Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 620 Sand Ninja: Too much!


The three island-sized flat metal warships were full of oppression, and the flames from the jets gradually decreased, allowing them to slide on the sand.

Compared with these three warships, humans are like a grain of rice in front of a watermelon. If you don't look carefully, you can't even find it.

"This is..."

"How terrible!"

"How is it possible!"


All the sand ninjas were extremely shocked.

If it was a steel warship on the sea, it would be fine, the ninja world has already gotten used to it.

But this huge warship with a weird shape but mechanical beauty can actually fly on the ground, not to mention at such a high speed, which is really shocking.

Fortunately, there are steel warships, airships, aircraft... and other things that appeared first, which gave people a psychological preparation, otherwise their reaction would only be more exaggerated.

Yes, these three steel giants are the "ground effect vehicles" of the castle tower.

In the past, these ground effect vehicles were the top-secret weapons of the castle tower, and they were not allowed to be exposed at all.

But after the battle at Myoboku Mountain, many of the toads who escaped saw the ground effect vehicle, and Jiraiya must have known about it, so the information has been leaked.

In this case, there is no need to keep it secret, so it is better to use it openly.

A steel battleship of tens of thousands of tons, and it can ignore most of the terrain, plus its amazing speed, its role is definitely at the "strategic" level.

Although using airships is also very convenient, it is far inferior to ground effect vehicles in terms of efficiency and safety.

Bang, bang, bang!

The side decks of the three ground effect vehicles that stopped fell, forming a ramp channel, revealing the mountains of goods piled up on it.


"So much!"

"It's a bit too exaggerated!"


Looking at the food, salted fish, clothes, clean water... etc., the Sand Ninja high-level were dumbfounded.

It's not that no caravans have come to the Sand Village.

But the scale of those caravans, with a transport volume of hundreds of tons, is already considered a "large caravan".

But now? .

Each ground effect vehicle, under the premise of full load, has a transport capacity of '10,000 tons'.

Well, the transport capacity is so exaggerated because of the 'anti-gravity barrier'. Without this thing, the amount that can be transported is at most less than a fraction.

Not to mention that it can fly at such a fast speed, and can take off directly from the land.

Anti-gravity barrier!

Chakra core!

Black stick!

The combination of several technologies is the reason why the ground effect vehicle is so amazing.

Even in the technologically advanced world before the crossing, ground effect vehicles are far inferior to the ninja world.

It can only be said that ninology + science is indeed promising.

"These supplies are just the first batch of supplies I 'purchased'. With them, we will definitely be able to stop the Konoha Ninja Army!"

Ye Cang declared loudly.

The nearly 100,000 tons of supplies in front of him are just the first batch of supplies supported by the castle tower.

And these supplies have already stunned the Sand Ninja high-level.

Even Chiyo and Ebizo can't keep calm at this time.

Although it is known that if Ye Cang is made the Kazekage, the castle tower behind him will definitely show some expression.

But this is too much!

Giving so many materials just because they are said to be generous is really too much.

Even if most of them are resources like "water", they are also priceless.


It is the "source of life" in the desert.

The upper limit of the population that an oasis or settlement can carry depends entirely on water.

The water supply in the Sand Village is extremely tight, after all, the population exceeds more than 100,000.

Now that these tens of thousands of tons of clean water have arrived, it means that everyone can be allocated a large amount of clean water.

A huge fortune!

Rainwater can be collected for washing, watering... but it is definitely not drinkable.

With these tens of thousands of tons of drinking water, the villagers of the Sand Village can be relieved a lot.

At the same time, water does not cost money, it only takes a little effort to collect it, and it is specially used to win the hearts of the people.

The Sand Village is different from the Mist Village.

Because they didn't break through here, they couldn't force the shrine maidens to come, but had to let Ye Cang secure his position first.

To secure the position of Kazekage, winning people's hearts is naturally the best way.

It's difficult for others, but for Ye Cang, it's not difficult at all.

Because she has the support of the castle tower behind her.

It's not too easy to buy a Sand Village with a population of more than 100,000, even if a few affiliated oases are added, the population is only a few hundred thousand. With the productivity of the castle tower, it's OK to use materials to kill the other party.

But they want subordinates, not ancestors!

If you really want to buy them with materials indefinitely, the subsequent troubles will only be greater.

There shouldn't be too many allusions of gratitude for a small amount of money and hatred for a big amount of money.

So these materials have to be "paid".

And the Sand Village can really pay it off.

Make puppets to pay off the debt!

In the past, they made a large number of puppet parts for the castle tower, but most of the orders were cancelled later.

It's not that the castle tower doesn't need it.

It's just that under the oppression of the nobles and major forces, the Sand Ninjas put all their efforts into fighting for bird droppings and black oil, so there are not so many people rubbing their hands.

Unfortunately, the two businesses that were thought to be profitable turned out to be far less profitable than the puppet parts rubbing mission.

It's not that the business doesn't make money, but the profits are divided up by the nobles and major forces, and never fall on the heads of the Sand Ninjas.

When it comes to accounting and corruption, you can always trust the nobles and bureaucrats.

I can only say, let the Sand Ninjas go and die, and let the nobles take the money!

Now that Ye Cang is in power, he will naturally adjust the direction of Sand Village's development.

You want bird droppings and black oil, right? .

You nobles can go and rob them by yourselves, Sand Village won't accompany you anyway.

Even if the other party threatens to cut off the amount of funds, they will not be afraid.

Because if they get rid of the nobles and cooperate with the castle tower, the profits they earn will be countless times higher.

There are no middlemen to make a profit!

Apart from other aspects, just collecting materials in the desert and making puppet parts is more than enough to feed the Sand Ninjas.

Therefore, the materials transported by several ground effect vehicles will not only not lose money, but will make a lot of money.

Tens of thousands of tons of water!

Even if each ton is only charged one thousand taels, it is worth more than tens of millions of taels for one transportation.

As for whether the Sand Ninjas will find it expensive.

Sorry, for Sand Village, which is extremely short of water resources, this price is completely equivalent to giving it away for free.

In the future, when ground effect vehicles come to Sand Village, they can earn back the maintenance costs by selling water alone.

Because the passage was too narrow and the ground effect vehicle was too wide, the goods could only be unloaded at the entrance of the village and then slowly moved back to the village, so countless villagers knew that the newly ascended fifth generation Kazekage had brought countless supplies for the village, and each person could be allocated a purchase quota of 100 kilograms of clean water.


As soon as this news came out, even the worry of returning in defeat was swept away.

And it was not just daily supplies that were transported.

There were also secret medicines, ninja tools, detonating tags, vests... and other war supplies.

These supplies were not enough, and there were also ninjas wearing sand ninja forehead protectors who came down with the supplies.

The leader was the quasi-kage-level leader ‘Shiro’ under Ye Cang’s command.

Yes, these were born in the Kingdom of Wind, but they were castle tower ninjas trained by Ye Cang in the Kingdom of River.

Now they just changed their forehead protectors.

The number is over a thousand!

This is all the sand ninjas trained by Ye Cang over the years.

If she hadn’t successfully ascended to the position of Kazekage, she wouldn’t be willing to show off these powers.

The reason why the ninjas of the castle tower were not allowed to participate in the affairs of the Sand Ninja was naturally because they wanted the Sand Village to become the secret power and weapon of the castle tower like the Mist Village.

If the five major ninja villages really joined forces to encircle the castle tower, it would be very interesting if two major ninja villages directly backstabbed or dragged their feet on the spot.

And Ye Cang was not afraid that anyone would know about her close relationship with the castle tower.

No matter who saw it, she was born in the Sand Village, and now she has become the Wind Shadow. It is impossible for her to be willing to submit to the castle tower, right? .

Even if the relationship is shown to be good, outsiders will only think that it is a disguise for resources.

So as long as the Sand Village does not change its name, and no one from the castle tower parachutes into the Sand Village’s high-level positions, no one will doubt that the two sides have already merged into one.


In this way, when the decisive battle comes, it will be more unprepared to stab the major ninja villages.

After buying the hearts of the people with supplies, Ye Cang will have to find a way to stop the Konoha Ninja Army, so that he can truly sit firmly on the position of Wind Shadow.

She had full confidence in this.

In fact, it turned out to be so.

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