Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 268 Saving Teacher Uchiha Gin

The girl in her arms looked like she was ready for anyone to pick her. Uchiha Gin swallowed subconsciously and stared at the alluring blush on Uchiha's fair and fair face, feeling that the beauty was delicious.

The girl seemed to feel Uchiha Gin's hot gaze, and she closed her eyes shyly. Her plump body trembled slightly, and the white and tender arms around her neck began to tighten slowly. Her slender legs were crossed and rubbed, and her whole body's body temperature It became extremely hot.

"Ah Yin~"

The girl's sweet voice awakened Uchiha Gin who was lost in his reverie, making people's hearts tremble.


Uchiha Gin understood that this was the girl asking for the reward of this mission. It seemed that she would not be able to return without some blood today~

However, Uchiha Gin is not the kind of person who is obsessed with lust. He suddenly frowned, carefully looked at the charming girl in his arms, and finally pulled out a sneer from the corner of his mouth. The parts that were hard and hot just now suddenly became cold. The stem fell down.

"Hmph~ I can tell at a glance that you are not Xiaoguang!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl who was exuding boundless charm in her arms was suddenly startled, a trace of astonishment flashed across her pretty face, and her body could not help but stiffen, but in just a moment, she adjusted herself.

"Ah Yin, what are you talking about~ I am your favorite Xiaoguang~"

As she spoke, the girl pressed her body tightly against him, but no matter how rich and soft the touch was, she could not shake Uchiha Gin's righteous heart.

"You have to ask me to name you before you give up, Xiao An!"

"Oh, it's so boring~"

Hearing Uchiha Gin's words, the girl in her arms stopped commotion and raised her head. The shy look on her face just now was swept away, leaving only the soul-stirring charm and evil charm. She opened her red lips lightly and spoke in harmony. Uchiha Hikaru usually has a similar voice, but the charming voice with a completely different tone sounded,

"Why don't you just pretend you didn't notice anything and enjoy yourself?"

Now that his identity has been exposed, Uchiha Yami, the second personality who pushed Uchiha Hikari offline, did not choose to stand still. Instead, he reached into Uchiha Gin's clothes and caressed the toned body wantonly. flesh.

"Enjoy it? Do you hear what you are saying is human?"


Seeing this guy's bad attitude, Uchiha Gin immediately released his hands and threw him to the ground. Looking at Uchiha Anami sitting on the ground pouting, he said angrily,

"Just tell me, when did you not break my lumbar spine?"

"Huh? Really? I thought that was your own new posture!"

Uchiha Anami stood up from the ground, patted the dust on her plump buttocks, and the elastic rebound drew wonderful arcs in the air. Looking at Uchiha Gin, who looked calm, she tilted her head. , said with a puzzled face,


Uchiha Gin almost got angry when he heard this. Which posture can make the upper body turn 180°?

If it weren't for his amazing resilience, he would have gone to play mahjong with his ancestors!

"Oh, at worst I'll sit more gently this time~"

The slut Anami, who had no sense of shame, licked her plump lips and pounced in the direction of Uchiha Gin like a hungry tiger pouncing on food. With a salivating expression on her face, she was about to eat him clean.


In order to protect his waist, Uchiha Gin immediately put on a defensive posture, preparing to defend the sovereignty of his body to the death.

Just when Uchiha An, who spread his limbs and smiled ferociously, was about to pounce on Uchiha Gin, a strange scene appeared.

Uchiha Gin suddenly noticed a familiar aura of space power, and Uchiha Yin's figure suddenly became a little blurry in the air.

Uchiha Gin, who had not yet thought about it, had a hot and delicate body in his arms at the next moment. He thought that he had finally fallen into the hands of a slut. He was about to throw the woman out of his arms, but suddenly I smelled a fragrance that was completely different from Uchiha Yami,


In a daze, Uchiha Gin subconsciously touched the size of the girl in his arms. As a result, the feedback from his palm was that it was one size larger, and that seductive gasp seemed familiar to him. He lowered his head in surprise, and what he saw shocked him. Shocking,

"Little governance? Why is it you?"

At this moment, when Uchiha Gin clearly saw the person in his arms, he felt that his whole body was extremely cold. The purple-haired girl nestled on his chest was like a hot potato. He had no choice but to throw her away or not, so he could only make a sound to try to wake her up. The unconscious girl in my arms,

"Little Governance, wake up!"

"Hmmmm~here it is."

Soon, under the call of Uchiha Gin, Uchiha Governance, who used the new pupil technique for the first time, woke up slowly. His body, which was still a little weak just now, slowly regained its strength with the blessing of the equipment, and his hands and feet also became strong. perception.


The girl who had not yet opened her eyes raised her head in confusion. After realizing that she was being held in someone's arms, Xia Fei immediately took out the gray dagger from her cheeks and pointed it straight towards the hand that had not yet been removed from her important parts. Stab someone.

"Xiao Zhi! Open your eyes quickly, I am your teacher!"

Uchiha Gin, who was startled by this action, immediately shouted loudly, trying to stop the girl from bullying her master and destroying her ancestor.

In a daze, Uchiha Governance heard the haunting voice. The dagger glowing with electric light stopped at the tip of Uchiha Gin's nose. The thin hairs were stirred by the arc and exploded. A drop of sweat as big as a bean fell from his forehead. It dripped down, and before it landed on the dagger, it was vaporized by the electric light.

"Um, teacher?"

Uchiha Michiru, who only opened his eyes at this time, looked at Uchiha Gin who was holding him in his arms. His originally reddish face turned red and warm, and his usual cold look that kept strangers away was gone. null.

"Huh~ I almost lost my appearance."

Seeing that the girl recognized him, Uchiha Gin breathed a sigh of relief. His beauty was almost ruined.

"Mr. Yin, put me down quickly"

The shy and angry girl said in Uchiha Gin's ear as loud as a mosquito,

"Xiao Zhi, what happened? Where did Xiao Guang go?"

Obediently, he put the girl on the ground and looked at the Uchiha governance in front of him. Uchiha Gin subconsciously recalled the amazing feeling just now, and suddenly a strange emotion arose in his heart.

born! Uchiha Gin, you are a born! In terms of identity, Xiaozhi is not only your disciple, but also the daughter of Mrs. Yongmei, that is, your daughter. How could you have such dirty thoughts!

After putting aside the evil thoughts, Uchiha Gin spurred himself countless times in his heart and asked what happened.

"I seem to have awakened another pupil technique."

Uchiha Gin's words made the girl regain some composure. After looking at the surrounding environment, she looked in a direction in the distance, with an inexplicable look on her face, and explained aloud,

"Eye Technique?"

It turned out to be a pupil technique, a glimmer of understanding flashed in Uchiha's silver eyes. After turning on the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Governance only awakened one pupil technique for some unknown reason, which was the time-based pupil technique called "Xianguoyu". The effect was Ability to retrace everything that happened to the target within a certain period of time.

But as a kaleidoscope, there should be two pupil techniques, but the girl has never awakened her other pupil technique. Uchiha Gin once comforted her, this is called accumulation, and she will become a great player in the future.

"That's right, I just awakened a pupil technique that can teleport."

The girl touched her eyes and slowly told her about her eye-spelling ability.

"What's the name of your pupil technique? It can't be divine power, right?"

Upon hearing this ability, Uchiha Gin immediately lost his composure. Could it be that Uchiha's control of another pupil technique was divine power?

"Divine power? No"

"Is that the power of the Tenshou?"

Not Kamui? Could it be that Xiaozhi jumped over and awakened the power of heaven's hand? So fierce?


Although she didn't know where Uchiha Gin heard so many weird names, the girl still shook her head in denial.

"The pupil technique I awakened is called Omatsujinmi."

Seeing Uchiha Gin's face full of curiosity, the girl felt greatly benefited, and immediately told the other party the name of her new pupil technique.

"See you in Mianjin?"

Uchiha Gin was shocked when he heard this, it was another pupil technique that he had never heard of before.

"Okay, let's talk about the pupil technique later. First, tell me where Xiaoguang went?"

The girl's pupil technique certainly greatly increased Uchiha Gin's interest, but Uchiha Hikari's whereabouts were still unknown. Worried about what might happen, he quickly asked,

"Senior Guang should be here soon."

A strange look flashed across Uchiha Governance's eyes, but there was no worry on his face.

"What's the meaning?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Gin was confused. Looking at Uchiha Gin with a normal expression, he immediately frowned. He had just turned on his super perception and did not find the aura of Uchiha Hikari around him.


Suddenly, as soon as Uchiha Governance finished speaking, a familiar aura and a figure appeared in Uchiha Gin's perception radar, coming from not far away at an extremely fast speed.

"What happened and why am I there?"

The fallen Uchiha Yami exuded a destructive aura, and her beautiful eyes were full of doubts. She was obviously about to force herself on Uchiha Gin, but in the blink of an eye she appeared on a hillside not far away.

Uchiha An, who thought she was under an illusion, spent a long time studying it. It wasn't until Uchiha Hikari, who was offline, reminded her that she knew there was no illusion. It was all just her own imagination.

"Huh~ It's okay if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay~"

Seeing that the girl was safe and sound, Uchiha Gin breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Uchiha Gin and asked aloud,

"Xiao Zhi, what is the specific ability of the new pupil technique you awakened?"

Judging from the way Uchiha managed just now, she seemed to know the reason why Xiao An disappeared, and it was most likely due to the ability of the pupil technique.

"Tongshu? Let me just say, what was overflowing in that place just now was the aura of pupil power."

Uchiha Yami, who had not yet figured out the situation, immediately lit up his eyes after hearing Uchiha Gin's words, hammered his palms, and suddenly realized,

"Mr. Silver, do you still remember my previous pupil ability?"

The girl did not explain in a hurry, but asked instead,

"Of course you remember, it's Xian Guoyu who can see time going back, right?"

Of course Uchiha Gin remembered that it was the magical pupil technique that could see through his acting skills. The specific ability was to use his eyes to lock on a specific person or thing, calculate or search back in time, and get a glimpse of all the details that happened before it.

"Indeed, I could only see a brief flashback before, but after I awakened to Omianjin, my eye skills transformed."

Regarding Uchiha Gin, Uchiha Governance had no reservations and talked about his transformed pupil ability.


This was the first time he heard this word, and Uchiha Gin was puzzled. Could it be that Mangekyo's pupil technique also has a second state?

Wait, the original owner's pupil technique Tsukuyomi seems to have another advanced version.

Recalling the "Omotetsukiyomi" used by the original owner during the invasion of the Kaguya clan in the dusty memory, Uchiha Gin felt a little more confident.

"After awakening to the Great Mianjin See, when I use the Xianguo Jade again, not only can I just watch it, but I can also choose to exchange places with the target in the traceback."

"That's it~"

Hearing this, Uchiha Gin already understood most of it. The reason why the slut Yami disappeared before was because the Uchiha governance used the pupil technique of both eyes and changed places with the Uchiha Yami who was looking back, so it appeared in him.

But isn’t the target in the retrospection before the original timeline?

Just when Uchiha Gin thought he completely understood Uchiha's pupil management, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and he turned his head in surprise, looking at the girl who was communicating with Uchiha secretly with a face as usual, and a question couldn't help but arise in his heart.

"Little Governance, is it really as simple as just swapping places?"

Uchiha Gin took a deep breath and sighed that such a brain-burning session really made people feel a little dizzy. Then he looked at his little disciple with burning eyes and asked again in a serious tone,

"Well it's that simple."

After hearing another inquiry from Uchiha Gin, a hint of unnaturalness flashed across Uchiha Governance's face, and then he still insisted that his pupil technique was as simple as swapping positions, and he was still vague in his answer. He glanced at An Uchiha next to him, unable to hide the envy in his eyes.

"Okay, I'm worrying too much."

There is definitely a problem! Xiao Zhi is a child he has watched grow up, and he is not lying. Uchiha Gin can see through it at a glance.

The girl lied about her eye skills.

However, after feeling worried for a while, Uchiha Gin suddenly felt relieved.

Yes, Xiao Zhi has grown up and should have his own secrets. As an old father, he should also let go. He can't peep at her every day to see if she is wearing her underwear.

Is this reasonable? This is unreasonable~

"By the way! Mr. Silver, is the tailed beast okay? I noticed that the wedge I planted was destroyed."

Uchiha Governance looked at Uchiha Gin's wonderful expression and thought that the other party was suspicious, so he immediately changed the subject and revealed his purpose of coming.

"Hmph~ What can happen to that kind of weakling? He just accepted the commission and replaced those tailed beasts with new wedges."

Uchiha on the side snorted secretly and explained first,

"Oh~ So that's it."

The girl nodded as if she suddenly understood, but the evasive look in her eyes made Uchiha Gin's doubts deepen. However, when he thought that it was the girl's secret, he no longer chose to delve deeper.

Anyway, when Xiao Zhi wants to say something, he will naturally tell him.

What bad intentions can such a caring little disciple have~

After the storm subsided, the three of them returned to Konoha Village together. At a fork in the road, two groups of people waved goodbye.

On the way home, Uchiha Anami, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke out,

"Ah Yin, I think there's something wrong."

Maybe the slut had enough fun, but Uchiha Hikari cut back at some point, frowning, with a heavy look on his face.

"Oh? What's the problem?"

Raising his eyebrows, Uchiha Silver said,

Sure enough, he was not the only one who noticed something was wrong.

"I feel like I'm missing a memory."

Touching her chin, the girl started COS Conan. Her thoughtful look made Uchiha Gin unable to hold back his laughter.

"Haha, you just disappeared for less than a minute, how come you have so little memory?"


Uchiha Gin was right. When he was suddenly teleported to a hillside not far away, he did react quickly and rushed back to where he was at the beginning. This process took a very short time.

"Maybe it's an illusion~"

Seeing that his little head was so red and so hot that it was smoking, Uchiha Hikari put aside the doubts in his heart and stopped delving into it. He turned to look at Uchiha Gin, with a smile named YD at the corner of his mouth, and his charming eyes were silky. said,

"It's my turn tonight, don't worry, I won't break your waist~"


Looking at the familiar expression on the girl's face, Uchiha Gin couldn't tell what was light and what was darkness for a moment.

other side

The purple-haired girl was walking slowly on her way home. When she walked around the corner, she turned into a dark alley.


I saw the girl who had been acting calm and gentle just now, squatting on the ground with a red face.

Clenching his legs unnaturally, Uchiha touched his hot face, his heart was overloaded, as if he was about to jump out of his body.

This look is very similar to the way you looked when you first looked at the casting materials.

"It's so crazy. I didn't expect Senior Guang to be so unrestrained."

The girl, who was touching her face with her hands, recalled everything she had experienced when she transformed into Senior Light like a dream, and her body immediately heated up again.

His eyes returned to the timeline when Uchiha governance had not yet awakened the pupil technique.

"I shouldn't be here"

Uchiha Governance, who was lying on the hillside and peeping, looked at the 18-ban scene happening below with red eyes.

From the girl's perspective, Uchiha Hikaru, who was thrown to the ground for some reason, jumped up and pressed Uchiha Gin heavily under him like a hungry tiger pouncing on food.

In the girl's bewildered eyes, Uchiha Hikaru violently tore Uchiha Gin's clothes to pieces. Looking at his teacher's white body, Uchiha Mikoto swallowed subconsciously.

Uchiha Gin's painful groans, even though they were so far away, Uchiha Governance could still hear them clearly.

Uchiha closed her eyes in pain, but the familiar moans coming from her ears made her heart despair.

Why couldn't she stop this from happening?

"I shouldn't be here, I should have appeared earlier. The person in Mr. Yin's arms should be me!"

Accompanying the girl's rising emotions, the pair of clover patterns in her Sharingan eyes quickly rotated to a critical point, and instantly burst out with a sky full of pupil power, and a brand new pupil technique emerged in Uchiha's mind.

"See you in Mianjin. Can I change all this?"

Feeling the throbbing in his eyes, Uchiha Governance slowly stood up, his eyes locked on the two people who were fighting fiercely, and looked at the pain on Uchiha Gin's face mixed with a trace of complicated expressions,

"Mr. Silver, let me save you!"


The girl's heart skipped a beat, and the pupil skills in her eyes rose up with the thought, and she saw Uchiha's body slowly disappearing from the place.

After entering a magical space, the scene in Uchiha Governance's eyes quickly began to rewind. When returning to the node where Uchiha Hikari pounced on Uchiha Silver, the girl stopped retracing.

This point was just right. If it were any later, Mr. Yin would be suppressed by Senior Guang and humiliated wantonly. That was what she dreamed of.

"I'm sorry, Senior Guang, please forgive me this time."

"See you in Mianjin!"

Taking a look at Uchiha Hikari with a weird smile on his face, the girl poured the chakra in her body into the Sharingan eyes. The new pupil technique received such a generous investment, and Mou Zujin immediately began to exert its magical effect.

Xian Guoyu: See you in Mianjin, don’t lose your place to the master!

With the execution of the pupil technique, the figure of Uchiha Hikari in the retrospection was slowly disappearing. As the caster of the technique, Uchiha Governance was surprised to find that his own figure was also disappearing from the same place simultaneously.

Uchiha Governance felt as if his head had been hit by a heavy object, and his consciousness was blurred, but the feedback from his body was telling the girl that she was experiencing some kind of pleasure that was not her own.

Under the huge impact, the girl rolled her eyes and fell into a coma. Before the afterglow had completely dissipated, Uchiha Governance was awakened by a voice,

Before he opened his eyes in a daze, the Uchiha governor found a pair of evil hands groping at his private parts. The frightened and embarrassed girl immediately pulled out the electric knife she carried with her and was about to kill the culprit. Stab away.

"Xiao Zhi! Open your eyes quickly, I am your teacher!"

The haunting voice sounded in Uchiha's ears.

"Um, teacher?"

The girl saw in a trance that the person holding her was the fully clothed Uchiha Gin. She glanced at the surrounding environment and felt extremely happy.

I succeeded, I saved the teacher! (End of chapter)

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