeared instantly.


King Mu's four hooves made a clear thumping sound, and the steam emitted from his body was scorching everything around him. Just as he was covering his head and racing wildly, there was a figure standing on the road that he must pass not far away. A figure with long hair is eagerly waiting for its arrival.

"Well, why are there humans here? Forget it, you can't rely on me to find your own death."

King Mu, who was running wildly, suddenly caught a glimpse of a tiny human not far away. However, just as a human would not change his path for an ant, as a tailed beast, he would not stop for a mere human. Speed ​​up and hit the human who is seeking death,

The horns on its head can crack mountains and crack rocks~

"Is this the tailed beast? It is indeed a dangerous creature as Tobirama said."

Senju Hashirama, who had been waiting for a long time, frowned slightly as he looked at the huge tailed beast attacking him. He could feel the boiling chakra in King Mu's body. If this creature was thrown into a city, it would be half as powerful as Within hours, the city was absolutely destroyed and people were killed.

"This human being doesn't want to live anymore?"

King Mu looked at the human who was about to die under its hooves. As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he felt an energy full of majestic vitality. To his surprise, he suddenly discovered that the human in front of him actually exuded a familiar energy. breath,

"Is this the power of Asura?"

"It's very fast, so let's use Wood Release: All Budai Jutsu!"

Senju Hashirama looked at King Mu, who was extremely fast and extremely flexible, with a flash of thought in his eyes. He then slapped his hand on the ground and activated the ninjutsu he had just mastered.

With the injection of wood escape power, in an instant, countless big hands stretched out from the ground and grabbed the confused King Mu menacingly.

"Huh? Really!"

Seeing the familiar wooden hands grabbing at him, King Mu shuddered in response, and subconsciously used his special skill, Fei Dun, to try to destroy these huge wooden hands in front of him.


But things went against his wishes. King Mu desperately found that the boiling escape that he was so proud of hit the wooden escape between the Thousand Hand Pillars. It was like scratching an itch. The newly burned wooden hand soon sprouted new sprouts, one after another. One, catch it,

"Is this human being a descendant of Asura?"

King Mu, who was overwhelmed, had lost his initial arrogance. He was thinking of retreating and was ready to run away on his own hooves. However, Senju Hashirama had already seen through his little thoughts. The moment before he retreated, he clapped his little hand. ,

"Wooden Release: The Technique of the Wooden Man."

The honest Arhat appeared again. As soon as he appeared, he threw out several wooden dragons coiled around his body and rolled towards King Mu from several tricky angles.

"not good!"

King Mu, whose heart tightened, could clearly sense the terrifying aura contained in those wooden dragons. He immediately opened his mouth, and a dark ball brewed in its mouth.

"Tailed beast jade!"

"How can I let you do it!"

Senju Hashirama, who was extremely skilled in combat, started to move the moment he saw the tailed beast jade in King Mu's mouth. He was seen controlling the wooden man to run wildly, and appeared one second before the tailed beast jade was ejected. In front of King Mu,


The wooden man's big hand directly pressed on King Mu's forehead, and the tyrannical force shut him up instantly. The tailed beast jade, which contained extremely destructive power, also became a dud and turned into a wave of air and scattered in all directions.

Tailed Beast Jade forcibly interrupted, and the angry King Mu couldn't care less about the old days and struggled to get up. The hot breath emanating from his body made the surrounding air sultry.

"It's a bit difficult~"

Senju Hashirama narrowed his eyes. The tailed beast was not a real life form, so it would not be knocked unconscious. Even if he suppressed it with a wooden figure, the tailed beast would always resist and would escape if he was not careful.

"Kuo'an enters the temple and hangs his hands."

Suddenly, Senju Hashirama seemed to remember something. He raised his right hand, and the word "seat" appeared in the palm of his hand. The disciple he was sitting on also had the word "seat" appear in the huge wooden palm of his hand. King Mu's sleepy and strange power came from the wooden palm pressed on its head,


After a moment, King Mu, who was struggling violently just now, was sleeping like a dead pig. After making sure that it would not explode again, Senju Hashirama withdrew his hand with satisfaction.

"It seems that going to the Shigu Forest to practice is the right choice. The ninjutsu I learned through meditation are so easy to use~"

Controlling the wooden man to carry the sleeping King Mu, Senju Hashirama happily walked towards Konoha.

"Hey, Motor, I will definitely win~"

"King Mu, King Mu? King Mu!"

In the chat room, the waiting tailed beasts were horrified to find that they could not contact King Mu who had just left. In an instant, an aura of horror filled the entire space.

The tailed beasts explained and looked at each other. They had never encountered this kind of situation before. Even if some of them were accidentally controlled by humans, they could just like Shukaku, go online and brag and fart without any hindrance.

But now, first Sun Wukong who suddenly went offline, and then King Mu who didn't respond to his call. These tailed beasts, which are regarded as natural disasters by humans, seemed to be held tightly by a big invisible hand, and they did not dare to move at all.

"King Mu must have gotten carried away and forgot to reply to us. Please wait."

Seeing that the tailed beasts were a little nervous, Jiulama immediately opened his mouth to ease the atmosphere, but there was a deep look of worry hidden in his fox eyes.

"Travel again, you go"

Turning his head, Jiu Lama said to the big blue cat who was sleeping,

"I'm not going!"

It was as if its tail had been stepped on. Faced with the arrangement of the Nine Lamas, it immediately jumped on its feet, looking like it was blowing its beard and staring.


"It's not convenient for me on land. I'm just a turtle~"

Before Kurama finished speaking, the three-tailed Isobu shrank his head and refused directly,

"Don't look at me, I'm very slow~"

The six-tailed rhino shook his head. As a slug, it was destined not to be a tailed beast with strong mobility,

"I am a cocoon."

That's right, no one uses a metal pupa to fight, just to get beaten.

"It's not convenient for me either~"

Niugui waved his tentacles and said confidently,

"Hmph~ I can't count on them, I'll go by myself."

Kurouma rolled his eyes. These guys were all unreliable. It seemed that only I had to do it~

"Look, I'll go now"

"Hey, Sun Wukong, why are you here? Where did you go just now?"

Just when Jiulama was about to log off angrily, Youlu beside him suddenly made a surprised sound, but there was no sign of the four-tailed Sun Wukong around, which meant that it had met the missing Sun Wukong offline,

"It's good that you're okay~"

Kurouma was relieved when he heard that Sun Wukong had gone to find Youlu. As the (self-proclaimed) tailed beast, it really worked hard.

There's nothing he can do. Who told the old man to give it so many tails?

The more tails, the greater the responsibility~

"Sun Wukong, are you crazy!"

Just when Jiulama was moved by himself, he heard Youlu exclaimed, and then instantly logged off,

"Youlu? Youlu "Brigade!"

Bewildered by the sudden change, Jiu Lama carefully connected with Brigade again after a while, wanting to ask what was going on.


However, the only response was the same busy tone as King Mu. In an instant, a chill enveloped the remaining tailed beasts. As a chakra aggregate, they actually broke out in cold sweat.

"This is not funny, stop it~"

After a short silence, Jiu Lama took the lead and shouted loudly, pretending to be relaxed, as if the disappearance of the tailed beasts just now was just a prank they had discussed.

"No, I'm going back to the swamp to hide, and contact me at any time~"

The timid six-tailed rhino dog couldn't stand this depressing atmosphere, so he backed out.

"Don't move, or you may be the next one to disappear."

Ku Lama frowned, looked at the rhino dog who wanted to run away, and stopped him.

"What do you mean, threatening me?"

As a tailed beast, why can you speak loudly? The rhino dog was not going to tolerate Jiu Lama. As he was talking, he was ready to go offline and hide.


"See you~"

Ignoring Jiu Lama's obstruction, the rhino dog returned to reality and immediately moved his huge body towards the wet swamp, where there were few people and it was an excellent refuge.

"Excuse me, are you also the Slug Sage?"

Just as the rhino dog was moving carefully, a puzzled voice suddenly sounded from behind him, making his back cold.

"No, you have six tails. Let me see. Hmm, you are also a tailed beast. I thought you were a relative of the Slug Sage~"

Hearing the voice, the rhino dog lowered his head and found that at his feet, there was a man with long black hair, holding a piece of paper and examining it carefully. While looking at it, he also... While gesturing towards himself, it was a little confused.

"Go to hell, you ignorant human."

Facing tiny humans, the tailed beasts have developed a habit of contempt, even the timid rhino dog is no exception. With a calm mind, it casually sprayed a strong acid, wanting to melt this human and continue to hide.

"Indiscriminate attack, it is indeed a dangerous creature."

Putting away the information in his hand, Hashirama Senju slowly raised his head and looked at the strong acid that made a sizzling sound. In his heart, he had already labeled the tailed beast as "dangerous".

He didn't say anything more immediately. He saw Hashirama Senju clapping his hands and scaring the beast with a deep look,

"My wooden man is very big, you have to bear it."

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