Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 76: The Thousand Hands Clan is best at sneak attacks


The two teenagers who were fighting each other let out a sigh of relief at the same time. Seeing that the situation had reached a stalemate, the two retreated in unison.

Flying in front of his own camp, the young boy with a slightly cold face stared at the people opposite and shouted a warning,

"I will never forgive anyone who tries to harm my brother!"

"Me too!"

The Guapitou Hasi hot mom standing at the front also had a serious look on her face as she followed her husband.

After saying that, a trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the young boy with a complex expression, Madara, and he slowly spoke to the person in front of him,

"Haxi hot mommy."


Hearing Madara's slightly cold tone, Hashirama's heart tightened.

"Those silly bright futures we talked about, in the end..."

Why did this sentence sound weird? Uchiha Gin, who was eating melon, almost took out the melon seed stool to watch the ignorant love and hatred between teenagers.

"Maybe we really can't reach it..."

After the boy Madara said this, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After lowering his head, his eyes changed from tangled to indifferent.

"Madara, you..."

Feeling the unfamiliar indifference, Guapi Hashirama looked at his former best friend with a shocked expression, but couldn't continue after he opened his mouth.

The boy Madara, who had already decided in his heart to cut off this bond, raised his head with empty eyes and said with a cold face,

"Although the time is short, I am really happy, Hasi hot mom."

? ? ?

Aren't the Senju clan famous for their good physical strength and endurance?

Just as the two teenagers bid farewell affectionately, the adults on both sides had their own thoughts.

Thousand-Armed Buddha Room: There are four people on the opposite side. Three versus four is at a disadvantage for us.

Uchiha Tajima, who was standing behind several people, asked aloud,

"How about it, can you do it, Madara?"

He came to contain Senju Buddhama, while Izuna held back the white-haired brat. As long as Madara could defeat the watermelon-headed Senju brat and distract Senju Buddhama, his side could securely win.

"No, Hasi hot mom is better than me."

Hearing the implication of his father's words, Uchiha Madara, who had not really let go yet, spoke out,

"If we meet head-on, we will lose!"

No, did you miss me? This is three against four, do I have the advantage?

Uchiha Gin heard the retreat in the young Madara's words. This boy might not be able to defeat Hashirama, but considering his words, it shouldn't be a big problem.

With Uchiha Gin's current strength, it was still easy to crush the four brats present without exposing Amaterasu.

"A kid who's more powerful than his brother?"

Standing behind the boy Madara, his brother Izuna couldn't help but asked in surprise. In his mind, his brother should be the strongest person among his peers.

"Really? He has such strength."

Uchiha Tajima, who also sensed that his eldest son had no fighting spirit, said helplessly,

"No, cousin, maybe we can keep this old guy here on our shoulders."

Uchiha Gin came close to Uchiha Tajima and encouraged him in a low voice. After being silent for so long, he couldn't bear it anymore and came out to angrily wipe out his presence.

As a result, Uchiha Tajima gave him a big look.

"Ah Yin, you don't understand the strength of the leader of the clan. Between Thousand-Armed Buddha and me, we are brothers. It's easy to take your life."

Uchiha Tajima didn't deliberately ignore Uchiha Gin's combat power. He knew Uchiha Gin's physical condition best, and it was because he understood it so well that he didn't let him act rashly.

"My eyes are opened."

Feeling underestimated, Uchiha Gin couldn't help but whisper.

"It's just because you opened your eyes that I didn't let you go. Your body can't bear it..."

Uchiha Tajima briefly explained.

What do you mean you can't bear it? He's as strong as a cow now, okay? Uchiha Gin curled his lips helplessly.

The original owner's physical fitness is indeed too poor, and his current performance is so eye-catching that it arouses suspicion. Forget it, let's go to the head office.


Uchiha Tajima didn't know if the other side had reinforcements. Knowing that his side had no reinforcements, it was better to retreat first.


The young Madara glanced at Hashirama and turned around to leave.

"Madara! Actually, you haven't given up yet, have you?"

Seeing that the one he loves is about to leave him, Guapizhujian takes a step to emotionally retain this relationship.

"It's not easy for you to have the same idea as me..."

"You are from Senju!"

With his back to Guapizuma, the young man Madara spoke eloquently,

"If possible, I really hope our thoughts are different... Our two clans have been enemies for generations. My relatives died at the hands of the Senju clan, and your brothers and sisters also died at the hands of Uchiha."

"So, there is no need for you and me to be honest with each other. From now on, let's meet on the battlefield!"

"Senju Hashi Hot Mom!"

The young boy with a cold tone said these words word by word, and the power of words was like a sharp blade, cutting through the deep relationship established between the two.

"I am...Uchiha...Madara!"

For the first time, a surname was added between the two of them, like a bottomless ravine opening up between them, forever separating the two who were once childhood sweethearts.

After saying these words, the boy Madara felt a pain in his heart. Under the stimulation of his brain, a cold energy came from his eyes. When he raised his head again, the boy's dark eyes turned scarlet.

"Look at father, brother's eyes!"

Izuna, who was the first to discover it, excitedly pointed at Madara's eyes and turned to shout to Uchiha Tajima behind him.

"Hmph, even though we couldn't get the information about Senju, we got another good thing here."

Looking at the boy Madara who was slowly walking towards him, Uchiha Tajima nodded with satisfaction. Although they had gained nothing by retreating without a fight, it was a great joy for his eldest son to successfully open his eyes.

"Sharingan? Did you just open it?"

The Thousand-Armed Buddha, who was still waiting for the opportunity to move, saw the boy Madara opening his eyes, and something bad arose in his heart.

Such genius must be nipped in the cradle. Senjubujian's eyes turned slightly. Although their side did not have the numerical advantage, if he took advantage of the opponent's withdrawal and struck with thunder, he would have a high chance of capturing the Uchiha brat.

Calmly, he glanced at the white-haired kid next to him. The scheming father and son hit it off immediately, and reached out their hands to quietly touch the weapons behind them.

"Ah Yin, let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

A slightly smiling Uchiha Tajima patted the dazed Uchiha Gin next to him and urged,

Something doesn't feel right. Why is my Heart's Strength Treasure Box still activated for combat? Didn't they all stop it?

In his mind, Uchiha Gin looked at the Heart of the Heart treasure chest that was still playing BGM, and couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart.


Uchiha Gin, who came back to his senses, scratched his head and quickly followed his cousin's pace.

Suddenly, a sense of crisis arose spontaneously. With his back to the Thousand Hands and the others, he could clearly see the Thousand Hands Buddha Jian who was pretending to evacuate and the white-haired kid once again drew his weapon and walked extremely fast. He rushed towards the two brothers at the end of the team.

"not good!"

Before he had time to think about why he could suddenly see the scene behind him, Uchiha Gin kicked his feet hard with the blessing of strange power, and rushed towards the two cousins ​​behind him like a cannonball.

"Hurry up!"

Uchiha Madara, who had just opened his eyes, was a little weak, and Izuna was supporting him. Following Uchiha Tajima and Uchiha Gin, they were not aware of the murderous intention behind them.

The two brothers suddenly heard the serious shouting of their eldest cousin, and subconsciously leaned down and lowered their heads.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several sharp kunai grazed their scalps, and the two brats suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

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