Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 248 Captain Uchiha comes to see you

Chapter 248 Captain Uchiha, come to see you~

After a short and friendly negotiation, the four tailed beasts headed by Kyuubi willingly signed a strategic agreement for win-win cooperation with Senju Hashirama.



As Senju Hashirama released the four-pillar prison, the four freed tailed beasts raised their heads one after another and let out deafening roars.

The sound wave carried a huge air wave and stirred up dust all over the sky, forcing everyone onlookers to cover their faces.

The moment he regained his freedom, Kyuubi's eyes flashed with gleam.

Looking at Senju Hashirama who was hiding his face, it quietly took a small step back, its huge beast eyes showing cunning, waiting for an opportunity to find a way to escape.

Let me help you humans fight? Go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn dreams!

However, just as Kyuubi was about to run away, several thick wooden branches suddenly pulled up from the ground, making it shiver in surprise and subconsciously tighten its buttocks, almost holding it back.

Um. I'm thinking that I haven't moved yet. Is this human's perception so strong?

Kyuubi whispered in his heart, then closed his eyes and waited for the wooden branches to be tied up.


However, after waiting for a long time, Kyuubi did not feel the suffocating tension. Instead, a familiar scream made him open his eyes and look towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw the five-tailed King Mu struggling to the ground, his four slender hooves tightly entangled with thick wooden branches.

At the same time, the pitiful screams coming from their mouths made many tailed beasts feel tense.

"As a human being, you need to be honest. As an animal, you need to be honest even more!"

Senju Hashirama, with his hands clasped together, looked at Wuwei with a serious face, and his tone was very impressive,

It turns out that King Mu of the Five Tails made his own plans right after he was released.

Rolling his eyes, Wuwei felt that as the fastest tailed beast, it was not easy for him to slip away from this human's hands. He was captured before just because of his carelessness.

After thinking about it, it spread its hooves and prepared to escape in a direction without obstacles.

But it never expected that this human being was already on guard. The moment it raised one foot, several wooden branches had already tied it tightly with lightning speed.

King Mu was suddenly hit hard, his body balance was broken, and after falling to the ground, he could only lie on the ground shivering like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I didn't want to run, I just warmed up~"

The Five-Tails, who was defeated by the Wooden Tenten, felt that all the strength in his body was taken away. He could barely hold up his head and explained weakly to Senju Hashirama who looked calm,

"Hey~ If you had told me earlier, I thought you wanted to run away!"

Senju Hashirama laughed when he heard this, giving King Mu a step down. Then he loosened his hands, and the wooden branches slowly relaxed, and finally turned into rotten wood.

"Come on you guys, real freedom is right before your eyes~"

His expression became very warm, Senju Hashirama clapped his hands, and encouraged the four frightened tailed beasts.

Leading the four tailed beasts who had become obedient, Senju Hashirama came to Uchiha Madara. Looking at his close friend who had his eyes closed to meditate, he touched his head in embarrassment and said,

"Sorry, Motor, I kept you waiting~"

"It doesn't matter, let's get started."

Slowly opening his scarlet eyes, a rare smile appeared on Uchiha Madara's stern face. He was full of expectations and was ready to face the challenge of Senju Hashirama.

At this moment, a blue lightning suddenly flashed across the clear sky, and the familiar white hair appeared majestically~

"Then, I will be the referee this time~"

Senju Tobirama, with his arms folded across his chest, appeared between the two players. His scarlet eyes flickered slightly, and then he slowly opened his mouth to reveal his identity.

He, Thousand Hands Tobirama, is absolutely impartial!


As Qian Ju Tobiran finished speaking, thunderous boos erupted from the audience, but the thunderous applause he imagined did not appear.

"What do you mean?"

Frowning, Senju Tobirama looked at the people in the audience with a gloomy expression, especially Uchiha Izuna, and made a very insulting gesture to express his dissatisfaction.

Uchiha Gin, with the old god present, stood up from the horse and looked directly into Senju Tobirama's sinister eyes without fear.

Then he turned his head, looked at the silent Ninja Alliance members, and said seriously,

"It's really unfair that you, the Senju clan, have always been the referee. You're right, Sasuke's brother~"

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Gin would put him in front. Sarutobi Sasuke was on pins and needles, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply,

“Yeah, it’s a bit”

Waving to signal Sarutobi Sasuke not to be nervous, the Uchiha clan was his solid backing. Looking at the gloomy Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Gin said in a tone of discussion that could not be refused,

"Look, everyone thinks so. How about we Uchiha send a referee for this match?"

"That's right~"

Senshou Tojama, who was not too dissatisfied with the excitement, also watched the fire, which made Senju Tojama feel sad in his heart.

The waist that had just straightened up was bent again by his sister.

"Since this is what most people think, I should follow it. In this battle, you, the Uchiha clan, will send a referee to supervise the battle."

Sighing in his heart, Senju Tobirama put down his hands and nodded to Uchiha Gin, indicating that he was withdrawing from the refereeing world.

Seeing that the position of referee was about to fall into the hands of Uchiha, the little cousin was suddenly excited. He grabbed Uchiha Gin's arm and recommended himself,

"Big cousin! Let me go, Bao Heishao~"

"Stare~" Bai Mao stared.

"Ahem, Quan Nai, how could you say such chilling words~"

Shaking off Uchiha Izuna's hand without leaving a trace, Uchiha Gin immediately drew a clear line with it.

His eyes were full of regret, as if he was seeing a child who had gone astray, showing great distress.

"That's all, let me, as an elder, uphold justice for you!"

Now that the little cousin has revealed that he has no chance to be a referee, the only person who can do it now is himself.

"Are you a referee?"

Senju Tobirama withdrew his teasing gaze from Uchiha Izuna, looked at Uchiha Gin who was sighing, raised his eyebrows, and asked in surprise,

"No, do referees also need to have a certificate to work?"

"That's not the case. I don't have any problem with it if you do it."

Uchiha Gin was a little curious as to why Senju Tobirama didn't stop him. This white-haired man was so ruthless that he could even shake the eggs sold by Uchiha Trading Company.

"Then I'll go up~"

Seeing that Senju Tobirama had no objections, Uchiha Gin turned his attention to the two people in the competition, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Brother Yin is doing his job, I can rest assured!"

Senju Hashirama was confident and didn't panic at all. He smiled and nodded to Uchiha Gin, saying that he had no objection.


Madara Uchiha didn't speak, which was equivalent to acquiescence, but there was a strange look on his face. He always felt that his cousin would cause trouble.

"Hmph! I'll come too~"

Uchiha Gin, who was carrying a heavy responsibility, straightened his face, reached out to fumble in the bag behind his back for a while, slowly pulled out a luxurious golden cane, and then flew forward with a big smile.

As his figure disappeared, a shocking voice resounded throughout the battlefield,

"First: Never act out of emotion."

"Second: Never miss a single bad thing."

"Third: The referee must be fair and beautiful."

Landing steadily, holding the golden cane high, Uchiha Gin announced loudly to everyone present,

"Hey, hey, hey~ Captain Uchiha, come and see me!"


Senju Itama's eyes were shining brightly, and his little hands were red.

With such a shocking declaration and such a handsome appearance, he is indeed the man I like.

"Uh this."

Uchiha Hikaru and Uchiha Governance on the side were relatively calm. After looking at each other, a trace of shame appeared on their beautiful faces.

This line is too shameful~

"I didn't expect Mr. Yin to be such a fair person. He is truly a role model for our generation!"

Everyone in the Ninja Alliance was also shocked by Uchiha Gin's speech. Sarutobi Sasuke nodded excitedly and couldn't help but comment aloud,

"Hmph! It's definitely an act. If it weren't for the black whistle, I would stand on my head and eat ten kilograms of rice fields!"

What a mountain of prejudice. After a brief moment of silence, Shimura Kenichi snorted and said that if Uchiha Madara could lose, he would eat up all the stocks in Konoha's public toilets on the spot.

Cheating on food and drink?

"Huh~ can we start?"

Uchiha Madara, whose face twitched fiercely, looked stiffly at Uchiha Gin who looked complacent, suppressed a mouthful of old blood in his throat, and asked in a deep voice,

Uchiha Madara felt that every second now was torture, and Niu Gui's bare forehead was about to be kicked out of four rooms, three living rooms and two bathrooms by him.

"Brother Yin, it's up to you to decide the rules!"

Senju Hashirama, whose eyes were also shining, said with a smile to the new referee who took office,

"Well~ Since both parties have no objections, I declare that the first Pokémon Masters Tournament in Konoha Village has officially begun!"

With the recognition of both players, Uchiha Gin felt that he had a heavy responsibility and did not dare to slack off. There was a glimmer in the eyes of the dead fish, and he had already made up his mind.

Then he threw the golden cane in his hand into the sky, split it into four in the air, and inserted it firmly into the four corners of the field.

In an instant, an obscure and mysterious force spread from the cane to the ground, and golden ripples spread out quickly, covering eight huge tailed beasts in the blink of an eye.

The audience outside the venue was isolated by this force.

Then, a dazzling golden light flashed, and a ring large enough to accommodate several tailed beasts appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this incredible scene, everyone present was shocked. They didn't expect that the seemingly unconventional Uchiha Gin could have such magical means.

They tried to touch the golden transparent barrier, and found that the golden light in the barrier was looming, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not shake it at all.

"What's this?"

Immediately, several doubtful eyes looked at Uchiha Gin who looked satisfied, waiting for his explanation.

"Huh~ It's quite hard!"

Wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead, Uchiha Gin breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the stage he had built, and showed a happy smile.

"Cousin, where did you learn this move?"

After sensing it for a while, Uchiha Madara finally put down his cold demeanor and asked his cousin,

What kind of ninjutsu is this golden barrier?

When asked, Uchiha Gin immediately blurted out,

"Hey, did you see that cane? That cost me a lot of money, since"

And he is ready to use the same rhetoric that has been used for a long time to fool everyone.

"This is the country of craftsmen again, right? Can you explain it differently?"

His ears were almost ringing with what Uchiha Gin said. He was young and ignorant before, but he still believed it.

But later, when he happened to pass through the Craftsman Country on a mission, he realized that no one in the Craftsman Country had even heard of the ninja tools used by his older cousin.

"Ahem, cough, cough, how many times have I explained to you, I am a secluded family from the land of craftsmen, and the ninja tools I make exclusively are all unique and not available on the market."

After coughing a few times, Uchiha Gin replied with a normal expression,

Seeing that his sincere expression didn't seem to be fake, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but murmur in his heart,

Is that guy named Qingming lying to me?

Phew~ My cousin is getting harder and harder to fool.

Looking at the frowning Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Gin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the golden barrier rising around him, with a flash of amusement in his eyes.

This golden barrier was originally called the "Four Red Sun Formation". It was an A-level barrier ninjutsu he created from his backyard.

Contributor, monkey~

However, the original version is red, and there is still hot chakra attached to the barrier, making it impossible for people to touch it.

After the improvement of Uchiha Gin, using Yang Chakra full of healing power instead of the hot Fire Chakra,

While eliminating its lethality, it strengthened its defense, added the ability to self-repair, and changed its color from red to today's gold.

As a magically modified version, Uchiha Gin named it "Four Yaoyang Formation".

These are not four crow brothers who overturned the table~

"It turns out to be a ninja tool. I didn't expect it to have progressed to this point."

Unlike Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama firmly believed in Uchiha Gin's words. He touched the golden barrier with his hand, looked at the four canes stuck on the ground with glowing eyes, and said in surprise,

"Can a ninja tool do this?"

As one of the top scientific researchers in the Fire Country, Senju Tojama is not so easy to deceive. From this golden barrier, he can sense the strong Yang Escape aura.

If it is the effect of a ninja tool, then this technology must be monopolized by them, otherwise it will be a serious disaster if it falls into the hands of the enemy.

"Hey, hey, Lama Nine, why are you in a daze?"

Equally surprised, there were four tailed beasts with normal consciousness. After studying the Four-Year Formation for a long time, the fifth-tailed beast

I found that the always noisy Kyuubi was eerily quiet at this time. His attention was not on the barrier, but was staring closely at the curly-haired human.

"Don't you feel it?"

Kyuubi, who was interrupted from thinking, turned back with a frown, his yellow beast eyes filled with deep doubts.

"I know you have strong senses, so don't show off~"

The six-tailed rhinoceros also came over. When it heard Jiuwei's words, it shook the antennae on its head and said,

"That human being has the smell of an old man on him. Not only the old man, but also the smell of his pervert brother!"

After sniffing, Kyuubi checked several times, but the result remained the same.

"Um, how is that possible? You have rhinitis, right? Chongming, I told you not to spread your scale-breaking powder!"

King Mu shook his head, showing an expression of disbelief. After looking at Uchiha Gin, he bluntly said that there was something wrong with Kyuubi's perception, and that the murderer was the traitor Chongming.

"I just think that human being deserves a beating, and he has nothing to do with the old man~"


Kyuubi covered his nose and observed with only his eyes. He also felt that Uchiha Gin deserved a beating, and then began to doubt himself.

"This is the effect of the ninja tool. After injecting chakra, a barrier will be opened. People from outside cannot enter it, and attacks inside cannot cause damage to people outside the barrier."

Generalizing the effects of the ninja tool, Uchiha rolled his silver eyes, raised his right hand, and said,

"Now, let me announce the rules of the game."

The attention of everyone who was still studying the barrier was attracted. Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, Uchiha Gin said loudly,

"The competition is a defensive match. Both sides send out a tailed beast to compete. The loser leaves the ring and the winner defends the ring until all the tailed beasts of one side are defeated. The last one standing on the ring wins!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this. The rules set by Uchiha Gin were very simple, and there was no sense of favoritism, which was convincing.

"I really didn't see the wrong person."

Senju Tobirama, who was determined in his heart, looked at Uchiha Gin Wufeng's automatic curls and nodded happily.

"Then, let the players from both sides send their own tailed beasts to fight!"

After confirming that both sides had no objections, Uchiha Gin raised his hands to signal the start of the game.

"Motor, the strength of a tailed beast is linked to the number of tails~"

Seeing the start of the game, Senju Hashirama smiled and said to Uchiha Madara, who had difficulty choosing,

"Hmph~ How is that possible!"

Uchiha Madara naturally didn't believe this statement, so he immediately lowered his head and looked at the big blue cat lying at his feet. His eyes flashed red and he asked aloud,

"Do you tailed beasts measure their strength by the number of their tails?"

"That's nonsense, meow. Our tails are just for decoration. Our strength depends on our own methods."

You Lu was asked, even though he was hypnotized, he still did not forget the saying "the tail is useless".

"Well, you'll be the first to go up and prove it to me with your strength."

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Since you said the tail is useless, I'll let you go first.


Matata was hypnotized and had no room for resistance. Under the control of Uchiha Madara, he jumped onto the golden ring. His scarlet eyes gave people an invisible sense of oppression.

"Oh~ Motor, why don't you believe it~"

Sighing and shaking his head, this Uchiha Madara is really unwilling to see the Yellow River.

Then he turned to look at the four tailed beasts whispering behind him, and asked aloud,

"Which of you will go first?"

"That guy from the Fighting Brigade, let me do it~"

The four tailed beasts temporarily put aside the topic of Uchiha Gin and looked at the two tails who had jumped onto the ring. After some discussion, King Mu stood up.

I can't help it, whoever calls it has the least tail~

After saying that, it turned into a white lightning and appeared on the ring in a breath.

"Okay~ First stop, Two Tails VS Five Tails, the battle begins!"

Scenes like tailed beast fights are very rare. Uchiha Gin looked at the two tailed beasts who were getting ready to go with great interest. He waved a flag he got from nowhere and announced the start of the game with a wave of his hand.


As the Uchiha silver flag fell, the blue Mataru disappeared instantly.

The next moment, the sharp cat claws quietly landed on King Mu's head. This blow showed no mercy.


Even though the cat's claw was about to fall on his head, King Mu did not panic at all. There was a hint of contempt in his eyes. The four sharp horns on his forehead suddenly raised, and with unparalleled strange power, he faced Erwei's signature cat's claw.


The two collided, and there was only a loud noise. In the astonished eyes of everyone, the second tail, which had just vowed that its tail could not represent anything, was knocked away dozens of meters, and then hit the golden barrier heavily.

The huge impact made everyone behind the barrier subconsciously dodge.

As a result, the tailed beast's huge body did not shake the barrier at all, or even cause any ripples.

"That's it?"

Wuwei shook his slightly painful head, raised his head, looked at Youlu who was lying on the ground panting, and mocked in a sinister way,

"Huh~ Damn it!"

The second tail, which felt like its whole body was falling apart, stood up with gritted teeth and looked at the proud fifth tail. It then opened its mouth and a huge fireball shot out of its mouth, aiming directly at King Mu.

"Who are you looking down on?"

King Mu did not continue to coddle Erwei. After all, victory or defeat was related to its freedom.

Thinking of this, it opened its mouth decisively, and the black tailed beast jade expanded in its mouth.

In comparison, the fireball spit out by Erwei looks a bit shabby.

"Tailed beast jade!"

When the second tail saw that the fifth tail was serious, he stopped testing and brewed a black tailed beast jade in his mouth, deciding to decide the outcome with one move.


The two tailed beast jade were stored at the same time, and a bright light flashed in the eyes of the two beasts. The huge tailed beast jade blurted out, and the hot chakra collided together, making a deafening explosion sound.

As the smoke caused by the explosion dissipated, everyone stretched their heads out of curiosity to get a closer look.

"Who's winning?"

The two tailed beasts in the field were still in the same posture as when the tailed beast jade was fired, and their fur was slightly burnt.


Just when everyone thought the outcome was uncertain, the big blue cat swayed, let out a mournful cry, and then fell to the ground. Its sharp eyes turned into mosquito-repellent eyes, indicating that it had lost its fighting power.

"Youlu, you should be convinced now, right?"

King Mu, who was completely charred, slowly opened his mouth, and a few wisps of white smoke floated out of his mouth.

"In the first battle, Five-Tails wins!"

After it was determined that the second tail had lost the ability to fight, Uchiha Gin decisively raised the flag and announced the winner to the world.

"Haha~ It's a motor, I'm sorry~"

Senju Hashirama, who had won the first battle, was so happy that he couldn't help but smile. He waved his hand at Madara Uchiha, who had a cold look on his face, and shouted loudly,

"Hmph~ Useless thing!"

Unexpectedly, the second tail lost so easily. Uchiha Madara's nose was crooked, and he didn't even want to look at it again. He fixed his gaze on the fleshy fourth tail and said,

"Can you win?"

"Fight? My old grandson has never defeated anyone!"

Exuding a violent aura, the four tails of muscles stood up straight, and their huge fists hammered their strong chest muscles, demonstrating their power.

"Then go ahead and knock over that sinister white donkey for me!"

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