Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 242 Kakuzu: The Blame Falls from the Sky

In the station behind the huge waterfall, the middle-aged man, who is the leader of the ninjas of the country of Taki, is waiting anxiously. The ninja team he dispatched has been setting off for a while, but no news has been sent back yet. It made him feel a little uneasy,

"Chief! Chief! They are back!"

Just as he was pacing back and forth, the voice of his men suddenly sounded outside the door. He was so excited that he immediately opened the door and walked out, wanting to see who the strange intruder was.

However, what he saw after stepping out of the room really shocked him.

I saw his elite subordinates, who he was proud of, lying on stretchers with bruises and swollen faces. There was no good piece of flesh on their bodies. After being covered with bandages, their whole bodies were swollen like a pig's head.


The painful groan brought the ninja leader of Taki Country back to reality. He looked around and found the team leader he had appointed.

He took three steps and two steps at a time and rushed to his side. He looked at the hand in front of him with some unbearability and was so swollen that even his mother could not recognize it. He patted his thigh fiercely and asked anxiously,


"Xiongda, how many people are coming from the other side?"

The captain of the ninja team is Xiong Dao, but his most capable subordinate is even more powerful. In the past few years, after drinking the water of heroes, he has been promoted to elite strength. In the entire station, there are only himself and the eccentric characters. You can overwhelm him.

But now, he was beaten like this, and he was injured but not dead. There was no fatal wound on his body. From this, it can be seen that the strength of the perpetrator must be far superior to them.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Chief, I am not Captain Xiong. I am Ou Jie. The captain is over there!"

The man who had been mistakenly identified was bursting with tears at this moment. His thigh was fine at first, but after being slapped by the leader, it was completely destroyed. However, he still endured the pain, stretched out his trembling fingers, and pointed at the side of the thigh that was covered by it. The mummified creature pointed out,

"Well, it turns out to be Ou Jie."

The leader who had mistakenly admitted the person said with erratic eyes, Ou Jie, although he had a lot of work, but his strength was average. From what he had done just now, he probably lost his leg. Then he turned his eyes to the medical staff who were bandaging him and said something. commanded,

"When we get down there, we'll build a good wheelchair for Ou Jie, do you hear me?"

"Yes yes yes."

"Xiongda, what happened? You were ambushed?"

This time, he found the right person. Xiongda was wrapped like a mummy, with only his mouth and nose exposed. After hearing the leader's questions, his whole body began to tremble violently, as if he remembered something terrible, and then struggled to convey A voice came out,

"There is only one person on the other side"

"Nani? What ninjutsu did you use?"

"One punch. Just one punch."

"How could you, so many of you, be beaten like this by one punch?"

After hearing Xiongda's description, the leader immediately expressed doubts, and even doubted whether his men were controlled by illusions.

".That punch covered the sky and the sun."

Recalling Senju Hashirama's punch towards him in the air, the ninja named Xiongda's voice was full of fear from the bottom of his heart. He had never seen a fist as big as a clay pot, but it was bigger than a mountain. This was the first time in his life that he had seen a fist.

"Hey~ Have you found out the other party's information?"

Seeing that his capable subordinate began to talk nonsense, the leader sighed slightly. He was afraid that his head might be broken. Then he gave up hope and asked in a routine manner,

"Senju Hashirama, he said his name is Senju Hashirama!"

The name was the only useful information their team had obtained. As for the opponent's purpose, a green caterpillar with seven tails?

I'm afraid if I say it, I'll make the leader laugh out loud.

"Senju. Senju Hashirama."

As the ninja leader of the country of Taki, his knowledge reserve must be several times higher than that of other people. He was only somewhat familiar with the name Senju Hashirama, but he still knew a little about the surname Senju.

"Why did the guy from the Fire Country come to us?"

A flash of light flashed through his half-squinted eyes, and the leader of the ninjas of Takino Country was puzzled. Although their country of Takino was adjacent to the Country of Fire, there was no intersection between the two countries. They were separated by several natural canyons. They have been separated from each other since old age, and there has been no conflict.

But this time, the other party actually came to the door.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, they heard about the Heroic Water.

"If you don't come sooner, you won't come later. But at this time, there must be someone inside!"

The spring that breeds the Hero's Water will only produce a small amount of essence every few decades. Calculating the time, this year should be the day when the Hero's Water is produced. The other party must be here for their secret treasure at this juncture. ,

"Check for me, who has been out recently."

The seeds of doubt had been planted, and the leader calmly ordered to his confidant,

"Chief, recently, only Kakuzu has been out frequently."

After a while, the confidant came back with the results of the investigation. According to the records at the station, only the young man named Kakuzu had been out in the recent period.

"Is there anything suspicious?"

The leader's heart skipped a beat. Kakuzu was one of his very promising subordinates. He was extremely talented and extremely powerful at a young age. He originally thought that after the Heroic Water was produced this time, he would give the boy a share. Unexpectedly, the other party was more impatient than him, and even went so far as to commit treason.

"Well, according to the guard's description, Kakuzu always goes out empty-handed and comes back with a big bag on his back."

really! Such blatant collaboration with the enemy and treason, without even bothering to cover it up, shouldn't he be taken seriously?

Although the leader secretly resented it, he did not make it public. Now that the other party was cooperating inside and outside, and Xiongda was also wounded in bed, he really started to take action. He could not stand alone.

snort! Why use force when you can use wrists?

On the other side of the station,

After polishing and polishing the rusty kunai into factory-new, the young man named Kakuzu placed it on the table with satisfaction. Looking at the densely packed kunai with cold light shining in front of him, he showed a happy smile.

"Haha, we can make a lot of money again!"

Kakuzu's eyes were shining with golden light. These kunai were just green banknotes.

As expected, he went out day and night to clean the battlefield and touch corpses. From the layers of broken limbs and broken arms, he dug out one broken kunai after another.

"However, why hasn't the Fire Kingdom started fighting recently? Next time I can only go to the Earth Kingdom to make a fortune."

Touching the kunai that suddenly showed cold light, Kakuzu was filled with doubts. In the past few years, the Fire Country was his treasure land. There were battlefields everywhere. If he touched it casually, he could get a big bag.

However, things are a bit sluggish now. He wandered around a lot and only touched a few. He might as well earn more by doing a mission.

"Next time unless I receive a mission, I will never go to the Fire Country."


Behind the largest waterfall in Taki Country, a long-haired man with a tangled face looked around.

"Is the information really wrong? It shouldn't be. It was quite accurate before~"

At this moment, Senju Hashirama stood a little frustrated on top of a large white cocoon, with an angry look in his eyes, and couldn't help but murmur to himself,

You know, it is not easy for him to travel to Taki Country. The remaining tailed beasts are either in the eastern sea or near Yuno Country. He originally planned to capture all the tailed beasts in the west of the Fire Country. , and then moved to the east, but unexpectedly came up empty here.

"How abominable!"


Hashirama stomped his feet angrily, and his big feet, which contained strange strength, stepped hard on the big cocoon under his feet, making a violent thumping sound.

Chongming: It gets harder with use!

"Nine Lamas, don't come here, there is a scary guy here!"

Chongming, who was in the cocoon, gritted his teeth and did not dare to make a sound. For fear of arousing the suspicion of the evil star above him, he had no choice but to call Jiuwei in the chat room to give it a vaccination in advance.

"What, you move so fast?"

Kyuubi, who had already entered the country of Taki, cried out in disbelief after hearing Chongming's words.

"Does the other person have pink eyes like Indra?"

Kyuubi, whose heart tightened, hurriedly confirmed,

"Indra's aura doesn't exist, that's all."

Chongming carefully checked the Senju Hashirama above his head. After confirming that there was no unique cold power of Indra, he breathed a sigh of relief and informed the Kyuubi who was about to arrive of the good news.

"Just what?"

As soon as it heard that it was not Indra, the nine-tailed mind was relieved. It was not afraid of anything but the old man and his two precious sons, so it asked casually with a bit of lightness and joy in its tone. One sentence,


However, Chongming, who was still on the phone just now, suddenly interrupted the conversation. The cold busy tone sent chills all over Jiuwei's body. The hair on his body stood on end and his vigorous steps became slow.

"Hmph~ I won't be afraid!"

After thinking for a while, Jiuwei raised his head and snorted coldly. As long as Indra was not glaring at someone who was fainting, it would not panic. That idiot Chongming must have been controlled by humans because he was in the transformation stage and could not fight back.

Thinking of this, Kyuubi once again stretched out its limbs and rushed towards the waterfall not far away. It wanted to rescue Chongming before he was completely captured.

Time goes back a few minutes.


Senju Hashirama raised his foot in confusion. He wondered how he could step through the unique white boulder under his foot without exerting much force.

"Um, is this stone empty?"

After shaking off the unknown liquid on his feet, Senju Hashirama realized that the boulder he had been standing on for a long time was actually hollow.


Just when he was doubting, a suppressed gasp slowly came from the hollow under his feet, which made him feel like a cat scratching his heart, so he leaned down and put his face up to take a look inside.

"Oh, it's such a big beetle!"

I saw Senju Hashirama's eyes flashing with excitement, staring at the already formed Chongming in the cocoon, almost drooling.

"So handsome!"

Armored insects have a fatal attraction for men. Even the child's father, Senju Hashirama, is not immune to this.

"If I take this back, I'll make Motora hungry to death!"

At this moment, Senju Hashirama, who was confused by the handsome beetle, had already put aside the matter of capturing the tailed beast, and was gearing up to catch this handsome beetle.


Chongming felt offended, but did not dare to feel displeased, because before Senju Hashirama had even stepped through his own cocoon, he sensed a trace of familiar power from the man above him.

As a cautious one among the tailed beasts, Chongming adheres to the principle of not being immovable until the enemy is immovable, and now artificially breaks out of the cocoon in advance. It is still very weak, and immediately begins to cover its head and pretend to be dead.

"It's a pity that it's not a tailed beast, but it's not bad~"

Senju Hashirama carefully looked at Chongming who was panting slightly, and glanced at the one tail on the opponent's butt, showing a disappointed expression, but he quickly adjusted it. After all, the harvest was quite fruitful, capturing the handsome man. A big beetle.

Not a tailed beast?

Hearing Senju Hashirama's muttering, Shigeaki, who was pretending to be dead, couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He thanked the old man in his heart for giving him the shape. No one would mistake wings for a tail, right~

"Stab it!"

Suddenly, a harsh sound was heard in Chongming's ears. He glanced subconsciously, and was horrified to find that the smiling Senju Hashirama easily tore open his big cocoon like tearing paper, clapped his hands, Walk towards yourself step by step,

Feeling the danger coming, Chongming was frightened and subconsciously used his scale powder to try to confuse Senju Hashirama's sight.

"It seems to be active, it should be able to last until Konoha~"

Seeing Chong Ming begin to resist, Senju Hashirama, who thought the opponent was about to die, nodded with satisfaction, then clapped his hands and used his specialty Wood Release. Several ferocious wooden dragons wrapped around the majestic force. With all his strength, he rolled towards the confused Nanao,

Good news, this scary man is not Indra.

The bad news is that he is his younger brother who is the living king of hell.

Chongming burst into tears. The experience of being sucked to death by Mu Dun was still vivid in his mind. Compared with Indra staring at someone who was dizzy, Asura fucking the big wooden man and giving him a Thai massage made them even more frightened.

"Nine Lamas"

Although it has just contacted Nine Tails, it has not informed the other party of the true identity of the man in front of it. Now that the wooden dragon warning has come, it must give Nine Lamas a warning.

However, before it could dial the number, those wooden dragons had already wrapped themselves around it. Along with a familiar suction force, Chongming felt his body soften and he lay down straight.

Hey, this living king of hell, I can’t beat him again and again, so why don’t I just lie down~

Anyway, the opponent looked stupid and dumb, and he didn't recognize that he was a tailed beast. After he relaxed his vigilance, he could just spread his wings and run away.

As a result, Chongming, who had no intention of resisting, was captured so easily.

"This slime."

After handling it easily, Senju Hashirama clapped his hands excitedly. This trip was not in vain. With this handsome big beetle, he can boast in front of Motor La for the rest of his life.

But just as he raised his feet, the mucus remaining in the cocoon caught his attention. This liquid was rich in some kind of strange power and full of violent aura.

Lowering his head, Senju Hashirama found an ancient artificial water channel next to the cocoon. The mucus remaining in the cocoon was slowly flowing into it.

Is anyone collecting this slime?

Senju Hashirama raised his eyebrows and speculated in his mind,

"Chief, the water of heroes has started flowing ahead of schedule!"

In the Ninja Station of Takino Country, the leader had just finished pacifying the injured Ninja team. Before the leader's buttocks were warmed up, he heard an emergency report. Hearing the words, he stood up immediately, with an unbelievable light shining in his eyes. ,

"How come it's so far in advance?"

According to their records over the years, the flow cycle of the Heroic Water is very accurate, and the error will not exceed one month. In terms of time, the Heroic Water will flow again at the end of this year. Why is it early?

"Take me to see it!"

The leader, who was filled with surprise and uncertainty, immediately called to his confidants and ran towards the Water of Heroes.

"Why is this heroic water so thick?"

Coming to a secret narrow room, the leader frowned, looking at the viscous liquid slowly flowing down from the top of the cliff, and shouted in confusion,

He has been the leader for some years, but he has only seen the Hero's Water flow twice. The Hero's Water before was always as clear as water, but this time, it became sticky and made people feel physically uncomfortable.

"But the efficacy has not changed, and it even seems to be stronger."

He dipped his finger into a little sticky hero water. He put it into his mouth and tasted it carefully. Feeling the violent chakra rushing through his meridians, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up. This time, the hero water was , the effect is even better than before.

The country of Taki is about to take off!

The leader looked excitedly at the sticky heroic water in front of him, and his excitement could no longer be suppressed. As long as they had this heroic water, their country of Taki would surely rise.

"Hey~ why are you drinking this?"

Just when the ninja leader of Taki Country fell into a beautiful fantasy, a voice of disgust sounded in his ears, making him tense up, subconsciously put on a defensive posture, and looked at the person who came warily.

"Who are you and how did you break in!"

This is their forbidden area, not to mention strangers, even their own people, must go through layers of screening before they are eligible to enter.

"Well, I'm Senju Hashirama, I came down from above~"

After all, he was a migrant, and he still had to worry about the local people's face when he was on other people's land, so he touched his head in embarrassment and replied with a sincere expression on his face,

"You are Senju Hashirama! Is it you who beat Yudai and the others into such a state of shame?"

The leader, who was initially wary of his full potential, immediately turned red after hearing Senju Hashirama's self-introduction. The seemingly honest man in front of him turned out to be a cruel thug.

Besides, this guy is suspected of plotting against their secret treasure, so he must not be let off easily.

"Xiongda, you mean those guys with bad breath, right? I just taught them a lesson, and didn't hurt their lives."

Senju Hashirama suddenly realized and replied with a frown,

"What is your purpose? Are you targeting our secret treasure?"

Since the other party has found this place, the leader will no longer keep it a secret and speak directly,

At the same time, he made a subtle gesture to his confidant with his hands behind his back, asking him to cooperate with him and wait for an opportunity.

"Secret treasure? No, no, I'm just looking for a green caterpillar with seven tails."

Unexpectedly, the other party misunderstood the purpose of his visit, Senju Hashirama hurriedly waved his hands to explain,

"Seven tails? Green caterpillar!"

The leader, who had a gloomy face, had his pupils shrank instantly after hearing Senju Hashirama's explanation, and his heart seemed to slow down half a beat. A surprised voice leaked from the corner of his mouth,

"You know? Please let me know, I, Senju Hashirama, will definitely reward you handsomely!"

Senju Hashirama, who was about to leave, stopped immediately after seeing the expression of the leader opposite, and turned to look at the other party excitedly, and asked anxiously,

".We don't have any green caterpillars with seven tails here. We will not pursue the matter of Xiongda for the time being. Please leave quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Recovering from the shock, The leader's eyes flashed with an ambiguous light, and he issued an order to expel the guests expressionlessly. At this moment, he didn't care why Hashirama Senju beat his men, or whether he coveted their secret treasures.

"Then what were you shocked about just now!"

"It's normal to be shocked when you hear such an incredible insect, don't you think~"

The leader explained calmly, and turned around to ask his confidants behind him,

"That's right~"

"It's shocking me for a hundred years~"

"Okay, sorry to bother you, I'll leave first~"

Although he always felt that the other party's attitude was a little wrong, Hashirama Senju couldn't continue to ask questions. After all, it was a personal issue now. If it really got out of hand, it would rise to the national level.

He just promised the Fire Country Daimyo that he would seek a peaceful path, and he couldn't turn around and go to war with his neighbors.

Looking at the back of Senju Hashirama, the leader slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes turned to the slowly flowing Hero Water. He not only knew the seven-tailed green caterpillar, but also knew it better than anyone else.

The Hero Water is not rootless water. Only the leaders of all generations are qualified to know its secret.

In the huge waterfall of Taki Country, there lives a mythical beast. It has three forms in total, one of which is the seven-tailed green caterpillar described by Senju Hashirama just now.

At first, the mythical beast is in the form of a seven-tailed green caterpillar. After a period of time, the green caterpillar will cocoon. The cocooning cycle is very long. After more than ten years, a six-winged beetle will break out of the cocoon and soar for decades. The six-winged beetle will come back to shed its skin and turn into a green caterpillar again.

It goes on and on, endlessly.

And the Hero Water they have been guarding is the water that flows out of the cocoon when the six-winged beetle breaks out of the cocoon.

"The Heroic Water is still flowing, which means it is still there. As long as it is there, our Taki Country will prosper."

"Chief, look at that guy, he jumped off the cliff!"

Just as the leader was staring at the Heroic Water and daydreaming, the surprised voice of his confidant sounded behind him,

"Just jump if you want to, can we stop you if you want to die?"

He was interrupted with a bit of surprise on his face. He looked in the direction pointed by his confidant, and the scene in front of him shocked him.

He saw the departing Senju Hashirama flying off the 100-meter cliff. Just as everyone was surprised, a Luohan wooden man as tall as a mountain stood up from under the cliff. His huge body shook the earth with every step he took.

But this scene was not the most shocking to them. When they saw the huge beetle behind the slowly leaving wooden man, the ninja leader of Taki Country could not hold back at all.

"This guy is not greedy for the Heroic Water, he is clearly trying to dig up the roots of our Taki Country!"

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