Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 6 Bitgagang: Gambling and Greedy

Uchiha Ryoichi and others began to besiege the Senju clan members who were guarding Senju Banjian, while Uchiha Gin was paddling on the side.

This scale of battle was still too high for him, and he didn't want to be the traverser with the shortest time.

As his eyes swept across the unfamiliar faces of several Senju clan members, Uchiha Gin finally locked his eyes on Senju Banjian in the middle.

Looking at the child who died tragically in the plot from a distance, he recalled in his mind.

"Isn't this the famous scene in the original work, where Senju Banjian was surrounded and killed by five Uchiha."

Suddenly, Uchiha Gin heard the loading sound of a game in his previous life in his mind, and then he felt that everything around him had stopped in time, and the hideous faces of both sides of the battlefield were frozen at that moment.

"Ding! The host has encountered a plot character, and the system has opened the advance service mode in advance. The system's hidden functions can be unlocked in advance by accumulating the pre-tasks."

At this moment, Uchiha Gin was about to cry. God will not let down those who work hard, and all kinds of time-travel articles will not deceive me.

With excitement, Uchiha Gin tried to wake up the system in his mind. As the thought came out, a dialog box with an extremely backward appearance popped up in front of him.

"Do you accept the pre-task?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Uchiha Gin excitedly clicked yes in his mind.

"Task start: Save Senju Banjian from Uchiha Fenghuo and others, get points * 10, Senju Banjian dies, mission failed."

Uchiha Gin saw the task and immediately became angry. Save that kid? You're dreaming!

"What's the use of points?"

After calming down, he curiously asked about the role of points.

"Complete a D-level task every day to accumulate 1 point. When the points accumulated to a certain number, you can blow up the mall. After that, the mall will drop a random golden orb every day."

"Blow up the mall? Golden orb?"

Uchiha Gin looked at the system's explanation speechlessly. Isn't this the content of a game in his previous life?

"What does it mean to open in advance?"

He was also curious why the system prompted to open the advance server in advance just now, and what this early opening meant.

"Since the current system is not fully activated, the mall module is still loading, and the points obtained from the advance server will be accumulated until the system is officially opened."

"Then it seems that it is useless for me to earn points now?"

Since the system's functions have not been fully opened, it doesn't matter whether the task is completed or not.

If he rashly accepts the task to save Senju Banjian, he may be knocked down by Uchiha Fenghuo and his men based on his own strength. Even if he is not killed on the spot, his legs will be broken and he will be sent to Uchiha Tiandao to wait for his fate.

"Then can I choose not to accept it?"

Uchiha Yin asked tentatively.

"The host has accepted the task and cannot give up, otherwise it will be regarded as a mission failure and the host will be wiped out on the spot."

Eliminate? ? ?

What version of the system are you! What year is today?

"????????? When did I accept it?"

Uchiha Yin was full of question marks.

【"Yes, yes, yes, yes!"】

Suddenly, the system began to replay the scene of him clicking yes at the beginning.

TMD, I was tricked by this ancient century system.

Who wouldn't choose yes when seeing the cheat code for the first time?

But the system didn't wait for him to ask again, and sent him a prompt.

"The novice gift package is being distributed, do you want to accept it?"

Uchiha Gin really wanted to choose no, but he had already been tricked by the system into accepting the task, so it would be a waste not to take this gift package.

"Get a novice gift package*1, do you want to open it?"

Since it's here, make the best of it, and get rid of bad thoughts, Uchiha Gin clicked "yes" in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for getting a Heart Steel Treasure Box*1 and a Purple Orb*1."

? ? ? ? ? ?

Points to blow up the mall, right?

Heart Steel Treasure Box, right?

Purple Orb, right?

Do you think your system logo is a penguin holding a golden spatula?

A large gray box floated on the left in front of Uchiha Gin, and its appearance was exactly the same as the Heart Steel Heart Energy Treasure Box in a game in his previous life.

On the right side, there was a purple ball of light, with a big "?" shining brightly in the middle of the ball of light.

Uchiha Gin was numb. Looking at the rewards in front of him, he now doubted whether his system was reliable. What if the product was another pitfall of the ArcheAge?

But in this situation, he could only accept it. He pointed his left hand, and the treasure description appeared above the Heart Steel Treasure Box:

[Defeat the opponent: The host can gain heart energy by defeating the opponent.

Lose the battle: Lose the battle to gain more heart energy.

Heart Energy Conversion: After every four days of fighting, the host can convert heart energy into powerful rewards.

(The battle with accumulated heart energy is limited to once a day, and can be evolved)]

This is not a complete Heart Steel bond, and it is a three-steel version.

"But the three-steel start is also a good start."

Although this Heart Steel Treasure Box is not useful for the time being, no one can resist such temptation.

[If you have steel, play with steel, if you don't have steel, play with steel! 】

After looking at the treasure chest, Uchiha Gin turned his attention to the purple magic ball on the right, muttering to himself.

"Heaven and earth, Amitabha, please show your power and give it to me!!!!!!"

As his right hand slapped down, the purple magic ball burst out with dazzling light. As the light faded, Uchiha Gin found that the field was empty. The purple magic ball just now had disappeared, but there was nothing left on the ground.

"There are empty magic balls???"

When Uchiha Gin was shouting at the dog system, give me back my money, I don't want to play anymore, a prompt sound suddenly came from his mind.

"Ding, the backyard refreshes a random skill every day*1, do you want to learn it?"

What does it mean that the backyard refreshes a random skill every day? With doubts in his heart, Uchiha Gin clicked yes.

[Backyard refreshes random skills every day: A skill is randomly refreshed in the host's backyard every day. The skill is released by the refreshed NPC. The host cannot control it, but the skill cannot kill the host. After the skill ends, there is a certain probability of dropping skills or fragments. You can learn the skill by gathering the fragments. 】

This skill cannot be said to be very powerful. It can be said that it is useless at present. He is now homeless, where can the skills be refreshed?

Still learning, let alone the backyard, it is unknown whether he can live to buy a house. These two things are useless for the current situation. In order to survive, this pitfall task can only be completed by other means.

As the novice reward was received, the time around seemed to start flowing. Just now, I stayed in the system for a long time, and it was only a moment outside.

The emergence of the system gave Uchiha Gin, whose goal was to survive until the founding of Konoha, more confidence.

"But at least we must complete this task in front of us first, otherwise everything will be in vain if we are wiped out."

Although the things given by this ancient century system are of no help now, Uchiha Gin still decided to complete the task at all costs. After all, his life and Senju Itama's life are like grasshoppers on a rope.

Uchiha Fenghuo on the side has already suppressed Senju Koji and it is estimated that the winner will be decided soon.

Uchiha Ryoichi and others are also slowly consuming the physical strength of the three Senju tribesmen. Because the three Senju tribesmen have to take into account Senju Itama behind them, they can only passively take the beating.

At this time, one of the Senju clan members noticed that there was a gap in the encirclement of Uchiha Ryoichi and his three companions, and clapped his hands suddenly, performing the Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall.

For a moment, a thick earth wall rose in front of the few people, blocking the sight of Uchiha Ryoichi and his companions. Another Senju clan member who found the right opportunity used his strange strength to push Senju Itama out of the encirclement and told him to run away quickly.

Senju Itama, who was pushed out dozens of meters, instantly understood the decision of the clan members, and while flying out, he kicked with the force and ran towards the gap without looking back.

But as luck would have it, that position was where Uchiha Gin, who had been slacking off at the beginning, was.

Uchiha Ryoichi saw the target escape and was about to chase him, but was stopped by the Senju clan member who performed the Earth Escape.

He could only watch the other party run away helplessly, and then found that Uchiha Gin seemed to be in the direction where Senju Itama ran away, and he was overjoyed.

"Gin! The target is running towards you, hurry up!"

The Senju clan member's eyes were about to burst when he heard this. He didn't expect that there were still people from the Uchiha clan lying in ambush. In a panic, he burst out with great strength and punched Uchiha Ryoichi, who was distracted in the battle, with a fist wrapped in huge force directly at his chest.

In a split second, Uchiha Ryoichi turned around suddenly, revealing the huge Fuma shuriken behind him. With a bang, the Senju clan member's punch hit the huge shuriken hard.

Uchiha Ryoichi was only knocked away and was not seriously injured. He turned around and slashed at the Senju clan member with a knife, and the two began to fight again.

Uchiha Gin looked at the Senju Itama running towards him with a headache.

[What to do now? Waiting online, it's urgent. ]

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