
Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Chongguo left Ayano Tsukimi’s laboratory with a black line, and patted Zongyan Yanagi with the seal of the self-karma curse on his body, and then went straight to eat.

After breakfast, Uchiha Chieri left to study in Konoha’s office, Tsunade continued to work, and Shigekuni brought Mongyan Yanagyu to his study.

Zongyan Liu, who was covered with the seal of the curse of self-karma, was unable to move, but his frostbite had improved a lot. Although Zongyan Liu could not hold the sword, he was a master of natural energy after all. He is constantly repairing his injuries, but in the face of the sealing technique, the natural energy can’t play a very good role.

After carrying Liu Sheng Zongyan and approaching the study, Chongguo slapped Zongyan Liu’s chest without saying a word, and the black curse mark began to spread towards Liu Sheng Zongyan’s whole body with the palm of Chongguo’s palm as the center. When all the curses were After Yindu was linked, Zhongguo stepped back and looked at the huge black mouth on Zongyan Yanagi’s chest.

After a while, the huge black mouth on Zongyan Liu’s chest seemed to have come alive, constantly opening and closing and swallowing the curse seal that had spread to Zongyan Liu’s body. When the last curse seal was swallowed into the huge mouth, the black one The huge mouth began to slowly melt into the flesh and blood of Liu Shengzong Yan.

Under the perspective effect of the Ancient Eye of Seeing Ji, Zhongguo clearly saw that the huge black mouth slowly covered the heart of Liu Sheng Zongyan, and with the beating of Liu Sheng Zongyan’s heart, it opened and closed continuously, as if it were What is eating up.


Chongguo sat on the chair behind the desk, and snapped his fingers to unlock the seal of Liu Sheng Zongyan’s self-employment curse. However, Liu Sheng Zongyan, who had recovered his mobility, did not change in the slightest, still like a statue, lowered. Standing on the opposite side of the heavy country.

Chongguo tapped his finger on the tabletop, staring at the statue-like Liu Shengzongyan in front of him, and the changes in Liu Shengzongyan’s body were also shown in Chongguo’s eyes.

What has changed is the Mangekyō Sharingan from Uchiha Sora. The closed Mangekyō Sharingan is no different from ordinary eyes. However, these Mangekyō Sharingan with the demon power of Ayano Tsukime are extraordinary.

This pair of Mangekyō Sharingan has just been transplanted for less than an hour, but it has repaired all the damage caused by the violent destruction of Yanagi Zongyan’s eye tissue by Ayano Tsukimi, and there are a few extraordinary nerves connected to the eyeballs. His black hair spread out from his eyes.

The hair strands are entwined around the optic nerve connected to the eyeballs, and reach the brain of Yanagi Zongyan together. However, after these hair strands reach the brain of Yanagi Zongyan, they spin and scatter immediately, turning into countless roots that are much slenderer than the nerves. Bei’s hair pierced deeply into Liu Shengzong’s brain.

Seeing this scene, even Shigeoku snorted in his heart. Compared to Huagu, Ayano Tsukimi’s front-line combat strength can be said to be very poor, but the endless methods are overwhelming. Ayano Tsukimi’s hair There are many ways to resist, but once it is encountered, it will be overwhelming.

The silk thread in Yanagizong Yan’s mind is still working, while Shigekuni can’t help but touch his hair. It feels smooth, warm, and full of unspeakable activity. This is the fear belt of Ayano Tsukimi. Changes coming.

After surrendering the fearful monster, he can no longer deal with the humans who possess fear. Thinking that Ayano Tsukimi’s fear has been handed over to herself, the horror in Shigukoku’s heart began to slowly dissipate, but for a short moment, heavy The hairs on the back of the national hand are standing up.

At this moment, the hair connected to Zongyan Liu’s brain suddenly became active. Yes, it became active, just like a sleeping person finally woke up. At the same moment, Zongyan Liu’s eyes were also active. Started to rotate slowly, as if looking at the environment he was in.

However, what is strange is that Liu Sheng Zongyan only moved his eyes, but his body did not change at all. He didn’t even turn his neck, only a pair of eyes moved strangely.

This kind of change gives the feeling of a heavy country, it is like waking up not the whole body, but only this pair of eyes wake up, the turning eyeballs seem to have not adapted to this change, the turning is very jerky, and it turns several times continuously. After the circle, these eyes suddenly protruded out at the moment they saw the heavy country, as if they had seen something terrible.

It’s weird that Chongguo actually saw the emotions that humans have in a pair of eyes. This is not the emotions expressed by humans through the eyes, but the emotions that belong to a pair of eyes.

“Uchiha Kongyu?”

Chongguo’s eyes glared, and his murderous aura condensed into a knife. The blade pointed at Liu Shengzong’s eyes with horror and fear in his eye sockets. Faced with the oppression brought by Chongguo, these eyes opened Mangekyō Sharingan instantly, like black thorns. The lines also appeared in the eyes, but a closer look would reveal that a few black hair strands appeared in the black pattern like thorns.

Taken from Uchiha Kongyu, Mangekyō Sharingan, who was temporarily placed in Yanagizong Yan’s eye sockets, was filled with dense bloodshot eyes for an instant, but the next moment, these eyes controlled Yanagizong Yan’s body and knelt down with trembling, not like As Zhongguo thought, directly turn on Susanoo and fight him desperately.

“Master Chongguo, I am wronged. I am not Uchiha Kongyu. I have no intention of opposing adults. I am just a pair of poor and innocent Mangekyō Sharingan. I cannot decide my origin. I can only be controlled by Uchiha Kongyu. The National People’s Congress was right, but the National People’s Republic of China is not very human. Your sire does not remember me as a villain. Instead of asking me for helping me as a torture, you personally rescued me from the sea of ​​misery and set me free. Since then, I have decided that I must do it in the future. Become a subordinate of Master Chongguo to repay Master Chongguo’s kindness.”

“I admire Master Chongguo, just like the Nanga River. If it weren’t for the brute of Uchiha Kongyu who forced me to oppose the adults, at the moment I was born, I would have fallen to the king of Master Chongguo. Out of the air.”

“Master Chongguo, I was so emotional just now. I didn’t expect that after I got rid of the brutal claws of Uchiha Kongyu, I would have the opportunity to help Master Chongguo so soon, oh oh oh… I was too emotional for a while. I was so excited that I did such a rude thing. I dared to stare at the adults. It is a crime that deserves death. The small eyes asked Master Chongguo to severely punish me, the loyal and respectful Mangekyō Sharingan. Bar.”

After Liu Shengzongyan knelt down, a series of words came out in a crackling manner. The speed of speaking was so fast that Zhongguo had no chance to interrupt. After Liu Shengzongyan finished speaking, Zhongguo thought about it again before figuring out the meaning of the words.

To put it simply, Uchiha Kongyu’s Mangekyō Sharingan is still alive, and he is very grateful to Hung Kuk. This point Hung Kuk has objections. According to Hung Kuk’s inference, if there are no hairs in the eyeballs, Uchiha Kongyu’s Mangekyō Sharingan will never appreciate him, this is certain.

Out of trust in Ayano Tsukimi, Shigekuni believed the words of Uchiha Sora Yu’s Mangekyō Sharingan for the first time, but looked at Zongyan Yanagyu with some pity. From today onwards Zongyan Yanagyu will become a pair of eyes. It’s a puppet, what a sad life.

Chongguo has heard of sword slaves and sword slaves. This is the first time someone has become eye slaves. However, this pair of Mangekyō Sharingan has two pupil skills, Tsukuyomi and enhanced ninjutsu power, and Susanoo can be turned on. Much better than the demon knife.

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