"Captain, you are back so soon. Does Mr. Hokage come to you for a new mission?"

Yamaki Qingchuan was a little curious. After all, Yamato had just left not long ago, and he came back so soon.

This made him think of a possibility, that is, there was a new mission.

He suddenly became excited.

"No, he asked me to do other things, and from now on, I am no longer an ANBU member, nor your captain."

Yamato explained. He didn't go into details. Anyway, they would know sooner or later.

"Ah, what should we do?"

Shan Mu Qingchuan didn't expect that what he said before turned out to be a prophecy.

"Whatever you do, Lord Hokage will naturally arrange a new captain for you. When the time comes, you have to be careful when going on missions."

Yamato reminded that because of his relationship, his team rarely leaves the village to perform tasks. Now that he has left, the situation will naturally change.

But this is also a good thing for them. After all, too easy a life is not suitable for them. Because there will be turmoil in the ninja world in a few years. If you are not strong enough, you will not know how you will die.

While there is still time, let them go out and have a try. In the future, they will not even forget the ability to kill enemies.

"I see."

Yamaki Qingchuan nodded. In fact, he also wanted to go out to the village to perform tasks.

Firstly, he could not improve his strength quickly by staying in the village, and secondly, the allowance was too low.

You know, those who go out of the village to perform tasks Anbu's subsidy every time was almost as much as half of their monthly income.

Although the risk of leaving the village was high, as long as the money was enough, he could stay outside.

So when he heard Yamato say this, he became even more excited.

"Why are you still standing there? Why haven't you invited me in? Didn't you say you wanted to treat me to dinner?"

Yamato asked

"Okay, I'll go and tell you right now, my second sister happens to be at home."

Yamaki Qingchuan nodded and led Yamato in. This is not a very big courtyard.

After all, the Yamaki family is not a wealthy family in Konoha. It is already very good to have such a foundation.

In the courtyard, there is a man wearing clothes. A cool and beautiful girl.

The girl is concentrating on practicing chopping with a sword, sweating profusely.

Against the backdrop of her fair and tender skin, the sweat exudes a charming light.

People will be deeply involved in it just by looking at it, and they will never be able to move away. open eyes

"She's beautiful, I've never seen a woman more beautiful than my sister in the whole of Konoha."

Although Yamaki Qingchuan is their biological brother, it still does not prevent him from appreciating their beauty.

It's just that this appreciation is more pure, without any emotion, it is just the appreciation of beautiful things.

And two sisters, two kinds of Different styles, one is conservative and serious, the other is sexy and charming. It’s like enjoying the two worlds of ice and fire. I really envy my future brother-in-law.

"Beautiful indeed."

Yamato nodded in agreement, his throat was a little dry, and he swallowed subconsciously.

It wasn't that Lao Na didn't have enough concentration, but that the female donor was too charming and charming. Maybe she was talking about this kind of woman.

Especially... He also met the dignified and steady Keiko Yamaki, which invisibly increased the impact.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Yamaki Masako also noticed Yamato staring at her closely, and frowned.

She hated this kind of gaze the most, even if it was outside, this was her own home, and someone dared to look at her like this in her own home. How could she live? Are you impatient?

"Sister, this is our captain Yamato, he was the one who saved me last time."

Yamaki Qingchuan hurriedly stepped forward to explain, otherwise with his second sister's fiery temper, he might take action directly.

Although he hoped to see his second sister being pressed to the ground and rubbed by Captain Yamato, this is his home after all.

If my parents saw it, wouldn't they misunderstand that Captain Yamato has some bad habits?

"Oh, you are Yamato?"

Yamaki Masako looked Yamato up and down, and said with some disappointment:"Is it very ordinary? I don't believe you can stop more than ten enemies."

"Do you believe it or not, does it have anything to do with me?"

Yamato glanced at her. Although he didn't have much emotional experience, with his brother-in-law's information, he knew what to do.

In his opinion, this woman was not a hot-tempered woman, nor was she high-minded, but because She worships the strong, and ordinary people can't get into her eyes.

If she acts too cowardly, she will look down on her.

If she wants to get close to her, she has to find another way.

"How dare you talk to me like this!"

Yamagi Masako was stunned, and her anger immediately surged up.

Speaking of which, she admired Yamato a little. After all, facing a force several times his own, Yamato was able to face danger without fear, and single-handedly dragged the reinforcements until they arrived.

This strength and courage moved her, but when she saw Yamato in person, she felt that the small body was too different from the image she imagined, so she was a little disappointed.

The most annoying thing is that no one dares to follow him like this When you talk to yourself, no one will do anything to please you, nodding and bowing.

This guy is good, he actually said something to himself directly, it is really an uncle who can tolerate it, but an aunt cannot tolerate it.

"Why don't you dare? Do you think that you are a little too important? I'm not who you are, so why should I look at your face? Besides, is this how your Shanmu family treats guests?"

Yamato walked forward step by step, his eyes fixed on Masako Yamaki. For a moment, the two of them were like two furious lions, staring at each other's weaknesses and possibly launching a fatal blow at any time.

"Captain Yamato, please take it easy. This is my home. If we make a fuss and let my parents misunderstand me, it will be bad."

Yamaki Qingchuan reminded in a low voice beside him, how could he have thought that Yamato would have such a side, being so tough when it comes to him.

He is usually very kind, but at this moment, it actually gave him the feeling of a sword being unsheathed.

And now Yamato His whole body was filled with strong self-confidence.

This was something he didn't have before.

If Yamato's appearance hadn't changed, he would have thought he was another person.

"Don't worry, I know what's appropriate."

Yamato replied in a low voice, and at the same time he was beating the drum in his mind.

He was also worried that he would use too much force. After all, this was his first"actual combat". If he used too much force, it would leave a bad impression on Masako Yamaki. , then the gain outweighs the loss.

Just when he was considering whether to give in a little, Masako Yamaki spoke.

"Now I believe that you are indeed extraordinary. I apologize to you for my previous recklessness."

Yamaki Masako chose to give in. Firstly, it was because of Yamato's last words.

Yamato was not only Qingchuan's benefactor, but also their guest. It was indeed inappropriate for her to do so.

Secondly, she was attracted by Yamato's strong self-confidence. Attracted by her, she had never seen such a confident man.

The men she had come into contact with before were all unconsciously shorter in front of her.

She felt nauseated when she saw such a man, but Yamato gave it to her. She has a different feeling.

And only someone with such confidence can accomplish such a feat

"what's the situation?"

Yamaki Qingchuan stood dumbfounded on the spot. He, a profiteering sister, actually gave in like this.

This is really the sun rising in the west.

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