Hinata Hizu sold nearly one-third of his family property at a low price and finally collected one billion taels.

He took the money and walked towards the police department for the third time.

Think back to the past.

When I went to the police department for the first time.

He was elated and beaming with joy.

When he went there for the second time, although his interest was no longer high, he still had a glimmer of hope.

Now for the third time, he seemed to have had his energy and energy drained away, and he aged dozens of years in an instant.

His face was full of pain.

A full one billion taels.

Even if he serves as the captain of the police force until his death, he still won't be able to earn so much money!

What a big loss this time!



Hinata and Hizu met Qianye again in front of the police department.

"One billion taels are all here"

"You sign it."

Hyuga Hizu said weakly.

The onlookers were shocked when they saw the boxes used to hold money behind Hinata Hizu, there were more than a dozen boxes.

"I go! There is so much money!"

"Of course, that's a whole billion taels."

"With so much money, Uchiha can live in style for several years!"

"I'm really jealous!"

"Unexpectedly, the village’s senior officials actually agreed!"

"You don’t know yet, but this money is not from the village’s senior officials, but from the Hyuga clan."

"As expected of a great ninja, he could actually spend so much money at once"

"What? Hinata Hizashi sold a lot of his family property cheaply to get the money."

"Is it? Hinata Hizashi really spent a lot of money in order to become the captain of the police department!"


Look at those money boxes.

Not only the villagers, but also the Uchiha clansmen were shocked and their eyes widened.

Although they are ninjas, ninjas also need to eat, drink, and spend money.

Therefore, after seeing so much money at once, they couldn't help but get excited.

This time,

Qianye did not make any further requests, but happily signed his name on the document.

At the end,

Qianye smiled and patted Hinata Hizashi on the shoulder,"Hyuuga Clan Leader, from today on you are the new police force captain. Smile happily."

Hinata Hizashi:"……"

I want to be happy too.

Am I happy?

Especially seeing Qianye's smile made Hinata and Hinata extremely depressed.

Uchiha was full this time.

As for the Hyuga clan, because they sold nearly one-third of their family property at a low price, they can now barely reach the level of the first-class ninja clan.

Qianye waved his hand and asked the tribesmen to carry the box home.

Then, the door to the Uchiha clan closed with a bang.


After Qianye returned to his clan, he immediately summoned all his clan members.

The tribesmen looked at the boxes of money that seemed to be piled up in front of them, with fiery eyes.

Qianye already had an idea on what to do with the money.

He walked up to the high platform and looked at the tribesmen below.

"You no longer need to continue working in the police department, so you have a lot of time and energy to devote to cultivation."

"In order to better motivate everyone, I thought of a way"

"I will hold an intra-clan martial arts competition in three months"

"The top ten winners in the competition will receive simple cash prizes!"

"The prize for first place is 100 million taels!"

"The prize for second place is 90 million taels!"

"And so on."


After Qianye finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly started to boil.

"Can the first place get 100 million? This is too high!"

"Even for a jounin, it would take several years to earn so much money!"

"However, only the top ten can get bonuses, which is quite difficult!"

"So what if it’s difficult? In order to get the bonus, fight hard!"

"Me too!!"


Uchiha was startled for a moment, why did he whisper to Qianye:"Clan leader, is this bonus set a bit too high?"

They Uchiha have money now, but they can't spend it so randomly. and.

According to the bonus scale set by Qianye just now, the total bonus for the top ten is 550 million taels!

Even the top great ninja clan can't make so much money in a year!

And Qianye actually just handed it out as a bonus?

This is crazy!

After hearing Uchiha Setsuna's words, Qianye rolled his eyes.

According to the timeline in the plot, the night of genocide is coming soon.

You old guy, are you still thinking about money?

And as long as you have the strength, what's not to do?

Besides, in order to intensify the competition and get these people involved, he can only shed some blood!

"Patriarch, I have a problem!"

At this time, someone in the crowd raised their hands


Qianye looked at that person

"I am only fifteen years old now, and it has only been three years since I graduated from ninja school. If I meet someone older than me in a competition, wouldn’t I be at a huge disadvantage?"

"Therefore, in order to make the competition fairer, I think we should divide it into groups according to age."

"Make sure both players are of the same age."

The man said.

After hearing this, many young people agreed.


"Sorry, there's no fairness here"

"If one day you go to the battlefield and encounter an enemy who is older than you, will it be unfair for you to complain at that time?"

"Although this is just a game"

"However, I would rather you treat it as a war. Qianye said word by word.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions became serious.

They also realized more deeply that the bonus this time is not that easy to get.

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