Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 252 The Secret of Uchiha Gin's Strength

In the Hokage's office.

"This is simply alarmist!"

After listening to his brother's analysis, Senju Hashirama was full of indignation and was the first to jump out to protest.

In his opinion, the one-country-one-village system he advocated is aimed at eliminating war and promoting permanent peace. It is the best system in the world.

"Although what this white-haired man said is unpleasant to hear, it is true."

Uchiha Madara, who has similar views to Senju Tobirama, bowed his head slightly and said to his close friend who was jumping up and down.

As one of the founders of Konoha, Uchiha Madara's desire for peace is no weaker than Senju Hashirama's,

but now, he has not found a path to peace that belongs to him.

Well. Or I haven't read enough stone tablets~

"Don't say everything so absolutely. I believe that as long as everyone can understand each other, peace will surely come."

The hit Senju Hashirama curled his lips and spoke to the two people in front of him, his eyes full of yearning for a better future.


Senju Tobirama smiled "politely" and looked at his elder brother as if he was looking at a great enemy.

"Let's wait and see for a while. The most important issue at hand now is how to deal with the tailed beasts."

Seeing that the two were about to start a new round of debate on this issue, Senju Hashirama, who knew that he was not as good at speaking as the two, quickly stretched out his hand to interrupt.

I saw a confident light in his eyes, and silently encouraged himself in his heart,

[Time will prove everything. At that time, even if you two guys cry and apologize to me, I will not forgive you easily. 】

"Hmph! In short, those tailed beasts must not be handed over to Uchiha."

When it comes to this topic again, Senju Tobirama is still stubborn and doesn't show any mercy to Uchiha Madara.

In his opinion, the Uchiha clan is too extreme, but thinking of his little apprentice who was rated as an excellent three-good student, Senju Tobirama's eyes flashed a hint of hesitation,

Well. Except for the curly hair~

"It doesn't matter. If you don't care about the health of Hasi La Ma, then I have nothing to say."

Uchiha Madara, with his arms folded, disdained to argue too much with Senju Tobirama, which was a loss of status.

Then he looked at the depressed Senju Hashirama with some concern, shook his head, and said that he was just kind-hearted. Since someone opposed it, he would not force it.


I didn't expect the other party to use a retreat as an advance, which made Senju Tobirama very angry. A good Uchiha actually learned the art of war.

In anger, he glared at Uchiha Madara with a worried look on his face, and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Thank you, Madara~"

"Alas~ Hasi Lama, there is only so much I can do for you."

Looking at the two people who were a little sick of each other, Senju Tobirama, who began to blush, clenched his teeth and saw the slightly raised arc at the corner of Uchiha Madara's mouth. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration in his mind,

"Brother, it is not impossible to let the Uchiha clan help control the tailed beast."

"Well, you figured it out!"

Sure enough, Tobirama was still so reasonable. He accepted Uchiha Madara so quickly. He really deserves to be his good brother.

"Madara, I'll leave it to you~"

Turning around happily, he looked at Uchiha Madara with a look of shock, and said with a smile,

"Wait a minute!"

Unexpectedly, Senju Tobirama, who had just nodded in agreement, changed his mind so quickly that the smiles on the faces of Senju Hashirama and the others froze, and the nameless anger in their hearts was rising.

"What's wrong now?"

Senju Hashirama felt a little bit jealous. This brother was good in every way, but he was a little paranoid about issues related to the Uchiha clan.

"I only said Uchiha, but not Uchiha Madara."

With a sinister smile on his lips, Senju Tobirama shook his head and explained to his elder brother,

"What do you mean?"

Sure enough, this guy Senju Tobirama was definitely not holding back anything good.

"The tailed beasts can be handed over to the Uchiha clan for custody, but you, Uchiha Madara, cannot interfere."

Senju Tobirama showed his true colors and laid out the conditions.

"Well, let Izuna go."

It doesn't matter who goes. The Uchiha clan is united. Why should they be afraid of your split?


As soon as the words fell, Senju Tobirama refused without even thinking.

Let that kid come. It would be better to sell the tailed beast!

"Neither this nor that, just choose for yourself! Men, women, young or old are all fine~"

Knowing the grudge between the white-haired man in front of him and his brother for many years, Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows and threw the question to Senju Tobirama.

Hearing this, Senju Tobirama, who had a frown on his face, suddenly brightened up, then raised his head and looked directly at Uchiha Madara, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then slowly said a name,

"Uchiha Gin."


Unexpectedly, as soon as this name came out, it immediately aroused strong opposition from the other two.

Uchiha Madara had a cold look on his face, and his scarlet eyes stared at Senju Tobirama. There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, and the air around him dropped to freezing point.

"Tobirama, stop it. How can you let Brother Gin do such a dangerous thing?"

Hashirama Senju, who had another consideration in mind, desperately winked at his brother, trying to remind him of something,

Did this guy forget about Itama?

"Why are you reacting so violently? Isn't that guy also a strong man of three magatama?"

Unexpectedly, the reaction of these two people was so great. Qianju Feijian blinked in confusion and asked strangely,

In his impression, Uchiha Gin could fight back and forth with the elite captain level Hyuga Tianyao. So even if his strength is not at the elder level, he should at least be at the elite captain level, right?

Moreover, after his simple test, even if the Mangekyou's Sharingan is not activated, its power to suppress the tailed beast cannot be underestimated.

Uchiha Gin is a veteran Uchiha who has been open for decades, so he can't even handle a mere tailed beast, right?

"Actually, there is something that I have never revealed to you. Now that we are talking about my cousin, I will tell you about it."

Seeing that Senju Tobirama didn't seem to be deliberately making things difficult, Uchiha Madara's face softened slightly, a tangled look flashed in his eyes, and then he slowly said,

"My cousin died once, at the hands of your Thousand Hands Clan."

Closing his eyes, Uchiha Madara seemed to be recalling some painful experience, and his face twitched unnaturally.

Then he opened his eyes, glanced across the faces of the confused Senju brothers, opened his mouth, and his voice was as cold as winter,

He has never wanted to mention this matter again in front of Senju Hashirama, firstly because it has been many years since the incident, and now the two clans have shaken hands and made peace.

The second is that I don’t want to expose my old scars again. The kind of tragic experience that can open a kaleidoscope is not suitable to be mentioned again.

He was so weak at that time. He could only watch his cousin die tragically in front of him.

If his father hadn't arrived in time, he and Quan Nai wouldn't be alive today.

"What? Brother Yin."

After hearing Madara Uchiha's words, the pupils of the two Senju brothers shrank, and while they were a little surprised in their hearts, they recalled a scene many years ago in their minds.

Their father used a strange fist packed with tremendous power to hit a curly-haired young man who was protecting his younger brothers.

Under the heavy blow, the young man's arms were broken on the spot, his chest was penetrated, and he was about to lose his breath.

The blood spurting out from the wound dyed the entire Nanga River red in a matter of seconds.

"I'm sorry, that incident was our fault."

After thinking about what Uchiha Madara said, Senju Hashirama lowered his head with some guilt.

Although that was what his father did, Thousand-Armed Buddha Jian has passed away, so his son should bear the responsibility for these crimes.


Back then, Curly Hair seemed to have saved himself.


Senju Hashirama's apology was not surprising to Madara Uchiha.

But what he didn't expect was that Senju Tobirama, who had always been at odds with the Uchiha clan, actually said apologetically with a hint of shame on his face and in an inaudible voice.

“Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, you should find time to talk to your eldest cousin in person~”

For some reason, Uchiha Madara seemed to have put down a heavy burden in his heart. Looking at the Senju brothers who were full of guilt, he finally chose to forgive them.

After all, my eldest cousin came back to life in the end, right~

"We will definitely come to your door to apologize in person!"

Senju Hashirama's face straightened, he stretched out his hand to tug Senju Tobirama, and sincerely assured,

"Then let me continue. The eldest cousin suffered a fatal blow at that time, and his vital signs had disappeared. Just when we all thought that the banquet was about to start, the eldest cousin miraculously came back to life."

Nodding, Uchiha Madara's face became less cold, and he continued to say to the Senju brothers,

"Resurrection from the dead? What kind of forbidden technique is it?"

As soon as he heard that he was actually alive and dead, Qian Shu Tobijian's interest was instantly aroused, and his eyes were full of desire for knowledge. Even if the other person was the man he hated the most, he couldn't help but ask for advice,

"Do you still remember the mark on my eldest cousin's forehead?"

Without answering Senju Tobirama's question directly, Uchiha Madara turned to the two brothers who looked like curious babies and asked,

"Mark? You said the black one, isn't that a tattoo?"

The two brothers were stunned for a moment when asked, and they all thought of the purple diamond-shaped mark on their sister's forehead. They thought it was a fashion trend brought by Uchiha Gin, but they didn't expect that there was another mystery.

"How is it possible? Who would tattoo something like that on their forehead? That mark is a magical forbidden medical technique called Yin Seal."

Rolling his eyes without any trace, Uchiha Madara opened his mouth and explained to the two brothers what a Yin Seal was.

"You mean, that forbidden technique can not only quickly heal fatal injuries, but also store chakra in normal times. Most importantly, it can prolong life and stay young forever!"

The first time I heard such an incredible forbidden technique, even the well-informed Senju Tobirama couldn't help but be a little shocked.

The two brothers looked at each other secretly, with a touch of joy in their eyes.

Sister, I will always be my sister~

"Yes, according to father's description, the effect of this forbidden technique is just like this, but..."

Seeing the Senju brothers acting like they had never seen the world, Madara Uchiha had a look on his face. He didn't say anything. Halfway through, he changed the topic and made the two people who were shocked feel tense.

"But what?"

"That forbidden technique is not without side effects."

"side effect!"

When Brother Qianju heard this, he thought it was okay. He was not happy yet. Why did another side effect pop up?

"Why are you so anxious? The side effects are on my cousin, not you."

He raised his eyebrows in confusion, showing deep incomprehension at the startled behavior of Senju Hashirama and the two of them.

"Nothing, you continue."

The two brothers looked at each other, temporarily suppressed the worries in their hearts, and then said aloud,

"My father once told me that the Gate Control Technique was a medical ninjutsu developed by one of my cousin's relatives in order to improve his weak constitution. However, my cousin's practice was not perfect, and the ninjutsu was developed when he was on the verge of death. It is triggered before death, so this also leads to a series of side effects.”

With a little sigh on his face, Madara Uchiha softly told this secret history,

"Although the Yin Seal saved his life and gave him an ageless appearance, my cousin after resurrection will never be able to advance even one step further in strength for the rest of his life."

Nothing is safe. Although Uchiha Gin's life was saved, he also lost some important things as a price.

"Do you still remember the color of the mark on my cousin's forehead? Most of the chakra he usually extracted was absorbed by the mark of the Yin Seal and became the nourishment for his ageless appearance. The rest can barely support him. He has captain-level strength.”

After hearing what Uchiha Madara said, the Senju brothers remembered that although Uchiha Gin and Senju Itama had the same mark on their foreheads,

But the one on his sister's head is purple, while the mark on Uchiha Gin's head is black to red.

"What would a perfect person look like if he cultivated?"

With a somewhat inexplicable look on his face, Senju Hashirama asked Madara Uchiha for advice,

"A perfect Yin seal should be a purple mark without any side effects."

I don’t know what Senju Hashirama meant by asking this question, but Uchiha Madara still answered his question seriously. After all, Uchiha’s governance of mother and daughter is an example of successful cultivation.

Hearing this, the Senju brothers couldn't help but feel relieved, and their expressions no longer tense as before.

He turned to look at Uchiha Madara's forehead. After confirming that there was no pattern, Senju Tobirama, who had sharp eyes and a quick mouth, took the lead in asking,

"Since this technique is so magical, why hasn't it become popular among your Uchiha clan? Even you, the clan leader, haven't learned it yet?"

With such powerful ninjutsu, the therapeutic effect alone is almost as good as that of his elder brother, not to mention the magical effect of eternal youth, which is enough to make those female ninjas hungry to death.

The mere mention of eternal youth is enough to attract a large number of female ninjas to defect and join the Uchiha family even if their heads are broken.

"Huh~ I'm not afraid that you guys know that the cultivation of Yin Seal is extremely demanding, especially when there is a hard condition."

Uchiha Madara scratched his face subconsciously, with a somewhat unnatural look on his face. He and Izuna also tried to practice the Goin Seal, but there was no progress at all.

"What conditions?"

Sensing the inexplicable color in Uchiha Madara's tone, the two brothers' curiosity reached its peak, and then they anxiously urged,

"The Yin Seal is a forbidden technique that only women can practice."

With a bit of dodge in his eyes, Uchiha Madara curled his lips and told the prerequisites of the Yin Seal,


Hearing this, the two brothers opened their eyes wide, feeling like thousands of grass and mud horses roaring past in their hearts.

"Wait a minute, you said women can learn, then that curly hair, he is..."

Suppressing the displeasure in his heart, Senju Tobirama looked at Uchiha Madara with a strange expression, his tone full of gossip.

Too old, that curly hair is not a man~

"Your eyes are very rude. As I said before, my cousin's practice is not perfect because women are restricted from learning this technique. However, because his relatives made the Yin Seal for his cousin, he was able to force it. Practice.”

With a cold snort, Uchiha Madara shared the information he had learned from his father and Uchiha Miao with the Senju brothers.

"Oh~ I see, that's what I thought."

What do you think?

If you want to practice this skill, you must first retreat from the palace?

"So, Uchiha Gin's strength is actually very average, that is, eternal youth and a relatively long lifespan?"

After listening to Uchiha Madara's story, Senju Tobirama frowned and made the final conclusion:

A living bastard in the ninja world?

"You can say that, but my eldest cousin is not without merit~"

Although the evaluation was very fair, seeing Senju Tobirama belittle Uchiha Gin in such a way, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but retorted,

"Oh? What's his specialty?"

Does that curly hair have any special abilities?

"Etah Shan!"


"Anyway, if you change someone else, if it doesn't work, Uchiha won't be involved in dealing with the tailed beasts."

After some exchanges, Uchiha Madara tried his best to stop Senju Tobirama's proposal.

"In this case, tell me and my eldest brother, do you, the Uchiha clan, still have a kaleidoscope?"

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Madara's face instantly darkened, and there was a hint of evil in Senju Tobirama's eyes.

It seems that letting my cousin control the tailed beasts is fake, but wanting to find out the Uchiha clan’s trump card is real.

Compared with this Thousand-Hand Gate, the deep city, and the vicious thoughts, that boy Izuna was as pure as yellow paper.

"What do you mean?"

The tone was as cold as frost, and the atmosphere in the office instantly became depressing. Uchiha Madara's eyes once again glowed slightly red, and the veins beating on the back of his hands indicated that his master was ready to attack.


Suddenly, there was just a crisp sound, and the oppressive atmosphere just now disappeared instantly. The confused Uchiha Madara put down his hands, looked at Senju Hashirama with strange eyes, and then said doubtfully,

"Haxi Hot Mom, are you a little harsh?"

"Who allowed this kid Tobirama to talk nonsense? How could he treat a family member of a village like this?"

Slowly retracting his palm, Senju Hashirama had a deep apology on his face. He glanced at his younger brother who was embedded in the wall. He sighed slightly in his heart, then looked at Uchiha Madara with satisfaction and sincerity, and explained aloud,


With a sound of struggle, Senju Tobirama was punched into the wall by his elder brother, and pulled his head out of the wall.

The red and swollen cheeks were full of grievances. Looking at Senju Hashirama who was chatting happily with Madara Uchiha, the other party didn't even look at him. Senju Tobirama's heart was filled with a sad and dead silence.

Sure enough, love will disappear, right?

"Brother, you actually hit me for him?"

Tobirama Senju, who was covering his face, tried to use family affection to awaken his elder brother who had lost himself.

"I'm here to wake you up. I've told you repeatedly not to use the same tactics used during the Warring States Period to deal with my family members. This time I'm just giving you a lesson. If you do it again, I'll punish you to go to the Uchiha Community. Volunteer."

Facing his pitiful brother, Senju Hashirama remained unmoved. At this moment, he transformed into the ninja world Bao Qingtian, and he was unreasonably fair.

"It just so happens that the public toilets in the Uchiha clan have been a little clogged recently."

With such a good opportunity, how could he not add insult to injury? A narrow smile appeared on Uchiha Madara's lips, as if he had foreseen the scene of Senju Tobirama transforming into Konoha TFboy.

"Damn it. Brother, you misunderstood me. I'm asking this, but it's all for the sake of Konoha~"

The angry Senju Tobirama looked at the smug Uchiha Madara and wrote down the account in his mind. Then he turned his head to face his serious elder brother and defended what he had just said.

The voice is like crying and complaining, which makes people feel sympathy.

"How do you say this?"

A big collective hat was thrown off, and Senju Hashirama had to take it seriously.


Madara Uchiha snorted coldly, he wanted to see where this guy Senju Tobirama would act.

"Uchiha Madara, you have also used the Sharingan to control a tailed beast, right?"

"So what."

Uchiha Madara, who was waiting to see the joke, didn't expect Senju Tobirama to turn around and ask him, and then frowned and replied,

"Then let me ask you, what level of Sharingan can you perfectly control one or even several tailed beasts?"

Thanks to the addition of the Thousand Hands Clan's physique, the red and swollen cheeks of the Thousand Hands Tobirama have returned to normal. His face is full of seriousness, and the questions he asks are not mixed with any personal feelings.

"Nature is thousands of flowers"

Uchiha Madara, who answered subconsciously, was stunned before he finished speaking. Seeing the faint smile on Senju Tobirama's lips in front of him, his heart sank, and his mind suddenly became clear.

This Thousand Hands Tobirama is really too hot~

"Tobirama, why are you asking this again?"

Unexpectedly, after going round and round, Senju Tobirama would return to this question. Senju Hashirama, who was a little unhappy in his heart, asked aloud,

"Huh~ Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you."

Even if he keeps silent now, Senju Tobirama will not give up. With his despicable methods, the Uchiha clan will not be touched by him.

Rather than letting Senju Tobirama secretly use his tactics, it would be better to reveal his true intentions directly and let him know the background of the Uchiha clan, which would also serve as a deterrent.


Looking at the expressionless Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama raised his eyebrows in surprise, thinking that the other party would slam the door and leave on the spot.

"Tsk~ What a pity"

If Uchiha Madara did this, then the position of the second generation would become his Senju Tobirama's possession.

"No, no, no, Ma Da, this kind of family secret should not be leaked easily."

Senju Hashirama, who guessed his brother's little thoughts, quickly waved his hand to stop him. He didn't want to create a gap between Uchiha Madara and him because of this kind of thing.

Although the battle between the ninja clans has ended, each clan still has some secret tricks of its own.

The Uchiha clan has been fighting the Senju for so many years, and they have only exposed three pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan.

Now that we have ushered in a period of relative peace, how could the kaleidoscope, which had not been exposed during such fierce battles, be easily made public.

"It's nothing shameful. Besides I and Izuna, the Uchiha clan also has two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan."

It's the last two days of this month. As a social worker, I am embarrassed to ask for a monthly ticket.

If you have some spare time, you can vote for me~

I would like to thank you all handsome readers for your support~∠( ∠)

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