Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 34: Ninja is deceiving

Luo Sha noticed Uchiha Tatsu very early.

Luo Sha's interest was attracted by the strength of the opponent Yuan's same age. So he used his abilities to spy on Uchiha Tatsuo for a long time.

After he learned about the opponent's various intelligence in detail, he hurriedly jumped out and wanted to kill the opponent himself.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsu who was already bound by sand, Luo Sha smiled triumphantly. Then he grabbed it in the air with his right hand, and said: "Sand falls and sand binds the stalk."

The sand began to shrink in an instant, but Uchiha Tatsu, who was wrapped in the sand, was suddenly covered in thunder.


Boom, the sand ball was opened by Chidori from the middle, and Uchiha Tatsu rushed out from the middle. The penetrating power of Thunder Dungeons can easily penetrate the shackles of sand.

The figure of Uchiha Tatsu who escaped slipped more than ten meters on the ground.

"It's really surprising. I rarely see anyone who can break free from the inside when they are caught by the sand." Luo Sha praised, but she was a little wary in her heart.

The opponent's Chakra amount has obviously exceeded his estimate. This was something he had not estimated before.

For Luo Sha, continuous manipulation of large-scale sand like this is also a big burden. It seems that he has to find a way to lure the other person to get close.

Luo Sha, who had made up his mind, waved the sand again, but this time the scale and degree of the sand were no longer as powerful as before.

This situation undoubtedly made it easier for Uchiha Tatsu to dodge. Seeing the flaw exposed by Luo Sha, he decisively jumped over the sand beam and quickly approached the opponent.

At the same time, the writing wheel aimed at Luo Sha, and the illusion was thrown out for an instant, and Luo Sha's body stopped there.

Today, for Uchiha Tatsumi, the most convenient ninjutsu that can easily penetrate the opponent's sand defense is Chidori. Without any hesitation, Chidori appeared in Uchiha Tatsumi's hands, and his degree skyrocketed again.

After piercing the sand wall, Uchiha's time remained unabated, and he appeared in front of Luosha in an instant. He waved his right hand with Lei Dun, and thrust it into Luo Sha's chest.

But the sand on the ground suddenly began to sink like life. Uchiha Tatsun didn't stand firm for a moment, and his whole body staggered.

After Uchiha Tatsuno stabilized her figure, the corner of Luosha's mouth in front of him turned up, and two bundles of sand quickly wrapped around Uchiha Tatsuno's hands.

Then the sand once again enveloped Uchiha Tatsu like a living poisonous snake.

"Let's see how you get the seal this time!" Luo Sha grabbed her hands and suddenly clenched her fists.

"Desert funeral!"

"Tatsun!" The rope tree in the battle could not help but yelled out of the situation on Uchiha Tatsumi's side, and at the same time a huge water dragon spit out, forcing the ninja around him to help Uchiha Tatsuo.

However, the ninja of Sand Ninja Village is not bad, he quickly retreated, avoided the huge water dragon, and quickly followed the footsteps of the rope tree, fettering the rope tree's progress with all his strength.

The writing wheel between Mikoto's eyes was spinning wildly.

In an instant, her degree was twice as long as before. In Mikoto's field of vision, the enemy who was evenly matched with her just now seemed to slow down a lot.

In an instant, her kunai slipped past Sand Shinobu's neck that was blocking her, and appeared behind the opponent.

But she was still some distance away from Uchiha Tatsumi. At this time, the surrounding sand also began to shake violently.

However, as expected, the condensation of sand did not occur. Instead, inside the sand, a burst of blue light suddenly overflowed, followed by a crackling sound.

"Chidori flow."

I saw Uchiha Chen's body covered with blue chakra electric current. The original sand was all bounced off in an instant.

With him as the center, within a radius of one meter, all the sand was discharged, and the shining current cut off all attacks.

"You concentrate on dealing with your enemies, and I'm fine." Uchihatatsu shouted to Mikoto and Yutsuki.

All enemies on the battlefield are not simple goods, and even the slightest distraction can cause serious injuries or even death.

"Okay, be careful."

Rosuki was rushing here, when he saw that Uchiha Chen was okay, he suddenly turned over, Kunai with his right hand, slashed fiercely at the Iwanin ninja who was chasing him.

Mikoto took a sigh of relief and rejoined the battlefield. It's just that her position seems to be something like nothing, shifting toward Uchiha Tatsumi.

Seeing Mikoto's small movements, Uchiha Tatsumi only smiled knowingly.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Sha narrowed her eyes, "I was just a little bit close, and I could kill you."

"Yeah, what a pity. I admit that it was a little careless just now. In fact, you don't have my illusion at all, do you?" Uchiha Tatsuno held his chest and chatted with the other party, while replying to his chakra.

Uchiha Tatsun was a little strange before, why the strength and power of Luosha's sand were so much weaker than before.

He originally thought that Rosha's Chakra was not enough. It turned out that it was the flaw that the other party deliberately exposed and used it to lure Uchiha Tatsu close up.

Because of the magnetic escape and the armor of the sand, Uchiha Tatsu needs to be close to have a chance to defeat Rosa. And Uchiha Tatsu's common tactics usually use illusion skills to directly control the opponent at the moment of close proximity.

Rosha knew this too, so he pretended to have been hit by an illusion and lured Uchiha Tatsumi to get close. Then, the moment Uchiha Tatsukin was close, he moved directly to the desert for funeral.

I have to say that this plan is really good. Luo Sha really knew Uchiha Tatsumi's fighting style very well. Things like intelligence can indeed play a decisive role at certain times.

Luo Sha showed a regretful expression.

"Yes, I really don't have illusion." The eyes on his eye sockets suddenly shattered and turned into a thin layer of sand. Then the sand blocked his eyes again.

"With magnetic escape, I can use sand to perceive your movements. That is to say, sand is my eyes, and your writing wheel eyes are invalid for me."

"This is really interesting information." Uchiha Tatsumi gave a meaningful smile.

"Yeah, your strength without illusion will be greatly reduced. Today you all will die here!" Luo Sha shouted ferociously. Behind him, a sea of ​​sand suddenly flew high and rolled toward Uchiha Tatsu.

The hands of Uchiha Tatsu where Chidori appeared again. His body leaped high and directly broke through the covered sand, like a stream of light, rushing directly towards Luosha.

"It's useless!" Luo Sha shook her head.

Sure enough, when Uchiha Tatsu appeared next to Luo Sha, his feet were already in the sand and he couldn't make any further progress.

Then Luo Sha waved his hand~www.readwn.com~ A spear made of golden sand appeared in his hand.

Uchiha Tatsuno just smiled, then raised his head and looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle. I saw an eye floating in the sky, staring at Uchiha Tatsu.

"Illusory dream lock body."

"What..." Luo Sha became sluggish in an instant, and the spear in his hand also fell to the ground.

The Chidori that had disappeared appeared again in Uchiha's hands, and the dazzling Lei Guangxun thrust into Luo Sha's chest.



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