
Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Yakushi Kabuto’s Determination

While Uchiha Itachi was being pursued and killed by the ninja forces belonging to the Arrancar Corps, Konoha’s new head of intelligence, Yakushi Nonoyu, brought Anbu 2nd squad leader Shinji and his subordinates to a place in the country of grass. A small town on the border of Taki no Kuni and Taki no Kuni.

This is a famous three-no matter zone. Because it is in the strategic buffer zone of the country of soil, the country of grass, and the country of Taki, the three parties do not send people to manage it. Naturally, it is extremely chaotic. Whether it is a traitor or a gangster, it is everywhere. It can be seen that there are no rules here, and you must rely on your own strength to fight for everything you want.

The assassination here for the sake of a ninja sword is just a trivial matter, which shows how chaotic the environment here is.

Under the protection of the Anbu Second Division, Yakushi Nonou came here without incident and wiped out three root ninja bases along the way, which is a fruitful harvest.

When Yakushi Nonoyu came here, the scene he saw was not the original chaotic situation, but deserted and extremely deserted, but Yakushi Nonoyu didn’t seem to care about it, and he quickly found a hotel and showed it. After his token, the owner of the inn quickly opened the secret door leading to the underground base.

Ordinary people don’t even know that this small town that has been standing in the three-regardless zone for decades was actually established by the root ninja of Shimura Danzō, in order to hide the traces of the root ninja.

Therefore, only the root ninjas can really shock the lawless bandits in this town. The sound of the opening of the upper door alarmed the root ninjas in the base below. Under the leadership of Yakushi Kabuto, they hid in an orderly manner. , Well prepared to deal with all emergencies.

No matter how cruel Yakushi Kabuto’s task is, as long as he thinks that he is doing it for the dean and for the friends in the orphanage, then Yakushi Kabuto will do his best, so he will do it in just a few years. Great growth has been achieved within.

Yakushi Kabuto originally thought that after he joined the roots, Shimura Danzō would let go of Yakushi Nonoyu and let Yakushi Nonoyu do what he likes. In this way, although he is in the dark, he can indeed have a color in his heart. world.

This expectation lasted for a long time. It was not until Yakushi Kabuto first heard that Shimura Danzō, the leader of the roots, was arrested by the people in the village. Then did Yakushi Kabuto’s expectations begin to change. The fall of Shimura Danzō was for Yakushi Kabuto. In other words, the only feeling turned out to be that it was dawn. He could not wait to return to Konoha and the orphanage where Yakushi Nonou was located, which was the only colorful place in his life.

Then Yakushi Kabuto received an order from the person in charge of the root ninja in the country, but Yakushi Kabuto never expected that he would see Yakushi Nonou there.

“Should the dean be in Konoha? Why is he here?”

At that time, Yakushi Kabuto’s mind was filled with such questions, and his heart was filled with resentment. Shimura Danzō kept lying to him, and Shimura Danzō never let Yakushi Nonoyu off.

However, when he approached Yakushi Nonoyu, Yakushi Nonoyu didn’t even recognize him, which made Yakushi Kabuto’s heart instantly become cold, and the only memory with color began to collapse.

Just when Yakushi Kabuto thought that he would sink into the darkness, Konoha’s Anbu arrived and sent an order from Yamamoto Genryūsai, Konoha’s new generation of power, and an order from Shimura Danzō too late.

Under the explanation of the Anbu, Yakushi Kabuto and Yakushi Nonoyu understood Shimura Danzō’s conspiracy. For Shimura Danzō, he kept using his childhood photos to deceive Yakushi Nonoyu, and even planned the life and death of Yakushi Kabuto and Yakushi Nonoyu. War, Yakushi Kabuto has never been so eager to kill Shimura Danzō.

Yakushi Kabuto was in a very irritable state during the time when Yakushi No Nou left the country of the earth and went to the country of fire. He was not hiding his strength, and easily took the root of the land of the ninja. Leadership, because this is a force belonging to Yakushi Nonoyu, no one can get involved.

This is also the reason why this three-no matter area is so deserted. Those ugly people have been cut through the blood vessels by Yakushi Kabuto with Chakra Scalpel, and died of bloodletting a little bit.

However, Yakushi Kabuto really calmed down until Konoha gave another order, and Yakushi Nonoyu was appointed by Konoha’s new power holder as the head of the intelligence department. This change made Yakushi Kabuto very pleasantly surprised.

Afterwards, Yakushi Kabuto has been here waiting for the arrival of Yakushi Nonoyu. After working under Shimura Danzō for many years, Yakushi Kabuto is far more mature than his age shows, so he easily analyzed Konoha’s appointment of Yakushi No The reason why Naiyu is the Minister of Intelligence.

For an ambitious Hokage, the roots are a force that cannot be sacked, because the root ninjas are all over the four major countries outside the country of fire, and they are connected to the nobles of every country.

However, because of the root establishment mode, the ninjas at the root are all loyal to Shimura Danzō. Now Shimura Danzō is down. Some extreme ninjas at the root choose to rescue Shimura Danzō, but there are also many fortunately out of the control of Shimura Danzō, but they are gone. Shimura Danzō’s control, these people also seemed a bit at a loss.

In this case, if you want to integrate the intelligence channels of the roots, besides Yakushi Nonoyu, Yakushi Kabuto can’t find a second person. Once the master of Yakushi Nonoyu reorganizes the roots, then she, the head of the intelligence department, is one. The real minister of real power, coupled with the character of Yakushi Nonoyu, will undergo earth-shaking changes in the roots, and the model of Shimura Danzō will never continue.

Therefore, Yakushi Kabuto made up his mind to help Yakushi Nonoyu secure his position as the head of the intelligence department. For this reason, he had already taken charge without authorization and sent people to contact the root ninjas lurking in the surrounding countries of the land, so they gathered underground at this time. There are far more root ninjas in the base than when Yakushi Nonou left.

However, Yakushi Kabuto has also touched the nerves of some root ninjas who are loyal to Shimura Danzō because of his large-scale actions. As a result, this place has been attacked many times by the ninja forces with broken masks. If it is not necessary to wait here for Yakushi Yakushi Kabuto has already taken people out of this small town at the junction of the country of soil, the country of Taki, and the country of grass.

“Kabuto, it’s me!”

However, as soon as he heard this sound, Yakushi Kabuto immediately relaxed, and quickly ordered his men to light the torches. As the torches lighted up, the underground base suddenly lit up.

“The Dean!”

Yakushi Kabuto walked to the side of Yakushi Nonoyu, his face finally brought on a sincere smile instead of a smirk formed after a long time of training. At the same time, Yakushi Kabuto stood vaguely between Yakushi Nonou and the second division ninja. Yakushi Kabuto has already secretly vowed that the safety of Yakushi Nonoyu will be guarded by him from now on, and he will never allow anyone to harm Yakushi Nonoyu any more!

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