Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 89 Childhood sweetheart VS the one who dropped from the sky

"I used to be so awesome?"

After listening to Uchiha Tajima's story, Uchiha Gin, who had just finished his third bag of sunflower seeds, had the same expression as a hamster that scared off its seeds.

He knew from Uchiha Yao that the original owner had opened a Mangekyō, but he didn't expect that there was such a long-forgotten secret.

"Now that my eyes have recovered, it's time to remove the seal in your brain."

Uchiha Tajima turned his head, revealing his scarlet eyes. Uchiha Gin, who was sitting opposite him, could clearly sense the cold and deep power contained in these eyes.

"Why don't we talk about this later when we have time?"

There was actually a memory sealed in his mind. If the original owner's consciousness awakened after the release, it would be hard to say whether it was the original owner or himself, an outsider, who would dominate the body.

"Don't worry, my Kotoamatsukami is painless, there are absolutely no sequelae."

Thinking that Uchiha Gintoki was worried that the process of removing the seal would be painful, Uchiha Tajima patted his chest to guarantee.

Kotoamatsukami, professional painless brainwashing for thirty years.

After saying that, ignoring Uchiha Gin's expression of refusal, the three magatama in his eyes instantly combined together, turning into a windmill-shaped enchanting pattern, and the majestic pupil power poured out.

Uchiha Gin, who had no time to react, only felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and then fell into deep darkness.

"It's over, being attacked by one against seven has developed a conditioned reflex, and when I saw the Mangekyo staring at me, I subconsciously gave up defense."

In the darkness, Uchiha Gin turned over and sat up, complaining to himself in annoyance.

"Where is this?"

After self-examination, Uchiha Gin raised his head to observe the surrounding situation. There was a big door not far away from him.

Feeling a summoning force, he walked forward to observe and found that the door was locked. The shabby lock hanging in front of the door was faintly glowing.

Standing at the door, he could clearly sense that something was calling him from behind the door. He tried to pull the lock, but it didn't move at all.

"You don't even give me a key to unlock the seal."

After a long time of not being able to open the door, he looked at the shabby lock in his hand speechlessly, thinking to himself,

"Has my cousin forgotten the procedure because he hasn't used his eyes for a long time?"

As his thoughts arose, a blood-red full moon rose in the dark space, decorated with windmill-shaped patterns, and then he heard a familiar voice,

"Sorry, I forgot to unlock the door for you."

Uchiha Tajima urged his eyes with a little apology. As the windmill on the red moon in the space rotated, the cracks on the lock in Uchiha Yin's hand broke open,


With a crisp crack, the whole lock broke into pieces, and the dusty door slowly opened.

It is a blessing, not a disaster. If it is a disaster, it cannot be avoided. Uchiha Yin took a deep breath and strode into the world behind the door.

A burst of strong light came, and Uchiha Yin who stepped into the door raised his hand to protect his eyes. He waited until the light faded before putting down his hand and squinting his eyes to check the situation inside.

"Huh? Where is the TV?"

This space is very simple, with a single sofa facing his back, and a TV in front of the sofa, which was playing the picture at this time.

After hesitating for a while, Uchiha Yin still chose to go over to find out.

"You are finally here."

The sudden voice scared Uchiha Yin, who was already holding a heart, and hurriedly looked around to find the source of the sound. After searching, he found that the whole space was empty.

"I'm here."

Uchiha Yin, who heard the voice again, found that the person who was speaking was actually the character on TV. At this time, a familiar face in the picture made Uchiha Yin's hanging heart completely dead.

"Who are you?"

After calming down, Uchiha Gin looked at the person on TV and asked,

"I am the former Uchiha Gin, but don't worry, I can't go back."

The slightly immature Uchiha Gin on TV smiled and explained to him,

"I don't have much time, this may be our last communication."

The sadness on the immature Uchiha Gin's face flashed by, and he continued with a warm smile on his face,

"There is no point in explaining too much, I hope you can live well with my share."

After listening to the original owner's neat explanation on TV, Uchiha Gin pursed his lips and asked,

"Do you have any other wishes?"

"Well, then please take care of my good brothers, and Xiaoguang"

For some reason, the picture on TV became intermittent, and the original owner's voice was unclear, but the name Xiaoguang was engraved in his heart.


The TV made a light sound, and the original owner completely disappeared from the TV screen. Then, as if the TV channel was cut, the screen turned to a distant view of a house. With the appearance of a familiar family of three, the original owner's life began to appear in front of Uchiha Gin in this form.


"Do you remember?"

Seeing a glimmer in the eyes of the sluggish Uchiha Gin, Uchiha Tajima, who was sitting opposite and waiting, asked.

"Well, thank you, uncle."

He watched TV series in the dark for several days and nights, but in reality, only a few minutes had passed. At this time, Uchiha Gin, who had digested the original owner's real memory, looked at the slightly tired Uchiha Tajima in front of him, and his mood was very complicated.

Uchiha Tajima, the real behind-the-scenes white hand.

Now Uchiha Gin only has full respect for him. This uncle is really not recognized in vain.

"I have worked hard for you over the years, and you have suffered a lot of cold looks and suspicion from your tribe."

Facing his nephew who had recovered his memory, Uchiha Tajima stood up and bowed deeply, full of apologies accumulated over the years.

"Uncle, don't say this again. It's all my own choice."

Uchiha Gin sighed, supported Uchiha Tajima, and said,

"Look at me, I'm living a good life now. I'm in great shape and I eat deliciously."

"People have to look forward, they can't always live in memories, right?"

"Every hardship I endured was for the sake of"

Activating skill: Poison Chicken Soup

The operation made the somewhat jade Uchiha Tajima feel energetic. For a moment, he was full of pride. He slapped his big hand on Uchiha Gin's shoulder, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Ah Yin, don't just sort out information in the dungeon. When you return, you will be responsible for teaching Madara and Izuna's ideological qualities, so that they can become progressive Uchiha youths like you!"

Uchiha Gin quickly refused, immediately saying that he could shine at the grassroots level, and that it was his job to teach his younger brother, so there was no need to go to great lengths to promote him.

A salary increase is possible.


Uchiha Gin tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. When he closed his eyes, all he could think of was the girl named Xiaoguang. The girl's bright glance and smile were deeply imprinted in his memory, making him upset and unable to sleep.

The damn original owner failed this lovely child, what a scumbag.

He spat, and kept criticizing the original owner for being irresponsible towards his feelings.

Now this problem is placed in front of Uchiha Gin. How should he face Xiaoguang, who is about to be unblocked? Should he renew his relationship with her as the original owner, or should he continue to pretend to have amnesia and treat her coldly.

Many thoughts came to his mind, making him a little confused for a while.


Suddenly, Uchiha Gin, who was still struggling, heard the rapid footsteps outside, curiously poked his head out of the tent, and saw the panicked back of Uchiha Tajima retreating under the moonlight.

"What is uncle in a hurry for?"

Before Uchiha Gin could get up to check, his keen hearing allowed him to hear a crackling sound in the distance.

Uchiha Gin, who guessed what had happened, lay back down with a look of disgust on his face and whispered,

"This is the consequence of underestimating my secret base."

After a moment, Uchiha Tajima stood up from a hidden corner, feeling the burning tingling sensation in his back. He gritted his teeth and squatted to numb his legs, and walked with difficulty towards the camp.

Right below the place where he had squatted just now, a black shadow that did not dare to move had its fist hardened.

"Uchiha Tajima, I want you to die!"

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