Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 371 Xuanyuan’s sneak attack!


A tall and strong figure covered in white power armor fell from the sky and landed beside Uchiha Mei.

Although she was not unsure of a one-on-two battle.

But war is not a place to show off one's strength, especially when there is sufficient power but it is abandoned, it seems a bit stupid.

Although Uchiha Mei admires Uchiha Madara, she is not as arrogant as the other party.

"Storm's Fury!"

Scorpion looked at Yamama Koji. He certainly knew that the other party came for him.

Natural nemesis!

For puppeteers, Yamama Koji is a natural nemesis.

Because the power armor on his body is enough to ensure that he will not be poisoned, which also eliminates the most feared part of puppeteers.

At the same time, the terrifying power also allows him to easily smash the puppet.

Great power creates miracles!

No matter how strong the puppet is, it can't deal with the power of dozens or hundreds of tons in a casual blow.

"Red Sand Scorpion!"

Yamama Koji stared at Scorpion.

It is impossible for him not to know the other party's intelligence. After all, some intelligence will never be concealed from the core layer.

"How do you know my identity?"

Scorpion was a little confused.

Because he is now in the puppet of Fei Liuhu.

This appearance is completely different from his real appearance, and it is impossible for anyone to recognize him.

"Who knows this!"

Yamama Koji certainly would not answer the source of the information, and then his body tensed up and prepared to attack.

No matter how natural he is against puppeteers, he is not careless.

After all, the battle of ninjas is extremely dangerous. If you are a little careless, it is likely to cause tragedy.

"Now, let's start the second round!"

Uchiha Mei took a deep breath, and then her eyes flashed with fighting spirit.

The current situation is absolutely favorable to her.

After all, there is a traitor on the side of the ninja army, and no one dares to easily trust the friendly army, while her side is led by elites and strong men, coupled with high morale, it is not surprising that they have the upper hand.

The troops have the upper hand, and Uchiha Mei can fight with confidence.

Otherwise, as the commander and main general of the army, she would definitely not show off her personal courage, but would try to ensure her side's victory first.

As for casualties? .

Although Dou Ping has always hoped to reduce casualties, in Uchiha Mei's opinion, it is a bit too "weak".

The strong and the elite are destined to be born in blood.

So you can do your best to prepare, but you must not be cautious about it.

Under the premise that your side has so many advantages, if you still die in the battle, it can only be said that the opponent is not working hard enough or lacks some luck.


She entered the lightning chakra mode.

It's just a modified version, and it looks similar to Dou Ping's flame clothes.

A touch of blue electricity appeared out of thin air around her, making her like a goddess bathed in lightning.

I didn't dare to use it before because I was worried that people would recognize it as the lightning chakra mode of the Hidden Cloud Village, which would be a big trouble.

After all, it is the inherited technique of the Raikage. Once it is known to be leaked, it will definitely be used regardless of everything.

But if the appearance is modified to be similar to the flame robe, then there is no need to worry.

Because no matter who sees it, they will only think that it is the "thunder robe" developed based on the principle of the flame robe.

"Thunder escape. Thunder robe!"

Uchiha Mei even shouted out this name.

Anyway, whether others believe it or not, the castle tower will firmly call it by this name.

In this way, it can avoid being targeted by the people of the Hidden Cloud Village.

At least before they really fight with the Raikage, the people of the Hidden Cloud Village cannot know that the thunder robe is the opponent's thunder escape chakra mode.

The difference between the thunder robe and the Chidori is huge. Not only is the bonus stronger, but it can also improve defense.

And if you practice it at ordinary times, you can improve basic reaction, speed, defense, etc. It can be said that it combines practice and combat.

It is precisely because of such great potential that this technique can be inherited by the Raikage.

Once it is known that this technique has been leaked, the Hidden Cloud Village will take it back no matter how much it costs.

Originally, it was impossible for outsiders to learn this technique.

But who let Dohei not only obtain the corpse of the Third Raikage, but also has amazing research ability, and deduced the lightning chakra mode from the corpse.

The last time he fought Kakuzu, he did not use this technique because it had not been modified yet. Now that he used it, Kakuzu instantly felt the danger.


Carrying the light of lightning, Uchiha Mei's speed was frighteningly fast.


While slashing the air with a sword, he kicked Kakuzu away.

The intuition of the strong is too amazing. The more deadly the attack is, the faster the reaction is, so Kakuzu can dodge the ninja sword, but he can't dodge the kick.

And Kakuzu is not a vegetarian, and he immediately launched a counterattack.

But the more he hit, the more frightened he was!

The opponent was under this "Thunder Clothes" technique, and both speed and reaction were improved a lot.

The most important thing is that the defense has also been greatly improved.


This is the key to the physical activation of this technique far beyond Chidori.

The Third Raikage used the Lightning Chakra Mode to hone his body to the point where he could fight the Eight-Tails in close combat.

Although Uchiha Mei is far from reaching this level, her defense is not weak.

After all, she has practiced this ninjutsu for several years, and she has a huge advantage.


Various nutrient solutions plus potions such as the Force of Nature, plus Dou Ping's medical ninjutsu, allow her to develop her body's potential without fear of loss.

It was also because of this that she was able to maintain her cultivation while keeping her figure slender and tall, and her skin as good as snow. Otherwise, if she really practiced according to the original version, it might not take long for her to become a 'strong woman descended from the sky'.

If it really turns out to be like that, Tang Ping might become ugly.

Yes, he is so real.

Just like his ideal of "lying down" and "opening a harem" has never been concealed.

It can only be said that fortunately he tried every means to save Uchiha Mei when she lost her sight. Otherwise, she would definitely take action in the face of her fiancé's blatant 'cheating' thoughts.

Uchiha are not divorced, only widowed!

Kakuzu's normal attacks didn't break the defense at all, and his speed and reaction were not as good as Uchiha Mei's. Naturally, he was pressed and beaten, and the situation was much more dangerous than last time.

As for widening the distance and opening up a big confrontation? .

Sorry, Uchiha Mei will not give him such a chance.

It can only be said that the Thunder Chakra Mode is indeed Raikage's inherited secret technique, and it is really powerful.

Not far away, Koji Yamama had an even greater advantage.

It's not that Xie is not strong, it's because some of his special techniques are difficult to use.

At least it's not suitable for use on this kind of battlefield.

For example, the Third Kazekage's human puppets and the Hundred Machine Exercises, once used on the battlefield, are simply equivalent to making their identity public.

He wasn't afraid of his identity being exposed, but he didn't want to be targeted by Sunagakure Village in the future, so he could only fight with Hidden Amber.

The poison doesn't work, and he can't use his signature ability. Naturally, Scorpion's disadvantages are getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, there are more than two strong men in the Ninja Army.

Not far away.

"Boss, there is a bounty of 50 million taels for a shadow-level expert, shall we take it?"

One of the five Xuanyuan people looked at his boss.

The white-haired boss was the oldest, looking deeply at Mei Uchiha who was wrapped in lightning and holding down Kakuzu. He always felt a little familiar.

Yes, they have fought against Raikage and seen the Thunder Release Chakra mode, so they feel this way.

"Let's go!"

The boss made a decision.

They dared to accept even a mission like hunting the Raikage, let alone hunting Uchiha Mei.

As he made his decision, several other people also immediately approached the battlefield invisibly.

The fifth among them, the young man wearing a green shirt, began to secretly release his ultimate move.

Burst bugs!

This move caused the original Raikage to suffer enough. If Tsunade was not found in time, the ship might have capsized.

Now, of course, he is repeating his old trick, preparing to use this trick to deal with Uchiha Mei.

This kind of bug is not afraid of chakra at all. As long as it can enter the opponent's body, it will absorb the target's chakra to grow, and finally explode and tear the target's body, so it is called "explosion bug".

Because bugs are difficult to breed, targets must be carefully selected.

But a film-level powerhouse is definitely worth the price of admission.

As for why not take action against Koji Yamama?

Of course it's because the 'power armor' has no gaps and can resist even poison gas, let alone insects.

Soon, Uchiha Mei suddenly felt something was wrong.

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