Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 280: There is no ancestor more loving than Kaguya


After reading the plan in his hand, Uchiha Gin slowly raised his head and looked at the gorgeously dressed Uchiha in front of him who looked less like a ninja and more like an aristocrat with a face full of surprise. He asked,

"Did you write this plan?"

The trembling tribesmen in the audience immediately trembled when they heard this, and then raised their heads in fear,

"Master Hui Yin, it was written by the younger one."

"You guys, although your strength is average, you are quite talented in this area~"

Glancing up, the captain-level strength of this tribe member was clearly visible in Uchiha's silver eyes. He handed the plan to Uchiha Tajima aside.

"Uncle, you have found a treasure. This guy is a money maker."

"Plan to Establish a Shipping Company in the Country of Waves"

Looking at the cover of the plan, Uchiha Tajima was a little confused.

"Isn't this a pretense to defraud that boy Senju Tobirama of his money?"

"No, this plan works, and it can make a lot of money."

Today's ninja world will enter a state of relative peace for a long time. We can take advantage of this great opportunity to swallow the cake of maritime transportation alone. This is a great business that makes a lot of money every day.

"But the Kingdom of Water will not give up the sea lane easily, right?"

The old uncle has been immersed in the politics of great powers for many years, and he immediately discovered the primary problem. Compared with the Kingdom of Waves, the Kingdom of Water is larger on the sea. Even though it was severely damaged by the Kingdom of Whirlpool before, it still occupies the northern part of the country. A large area of ​​sea.

"The Kingdom of Water? They can't protect themselves now, and they can't defend those sea areas."

After experiencing the war with the Earth Kingdom, the Water Kingdom not only failed to get any benefits, but also suffered heavy losses, and the huge price paid for purchasing the tailed beasts. For a long time, even the ninja dogs of Kirigakure Village could not survive. We have to rework 007, and we simply can’t find the people to station in such a large area of ​​​​sea.

"Okay, as long as you think it's feasible, then go for it."

For this magical nephew, Uchiha Tajima was 10,000 reassured and immediately gave his support.

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you. The tribe's dividends in the second half of the year will all depend on you. Don't let us down~"

Ginya Uchiha handed the plan back to this tribesman and gave him full responsibility.

"Thank you, Patriarch, thank you Yin!"

Taking over the plan excitedly, this tribesman's eyes were full of joy. In fact, this plan was not a temporary work, but something he had carefully crafted a long time ago. However, he never had the chance to submit it. Fortunately, Uchiha Gin If you have a keen eye to recognize people, you must repay this bole's kindness.

"Um, Mr. Yin, this money?"

The calmed down tribesmen looked at the scroll in their hands and suddenly felt that it was hot. If the shipping company was really established, then Senju Tobirama would definitely be able to get a share of the pie. It would be more uncomfortable for Senju to make money than to be owed to himself.

"Keep it, it will just be used as start-up capital."

Angel investment is free of charge, it’s free of charge.

"But I made an agreement with that guy from Senju Tobirama about the dividends."

The tribesman said with some embarrassment. At this moment, he was full of regret. He had known that he would have postponed the day of dividends.

Uchiha's silver eyes rolled and he said,

"It doesn't matter, you use one dividend to stabilize him first. As for the next one, just tell him that the company has just been established and needs capital turnover, and you will give him the dividend after making a profit."

"Is this okay?"

The clan members were a little confused. Everyone in Uchiha knew that Senju Tobirama was cunning and cunning, and was not easy to fool.

"No problem, as long as you share financial reports regularly, give him a big pie, and give him some souvenirs during the holidays, that guy will never be suspicious."

Anyway, that white hair will not live long, so he will definitely not enjoy much dividends. Let’s use this money to reward yourself for your hard work~

"By the way, remember to bring the Country of Whirlpool together in this plan, don't do it alone~"

Thinking of his good neighbor, Uchiha Gin specifically warned,


The Uchiha people of the Land of Waves naturally know that they have a close and friendly relationship with the Uzumaki clan, and when it comes to making money, they must bring their brothers with them.

Uchiha Tajima on the side laughed very teasingly after hearing this.

"Haha~ When are you going to marry someone else?"

"Well, let's wait for peace in the ninja world~"

After the tribesman left happily, Uchiha Gin and Uchiha Tajima chatted about the current situation of Konoha.

"You said that kid Madara wants to be Hokage?"

"That's right, my eldest cousin has started to pay to go to work for the sake of Hokage. He hangs out with Senju Hashirama every day, and I can't even stop him~"

I finally got the chance to sue my parents, how could Uchiha Gin not put the prodigal Uchiha Madara in a book and let you kid cheat on me secretly.

"Huh~ What about the family? Did that kid just ignore it?"

Uchiha Tajima asked sadly, it was all his fault that he was too soft-hearted and did not let the traitor get married early, which made him so embarrassed now.

"Fortunately, my younger cousin is doing the best and managing the family in an orderly manner. It is considered a blessing for Uchiha."

"That boy Izuna has passed the age of marriage. Is he still single now?"

I, Uchiha Tajima, will never die, right?

"My little cousin. I recently heard that he seems to be interested in a girl from an Uchiha commoner."

After thinking for a moment, Uchiha Gin remembered the rumors he had heard recently. It was rumored that Uchiha Izuna, relying on his great power, wanted to seize the only daughter of the Uchiha fruit shop owner, and everyone in the neighborhood despised her.

After all, the daughter of the fruit shop is only fourteen years old this year, and the little cousin is almost thirty years old. Whoever hears this will spit a few times~

"It doesn't matter if she is a civilian, as long as she is a woman. I'll leave this matter to you. I will have a grandson next year!"

The eldest brother is like a father. Uchiha Tajima, who has retired behind the scenes, is not convenient to show up. The matter of Uchiha Izuna's happiness in the second half of his life falls on Uchiha Gin.

After that, the two chatted about many things about Konoha one after another, until the sun fell into the sea level, Uchiha Gin stopped the greetings.

"I should go, otherwise my family will be suspicious."

Looking up at the slowly rising moon, the bright white made Uchiha Gin stand up and say goodbye to his uncle.

"Ah Gin, come home often."

"My uncle~"

Uchiha Gin nodded, and then activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, wanting to leave the Land of Waves and return to Konoha.

With a flash of golden light, Uchiha Gin disappeared from the spot.

However, no curly-haired figure appeared in Konoha at this time.

Uchiha Gin's Flying Thunder God Technique, which usually worked every time, unexpectedly went wrong.

Just as he performed the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared, a black hole suddenly appeared in the tunnel composed of spatial force. With amazing suction, Uchiha Gin fell into it without warning.

The feeling of being dragged by an inexplicable huge force was very bad. The violent turbulence almost shook out Uchiha Gin's bile. Fortunately, this experience only lasted for a short period of time.


Accompanied by the sound of landing, Uchiha Gin climbed up from the soft ground, holding his slightly dizzy head, and slowly opened his eyes. He wanted to see which blind guy dared to plot against him.

"I'll go to work early"

"Hmph~ I said I could drag him over."

However, the cold female voice in his ear stopped Uchiha Gin, who was about to attack, in place. He looked up at the two familiar figures in front of him and swallowed his saliva subconsciously.


The sound was clearly audible in the silent space.

Uchiha Gin then realized that he was actually in the Otsutsuki Palace on the moon. Looking at the familiar decorations around him, he confirmed that he was in the observatory of Otsutsuki Tsukihime.

"Hi~ Long time no see."

Uchiha Gin, feeling a little uncomfortable, was stared at by two pairs of pure white eyes, so he had to bite the bullet and say hello.

"Biluo, Yue Ji, I haven't seen you for a while, I miss you~"

"Ah Gin~"

I saw Otsutsuki Biluo flying over, hugging Uchiha Gin's neck, and her mature and intoxicating body pressed tightly against him. Her beautiful but holy face was full of resentment.

"You don't come to see me!"

A girl in love is always eighteen years old. Even if Otsutsuki Biluo's age is indescribable, it does not prevent her from being a little girl at the moment. She hangs on Uchiha Gin and becomes a burden of happiness.

"I've been a little busy recently, and I'm going to come to see you in a few days."

Uchiha Gin scratched his face helplessly, feeling the elastic big thunder on his chest, his expression was very complicated, but his eyes glanced down uncontrollably.

This Baizi is so cute~

"What about me?"

Just when Uchiha Gin and Otsutsuki Biluo were being affectionate, Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who had been left out for a long time, looked more and more angry. This hateful curly-haired thief only had big thunder in his eyes?

"Did you pull me here?"

Uchiha Gin, who was interrupted, was not angry. He comforted Otsutsuki Biluo in his arms and put him down. Then he looked at the cold-faced Otsutsuki Tsukihime in front of him and frowned and asked,

But Otsutsuki Tsukihime did not answer, as if she was sulking, because her beautiful eyes were all pure white, Uchiha Gin was not sure whether the other party was taking the opportunity to roll her eyes at him.

"It was sister Tsukihime who pulled you here, but I didn't expect it to be successful."

Seeing this, Otsutsuki Biluo on the side smiled and explained,

"Tsk! When did you have this ability?"

Being able to forcibly pull herself out of the space tunnel, did this Otsutsuki Tsukihime also awaken the system and prepare to take off.

"The reincarnation eye."

The cold eyes fell on Uchiha Gin's face. Otsutsuki Tsukishima straightened her chest intentionally or unintentionally, and answered expressionlessly, her voice was holy and ethereal.

Uchiha Gin immediately realized that it was the ability of the reincarnation eye, which made sense. After all, it was the legendary eye of the immortal, and some spatial ability was not supermodel.

"Why did you pull me up?"

After understanding the reason why he appeared on the moon, Uchiha Gin asked the initiator of this matter with some doubts. The day he and Otsutsuki Biluo agreed on has not arrived yet?

"It's Sister Biluo."

Otsutsuki Tsukishima replied without changing her face,

"Ah? Didn't you make your own decision?"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who was sticking to Uchiha Gin, was suddenly stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Otsutsuki Tsukishima with an icy face, with question marks in his eyes,


Uchiha Gin's eyes became sharp. Biluo would definitely not lie, so there was only one murderer!

"Hmph~ Let's have a fight!"

Since she was exposed, Otsutsuki Tsukishima no longer tried to hide her true intentions. The purpose of her pulling Uchiha Gin up this time was to fight him.

"No, why fight for no reason? Why don't we all sit down and have some tea together~"

Fighting is one of the two things that Uchiha Gin hates the most in his life, especially when everyone has no hatred and no grudges, and they always use swords and guns, which hurts feelings.

"I want to prove that we, Otsutsuki, are the Byakugan Orthodox!"

Following Otsutsuki Tsukihime's voice, a layer of turquoise chakra began to appear on her plump body, her white hair moved automatically without wind, and her flawless white eyes slowly transformed into the familiar look of Uchiha Gin. pupil.

[Otsutsuki Tsukihime-Rescarnating Eye Mode]

"You and Xiaoguang hadn't had sex before, why did you get itchy again so quickly?"

Looking at the fighting spirit of Otsutsuki Tsukihime, Uchiha Gin scratched his curly head helplessly.

"Hmph~ That woman is just a bit tricky in eye skills, but in other aspects she is just a novice."

Haha, if you hadn't happened to awaken the ability to summon the stone statue of your second uncle, you little girl would have been chopped into pieces by Xiaoguang's Gundam.

"Now that I have understood all the powers of the Tsangikan, it's time to decide who is the orthodox Otsutsuki."

Otsutsuki Tsukihime didn't give in at all, her eyes that had turned into reincarnation eyes were staring at Uchiha Gin.

In her opinion, whether Uchiha Gin, who can also use the reincarnated eye ability, deserves the name Otsutsuki.

"Otsutsuki Orthodox? I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Upon hearing the words "Otsutsuki Orthodox", Uchiha Gin subconsciously shrank his neck. The mixed blood in his body was merging and sublimating every moment. As long as the concentration of the blood was enough, he would probably be able to ascend on the same spot. Become the first pure-blood alien in the ninja world.


Not wanting to waste any more words with Uchiha Gin, Otsutsuki Tsukihime's eyes were focused, and the aura exuding from her body made everyone stagnant. She raised her snow-white catkins, and several chakra beads appeared out of thin air.

"Akito sack!"

Uchiha Gin knew that this battle was inevitable, and immediately his face straightened, and just before Otsutsuki Tsukihime made his move, he raised his hand and shouted,

"Stop talking nonsense."

Tsukihime Otsutsuki didn't tolerate him. The chakra beads in her hand began to rotate rapidly, and a vortex visible to the naked eye appeared in the girl's palm.

"No, sister, you borrowed the power of the reincarnated eye, what should I use it for?"

Uchiha Gin who yelled for a timeout was not trying to delay time, but after he communicated with Yue Yue's reincarnated eye, the other party responded to him saying that he could not take over the account, and you could only continue playing after the original account owner had played enough.

Isn't this embarrassing?


I didn't expect that things would develop like this. Tsukihime Otsutsuki, who had already said harsh words to the ground, couldn't stop it from ending.

Her cold little face froze slightly, her eyes wandered, and she didn't answer Uchiha Gin's words. The Ginrin Gin in her hand subconsciously weakened a bit.

"Having the reincarnated eye, victory is inevitable for me."

After a while, Otsutsuki Tsukihime, who was obviously embarrassed, managed to squeeze out a harsh words that seemed familiar, which probably meant mocking Uchiha Gin for being a younger brother who did not have the Tenseigan.

"Yes, Tsukihime-chan Saigao~"

Adhering to the principle that one more fight is worse than one less fight, Uchiha Gin took the opportunity to flatter the girl.

"Who allowed you to call me that! Call me Queen!"

Hearing Uchiha Gin being called such an affectionate name, Otsutsuki Tsukihime was trembling with anger, and she hit the Ginrinbaku with full power in her hand without ceremony.

"Ah Yin, be careful!"

Otsutsuki Biluo's face tightened next to Uchiha Gin. She didn't expect Otsutsuki Tsukihime to come for real. Didn't she promise to have a good relationship with Uchiha Gin and contribute to the great cause of the Otsutsuki clan's reproduction?

Faced with the oncoming Ginringun explosion, Uchiha Gin did not choose to dodge, but showed a helpless expression, "Oh, I still have to fight~"

I saw Uchiha Gin slowly opening his slightly narrowed dead fish eyes. The black pupils were already stained with scarlet. In one of the eyes, three mysterious magatama were spinning rapidly, gradually condensing into a complex and coquettish pattern.

"I don't know how the training went. I just wanted to practice in actual combat."

Along with the biting chill, Otsutsuki Tsukihime felt a cold and obscure eye power overflowing from the Uchiha Gin in front of her. The aura of this eye power was stronger than the one that had been defeated by her before. The black-haired girl is much deeper.

It turns out that this curly-haired thief is not a guy who simply relies on the power of the reincarnation eye to do whatever he wants.

Otsutsuki Tsukihime was secretly frightened. Although she was a little angry after hearing Uchiha Gin's words just now, she did not use the full-power Ginringun to explode. She just wanted to scare the curly hair.


Seeing that Ginwa Gin was about to change his hairstyle, Uchiha Gin raised his eyebrows. The coquettish pattern in his single eye turned, and the black shadow in front of him rippled, and a black figure slowly rose from it.

"This is?"

Otsutsuki Biluo, who was worried on the side, was about to use the butterfly transformation technique, but was startled by the sudden appearance of a black figure in front of Uchiha Gin.

In the open space in front of Uchiha Gin, a black-skinned girl slowly rose up. She was dressed in a pure white tight kimono. Her waist-length hair and cold eyes were all gray. Her beautiful appearance was mixed with noble charm and Holy, with a hint of playfulness between his brows.

"who is she?"

Also confused was Otsutsuki Tsukihime. Even if she broke her head, she still couldn't figure out how Uchiha Gin turned into a living person.

"Humph~ You're stupid! She is the creation of my pupil technique. All her actions and behaviors are controlled by me. She can be said to be my clone."

Looking at the astonished Otsutsuki duo with satisfaction, Uchiha Gin waved his hand, ready to let the black-skinned young lady Yi Liang give them a kaleidoscope shock to these country bumpkins.

"Bo Liang, it's time to go to the clock. Um???"

However, just when Uchiha Ginshi was satisfied, he suddenly discovered that the two he summoned seemed a little different from usual.

The previous gangsters were all empty-handed, but the gangsters who appeared this time actually brought their own weapons, and they were short weapons.

"Buzz buzz~"

"What did you get???"

The familiar shape and the high-frequency vibrating sound made Uchiha Gin throw away all his previous pride. After a short pause, he pointed at the special weapon in Uchiha's hand and roared,


Ji Liang, possessed by her ancestor, always adhered to the central idea of ​​"I am mute". Facing the aggressive Uchiha Gin, she ignored it at all. Instead, she held the vibrating "weapons" in both hands and put on a fighting posture. He looked at Tsukihime Otsutsuki opposite with an expressionless expression.

"Hey, you curly-haired thief is actually a pervert."

As an otaku who has read a lot of books for many years, Otsutsuki Tsukihime immediately recognized what she was holding in her hands. For the first time, her cold face showed an expression of disgust, and she subconsciously took a few steps back and tried to Keep some distance from Uchiha Gin.

"Ara ala~ Ah Yin, what do you want me to say about you~"

As a person who has experienced it, Otsutsuki Biluo, who knows the taste of it, behaved teasingly, licking his plump lips seductively, looking at the ashen-faced Uchiha Gin, his sticky voice full of temptation,

"I really didn't! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Damn it. If I had known it earlier, I wouldn’t have said that Geng Liang was his clone. Now it’s just mud falling off my crotch, it’s either shit or shit.

"No need to explain, Mr. Curly-haired Perverted Thief."

The title suddenly became more and more strange.

Otsutsuki Tsukihime shook her head. Although she didn't understand it, she didn't respect it either. She then signaled Uchiha Gin to stop working in vain and turned her gaze to Yuliang who was ready to go. Her delicate Maru eyebrows wrinkled slightly. ,

From the black woman in front of her, Otsutsuki Tsukihime could vaguely detect a familiar aura, which was a kind of throbbing deep in her blood.

"Huh~ You Liang! Throw those two things back quickly, who asked you to take them!"

Uchiha Gin, who was shaking with anger, gritted his teeth and ordered,

After receiving Uchiha Gin's instructions, Jiang Liang hesitated for a rare moment, a hint of dissatisfaction flashed across his face, and then obediently threw the two indescribable "weapons" back to the Shadow Realm.

This ninja tool for women is obviously very useful!

Niang Liang felt a little aggrieved in his heart. He looked at Tsukihime Otsutsuki who was in reincarnation mode in front of him with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

This descendant is not bad, Otsutsuki's bloodline is very pure, and he has also awakened the reincarnation eye of that boy Hamura, which is only a hundred million points worse than that curly-haired kid.

However, the current one is not the all-powerful Otsutsuki Kaguya. She chose to be patient and played her role skillfully. She assumed a fighting posture towards Otsutsuki Tsukihime and waited for Uchiha Gin. instructions.

"Young Liang, let her see the bond between you and me!"

Without the indescribable thing, Uchiha Gin instantly stood up and waved his hand, like a super newbie who had just accepted the challenge of the insect-catching boy.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Gin just sent the two to fight with him. Feeling that his character was insulted, Otsutsuki Tsukihime gritted his teeth and adjusted the power of the reincarnation eye to the maximum. The blue chakra coat around him became a little thicker.


However, just after Otsutsuki Tsukihime finished adjusting, she was surprised to find that the two had disappeared. Her heart tightened and she immediately opened a 360° view without blind spots and started searching.

On the other side, Ji Liang, who had already sneaked into the Shadow Realm, was standing in front of Otsutsuki Tsukihime, whose eyes were twitching, looking at the outstanding descendant in front of him.

With a "kind heart and a soft hand", she finally gave up the idea of ​​a sudden attack from Otsutsuki Tsukihime's crotch, and then took the high-frequency vibrating rod back into the arsenal.

After all, people and puppets have different tolerances. If you delve too much into it, something might really happen, right?

She, Kaguya Otsutsuki, is the most loving ancestor~ (End of this chapter)

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