Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 57 Second Heart and Transition Potion!

Surgery location!

The basement of the mountain clan.

It was not placed in the Uchiha clan's land with better conditions, naturally because Dohei didn't want the Uchiha to know.

It’s not that he can’t trust his ‘fiancée’.

But it's located in the center of the village, so it's not too easy to show off.

During the Warring States Period, the mountain clan was somewhat famous, but it later declined.

Now there are only three or two big cats and kittens, and the total population barely exceeds double digits.

And Yamama Koji is considered the most gifted ninja of the younger generation, so his family has placed high hopes on him since he was a child.

No matter how difficult it was for the family, they would still provide him with potions to lay the foundation and provide him with enough food so that he could pass the Ninja School examination.

For this reason, some people in the mountain tribe even starved to death.

Now we understand why Yamama Koji is so obsessed with reviving the Yamama clan that he would rather risk his life, right? .

All I can say is, never look at the ninja world with the same three-dimensional view you had before traveling through time.

In a simple and cramped underground experiment.

Pale, shadowless lights fell from overhead, illuminating everything in the room.

"Dohei-kun, everything is ready!"

Hinata Cangyue held a tray with surgical instruments inside.

High-end instruments are definitely not available for purchase.

But if you want to buy some basic scalpels, gauze, etc., there is really no problem.

In terms of money, the previous Tang received 100 million taels equally.

He is invested in this laboratory.

Avoid three caves!

The laboratory in the Uchiha clan might have been targeted by someone at this time.

So it is necessary to have a private laboratory.

Hinata Cangyue was responsible for transforming this laboratory, and Yamama Koji was responsible for covering it.

The location is on the edge of the village and is extremely confidential.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Tang Ping nodded and stood in front of the figures on the right side of the two side-by-side hospital beds that were in anesthesia and coma.

It’s not Koji Yamama!

He was lying on the left side of the hospital bed.

Second heart!

Naturally, there must be a source of heart.

Tang Ping is not a holy mother, and she does not object to human experiments.

But the bottom line is that innocent people cannot be used as guinea pigs.

And this genin was obtained from Konoha Prison (through Uchiha Shizuka's channel), and he is a murderous type, so he naturally has no psychological burden.

Normal people are different from ninjas.

You will know this as long as Kakuzu Hunt's heart belongs to the ninja.

Wind attribute!

The owner of the heart is also of the wind attribute.

Dohei wanted to know if this would improve Yamama Koji's talent.

The laboratory is very simple and looks like a small family workshop. The most valuable thing is probably the large jars of nutrient solution.

But who told Tang Ping to be "uneasy"?

The original healing liquid + the rejuvenation potion, plus the few basic medical ninjutsu he had learned, made it impossible to do anything.

He wasn't sure whether he could make Yamama Koji stronger, but he was absolutely confident that he could save his life.

Of course, that is, my best friend.

If it were other people who died, they would be dead. He would not save people regardless of the cost.

The cost is too high!

Treatment solutions, rejuvenation potions... a lot of them, the cost of this experiment alone is more than 10 million taels.

Of course, the big one is this laboratory.

It costs a lot to open up underground space, reinforce it, install protective barriers, etc., not to mention that those cans of nutrient solution cost tens of millions of taels each, so you can't buy it if you like it.

Anyway, when he contributed the money himself, Tang Ping finally realized the feeling of "spending money like water".


He skillfully opened the prisoner's chest with a scalpel and quickly took out the heart.

Anyway, there is no need to take into account the other person's life, so naturally there is no need to waste too much energy, as long as the heart is intact.

His surgical ability was previously only strong in theory.

But thanks to the experimental products provided by the prison, he is now considered proficient.

The Qingming agent made him invincible in theory, and he had enough experimental products to practice his skills. Even if he was not familiar with the surgical skills, it was difficult.

The heart that had just been taken out was still beating.

Hinata Cangyue carefully poured a bottle of healing liquid on top to keep it alive.

Yamama Koji's chest was also cut open by Dohei.

But this time we have to be much more careful, and then put in the newly removed heart and start connecting the blood vessels... and other operations.

In the past, he definitely wouldn't have been able to do this kind of surgery.

But after thoroughly understanding the information, adding a few plug-ins, and the special physique of the ninja, this kind of surgery is not impossible.

Normally, even after the surgery, the heart cannot function.

But it doesn’t matter, Tang Ping will take action!

He took out a special tube of purple potion.

"This is…?"

Hinata Cangyue was a little curious.

"Jump Potion!"

Tang Ping didn’t explain much.

This is a special potion he specially developed to protect the effects of his own blood.

It's not that he can't trust Hinata Cangyue, but there are too many methods in the ninja world, and even the dead may not be able to keep secrets, so he naturally has to be careful.

Potions have only one effect.

Cover up the presence of blood!

Carefully inject the medicine into Koji Yamama's body with a needle.

After the injection, Koji Yamama, who was still in an "open mind" state, began to change.

The two hearts that were originally beating slower and slower gradually increased their beating speed, and the blood vessels became "tough and thick".

At the same time, the huddled internal organs seemed to be moved by invisible giant hands and began to become orderly.

Never feel that there is not enough room for one heart in the human body.

During the surgeries before Tang Ping crossed over, there were many cases where tumors weighing more than ten kilograms could be removed from the body. Such large tumors were not a problem. It was just putting in an extra heart.

Adaptive evolution!

That was the reason for this situation.

Just like how humans evolved from monkeys to humans.

Life will always find a way out!

As long as time passes, life will evolve according to the environment.

And this is the amazing thing about Tang Ping's blood.

"Not enough?"

After just looking at it for a while, Tang Ping injected another shot.

Just like evolution requires enough time, evolution cannot succeed if the amount of blood is not enough.

Each tube of jump potion is made of 200 ml of blood.

And once it leaves his body, it will slowly lose its effect, so the two tubes of jump potion were made by bleeding today.

If more are needed, Tang Ping can only make it on the spot.


After the second tube of jump potion was injected, Yamama Koji's state began to stabilize.

Stability means no more changes!

It also means that he has adapted to the current environment and will not change again.

"It's over?"

Hinata Cangyue felt a little unbelievable.

This operation is a bit too frivolous, isn't it? .

If Doping knew what she was thinking, he would definitely tell her that she was overthinking.

The real difficulty has been solved by his blood.

If it weren't for his blood, even Orochimaru and Tsunade would not have succeeded.

You can say.

In terms of transformation surgery, because of the existence of his blood, Doping is at the YYDS level, and no one can surpass it.

At the same time, Hinata Cangyue is not just here to be an assistant today.

"It's your turn!"

Doping took out a tube of gene medicine.

Thanks to the high-end instruments in the Uchiha clan, he was able to extract this tube of gene medicine from the blood of the Hyuga clan.

Of course, the medicine is not the point.

The point is that after using it, it can prevent the user from dying from gene collapse.

The jump potion was born for this.

It can ensure that Hinata Cangyue will not get into trouble because of gene completion.

In the ninja world, just rush in when doing experiments.

Miracles come out of great strength!

Most of those who are careful will not get results.

First, dispose of the prisoner's body after the heart is removed, then change the clean bed sheet, and then let Hinata Cangyue lie on it for injection.

Forget about the "sterile operating room" and the like.

Highlight a simple and crude one.

Cheating means you can do whatever you want.

First, the gene potion, and then temporarily make a jump potion and inject it into Hinata Cangyue's body, and then complete the two operations that have been prepared for a long time.

But the price is that Tang Ping's face is pale.

A full 600 milliliters of blood can fill a beverage bottle.


Just wait for the seeds to bloom and sprout.

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