Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 57 The original owner's extra: The reason for being hated is found (final)

The three magatama flashed in his eyes, and a simple illusion hypnotized the unsuspecting girl. Looking at the unconscious girl, the young man's tired eyes were full of apologies.

Uchiha Gin and Uchiha Tajima stood side by side on the ruins. Their scarlet eyes looked at each other, and the magatama in their eyes began to rotate rapidly.

Uchiha Gin's three magatama disappeared into his pupils as they rotated, turning into his unique magatama-less kaleidoscope, while Uchiha Tajima's eyes turned into a kaleidoscope with windmill patterns.

【monthly reading】

As the power of the Uchiha Silver Eyes rose, a red moon slowly rose, and the blood-red light enveloped the entire Uchiha clan. The surviving people raised their heads one after another, looking up at the sudden scene.

Uchiha Tajima's eyes widened, and the two windmills in his eyes began to spin faster.

【Other gods】

The two eyes were intertwined with each other, and a windmill-shaped emblem slowly emerged above the full moon in mid-air.

As the huge windmill slowly rotated above the red moon, everyone present felt dizzy, and a powerful spiritual power poured into their minds, and a windmill-shaped emblem appeared in their minds.


Uchiha Gin struggled to maintain Tsukuyomi. He had only used the kaleidoscope combination technique with the girl before.

I didn't expect that he and Uchiha Tajima would be so compatible. It should be that the two are close cousins, so the cooperation of Mangekyo is so smooth.

"What is the name of this technique?"

Uchiha Tajima asked aloud as he looked at the red moon emitting a coquettish light above his head.

"Let's call it a monthly reading only."

Uchiha Gin touched his curly hair. He was so bad at naming that he really couldn't think of a good name. This technique might be his swan song, so it would be quite appropriate to call it this name.

"As long as you are happy."

Uchiha Tajima glanced at his nephew, unable to complain.

"Lord Patriarch, I have something to ask of you."

All the tribesmen under the red moon were trapped in illusions, and their wills were being modified, including the girl who also had a kaleidoscope. Looking at the girl standing quietly, Uchiha Gin said solemnly.

"you say."

Hearing Uchiha Gin call him clan leader for the first time, Uchiha Tajima knew that the boy's next request was very important.

"When the surgery is over, I hope to transplant the eyes to Xiaoguang, my body."

The young man brought up old things again. He had experienced the exhaustion of his pupils and felt the fear caused by blindness.

When he went berserk, his kaleidoscope overdrawn a lot of his body's vitality. Now his body has been irreversibly damaged, his eyes may no longer be able to be used, and even chakra is no longer available to him.

Uchiha Tajima did not speak and nodded gently to the boy. Uchiha Miao had just revealed Uchiha Gin's physical condition to him.

At this time, the young man was already in ruins, and whether he could survive afterwards was a question.

Everyone in the tribe and those who had just returned to the tribe were bathed in the red moonlight.

In a corner in the distance, an old man with a ferocious face fell into a sluggish stillness. It can be seen that he has also won the limited monthly reading.

After an unknown amount of time, the full moon in the sky slowly disappeared into the black night sky. Among the ruins, Uchiha Gin smiled and made a (^-^)V sign to Uchiha Tajima.

Before Uchiha Tajima could say anything, the boy's expression suddenly changed, and countless blood spurted out from his eyes, mouth and nose. The boy bathed in blood fell on his back.


Uchiha Tajima, with quick eyes and quick hands, ducked over to catch the boy. He stretched out his hand and felt Uchiha Gin's weak heartbeat, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The people who had won the limited edition Tsukuyomi of the Betsutenjin version woke up one after another and saw the messy clan land. The surviving clansmen were all grieving and cursing the enemies who attacked the clan land, but no one mentioned Uchiha Gin again.

The will of everyone in the tribe has been rewritten, and they now believe that the culprit who destroyed the tribe is not Uchiha Gin, but a group of mysterious enemies.

All we know is that the clan leader's mansion and several important places were attacked. The clan leader's wife and several children were killed by the enemy. Most of the clan land was razed to the ground, and the survivors are unknown.

Uchiha Miao and Uchiha Yan, who also woke up, saw Uchiha Gin covered in blood being held by Uchiha Tajima, and flew forward to check.

"Clan leader, Uchiha Silver's situation is not very optimistic."

Uchiha Miao, who was proficient in the human body, could tell at a glance that Uchiha Gin was exhausted. If he didn't receive treatment, he would probably return to his hometown.

"I'm going to chase these despicable guys now!"

Uchiha Yan was more concerned about the enemy's whereabouts, searching for traces of the attacker with his reddish eyes.

These two people were not spared from the limited Tsukuyomi. Their memories were no different from those of ordinary clan members, except that they had the additional memory of following the clan leader and finding Uchiha Gin lying in the ruins covered in blood.

"No need, Uchiha Silver has wiped out all the enemies."

Uchiha Tajima, who was holding Uchiha Silver, said something shocking.

"How is that possible?"

Uchiha Yan was shocked and said that in his perception, Uchiha Gin was a nasty brat who was usually uneducated and incompetent, and his strength was such that he could not even open the Sharingan.

"Uchiha Gin opened the legendary eye under the stimulation of the enemy."

Uchiha Tajima, who had thought of his words in advance, was talking nonsense without blushing.

"But this kid seems to have overstretched the power of his eyes. Let's go check it out first."

He handed the Uchiha silver in his hand to Uchiha Miao, turned around and ordered again,

"Elder Yan, go and bury the enemy's body and see where he came from."

"Huh? Why is Wuming here too?"

Uchiha Miao, who was checking Uchiha Gin's body, saw the girl unconscious on the side and asked doubtfully.

"I brought her here. Maybe the stimulation was so brutal that she couldn't bear it and fainted."

In other people's minds, the girl became a test subject of the research institute because she awakened the special ability of Sharingan.

"Then I'll take her back too."

Bringing one is also leading, taking two is also leading. Uchiha Miao shouldered two people and ran towards the research institute.

"Huh? Where's a research institute as big as mine? How can it be gone if it's gone?"

The stunned Uchiha Miao looked at the research institute that was also razed to the ground in front of him and let out an unbelievable cry.

With the evaporation of the research institute, all information about Uchiha Gin also disappeared from this world. No one can prove how outstanding he once was and how cheerful his personality was.

At this time, everyone's rewritten memories contained a hint of disgust towards Uchiha Gin.

This is the request of Uchiha Gin himself. Even if his tribe has forgotten his sins, he still cannot forgive himself and wants to use this method to self-flagellate.

Another paranoid curly, Shisui and Yi Doqi didn't react.

In a dark corner, the old man with a ferocious face also woke up. He looked around in confusion, feeling that his mind was in chaos.

Before anything could be inserted into his memory, the old man felt a sudden soreness in one of his eyes, and his scarlet eyes slowly turned gray. At the same time, a large section of memory began to play backwards.

"Hufufu~, I almost fell into Uchiha Tajima's way."

The old man, who was sweating profusely, happily touched his blind eye and said bitterly.


The forbidden technique called Izanagi can turn things that are detrimental to you that happened within a period of time into never happening.

Only choose what is beneficial to you and turn it into reality. The activation time varies according to each person's ability, but the Sharingan that is cast after use will become blind.

The cautious Uchiha Yao wrote Izanagi in his eyes the moment he saw the red moon rising. If he was attacked by other arts, Izanagi would take the initiative to release it to offset the negative effects of the arts.

Now, there is one more person in the world who knows the truth.

"Bo Liang, let's go."

Uchiha Tajima turned on the kaleidoscope. He was definitely no match for him now that he was one-eyed, and gently stroked the Sharingan in the jar in his arms.

These two eyes recorded the cruel scene of Uchiha Tajima murdering his son. Every time he viewed it, he could not sleep at night, and his hatred became stronger.

The clone named Gangliang followed behind the old man, with a glimmer of gloom in his dull eyes.

"None of the pairs of double kaleidoscopes that appeared this time turned out to be."

In the only remaining medical point in the clan area.

"Clan leader, Uchiha Gin's body is too overdrawn. The cells in his body are close to collapse. The backlash of the Sharingan Eye Technique has eroded his body full of holes. If no measures are taken, he may not survive today. Night."

Uchiha Miao, who took off his mask, said with a worried look.

"Transplant his eyes to Wuming."

Uchiha Tajima said,

"Now the Mangekyo Sharingan is a burden on him. I will replace him with ordinary eyes afterwards to make his burden less heavy."


Uchiha Miao immediately accepted the order. In his understanding, the research institute originally only had a pair of nameless kaleidoscopes. Unexpectedly, the usually annoying Uchiha Gin also awakened, but unfortunately it was scrapped just after awakening.

"He deserves it, who called him."

Uchiha Miao, who was subconsciously complaining, suddenly stopped, frowned and began to think, when did Uchiha Gin provoke him? Was it yesterday or last month?

"Yan, go and find me a pair of ordinary eyes."

No matter how hard he broke his head, he couldn't figure out why he hated Uchiha Gin. He had to work first. The previous research institute was destroyed, all the experimental materials were destroyed, and various organs had to be collected again. His workload was heavy again.

The chubby Uchiha Yan received the order and was about to go to the prison to find a lucky guy. When he was passing by the morgue, he stopped. Thinking of the corpse of the enemy he had just collected, he felt that there was no need to make an extra trip.

I randomly opened a bed and saw a horrified male corpse with still intact eyes.

Uchiha Yan was not picky, he took off the eyes of the man with a big hole in his chest, threw them into the nutrient solution, and went to revive Uchiha Miao.

The comatose boy underwent an eye-replacement operation. The removed eyes were soaked in nutrient solution. The boy with the new eyes had a bandage on his face and lay unconscious on the bed.

"Master Patriarch, I will transplant Wuming's eyes first."

Uchiha Miao, who embraced Uchiha's silver eyes, resigned first.

"Silver, is this really worth it?"

Seeing Uchiha Gin who tortured himself to a state of tatters, Uchiha Tajima said with some distress.

"Ahem. This is the pain I should bear."

Uchiha Gin, who didn't know when he woke up, answered weakly.

"Yin, do you have anything else to ask for?"

Uchiha Tajima said bitterly, who couldn't bear to see his nephew in such pain.

"If you can, seal my memory too. Now I can no longer face other people."

There was a hint of loneliness in Uchiha Gin's tone. Now everyone in the world has forgotten his past, and his former relatives and friends are now strangers.

"Okay, I promise you."

Uchiha Tajima said, putting his hand on Uchiha Gin's head, and a windmill-shaped kaleidoscope appeared in his eyes.

Pour all the power of the eyes into Uchiha Gin's brain, seal all his memories after awakening the kaleidoscope, and rewrite his memories to be the same as everyone else's.


After doing this, Uchiha Tajima panted and closed his eyes. He used the power of the kaleidoscope twice in a row, and his body began to suffer backlash.

Feeling the cessation of fetal movement in his eyes, Uchiha Tajima knew that his kaleidoscope had entered the cooling period, but he didn't know how long this time would be.

On the other side, Miao Uchiha performed a transplant operation on the girl while she was still in a coma. After completion, he pushed the girl into the ward and waited for her to wake up.


After fluttering her long eyelashes for a few times, the girl who had been in a coma for a while finally woke up. She felt an unprecedented sense of joy in her eyes. She felt a chill in her heart. She picked up the small mirror beside the bed and began to look at her eyes.

Turning on her Mangekyo Sharingan, the girl felt the familiar power from the slightly changing patterns. Looking at the extra black spots in the middle of her patterns, tears flowed down unconsciously.

"Wu Ming, are your eyes still used to it?"

Uchiha Miao asked as he pushed in the door with a report. However, seeing the patterns in the eyes of the girl who turned her head, he said excitedly,

"It seems it was successful!"

"Where is A Yin?"

Wiping the tears from her eyes, the girl stood up and stared at Uchiha Miao and asked.

"What are you talking about?"

Uchiha Miao, whose memory had been modified, frowned and asked. In his memory, Uchiha Gin and Wuming had no intersection.

"Take me to him!"

The girl with terrifying pressure in her eyes spoke again. Feeling an unprecedented pressure, Uchiha Miao immediately surrendered and took the girl to the door of a ward.

"The patriarch is inside, please be careful what you say."

Uchiha Miao reminded the girl who suddenly became frightened, for fear that she would conflict with the clan leader.

"I can just go in by myself."

Ignoring Uchiha Miao's words, the girl opened the door and walked in.

What came into view was a familiar young man lying on the bed. At this time, the young man fell asleep with a smile on his lips, as if he had dreamed of something beautiful.

Standing beside the bed was Uchiha Tajima. At this time, the clan leader looked a little weak and kept rubbing his eyes.

"Master Patriarch, how is Silver?"

The girl asked cautiously, without any of the arrogance she had when she faced Miao Uchiha just now.

"Nameless? Why are you here?"

Uchiha Tajima, whose eyes were a little blurry, saw that the person coming was a girl who had a very close relationship with Uchiha Gin, but she must have also won the limited Tsukuyomi.

"I still remember! I still remember it all!"

The girl said incoherently that she knew the plan of Uchiha Gin and the clan leader. Before she fell into coma, she was afraid that she would forget about Gin when she woke up.

But judging from the current situation, she is immune to the impact of limited monthly reading.

Uchiha Tajima frowned. He was very confident in his abilities. Anyone who had been hit by his other gods would be affected unless

Uchiha Tajima looked into the girl's eyes and found that the pattern of the kaleidoscope had changed slightly, and asked movedly,

"Did you successfully transplant Silver's eyes?"

"Yes, Ah Yin's eyes have integrated into my body."

The girl touched her eyes and said sadly.

Uchiha Tajima immediately remembered Uchiha Yao's plan about war weapons.

In the end, it was indeed written that when Uchiha Gin and his two pairs of Sharingan fuse, a pair of unlimited kaleidoscopes will be born, which will not be limited by pupil power, and their vision will not be affected.

It seems that after the girl's kaleidoscope is fused with silver, its level is much higher than her own. This can also explain why the girl is immune to other gods.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tajima shook his head and said,

"I'm glad you haven't forgotten about Gin, but..." As he said that, he turned to look at the sleeping Uchiha Gin,

"Ah Yin's memory has been sealed by me, and now he can no longer remember you."

After explaining, Uchiha Tajima was a little sad. The young man thought that the world had forgotten him, but he never thought that the most important person to him had not forgotten him, but he had chosen to forget others.

It’s such a bloody plot. Why not put aside filming a medieval Korean drama?


Lying beside the boy's bed, the girl burst into tears.

"Maybe it's because of his deep love for this family."

Uchiha Tajima said with a sigh.

Uchiha Gin, who possesses the legendary eye, after destroying most of his clan, could obviously choose to eliminate all opposition voices, cover up the truth and become a hero, but he chose the most difficult path.

The power of the Uchiha clan comes from their eyes, and the key to opening their eyes is emotion. The outside world's prejudice against Uchiha is ruthless.

The truth is that a ruthless Uchiha will have difficulty opening the Sharingan throughout his life.

Those who open the Sharingan are basically clansmen with great love and hatred. The reason why Uchiha Gin was able to open the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan at a young age is because he loves his home and family so deeply.

"Please let me become a weapon!"

The girl who wiped away her tears raised her head and said decisively,

"Let me, with Ah Yin's eyes, continue to protect the family he loves so much."

A few years later, the girl who fought for her family was ambushed and sealed by the enemy, and her whereabouts are unknown since then.

Uchiha Tajima, who wanted to settle the score, captured Uchiha Yao, the culprit who caused Uchiha Gin and Uchiha Yao to lose control, with lightning speed, and imprisoned him in dungeon 0.

The information about the weapon plan was found in his house, and was also secretly sealed by Uchiha Tajima.

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