Maintaining public order in the village is really not as simple as Sarutobi Hiruzen thought.

The police department is in charge of people.

And managing people will inevitably offend them.

But Uchiha has no such worries and is not afraid of offending others. ,


Because the Uchiha clan is awesome.

No one is afraid of offending.

Coupled with his cold personality, he can treat everyone equally when enforcing the law.

No matter who you are, as long as you dare to break the law, we will arrest you!

But the same cannot be said for civilian ninjas.

When they were enforcing the law, if they encountered someone who was causing trouble and had some status in the village, they would turn a blind eye and not want to cause trouble.

These civilian ninjas are all little people. Who do they dare to offend?

As a result,

Sarutobi Hiruzen formed a temporary police force.

But it's of no use


The villagers couldn't bear this kind of security environment, so they went to complain to Hiruzen Sarutobi every now and then.

Sarutobi's head was so big when he beheaded it.

After once again sending away a wave of villagers who came to complain, Sarutobi Hiruzen sat on a chair tiredly.

Now he can only pray that Hinata Hizashi can quickly raise 260 million taels, and then take over the work of the police department as soon as possible.


Another half month has passed.

The villagers looked for Hiruzen Sarutobi several times, but all failed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's answer every time was: A solution will be given soon.

But this"soon" seems as long as"forever".

In desperation, they could only look in the direction of the Uchiha clan.

The villagers jointly petitioned for Uchiha to be reinstated and take over the police department.

All these people seemed to have forgotten how excited they were when they heard the news that the Hyuga clan was going to take over the police department.

Maybe they forgot.

But Qianye didn't forget it. then.

Faced with the villagers' petition, Uchiha Qianye said that it would be over if I didn't catch you.

Are you feeling the pain now?

What did you do early?

Not to mention that the police department itself is a liability.

Just tell me how you guys treated Uchiha in the past, and I will never take over the police department again.


The villagers' collective petition quickly reached the ears of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen panicked instantly!

I was afraid that Qianye would regret this and refuse to hand over to the police department.

If this really happens, then all his previous efforts will be in vain!

He knew that he couldn't do Tai Chi with the villagers like before, so he quickly called Hinata and asked the latter how much money he had raised.

"Two hundred million taels."

Hyuga Hinata replied.

Haven't you raised enough yet?

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned slightly.

But he also knew that the Hyuga clan had tried their best to raise so much money in just one month.

However, there was no time anymore. The delay continued.

So he said:"Let's do this. I will take out 60 million from the village's treasury. Then you immediately go to Uchiha Qianye with the money and ask him to sign it"

"After that, you immediately take over the police department and try to restore the security environment of the village to its previous level in the shortest possible time."

After the previous lessons, he also understood that the reason why civilian ninjas are not qualified for the work of the police department is that they do not dare to offend people.

But as the great ninja clan of the village, the Hyuga clan has no such scruples.


Hyuuga Hizashi took the money and left.


Walking on the road to the police department, Hinata Hizashi had mixed emotions.

In order to come up with 200 million taels, the Hyuga clan collectively tightened their belts.

Fortunately, the two hundred million taels were not in vain, as they bought him the position of police force captain. and.

Rights are usually linked to wealth.

When he becomes the captain of the police force, he will have many ways to make money.

Thinking of this, Hinata Hizu was not as uncomfortable as before, and even a little impatient.


Hinata and Hizu met Qianye again in front of the police department.

"Two hundred and sixty million taels, all here."

"Once you've finished counting, hurry up and sign this document."

Hinata Hizu said.

Qianye crossed his arms, glanced down, then shook his head and said,"These are not enough."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to go back on your word?"

Hyuga and Hizu's face suddenly turned ugly.

"You are also the leader of the Uchiha clan after all."

"It would be a bit disrespectful to go back on one's word."

Nara Shikaku, who came with Hinata Hizu, couldn't bear it anymore and said.

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