Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Choice and Forbearance

   Judging from Luku's understanding of Uchiha Tatsumi, he has always believed that the opponent is a phantom ninja.

   But the change in the nature of the lightning attribute just now, coupled with the speed far exceeding the level of the ninja, undoubtedly does not indicate that Uchiha Tatsu is a ninja ninja who is biased towards physical skills.

   Could it be said that Zhongnin is so versatile these days? Lu Jiu was a little speechless.

   Uchiha Chen's true strength, of course, could not be Zhongnin. Not to mention anything else, if his strength is only the level of Zhongren, he will be killed directly after graduation.

   Just when Luji was in the brain, Uchiha Tatsu, who appeared from the smoke, walked slowly.

   The shoes on his feet absorbed a lot of rain from the gap between the stitches and became wet and heavy. They made an unpleasant popping sound, which sounded extremely loud in the woods.

   It's just that the voice in the ears of those Iwa Shinobu, like an indescribable melody.

   A moment of joy and pain, like thawing ice and snow, awakened deep in my heart. For a moment, their eyes were dull.

   Soon, Uchiha Tatsu took out four kunai from his ninja bag. Without any fancy, Kunai ran directly to the vital points of the four ninjas.

   噗 噗 噗 噗, accompanied by the sound of four consecutive sounds piercing the throat. Then the four Yan Ren directly fell into the water.

   Like a performance, a team was simply destroyed.

   Mikoto and Yusuki saw this scene without any surprise. They are used to the power of Uchiha Tatsun.

   But Lujiu, Dingza, and Hiichi all showed shocked expressions.

   also, whoever sees a ten-year-old Zhongnin, this kind of strength will be like this. When I thought that I had just been entangled with these people for a long time, a sense of reality gap emerged spontaneously.

   There is no doubt that Uchiha Tatsumi is the so-called neighbor’s ninja.

   Paying attention to Lujiu's gaze, Uchiha Tatsuta touched his face and said, "What's wrong with Lujiu, is there anything wrong with Lujiu? Am I becoming handsome again?"

   "No...no. I'm just a little surprised by your strength. By the way, why did you confront the enemy without notifying us?" Lu Jiu asked.

   Uchiha Tatsuno raised his eyebrows, can I say that you guys are too slow?

   Just saying this, he would definitely be hacked to death by Kuunai.

   So he had to change his mouth and said vaguely, "Well, it was an emergency."

   Lu nodded for a long time and did not continue to ask.

   "Then what shall we do next?" After recovering the rope tree of the corpse, he asked with the scroll.

  " Everyone saw the flare just now. Not only our flare, but also the enemy's.

   I got some information from Mr. Oshemaru. This time it should be a large-scale offensive organized by Yan Ren and other villages. "

   Uchiha Tatsun asked Dabai to pay attention to the surrounding situation while replying to Chakra.

   "If this is the case, this kind of joint attack can only be organized once. In other words, this is the last decisive battle in the Rainy Country Battlefield!" Lujiu passed Uchiha Tatsu's words and immediately reacted.

   "That's right. Let's assume that Iwanin Village unites Rain Country and Sand Ninja Village. That is to say, Konoha is now on the battlefield with one pick three." Uchiha Tatsuno raised his eyebrows.

   "Now the battlefield is definitely like a meat grinder. This situation is no longer the time to set foot in." Uchiha Tatsumi looked around at several people with solemn faces.

   "So what do you think?"

   Uchiha Tatsuno's voice echoed in the rainy night. His meaning is very simple. If a few of them want to enter the battlefield, they are definitely ashes in the cannon fodder.

   While staying away from the battlefield now, it means you can live. But if you enter the battlefield, you will die in it to a large extent.

   This is a very simple multiple-choice question, it depends on how they choose.

   Of course, no one would blame them after leaving, after all, they had just wiped out a small team.




   still death,

   This is a question.

   A few people were silent for a while. No one wants to die, everyone is just ten-year-old.

   Although I yearn for the battlefield on weekdays, it was a fight of thousands of people. No one can take care of you. At this time, anyone would hesitate.

   After a minute of silence, Uchiha Tatsuno stood up. Since no one can make a decision, he decided to decide for them.

   "Wait...Wait a minute. Chen!"

   Uchiha Tatsu who was about to leave was stopped by the rope tree.

   Uchiha Tatsun turned his head.

"what happened?"

   The rope tree hesitated.

   "Let's go to the battlefield."

   "Did you think about it?"

   "Yes." Rope tree trembling voice stroked the scar on his hand, "My second grandfather, father, and mother all died on the battlefield.

  My sister is also on the battlefield now~www.readwn.com~ Yuluo also died on the battlefield to cover us. The ninjas in the village are all fighting on the battlefield. "

   "I can't back down, nor do I want to back down." The rope tree's voice echoed in the rain.

   Rope Tree grabbed his trembling hand, "Yes, I know I am a fool, and my strength is not good. But I want to do something for the village. Even if I give my life for it, it doesn’t matter."

   "This is my Shindo!"

   "Then what about you?" Uchiha Tatsuno looked at Luku.

"The trouble of war or something is dead. But abandoning the fallen companions... the guy who gave up fighting for their own safety, there is no one in our team, including me." Lujiu, who was originally troubled, also raised up. Own brows.

   Dingza and Haiichi also nodded and leaned over.

   As for Mikoto, Uchiha Tatsuno does not need to ask. Because the girl will always stand by Uchiha Tatsumi with him.

   "Then, since you have decided. Keep up with my speed, let's quickly cut into the battlefield and return to Konoha's camp in the shortest time." Uchiha Tatsun took out Kunai.

   "If I can survive, I will return to Konoha and ask you to eat barbecue!"




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